Julie and the Phantoms Fic Collection
195 posts
A place where I post JatP fic so I can keep it away from the one or two real life people who follow me on my main blog... maybe one day I'll post my own JatP fic here. Main blog is keepingthepeaceinouterspace I'm nineofhearts on Ao3
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
I'm afraid that what I'll say will only make you run
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Gif courtesy of @amycurtismarchs!! Missing moments always get me and I have a feeling the show won't show us the conversation immediately post 4x01, so I wrote it.
Ace and Nancy have a conversation about "Because we're cursed." Read on AO3
“Because we’re cursed.” 
Nancy’s breath shudders out of her. In fact, all of her is trembling. Ace can practically feel the vibration through the electrically charged air between them.
“Do you get it now?” she whispers, her voice cracking, tears threatening to spill over the dam. She fiddles with the flashlight held up between them—proof that he was right, that something wasn’t adding up, that the broken glass was a clue. Proof that Nancy was hiding something. 
Ace’s anger drains as quickly as it came, a flame doused by a bucket of cold water at her words, and it forces him a step back. He’d been so mad at her. So frustrated that she wouldn’t just tell him what was going on. That she wouldn’t be honest with him. 
That she didn’t trust him. 
Only to learn that it wasn’t about trust at all.
Read the rest
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
Summary: Nick said that Ace wouldn't shut up about the barometer and I felt that in my soul, so here we have (missing) conversations that involve the barometer!
Word Count: 1,330
Pairing: Hints of Nace
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
I know you…
I know you don’t like to be pushed to talk. I know you need space and air and freedom to find your way, to find a place that feels comfortable to be open, to be vulnerable to share. I know you don’t like direct questions when it comes to your feelings. You like to get there at your own pace, on your own time.
I know that when I say if you ever want to talk about anything, I’m here that you can file that away and know it’s not a flippant remark.
It’s something you can hold onto.
(it’s something you can trust)
I know you too…
I know you don’t like vague. I know you like elements that make cohesive, logical sense. I know that the gray is a place you don’t like to live.
I know that when I say if I find the words, I will share them with you, that you can file that away and know that it is something you can return to, know as a process, clear and concise, with rhythm and meter to follow.
It’s something you can hold onto.
(it’s something you can trust)
I know you…
I know your beanie is more than a woolen hat, more than an item to keep your head warm in the winter and your hair from flying over your eyes in the summer. I know you wear it with meaning, with intention, with purpose, beyond the aesthetic, beyond the practical.
It’s safety, security, and serenity. It’s a reminder of when laughter bubbled over and when smiles were free to be spread.
I know you too…
I know your lucky pullover isn’t lucky because the color happens to bring out your eyes. It’s lucky because it wraps you in comfort, in an ease that only comes with that favorite piece of clothing. I know you wear it as a reminder that life needs balance, that life is made up of every kind of moment, every kind of scene.
I know it's worn as a reminder that life isn’t always about the rules. It can be about what makes you happy too. What lessens the hurt. What brings you joy.
I know you…
I know when you’re in a rush, you write your name exceptionally well, almost as if the need for perfection is lifted when the whirl of life sweeps your attention away, the weight not as heavy on your cursive N or signature Y, allowing them to grace the page with a calm that only arrives with distraction.
I know when you take your time, it tends to looks more rigid, the smoothness of the lines left with not enough time to linger. Like the letters are overthinking, overreaching.
I know that the E is my favorite part. Not of your name. But when you write mine. Like you don’t want it to end. Like you find a way to twirl the letter at its tail and let it breathe…let it speak for itself.
I know that when I saw it written on a slip of paper amongst the shards of a glass jar - my name - your handwriting - it was my favorite iteration of my name that you’ve ever written - that I’ve ever seen - not because it proved my theory, but because you wrote it like you were in a rush - forgoing perfection, releasing the pressure, and letting it be.
Letting it speak for itself…
I know you too…
I know when you showed up at my door, out of breathe and illuminated by the moon and affection and overwhelming revelation, you knew. You knew I wrote your name. You knew I wrote it in a rush, quick and hurried and nearly fleeting.
Letting it speak for itself…
I know when you showed up at my door, you finally had the final confirmation to your theory that you needed. That I had been lying. You knew that every avoidance was another tear welling in my eyes. You knew that every broken fragment of glass was a reflection of something more outside of ourselves.
You knew that you knew me so well that…
I loved you. I do love you.
I knew that you’d figure it out.
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
Summary: Shortly after Nancy departs Ace's apartment at the end of 4x13, Ace's mom arrives. She provides some perspective that galvanizes Ace's sense that something is wrong and he sets out to fix things.
S4 spec fic except I'm not at all trying to do what I think the show will do
Pairing: Nancy Drew/ Ace [Redacted]
Word Count: 23,635
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
loudly going "YOU'RE GOOD YOU'RE GOOD" to myself to ward off the memory of every embarrassing thing i've ever done
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
“ we're not just friends. you know that.” 💕
Better late than never? Enjoy!
"I can't believe how stereotypically awful she is," Julie huffed, collapsing onto the worn couch lining the wall of their studio with the blind confidence that could only come from doing it hundreds of times. "I mean it's just straight out of a stupid teen movie."
Luke flopped into one of the chairs opposite the couch, immediately bringing his legs up to rest on the coffee table in front of him.
"You love those movies," He pointed out reaching for the half eaten bag of chips Reggie had left behind the night before.
"Ugh!" Julie groaned, kicking her legs slightly in frustration as she glared up at the ceiling. "That's not the point. Carrie has no business acting like a Regina George clone going around spreading rumors about people that aren't even true."
Luke froze, his hand paused halfway through its journey to deliver a chip to his open mouth.
"Rumors that aren't true?" He asked, his face settling into a deep frown as Julie rolled over to face him.
"You heard her too," Julie insisted impatiently. "Telling everyone that we have something going on even though she knows we're just friends."
Luke's frown somehow deepened and he dropped the chip back into the bag.
"That's the rumor you're upset about?"
"Obviously!" Julie flapped one of her hands aggressively for emphasis. "You're not upset that she's going around lying about us?"
Luke dropped the chip bag entirely and swung his legs down from the coffee table so he could lean forward.
"I would be if she was but...she's not?"
It was Julie's turn to frown as she pushed herself up to a seated position, her hands immediately coming to rest on her knees, fingers toying with the fraying ends of the holes in her jeans.
"What do you mean?" She asked, her voice suddenly smaller.
"I mean we're not just friends," Luke said as though it should have been obvious. "You know that."
Julie just gaped at him for a moment and even when she found her voice it was only to sputter out her response in starts and stops.
"That's not...we're not...I mean...we've never...we've never said that. We never talked about it."
"I didn't think we had to," Luke said with a shrug. "We know how we feel about each other."
He paused, his face suddenly vulnerable.
"Don't we?" He asked cautiously.
A slow smile crept onto Julie's face.
"Yeah, I guess we do."
"Good," Luke said with a relieved sigh, reaching for the bag of chips again. "Cause the best friends who don't realize they're in love with each other is a totally played out storyline in all those stupid teen movies."
"Hey," Julie teased, darting forward to snatch the bag of chips from him. "I love those movies."
"And me," Luke responded smugly.
"Yeah," Julie agreed with an amused sigh. "I love you too."
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
Ghost Whisperer x JATP AU
my first time posting on Juke Jeudi and it’s a lil snippet of the Ghost Whisperer AU I’ve been working on 😌 I started out with a completely different idea…. but then half way through a new idea popped into my head and alas, I started over. I wasn’t gonna post this part because it’s lowkey a spoiler, but also Juke becoming Juke isn’t a spoiler so. here we are. as per usual I haven’t totally reread it because if I did, it would never get posted!
Julie shakes her head at the thought. Best not to get carried away. She heads to the backroom, determined to sort through their latest shipment and get the new items out into the shop. She’s so involved in her task that she doesn’t think twice when Flynn appears in the backroom. “Jules, there’s a customer up front you need to take care of.”
“Okay, I’ll be right there.” Julie picks up the neatly folded stack of t-shirts under her arm and makes her way to the counter. The semi-familiar mop of brown hair and sleeveless shirt should’ve clued her in, but instead her mind is miles away until she drops the t-shirts on a box and steps up to the counter, only to come face to face with the hazel eyes that have haunted her dreams. Her own eyes widen. “Luke!”
“Hey Julie.” His smile is effortless, lighting up the rest of his face. “You work here?”
“Actually, I own the place. You know, when I’m not shredding on the piano.”
Luke’s smile brightens, if that’s even possible. “This shop is literally the coolest. I always used to come in here all the time growing up.” He places the vinyls he’d been holding under his arm on the counter.
“Yeah, actually my—“ Everything in Julie freezes as her eyes land on the vinyl on top of Luke’s pile. Her eyes trace the familiar magenta font above four women staring down the camera, as if daring the viewer to give their music a try. Her mom’s face, young and worry free, without the worn lines of cancer aging her features, glaring up at her. She wonders, not for the first time, if Rose knew about her Gift back then and how she balanced it with the rest of her normal life.
As if on cue, a voice breaks through her reverie, “Come on man, be careful with that! It’s one of my prized possessions!”
Julie eyes track to the opposite side of the store where Flynn is setting up a display with an old record player they’d thrifted to help display different vinyl records each week. A young boy probably around 18 or 19, with shaggy blonde hair was hovering over Flynn’s shoulder, watching her fiddle with it. “You better not be selling this to just anybody,” the boy tells the back of Flynn’s head. Her instinct is to address the boy, but she momentarily forgets no one else can see him despite Flynn’s lack of a reaction.
She looks back up at Luke who’s watching her closely, concern etched in his features.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” she breathes out. “I, uh...” She hesitates, but the look on his face warms something inside her chest and she feels like it’s okay. “This is my mom’s debut album with her band.” Her finger traces her mom’s face on the cover and realization hits Luke immediately.
“Your mom is Rose Sanchez? Of Rose and the Petal Pushers?”
“She usually goes by Rose Molina but yeah.” His recognition makes her smile. “That’s her.”
His gaze softens into something akin to awe and it threatens to turn Julie’s insides to mush. “Just when I thought you couldn’t be any more amazing.”
Julie scoffs, but the smile framed by the color on her face is unmistakable. She’s so flustered, she doesn’t even have time to react as Flynn appears beside her, leaning against the counter.
“You must be Luke.”
Without missing a beat he responds, “You must be Flynn.”
Flynn looks back at Julie. “I think I like him.”
Luke’s whole face lights up in delight and Julie knows how much he wants to get along with her friends and family. Reggie and Alex had taken to her all too well, and Luke wanted the same for him and Flynn.
“But if you hurt her, I won’t be held responsible for my actions.” She levels him with a hard glare before moving away from the counter and disappearing among the racks.
Luke traps his bottom lip between his teeth in an attempt to tamper his grin but it only works until Flynn is out of sight. It sets off butterflies in Julie’s stomach. “I think that was a Flynn approval.”
“Not quite,” she teases. “But she does like you.”
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
Love is Blind x Juke
For the past two days @thedeathdeelers and I have spiralled into a Love Is Blind x Juke fanfic in the dm's and this is what came out of it. So, a co-written Imène and Ophelia special for Juke Jeudi. Ta-da!
“Hi,” a voice called out from the other side of the Pod. This was it. The start of this mess. 
Luke perked up. "Uh, hey, I'm Luke."
"I'm Julie." A pause. Then a laugh. "This is really weird, huh?"
Luke laughed as well, the tension of the last twenty-four hours slipping away. One second he was drunk in his apartment with his buddies on the Netflix website, the second he was on a flight to San Diego for a freaking reality dating show. Or rather: a marriage show. Insane. But whatever. It wasn't like he was actually going to find someone. He was just gonna lay low, write some songs, and then dip after ten days.
"So, Julie, what made you sign up for this thing?" he asked, draping himself across the couch. A cup of rum and coke dangled in his hand.
"Um… I guess I wanted to do something I'd never do. I'm always waiting for love, you know, instead of… just going for it. So here I am. What about you?" Her voice was pretty, slightly raspy, yet melodic, and he felt himself listening to her intently.
"I'm here to write songs," he replied, blunt.
She laughed. "What?"
"You're here… for songs?"
"Don't take this the wrong way," he said, "but this is like a retreat for me."
"Well, that's excellent, actually," she replied, smooth. "Because I happen to be a songwriter."
Julie went into her second date after an hour long conversation about music and their favourite bands with Luke. She felt giddy, but knew a first impression didn’t mean anything in an experiment like this. Sitting down, she called out: "Hello?"
"Hi, I'm Nick," a male voice said.
Julie smiled. "I'm Julie."
"Julie," he repeated, and she heard the scribbling of paper. "So, tell me about yourself, Julie."
"Um… what do you wanna know?"
"Where are you from?" he asked. 
Easy enough. "I’m from Los Feliz."
"No way!" He laughed. "Me too!"
Her brows raised. "Really? Where did you go to school?"
"LF Public High."
"Ah," she sighed, "I went to the arts school. It would be crazy if we've met each other before."
"Or maybe it's fate," he teased.
An amused smile twitched on her lips. Guys that flirted with the word ‘fate’ to wrap a girl around their finger; she’s met those before. "Yeah, who knows."
After three full days of jamming and creating music with Luke, somehow able to connect on such an intense level with a shimmery wall between them, they found themselves in amiable silence. It wasn’t awkward, somehow. The song they worked on had been rather emotional, about family and history and regret. It brought back memories she hadn’t dared to discuss in the Pods. But now… 
“Not to like, um,” she licked her lips, “dump all my trauma, but—”
“It’s okay,” he whispered.
“My mom, uh, died… two years ago.” Julie took a steadying breath, though let the tears roll as they came. He didn’t see her. She could cry. “She’d been sick for a while—terminal cancer—so we were prepared, but… nothing actually prepares you for it.” She heard him hum, encouraging her to continue. “And that’s why I applied for the show. The day she died, I felt like I died with her. I’ve just been on auto-pilot. So, ‘Love Is Blind’ was honestly this, like, desperate attempt to feel again, but I didn’t think I’d actually marry someone. I just wanted to break free of this dead feeling… if that makes sense.”
After a beat of silence, Luke said, “It does. Trust me, it does. I’m sorry, Jules, for your loss. That’s the worst thing that could ever happen, I–” A curt laugh left him. “I wish I could hug you right now, fuck.”
“It’s okay,” she sniffled.
“You’re probably the strongest person I know, not gonna lie,” he continued. “Trying to keep living after that… you should be so proud, Jules.”
Julie’s lip wobbled as she sank to the carpeted ground and shuffled to the shimmery wall, pressing one hand against it. She hadn’t had a sip of alcohol today—even though the producers wanted her to—so she knew all she felt was pure.
“I am proud,” she agreed. “Only a crazy alive person locks themselves in a Pod for seventeen hours a day.”
A laugh barked out of him. Jumping off the couch, he sat cross-legged in front of the shimmery wall. His heart hammered a nervous beat. “I, uh, relate, to be honest, to, like, mom stuff.”
“My mom hasn’t died, fortunately, but… when I was seventeen, we got in a really big fight. Like, we said some nasty stuff to each other. I ran away. I didn’t speak to them for six years.” He shook his head. “And I know it’s not the same. Trust me, I know. I left by choice. But it felt like the death of my bond with them. I felt like I was dead to my parents. They never tried looking for me. Maybe because they knew where I was, but… they never tried reaching out. Until I did it at twenty-three.”
Julie sighed, “I’m so sorry, Luke.”
“It caused me to produce some fire songs, but… I don’t know if it was worth it.” He chuckled, tears rolling down his cheeks in surprise. “I don’t think I ever told someone that before.”
Julie smiled. “I’ll keep it a secret. Thank you for sharing that with me, Luke.”
“No problem,” he tried to sound nonchalant, but to him, it came off infinitely grateful.
“How’s your relationship with them now?” she asked.
“It’s… it’s alright. It’s not perfect in the slightest, but, you know, I come around for dinner or lunch at least once a month, I keep them in the loop, they keep me in the loop, they’ve attended one of my concerts…” He trailed off. “We’ve come a long way.”
“That’s great to hear,” she smiled. “Family is so important to me, so I would’ve felt so bad if I wouldn’t be able to—” She paused, warmth spreading in her body and face.
Luke frowned. “What?”
“If, um, if I wouldn’t be able to, um, meet them,” she uttered awkwardly. They had come to the silent agreement that they wouldn’t marry and simply be each other’s confidante for the ten days in the Pods. Julie has never felt like this before though. She felt… she was in love. Which was crazy, but how else could she explain the feeling in her gut?
A smile grew on Luke’s face. “You wanna meet them?”
“Don’t goad me like that!”
Luke laughed. “I’m not! I’m not! It’s… it’s cute, Julie, that you wanna meet them. Y’know, I wanna meet your dad, too. He sounds cool.”
Julie smiled. Her heart felt like bursting. “He is.”
The next day, Julie stood in the kitchen of the women’s quarters stirring a carrot and bell pepper soup on the stove. Luke’s favourite. If they ever were to meet in real life, she’d introduce him to other, way better, soups, but this would do for now.
Suddenly, Carrie—another contestant—appeared beside her. “You’re talking with Luke, right?” Carrie asked. 
Julie looked up. “Yeah, why?”
“Well,” she shrugged, haughty, “he's my number one, so.”
Julie frowned. Luke’s her number one? Since when? She had never heard Carrie speak about him. Did something happen in the Pods that she wasn’t aware of? “I thought Nick was your number one.”
The woman rolled her eyes. “Nick is so passive. I like Luke a lot more. I mean, musicians are hot, right?”
Carrie was baiting her, Julie realised, replying with a weak: “I… I guess…”
“Yeah,” Carrie affirmed, “so he’s my number one. I heard he’s yours, too.” The blonde tried to pull off an air of nonchalance as she inspected her perfectly manicured nails, but Julie didn’t bother with an answer and chose to add a pinch more paprika to the soup instead. She smiled; yeah, he’d like that.
Aggrieved Julie didn’t respond, Carrie continued: “So, why are you making soup?”
Julie threw a disbelieving look at Carrie. “It’s for Luke. For his birthday?”
Carrie, who had already lost interest in the conversation, suddenly whipped her head back towards Julie, hair flicking with the motion. “It’s his birthday? When? Since when?”
Julie rolled her eyes at the girl, and shook her head. Deciding to make a dig, she said: “I thought he was your number 1?”
Carrie frowned and pointed at the pot. “Can I give him some, too?”
"No,” Julie puffed, in disbelief that the woman even dared to ask her that. “That's honestly weird for you to ask, Carrie. It’s disingenuous."
"Okay, whatever," she grumbled and skulked away to talk to Kayla.
"So... I talked to Carrie..." Julie brought up after Luke had accepted and had taken a swig of her homemade soup. It had to be their sixth date at this point, but it has felt like forever. 
The man looked up from his guitar in confusion, wracking his brain for the last time he spoke to Carrie. "Okay?"
"She said you're her number one."
His frown deepened. "What? Really? We've spoken maybe twice."
"Oh." A relieved laugh left Julie. "Oh, wow. Then she's super jealous, or something." Her cheeks felt warm. "I was a little worried for a second, to be honest."
Luke grinned. "Yeah?"
"Y'know, I was worried about Nick," he confessed.
That surprised her. "Really? Why?"
"‘Cause I know you did have a connection with him."
"Yeah," she admitted, "but not in the way that we connect. Nick's like... a friend. That's all."
"Then you should tell him that," Luke said, amused. "'Cause he thinks you guys are fated."
Julie rolled her eyes. "Oh, jeez."
It was his favourite time of the day—sprawled across the sofa, snacks littering the floor—as he scratched out a chorus to Sunset Curve’s new song.
But that’s not why it was his favourite.
It was his favourite because he could just about hear Julie scribbling in her own journal right across that damn shimmery wall separating them, almost picturing frown lines between her brows. Which was weird, ‘cause he had never actually seen her.
It was weird, right?
But that didn’t stop him. Luke felt a silly grin taking over his features as he hummed along what he imagined would be the pre-chorus, leg swinging over the armrest—
And then he froze, stopping all movement.
Because he could be hallucinating, but he swore he just heard singing coming from the other room. The one that contained Julie. The human wrecking ball that had already captivated him before he had ever seen her.
Or heard her, apparently.
Holy shit. Holy shit. 
Luke nearly fell off the couch as he stumbled into a sitting position, jumping from his spot to the shimmery wall. He splayed his fingers as he pressed his palms against the damn thing keeping them apart, and then placed his ear against it.
He stopped moving; stopped breathing. She was singing. And it was fucking beautiful.
Shit. He was fucked.
He remembered Julie telling him about her complicated relationship with music; how she hadn’t sang in over a year. But now she was singing, here, with him, and he was finding it so hard to keep himself in check. He could clearly hear Alex’ voice in his head telling him to ‘cool it, Patterson. You’re going to scare her off.’
And that was the last thing he wanted to do.
Afterwards, Luke barged into the men's quarters and yelled: “I'm marrying Julie!”
Dean barely looked up from his paperback. “Yeah, we know.”
"You haven't talked about anyone else," Seth added.
"Oh," Luke said, scratching the back of his head. "Well, yeah. Now I'm gonna do it."
"Cool, man," Garrett grinned. "Get that woman!"
On the tenth day, Julie wore her prettiest dress. A purple number, nothing too special, as she hadn’t actually thought to get married on this show. The other women had ornate dresses, but she’d have to do with this one. 
Then again, she wasn’t actually sure Luke would propose. He told her he loved her, but that didn’t mean he wanted to marry her in a month; that didn’t mean he wanted to go through with the experiment; the reality show. 
Opening the door to the Pod, she heard Luke already pacing on his side. 
“Hi,” she said.
“Oh!” he exclaimed. “Hey!”
She paused at the wall. “You’re nervous?”
“It’s the tenth day, so, uh…” Luke shook his head and stared at the silly velvet box in his hands. This was ridiculous. Insane. Every other synonym for that word. He wasn’t marriage material. He was a guy from an underground rock band that came here to get inspired and write. But here he fucking was.  
“I don’t wanna say we’re fated, ‘cause I don’t believe in that shit,” he suddenly continued, the words flowing out of him. 
Julie smiled. “Me neither.”
“But I do—I do think you’re my person, Julie. That we should be together outside of the Pods. When we make music it’s like–like–”
“Magic,” she finished, her smile widening and her hands pressing against the wall. 
“Yeah,” he breathed. Sinking onto both knees, he kept his eyes on the box. “We’re magic together, I think. And I love you. I know that. I love you.”
Julie let her forehead drop against the wall as she giggled. Nothing about this made sense. No one would be able to understand what she felt right now. “I love you, too.”
“So… Julietta Rose Victoria Marie Molina…” He took a steadying breath. Now or never. “Will you do me the honour of marrying me?”
An elated sob left the woman, nodding profusely despite him being unable to see her. “Yes!” she exclaimed. “Yes!”
The white doors slid open in a swoop and their identities were revealed. Luke took a step forward and found his jaw falling slack at the short woman several feet away from him. She… was perfect. Down to those cute, scribbled-on sneakers.
Julie laughed, showcasing a gap between her teeth, and waved at him. "Hi."
"Hey," he grinned, his walk turning into a jog—he had to get to her—and grabbed her into a hug. "Holy shit."
"I know," she laughed, latching onto him. "Neither of us had a proposal outfit packed."
"Julie–Jules, you–" Pulling away slightly, he felt moisture building in his eyes from the shock and tension. His hands cupped her cheeks. "You're–wow."
"Thanks," she giggled, her eyes also wet. "You're wow, too."
After the couples arrived in the resort in Mexico, Julie and Luke settled into their suite. They unpacked their suitcases as they chatted about their flight, rosy-cheeked and happy. The camera flipped to Julie in the confessional, seated on the terrace in a pretty blue dress.
"Luke and I have arrived in Mexico," Julie said. "And it's definitely weird, suddenly, like, being able to touch him and see him, but it also feels so natural. We're just really excited to continue growing what we have and make more music."
"Julie's gonna do the speaking for me this vacay," Luke added next in his confessional, a big smile stretched across his cheeks. "I'm twenty-nine, guys, I've forgotten 10th grade Spanish, y'know."
“Yes, we’ve kissed,” Julie continued, shy, “on the plane. We wanted to do it away from the cameras, and um… it was–it was good.” Her eyes averted as her smile grew. “It was really good.”
Luke plopped down on the bed. “What do you wanna do first? Check out the pool? The beach?”
“The buffet,” she emphasised. “I’m super hungry.”
He laughed. “Sounds good to me.”
Julie slid beside him. “I also wanted to talk to you about something, now that we’re here…”
Luke nodded. “Okay.”
“Um… so we’re now sharing a bed…”
“I’d like to wait until after the wedding before we have sex,” she admitted. His face gave nothing away, simply listening to her. “It’s not that I’m not attracted to you, I am, but it’s something I want to honour, you know?”
“Of course,” he whispered. “I can wait, Julie, don’t worry about it.”
“Sex isn’t that important to me,” he said with a shrug. “It’s great, but it’s not everything.”
“Duh,” she deadpanned. “Music is.”
He laughed. “Exactly, you get it.”
The woman let out a relieved breath. She didn’t think Luke would be appalled, but she hadn’t been totally sure. Now, she could sleep beside him without the stress. Kissing his cheek, she said, “Besides, we can do other stuff.”
He wiggled his brows, mischievous. “‘Other’ stuff?”
With a roll of the eye, she pushed him away and got up. “Let’s get food.”
“Yes, Boss!”
The next day in Mexico, all the couples met up at the pool. It was the first time they all could see each other and properly meet. Neither Julie or Luke were worried their affection would sway, but they were nervous to approach Carrie and Nick. Both had claimed a connection, but now they were a couple themselves.
It especially bothered Luke, if he was honest. Julie was… incredibly beautiful, especially in that purple dress she wore tonight, and he wasn’t blind to the eyes Nick had been giving her. 
Afterwards, Julie and Luke sat on the bed curled towards each other, discussing the events of the night.
"So... what did you think of Nick?" Luke asked, feigning nonchalance.
Julie smirked at his obvious attempt to seem cool. "He was… nice."
"Yeah? Got a crush on him?"
"Sure," Julie deadpanned, "and that was why the conversation ended after, like, two minutes, and I stayed by your side for the rest of the night."
Luke grinned and placed a hand on her knee. "Yeah?"
"Mh-hm." She caressed his tattooed arm. "Don’t worry. I... there's not a shadow of doubt it's you, Luke. Trust me."
Luke's smile melted into fondness. "I trust you."
After Mexico—where one of the couples devolved and split up, leaving four couples left—they all returned to Los Angeles. Unfortunately, they couldn’t move back into their regular apartments, but all had to share the same complex. Julie and Luke lived on the third floor in a shiny, white apartment. It was the furthest thing from Luke’s actual place.  
On a positive note, they could finally introduce their partner to their friends and family. Like now. 
"Today, I'm meeting Luke's friends and band members," Julie said to the camera, standing outside of Luke’s studio in the heart of Mar Vista. "I've talked with them on the phone a couple days ago, but this'll be the first time we'll be face to face."
Luke drifted on his heels as he barely looked at the camera, clearly addressing Julie. "I'm not worried. Julie's, like, the puzzle piece we've been missing. And I fucking love her. So. Yeah."
Julie and Luke walked in where Reggie and Alex were already seated in an old, leather couch. Reggie seemed nonchalant, but Alex often flitted his eyes to the camera.
"Hi," Julie greeted. "I'm Julie!"
"Ooh," Reggie cooed. "You're even prettier IRL!"
Alex eyed her in disbelief. "Yeah. Blink twice if you wanna escape our Luke."
"Awesome support, guys," Luke grumbled.
Julie worried that the boys perhaps thought that what she and Luke had was too good to be true—that it wouldn’t last—and all it would do was interrupt their music career. She didn’t stop worrying until Alex gently pulled her away from the guys mid-practice session, and took her on a short walk around the garden.
Somehow, he knew exactly what was on her mind—and exactly what to tell her.
“Luke’s a pretty open book with just about everyone, or that’s what people think. He likes to show everyone all the good sides to him; the music, the cheerful attitude, the constant pep-talks. But he’s never, and I mean never, talked to anyone about his mom as openly as he did with you.” Alex stopped to turn and face Julie. “He’s always worried about dumping all his problems on others and it’s been his thing ever since we’ve known him. He just hides it all to himself, until he explodes and writes a song about it.”
He shrugged, though Julie could see the worry in Alex’ eyes. “But the fact that he shared some of that stuff with you, let you hear ‘Unsaid Emily’… Julie, you’re it for him. And if you’re it for Luke, you’re it for us.” Alex grimaced at his choice of words, but didn’t correct himself, choosing instead to smile encouragingly at Julie.
A moved Julie nodded in relief and pulled the drummer into a tight hug. “Thank you,” she whispered. 
That evening, it was time for Luke to meet Julie’s family, namely: her father, brother and aunt Victoria. The rest of the family would attend the wedding. Which, according to Julie, was ‘a lot’. She’d prepped him for tonight, but she still seemed nervous as she rang the bell and waited for the door to open. 
“What’s the prob?” he asked. 
The door flung open and an older woman in athleisure squealed at the sight of Luke. “Lukas! Come in, come in! Oh, mija, you did such a good job picking him!”
“My name is Luke, actually—”
Victoria continued unperturbed and ushered them inside. He barely had time to soak in the interior as she continued babbling on. "Thank you, Lukas—" Victoria gushed.
"It's Luke—"
"—for taking my Julie off the street. Twenty-seven! Who would've thought!"
"Ah, yes," Julie drawled beside him, slightly peeved. "The old crone's age of twenty-seven."
“I think she was the one who took me off the street,” he said, throwing a smirk Julie’s way to ease the nerves a bit.
Her father and brother popped in from the kitchen, the former with a wide smile and the latter rather sceptical. “Is that my daughter’s fiancé I hear?”
"Luke is meeting my best friend, Flynn, today," Julie said outside of a bar. "I'm a little nervous, because Flynn is super protective of me, but I think it'll be fine!"
Luke smirked. "People love me. Everything will be great!"
That was, until Flynn said a quick hello and then shoved a ten-page questionnaire in his face. She smirked. “Just to see you’re not a serial killer and won’t break my friend’s heart.”
“Because those two are mutually important,” Julie replied, sarcastic. 
Luke scratched the back of his head as he thumbed through the pages. “I–I have to do this now?”
“Why? Scared?” Flynn pressed. “Also—” She whipped a cotton swab from her pocket and grabbed Luke’s face, pushing his mouth open. "Just the usual," she muttered and swabbed the inside of his cheek. "Just normal DNA things…”
After the horrible bar situation, Julie paced along the kitchen island continuously apologising for her friend’s behaviour. “I swear she’s usually not like this, I’m so embarrassed, like she’s protective, but not—”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Luke grabbed her shoulders to stop her from pacing with a relaxed smile. “Yeah, it was weird, but it wasn’t the end of the word.”
“Yeah.” He smiled. “You have a Flynn, I have a Reggie and Alex," he soothed. "It's all cool."
As Carrie and Nick argued for the umpteenth time at the Cheese Tasting Date, Luke and Julie were bent over Luke's songbook, scribbling and discussing the bridge of a song.
"No, no, there should be an inverse and then, like, the reveal, that he was never there at all," Julie said.
"I don't wanna write a sad song, Jules. It's a love song," Luke bounced back.
"I mean—" She popped a piece of brie in her mouth. "---it is a love song, just not a happy one."
A grin ticked up his lips. "Is it about Nick and Carrie?"
Julie swatted his arm. "Luke!"
"What! C'mon, Jules, look at 'em." He nodded at the pair currently shouting at each other outside, two cameras on them. "They're not exactly soulmates."
Another pairing, Vivian and Dean, joined them at their table. "Oh my God," Vivian said, "can Carrie and Nick just end it already?"
"Carrie wants those followers, she can't leave just yet," Dean added with a roll of the eyes.
"Yeah," Julie trailed, "it's... a lot."
"What're you working on, dude?" Dean asked.
Luke grinned. "A song, obviously."
Viv sighed dreamily. "It's so romantic, honestly, that you guys have, like, a 'thing'."
Dean frowned. "We have a thing."
His fiancée's brows raised, challenged, and Luke and Julie recoiled into their songwriting shell again.
The wedding was a no-brainer. After a teary-eyed dress fitting and a fun bachelorette party with the girls—where Carrie tried to disrupt her happiness one final time—Julie found herself in the hotel room of a beautiful ranch where she and Luke would officiate their marriage. Somehow, the month felt like a year and her relationship with Luke felt like a decade. 
“Are you nervous?” Flynn asked, buttoning Julie into her dress. 
She shook her head. “No, just healthy jitters.”
“Good.” The two stared at each other in the mirror. “You deserve this, girl.”
Victoria came in with glasses of champagne. “Well, I’m nervous, so drink up, my loves.”
On the other side of the hotel, Luke, Alex and Reggie sat in the plush chairs, ready for the wedding. Luke’s foot bounced up and down in anticipation, ready to hold her and kiss her and be hers. He knew he was a romantic, but he never thought it could get this deep. 
“Do you think she’ll say yes?” Alex asked. 
Luke nodded. “Yeah. There’s honestly not a doubt in my mind, dude.”
“But what if she does?”
“Then…” Luke took a swig of his beer as a salute. “Then we’ll have a killer album in no time.”
Soon after, the ceremony began. Luke first went down the aisle where he smiled and nodded at all his friends and family. His parents sat in the front and smiled proudly at him. 
And then came Julie. Julie, in a beautiful gown and a shimmering face, taking his breath away. It felt like he had tunnel vision. She, too, couldn’t look anywhere but him, and felt her racing heart calm down the second he helped her up the steps. Her father had tears in his eyes as he gave her away. 
“Hi,” she whispered. 
“Hey,” he whispered back, smiling, “you look gorgeous.”
“Thank you.”
The officiator began his speech, Luke and Julie exchanged quick vows—though most has been said in the countless lyrics they’ve written together—and they sealed it all with a kiss. They were married. Forever. 
For the final time, Julie spoke to the camera with shiny cheeks and sparkling eyes. “How do I feel? I mean, I think you can guess.”
Luke jumped into frame and picked her up, bridal-style. “You’re looking at Miss Julie Molina-Patterson, Netflix! Hell yeah!”
At the reunion, they were the only couple left standing. Obviously.
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
And They Were Roommates by @sanssssastark
Explicit | Multi-Chapter | 38.9k | Work-in-Progress
Select Tags: Aged-Up Characters, Alternate Universe - University, Alternate Universe - Roommates, Luke Patterson is Extremely Thirsty, julie molina is a bamf, The Boys Are Alive - AU, Dual POV, Sexual Content
Julie Molina’s late admission to the Manhattan School of Music means she finds herself the fourth in Sunset Curve’s suite. Which would be fine, if she wasn’t sharing a room with Biceps McSleeveless, the ridiculously hot jerk she watched reduce a girl to uncontrollable sobs right in front of her eyes.
Luke Patterson lost his college roommate and his rhythm guitarist when Bobby left the band, but now he’s about to lose his sanity because he cannot stop thinking about the gorgeous wrecking ball of talent sleeping just feet away from him. It’s too bad she loathes every fiber of his being.
Anonymous says: Julie and Luke are very thirsty over each other. The fic isn’t finished yet, but each chapter is better than the last (which is saying a lot because they are all great). There are some amazing OCs too. Sanssssastark is just incredibly talented.
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
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A few artists have not responded, even after we have reached out. We’re looking for 2-3 more artists. If you’re interested, please reach out to either Kay ( @sunsetcurbed​ ) or Kit ( @willexxmercer​​ ) within the next few days. 
- Kay 💥  - Kit 💥
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
Subsequent hump matched Cosplay
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
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Artist claiming will open tomorrow, but summaries are open to view tonight so artists have time to choose fics! They are NOT necessarily first come, first serve, as they will be dealt on a preference order, but those who get their answers in sooner will have priority picks for any commonly picked fics.
The claiming will work like this:
you will have five slots to choose your top five fics
you will rank your top five fics in order from MOST preferred to LEAST preferred
you MUST select five fics
we will try to give everyone fics in their top two or three, but please understand that this just might not be possible
if you signed up as an artist more than once, you must fill out the sheet however many times you signed up as an artist for
- Kay 💥 - Kit 💥
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
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"Girl stuff."--"Oh, like butterflies ghosts and glitter?"
Last art/craft project (for now): Little ghost earrings.
Worked with glitter, so my entire apartment sparkles. Even my cats. 🤣👻
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
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Luke sketches! Absolutely adore his big round smile and silly hair
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
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Sunset Curve Cuddle
There are so many talented people here on tumblr who crocheted our beloved ghosts. So here are my plushies.
(Alex is going to get better drumsticks one day. And I'm so sorry that I couldn't give Reggie his necklace and flannel. Gotta order cloth to sew him a flannel, I promise.)
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
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Happy Birthday @bethanyactually!
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writeineveryemptyspace · 2 years ago
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A collection of “ask Lukes” from my Instagram. He’ll be back next Saturday 🤡 so come back soon!
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