supernova or just nova | he/they | I put my writing drabbles here. it is not going to be a consistant schedule like at all but I'll take requests bc why not. fandoms: kingdom hearts | ace attorney | genshin impact | xenoblade chronicles
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The Glaze Lily’s Bloom
A short fic I did while running with the idea of how Ganyu would react if Zhongli passed away. It’s very melancholy and I’d like to return to it at some point. I didn’t go through to edit this.
Words: 330.
It's strange. Usually Ganyu is prepared for all possibilities, but in the face of this inevitable outcome, she finds herself slowly breaking down like an ancient machine.
She knew Rex Lapis had decided to inhabit a mortal body after faking his own death. He had to revise his contract to her and Xiao because of it. "In the case of my death," he had said while writing it, "those bound by this agreement shall decide on their own how they shall live their lives, as long as they enact no harm toward Liyue or its people."
"Letting us decide?" She thought. "This is strangely nonsensical for him..." After all, how could she or Xiao do anything else? It's been thousands of years. Asking her to do anything outside of Morax's jurisdiction or consent was ludicrous.
But now, now that "Zhongli" has passed, Ganyu is lost. She stands under her umbrella in the rain, witnessing Zhongli's funeral at the parlor he so lovingly worked for.
It's like her heart has been cleaved in two. She suddenly understands how all of Liyue must have felt when preparing the Rite of Departure all those years ago. She swallows hard as she can feel a tug at the back of her eyes, and she looks away as Hu Tao steps to the front to start a speech.
"It should be more than this," she thinks. "It should be another Rite of Departure." Liyue's Archon, their only Archon, the only Geo Archon who has ever existed, is gone. Five thousand years of history has suddenly left Teyvat as if it were nothing.
Ganyu is no stranger to death, being long-lived herself. But this is different. This feels different. She cries silently, not registering the world around her. Morax would be ashamed of this behavior.
She has to work. She has to leave. The Qixing are waiting on her, and here she is, crying? She... She needs to fulfill her contract.
Ganyu, the illuminated beast, leaves.
#genshin impact#ganyu#zhongli#ganyu genshin impact#zhongli genshin impact#liyue#liyue genshin impact#my writing#writing#fanfic#fanfiction#death cw
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“You’re leaving?”
Part 1 here.
Set at the end of DDD. I don’t have much to say about it except I wrote it before I really understood where Sora was going, so it’s kind of vague SDBKSFJDNK. I JUST TOOK “WHAT WOULD SORA DO” TO 100.
Words: 637.
“You’re leaving?”
Riku stands in the doorway, blocking Sora’s exit to the hall.
“Yeah!” Sora says, cheerful as ever. “I just have some unfinished business I wanna take care of.”
“Unfinished business?” Riku’s brows furrow. “What kind?”
“Don’t worry about it, Riku, it won’t take long.” The boy tries to slip past Riku to get outside, but Riku completely blocks him. He blinks up at him. “Huh?”
Riku can’t seem to get the words out, despite his pained grimace. This feels so incredibly wrong. They haven’t even gone back to tell Kairi all that’s happened since they left, which is quite a lot, and yet Sora wants to leave again? It’s...
“Listen, you... you can’t just stay for a while?” He asks, finally looking down at him.
“Well, I mean,” Sora rubs the back of his head, “I guess I could, but I’m all pumped for it now. It’d be a waste to not go!”
Riku returns to grimacing. They haven’t even had a chance to talk alone, one-on-one. This, along with not even stopping to see Kairi, makes Riku feel... well, a whole lot of emotions he can’t describe. He’s never been good at that. But it’s upsetting.
He thought they had gotten closer after spending time at the Dark Margin. It had taken everything within Riku at the time to ask something like that, and he was glad it had worked out so well. But being able to return to Destiny Islands, with Kairi around, it was difficult to talk about it. Then the letter from King Mickey came, and, well...
It doesn’t make sense. He doesn’t understand. Riku has done so much for Sora at this point, even unconsciously by briefly becoming a Dream Eater. So all of this, without taking a break for them to breathe and just talk, it makes Sora seem...
Selfish. And that’s not a word he’s ever thought to use to describe Sora before.
With a huff, Riku shuts his eyes and moves out of the way, entering the room. “Forget it. Not like I can stop you.”
Sora tilts his head. The gears are turning, but it’s hard to tell if he understands. “I... did you want me to stay, Riku?”
“Yes,” he snaps, “of course I want you to stay. Your life has constantly been on the line lately, and now you just want to leave on your own? Aren’t you tired? Don’t you care about how I feel, watching you leave, after everything?”
Sora blinks, somewhat shocked. “I... I guess I never thought about that. Oops.” He rubs the back of his head again sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. But, of course I still appreciate you!” One of his trademark smiles begins to creep in. He walks towards Riku. “This is just... really important, and I can’t ignore it. What can I do to make you feel better?”
Riku doesn’t immediately respond. Everything is a mix of emotions, a blur, and he swears he can feel the beginning of tears tug at the back of his eyes. Most of all, though, he knows he trusts Sora. His eyes slowly trail back to him.
“Just... promise me you’ll be okay. And that you’ll come back, and that we can spend time together.”
“I promise!” He replies instantly, banging a fist on his chest. “That’s easy! I was gonna do that anyway!” And his smile returns full force. Riku can’t help but chuckle a little.
“Right... thank you, Sora.”
Sora nods and turns to leave. But...
Riku catches up suddenly, turns him around and hugs him tightly. He hadn’t hugged Sora earlier out of shock, which he regrets. He’s not about to let him go a second time.
Sora hugs back after a moment. “Riku?”
“Just... be safe.” He kisses Sora’s temple. “Be safe.”
#kingdom hearts#sora#sora kh#riku#riku kh#soriku#dream drop distance spoilers#my writing#writing#shipping#fanfic#fanfiction
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“Who would you choose, me or Kairi?”
this series makes me insane /pos
Wrote this pretty soon after I finished Kingdom Hearts 2, I only got into the series in early 2022 (late to the party lmao). But that means when I wrote this I lacked the context of anything beyond KH2, though I don’t think that negatively impacts what I wrote in any way.
I imagine they never speak of this again after returning to the Destiny Islands and it’s only after DDD/pre-KH3 that they finally talk about it. Soriku is canon in my heart.
Words: 603
The Realm of Darkness is surprisingly beautiful.
An endless beach, an endless sunset, and an endless feeling of relief. At least for Sora.
Everyone in the light world is safe. Kairi, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and all the friends he made in all the worlds he visited. Even though it comes with the sacrifice of him and Riku being stuck here, well... he can't complain too much. He can even catch up with Riku, which is exactly what he's been doing for the indeterminable amount of time they've been here.
"...Hey, Sora?" Riku asks. Sora sits up.
"Who would you choose, me or Kairi?"
The question is immediately confusing. "Huh? I can't pick between you two like that! You're both my best friends." Sora huffs playfully. "What kind of a question is that?"
Riku smiles gently. "I dunno. Guess I was just curious." He looks back out to the sea, seemingly finished, and Sora follows suit. A few minutes later, though, Riku looks back at his friend and speaks. "Can I ask you another question?"
"Sure, go ahead."
There's a pause. Riku scans Sora, his eyes holding an intensity that's only matched with how they looked during their recent battle. "Can I kiss you?"
Now that definitely takes Sora aback. He jolts backwards in shock, sending a small wave of sand towards the other boy.* "H-Huh? What? Kiss me? Isn't that– don't only boys and girls do that?" Of course, Sora knows that answer, he's thought about kissing and being near Kairi for a long time. But the thought of it being Riku instead, it's... strange. His heart has started to beat faster against his will.
Riku chuckles. "Not only boys and girls do that. You really are naĂŻve."
"H-Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"
"That you're naĂŻve."
Sora growls. Before he can come up with a retort, Riku has suddenly shifted closer to him.
"I would like an answer, though." Riku says quietly, seemingly unfazed with how close they are to each other.
Sora stutters, and he can feel his face warm up. He thought this would be with Kairi, not...
“I... w-well,” Sora begins, “I wouldn’t... mind it.” That’s the strange part to him. He’s never thought about kissing Riku before, and now just the concept is making his heart leap into his throat.
Riku doesn’t say anything in response. He seems surprised, just for a moment, until he gently leans in and kisses Sora, bringing a thumb up to rest on Sora’s chin.
Sora can barely breathe, let alone move. It’s only just occurred to him that he doesn’t exactly know how to kiss somebody, which has resulted in him being completely frozen while Riku puts his lips to his. But the experience itself, how warm it is, feeling Riku’s hair brush up against his face, the feeling of Riku being careful and taking his time for once...
He may not be able to breathe, but he sure can turn his cheeks bright red.
Riku pulls back a few inches after a moment. His expression seems unsure. “Did you... like that?”
Sora’s eyes are wide like saucers, and it takes him a second to regain his voice. “I-I— uh, yeah... I did. It felt really weird, but I really, really liked it.”
Riku sighs softly in relief. “Good.” He pulls away fully, leaving Sora somewhat cold, and looks back out to the sea. “Just... let me know if you’d want me to do that again.”
There’s a pause. “I... I think I do want it again.”
The corners of Riku’s mouth curl up slightly. “Hah... come here, then, Sora.”
#kingdom hearts#sora#sora kh#riku#riku kh#soriku#my writing#writing#fanfic#fanfiction#shipping#kingdom hearts 2 spoilers#kh2 spoilers
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“Oni is oni.”
hey count how many fucking times “oni” is said in this ABKSBF
Anyway I wrote this immediately after I finished Itto’s story quest, right when it released. It’s a little old, and I don’t think I ever edited it. Something made in the heat of the moment, basically. That story quest is still one of the best ones.
Takuya and Itto aren’t dating in this, but it can be seen as like, one of their early interactions before they date if you’d like.
Words: 673
Yashiori Island has one landmark you can see from almost anywhere in Inazuma: the skull of the Great Serpent Orobashi. Its sheer size is enough to send shivers down your spine, thinking of how powerful the skull's owner must have been, and how much more powerful the one who slayed it was.
Currently, however, you'd be much too preoccupied with the oni sitting on its snout to think about that.
Arataki Itto swings his legs back and forth from the ledge, taking in the familiar view. His eyes dash across the landscape. Wait— hey, there's Granny Oni! Itto waves energetically, but the woman doesn't appear to see. He stands, and is just about to shout to her, when—
Itto whips around to spot a distinctive pair of blue horns. "Oho! Takuya!" Itto grins, striding his way toward the other oni. "Didn't think you had it in ya to make it all the way up here! Yet another aspect where you're nearly equal to the one and oni Arataki Itto!"
Takuya is rather unamused. He crosses his arms and glances off. "Err, right, sure. Listen, I had a question for you."
"Oh? Lay it on me." Itto mimics Takuya's stance and crosses his arms as well, raising a brow inquisitively.
A sigh. "...I'm still not sure I could be accepted by humans. No matter what, I'm still a blue oni. And being a blue oni means—"
Itto suddenly gets right in the blue oni's face, making him flinch. "Ah, to hell with that, man! You've sacrificed in the past, but that doesn't mean you gotta keep doing it!" He shifts and leans on Takuya's shoulder from the side, using his other hand to tap at Takuya's forehead. "Use your head!"
"I am using my head," Takuya growls, "and all I'm getting is... is that because of my faction's past, we could never be accepted by human society. We're scorned, thought of as evil beings..." He pauses, and after spotting a glint in Itto's eye, continues before he's interrupted. "I just don't see it how you do, Itto."
The red oni hums. He could respond to this how he always has, but that'll put Takuya right back at square one. It's not helpful! So he's gotta think of something else or risk failing his friend. Right, so...
The gears in his head turn and turn for at least ten seconds in the awkward silence before Itto perks up. Takuya feels a sort of pending dread as Itto inhales to speak.
"Humans don't really separate oni anymore, y'know? Crimson oni, blue oni, oni is oni! As long as ya don't do stupid shit like before, I'm sure any human will accept you! It'd almost be like the pact doesn't apply anymore!"
There's a long pause. Itto's eyes slowly widen, and that feeling of dread Takuya had punches him in the gut.
"Hey, what if it didn't exist anymore!"
"Are you stupid?" Takuya exclaims, gritting his teeth. "We can't just ignore it! You were the one who reminded me of oni pride, and now you're asking me to throw it away?"
"No, no," the red oni steps in front of Takuya, leaning down just slightly to be able to look him straight in the eyes. "You got it all wrong. I never said anythin' about oni pride being trashed! Just the pact. We don't need it anymore! We got integrated into human society is what I'm sayin'... they don't see a difference, oni is oni, and oni is good."
Takuya blinks. Is Itto making any sense right now...? Well, no. He usually doesn't. But right now, something about his words— or at least, the meaning behind the words, is sticking. Keeping oni pride, without the obligation of self-sacrifice...
Itto steps away after a moment. "It's okay if ya don't get it yet. Arataki Itto will always be around if ya need another explanation!" With a large smirk, he flexes his arms. Takuya can only give a restrained chuckle.
"I think I got it. Oni is oni."
#genshin impact#arataki itto#itto#itto genshin impact#takuya genshin impact#rise up golden soul#taurus iracundus#writing#my writing#fanfic#fanfiction#oni
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“Did you mean what you said, back then? Do you... still think I should have stayed dead?”
A Wrightworth drabble I did a while ago. I actually still quite enjoy it, despite the awkward way I switched between whose mind we could read into at a given moment. It’s very sweet and very much will not be the last Wrightworth thing I write.
I wrote this before I finished Turnabout Revolution, so if there’s any weird statements that’s why. I think it would take place between Turnabout Revolution and Turnabout Time Traveler (though to be frank I haven’t finished Time Traveler, lol). I did edit at least one line to make sense given Revolution.
Words: 1.3k
Edgeworth stares out the window from his office as Chief Prosecutor. The Steel Samurai figure on the windowsill feels like an oppressive gaze, judging him for what he's about to do. He quietly turns the figure to face outside, then swivels around in his chair, glancing at the papers upon his desk.
Of course that oaf is late. How unlike him it would be if he were to be on time to something as important as th—
The door creaks open, and Edgeworth's finger quickly zips up to his glasses to adjust them. "I was wondering if you would ever arrive."
"What," the not-so-fresh-faced attorney says, "and reject a personal invitation from the Chief Prosecutor himself? Never." Phoenix grins, quickly taking a seat in front of Edgeworth and leaning forward attentively. "So, what was it you needed?"
Edgeworth clears his throat. "Right. So, I'd like your opinion on something." He turns some papers on the table to face Phoenix, then pushes them towards him. They're retirement papers.
"I've been thinking about early retirement. I've done a lot here, more than I can count, and I think it's time for a change. I simply wondered what you would think, as I value your opinion."
Edgeworth blinks up to look at Phoenix's face, only to find it frozen, staring at the documents. There's a short pause, and he knits his brows together. "Wright?"
Phoenix snaps out of it, shaking his head and taking a breath. He seems to smile out of habit, or maybe instinct, but it's clear to Edgeworth something is off. "Oh, I-I'm fine. I just... I suppose this reminded me of something from years ago."
"Oh?" Edgeworth tilts his head. "Pray tell. I'm curious."
"R-Really, it's not all that important now," Phoenix laughs, "but, it did bother me at the time. About the time when you..." His voice fades out. He looks everywhere around the room except at Edgeworth, as his words elude him. The prosecutor can make an educated guess as to what he's thinking.
"When I... disappeared?" Edgeworth suggests quietly.
"Aha, that's... that's it." Phoenix's forced smile finally leaves, replaced by something only reflecting sadness. "I think it reminded me of the letter you left."
"Mm." Edgeworth makes a sound in acknowledgement, but truthfully it feels like it's now his turn to have words elude him. He hides his gaze behind his intertwined fingers in turn upheld by his elbows on the desk. What is there to say about that time? An apology? He's already apologized for leaving without warning. For making Phoenix think he had...
"It would've been better for everyone if you never came back from the dead, Edgeworth!"
The words exit Edgeworth's mouth before he can really think about them. "Did you mean what you said, back then? Do you... still think I should have stayed dead?"
Phoenix physically reels from the question. Talk about a kick in the teeth... where did that come from? And why is he asking now...?
Well. Overdue is better than never, he supposes. Phoenix sighs, weighed down by the past. He stands, walking to face one of the walls adorned with examples of Edgeworth's achievement. He never once turns to face Edgeworth himself.
"...I don't want to lie to you. At the time, I did think that. I was... angry." Phoenix crosses his arms, secretly holding onto himself. "I didn't understand yet, how much pain you'd been in since the trial."
Edgeworth is silent.
"And— well, I know it was... if you'll forgive my language, Edgeworth, shitty of me to say. But it's how I honestly felt. And I'm sorry. I've learned a lot. Or, well, I like to think I've learned a lot, since then..."
Edgeworth is silent.
"Maybe I really haven't. I've been trying. Life's just been really chaotic for me since we really had a chance to talk. The disbarment, Trucy, the Wright Anything Agency, mentoring Apollo, the explosion, everything in Khura’in, it's, it's been so much, I hope you don't think I've been purposefully ignoring you, because I haven't, and I..."
Edgeworth is silent as he moves toward Phoenix, and he gently places a hand on his shoulder. Phoenix stops rambling only upon feeling his touch, and finally looks at him.
The prosecutor finally speaks. "If it means anything, Wright, I think you've learned a lot. Matured a lot, too. I..." He pauses to find the right word, the right word, not that word. "I respect you a lot. I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for you." To top his words off, he shows the tiniest of genuine smiles. "Thank you."
Phoenix, now wide-eyed like a cat, can barely believe what he's hearing. To hear all that out of Edgeworth's mouth... it's something he had only imagined in his head up until this point. His breath gets shallower. "Miles..."
And, without warning, he hugs him tightly. In the moment, Edgeworth has no idea how to handle it, feeling a buzz well up in his head. He hasn't moved an inch in response. Why is he...? What is Phoenix doing?
Edgeworth, still tensed up, awkwardly brings his arms around the attorney after some seconds have passed. He can't bring himself to stop... whatever this is, but he feels like he wouldn't want to, anyway. He thinks, have I gotten soft?
There isn't much time to process the question as Phoenix begins speaking again, from the depths of Edgeworth's shoulder. "Miles. I want to tell you something I've thought for... a-a long time, but you have to promise me you won't laugh."
Edgeworth raises an eyebrow. He keeps his grip on him, now firm and almost protective. "I won't laugh."
"...I r-really, really love you."
"I... what?" There's an initial wave of confusion, but surprisingly, it's followed by a feeling of contentment. A pang in his heart. Like this was the outcome he really wanted. Was it? Everything's gone cloudy in his usually clear mind.
Phoenix chuckles to rid himself of the awkwardness and anxiety, unsuccessfully. "D-Don't leave me hanging, here. I just... want to know how you feel."
...Maybe Edgeworth can use that word now. He never thought to tell him, figuring Phoenix's feelings for him were platonic, cut and dried. Though his mind is still blurred, this is one thing he feels sure deciding on. He holds him tighter and, in a low but inescapable voice, says...
"I love you, too."
Phoenix feels like he's about to faint. Oh god. His cheeks hurt, he can't stop grinning. "Aha... Miles... you're a lot sillier than you let on..."
"What? What's that supposed to mean...?"
"How many years has it been like this on your part? Did you really think I would reject you so badly that you decided to just not say it...?"
Edgeworth sputters briefly. "I could ask you the same thing. Perhaps we were both rather obvious about it from outsiders..."
"Are you kidding?" Phoenix laughs. "Maya and Trucy teased me about it all the time."
Edgeworth sighs. "And Franziska did the same with me. Gumshoe to a lesser extent."
"Yes... even him."
"Oh my god." With a smile that could part the heavens, Phoenix laughs again. Edgeworth can't help but to smile with him. Phoenix removes his face from the prosecutor's shoulder and looks up at him, a gleam in his eye. "Can I ask you another question?"
"Not like I have a choice."
"Don't be like that!" He giggles. "Listen... I want to kiss you. Can I?"
There's another pause. It almost seems like Edgeworth will say no, until, with his own little smirk, "It's may I, not can I."
"Oh my god, Miles..." He snorts. "Shut up. I love you." That's all the permission he needs, and after god knows how many years of dreaming about this, Phoenix finally kisses Edgeworth. And after god knows how many years of yearning for this, Edgeworth finally kisses Phoenix.
There's nothing left to worry about, here. Maybe Edgeworth won't retire just yet.
#my writing#fanfic#writing#drabble#ace attorney#fanfiction#phoenix wright#miles edgeworth#wrightworth#narumitsu#apollo justice spoilers#dual destinies spoilers#spirit of justice spoilers#I like my gay old men mwaaah#shipping
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