writeallywrite · 8 hours
For someone I will never have
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com They said attract, don’t chase,So much loss in a phrase,When two people attracted to each other,One will eventually pursue the other, It’s not about running all day long,It’s that small steps to get along,Like a simple ‘Good morning!’,To make time for a simple evening, It never works one way,To stand still under the spotlight and stay,Because without…
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writeallywrite · 16 days
Another tomorrow to live in fear
Photo by Damien Wright on Pexels.com I am attracted to her,I saw her strength,I accepted her weaknesses,Perfect in her own way, My feeling grew,And I wish she knew,Like how my usual story goes,The feels is mine and now in woes, A sigh and another heartbreak,A cry without a single tear,Fallen myself into the abyssal crack,Another tomorrow to live in fear. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi; your…
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writeallywrite · 23 days
For the chances I have given
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com I have fallen deep into the darkness,Not a shine of light to save me,In every second this heart of my beats,Thousand needles plunged instantly, Is this where I rest for eternity?Even after I took my final breath?How cruel is my destiny?Alone and lonely until the end, Take me now,Take me away,For I find no purpose,For the chances I have given. Consider…
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writeallywrite · 25 days
Ally's Thoughts: How Do I Embody Malaysia MADANI: Jiwa Merdeka?
Photo by aboodi vesakaran on Pexels.com Hey friends and readers! How are you? It is August and Malaysia will be celebrating its Independence Day or known as National Day on the 31st August every year. This year, Malaysian will be celebrating the 67th National Day! By now, it’s customary for me to write something about my beloved country. Before that, if you want to read what I wrote about last…
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writeallywrite · 3 months
Ally's Thoughts: What's My Favorite Thing About Myself?
Daily writing promptWhat’s your favorite thing about yourself?View all responses Hi friends and readers, If someone asked me this question a couple of years back, I would most likely say none. I actually hated myself so much back then. But now, I don’t really hate myself that much. Nowadays I feel that no one else can stand by my side as much as myself. For now. Going through certain phases…
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writeallywrite · 3 months
Ally's Thoughts: How Do I Want To Retire?
Photo by Wendelin Jacober on Pexels.com Daily writing promptHow do you want to retire?View all responses Hi friends and readers, Before I answer how, I better clarify my definition of retirements. I somehow believe that I won’t be fully retired like settling down to the country side and living a sustainable life till my last breath. My idea of retirement is to not be tie down to the…
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writeallywrite · 3 months
Ally's Thoughts: When We Reach The Inevitable Crossroad
Photo by Cherene Pearl on Pexels.com Hi friends and readers, How are you? I’ve been thinking a lot and I think I want to share this piece of thought of mine. In hope that I would find clarity if it is relatable to you. Also, in hope to open new opportunities in any way possible. I feel that my life has reached a point, like a crossroad that I can’t cross yet. I’m standing across a junction…
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writeallywrite · 4 months
How hard it is to write a poem?
How hard it is to write a poem?Oh fairly easy,A slap on couple of words,Stack it with a couple of stanzas,There you have it! BUT,It doesn’t make any sense,It’s jumbled loudly,Like a grumbling tummy,Still it is a – poem, To write a poem is to express,Like pulling up the stake stuck in your chest,Not to satisfy their reading eyes,They are not the one who bleeds,It’s your wound to tell, My poems…
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writeallywrite · 4 months
Ally's Thoughts: What Changed?
Hi friends and readers, I remember the reason why I started the ‘Ally’s Thoughts’ segment. It’s to share my thoughts on certain issues and sometimes the outlet to rant. Whenever I started to write about something, I feel really excited and energetic. The urge to share about my own discoveries, perspectives and opinions. Especially when it’s related on feelings, emotions, and social issues. I am…
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writeallywrite · 4 months
Show my love and heart to you
Photo by Puwadon Sang-ngern on Pexels.com I don’t know when,I don’t know how,I’m not even sure,Will God even give me the chance, But if someone love me,Don’t say they love me,I just want them,To show me, Hug me tightest,Kiss me all day,Let’s hold hands,And stay in bed all day, I don’t fancy gifts,Because you’re enough,I don’t need sweet promises,Enough you’re being honest, And will you just…
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writeallywrite · 4 months
Even if I have to slither and crawl
Photo by Damien Wright on Pexels.com Where has this road taken me?Where did my shadows touched?Where did I left my footprints?Did I arrived at the place,The place that I want to be? I remember the long winding journey,In the scorching heat,And the knee brushing asphalt,Blood and tears dripping as I walk,Lost to a confident winning tortoise, I am nowhere to be found,I am still going like the…
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writeallywrite · 4 months
Hi friends and readers! It’s been a year since I started my journey in Life Coaching and got my professional certificate. I noticed that to have a growth mindset is actually a skill that anyone can learn and apply. For that reason, I want to share this guidebook today! This guidebook includes day-to-day activities for seven days. The activities include self-awareness, embracing challenges,…
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writeallywrite · 4 months
Ally's Thoughts: Su San Summer's Corpse Breath EP Is Out!
Hi friends and readers! Last Thursday, my favorite local artist just dropped a new EP, Summer’s Corpse Breath! I think I’ve shared a lot of posts about Su San in here and trust me, I don’t think it will stop anytime soon! If you are new here, I’ve shared about her previous EP, Under Milk Wood here. Ally’s Thoughts: Su San’s New EP Under Milk Wood Not to mention, that I went to her performance…
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writeallywrite · 6 months
To be selfish like the brain, the heart and the pen #napowrimo2024
Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on Pexels.com NAPOWRIMO 2024 Day 5 To be selfish,Like how the brain does,Is to write perfectly,Speckless from errors,Perfect forms and execution.Flawless, To be selfish,Like how the heart does,Is to write freely,Passionate and intense,Let them feel how it felt,Thrilling, To be selfish,Like how the hand does,Is to write thoroughly,To tell everything,Let everyone…
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writeallywrite · 6 months
Therapy is a journey to be a better you
Photo by Matheus Bertelli on Pexels.com NAPOWRIMO 2024 Day 4 An hour a week,Vulnerable and weak,A whole hour to speak,All truth and no slick,Trauma hurts like a prick,Build the present with stones and sticks,Seize the future, ready the bricks,Take all the time to heal – no sick,It is a lifelong journey, you’ll kick –The old you, without a single trick,Be the better you without the need to…
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writeallywrite · 6 months
Her eyes spoke to me #napowrimo24
NAPOWRIMO 2024 Day 3 Her eyes speaks to me in a language I’m not familiar but I can totally understand through the dilation of her pupils and her blinking counts. In a soft yet precise and straightforward signal, I understand it well. Without a single tear flowing down her cheek. It was clear as the blue sky of March that day her eyes spoke to me, Her eyes said in the softest and respectful…
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writeallywrite · 6 months
Moving with the groove in a bachata #napowrimo2024
Photo by Arindam Raha on Pexels.com NAPOWRIMO 2024 Day 2 I still remember my first time,Counting the steps,One, two, three, tap,And failed miserably, My knees wasn’t bent,My shoes stuck flat on the floor,My eyes followed too,Yet, I feel like stepping in the dark, Slowly, I learn to love you,Even when I can’t move my hand well,I’m stuck with the same moves,I didn’t have the confidence in…
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