wrightworth-tickles · 4 years
Your writing is so adorableee!!! I have a prompt, if you're interested. What if Phoenix is facing Edgeworth in a case - as per usual - and Phoenix wins the case, leaving Edgeworth slightly salty, so he gets the ultimate revenge by tying Phoenix up and torturing him? >:3
Oops sorry i didn't actually answer it!! I love this idea, and I promise as soon as I have time I will flesh this out more! Thank you for the prompt!!
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
If your taking requests (and if not feel free to ignore this) Trucy tickling Miles, who can't stop her because she is scrappy and he is afraid of accidentally hurting her, with a very unhelpful Phoenix relishing his "misfortune" in the background
(Trucy is a teen in this one)
Miles is very visibly stressed on thus particular day, even after work is over and he's at home with his family
Phoenix is making dinner in attempt to help Miles relax through sone good food, but it's a kind of tedious thing
Trucy, however, is completely unoccupied at the moment
So she carefully goes over to her other Daddy and wraps her arms around him, snuggling up under his arm, and just sits there holding him
Just as Miles starts to relax a bit, Trucy attacks
She wiggles her fingers under his arm, and he tries to clamp it down, but she's blocking him from the action
He pulls away to try and protect himself but Trucy is quicker and goes for his sides
"Trucy, Trucy, stop, I can't- can't breathe
He's laughing by this point, and when she drills her fingers into his ribs he snorts, falling onto his side on the couch and crossing his arms across his stomach in a weak form of defense
Phoenix, hearing his husband's laughter, peeks around the corner from the kitchen to see his daughter tickling her father
"Get him, Truce!" he calls into the living room, still stirring the pasta
Miles' face is bright and kinda red, and he's completely destressed now
"Trucy, Trucy, come on, I can't- can't breathe!" he cries out, and Trucy slowly comes to a stop
Miles throws an arm over his eyes, panting, then peeks out from under his arm to look at Trucy
"Are you feeling better, Daddy?" she asks and he smiles at her
He holds and arm out to her and when she climbs onto the couch with him again to cuddle more, he says, "Thank you, Trucy. I feel much better"
Miles falls asleep for a nap shortly after and Trucy dozes on his chest
Phoenix comes in to tell them that dinner's ready and ends up walking right back out to leave them be
He does snap a photo first, though
Edit: I realize too late that this didn't fill in all the ask...asked for, so here:
During the tickling, Miles is trying to stay as still as possible so he doesn't end up hitting his daughter
She's making it very hard for him
It seems as though she's been taking notes during the rare occasion when Phoenix tickles him, because she's getting all his worst spots
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
Send me some asks, I got a free day today!!
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
No problem thx btw
No problem at all!!
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
Do you know Miles father? Gregory edgeworth? If so I would like to request headcanons
How do you mean? Like, in relation to the whole tickling thing? Because while Miles technically knew that tickling existed, in my headcanon it was never a big part of his life until he got with Phoenix. Gregory did tickle his son every now and then but it used to embarrass poor Miles so much that he didn't do very often.
Now Miles is more comfortable with himself and can handle being tickled, but only by his husband (or his daughter Trucy, when she's being a bit mischievous).
If Gregory could see Miles now, he would be so happy and proud that his son had finally found someone he could be so at ease with, someone he could goof around with and not feel foolish for doing so.
That's all I can come up with, but thanks for the ask!!
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
Also by the way I can't find the 2nd headcanon you did. I read the 1st and 3rd but can't find the 2nd. Where is it?
Here you go!
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
That was very nice, thanks a bunch for the fan fiction dude!
No problem!
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
Your welcome I can't wait :D
Just posted it!!
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
Wrightworth Tickle-fic 2: "To Make You Smile- Part II"
It was a few weeks after the handcuff event and Miles was in the process of packing up for the day to head home. His day had been terrible so far: he'd gotten to the office late after dropping Phoenix off at his own workplace due to an accident that caused traffic, and therefore had been questioned extensively by his mentees (which was fine, but they had pestered him so much); subordinates hadn't done what they'd been assigned, and so he'd had to pick up the slack as well as lecture them on how to do their job; people kept coming in and demanding things while he was trying to work; all these things and more had Miles beyond frustrated and stressed and exhausted mentally.
He made it out to his car and drove the short distance to Phoenix's office. He called and let his husband know that he was outside.
As soon as Phoenix opened the passenger door and got in the car, it was obvious that Miles wasn't in a good mood. So he kept his conversation to a minimum, only offering a quiet "hello" and a small smile. Miles responded, but he seemed so tense that Phoenix left it at that. They rode home in silence.
Upon arrival to their apartment, Phoenix held Miles' hand as they went up the stairs, carrying his things for him the whole way.
They entered and dressed down, and Miles dumped himself unceremoniously on the bed with a sigh. Phoenix combed his fingers through Miles' hair, and only when he saw the other man's shoulders relax did he speak again.
"Hey, Miles... Can I try something? To help you feel better?" he asked carefully.
"Hmm. Depends. What is it?" came the tired reply and Phoenix frowned. He hated hearing Miles so... dejected.
He took a deep breath and said, "Can I tickle you?"
Miles turned slightly and fixed him with a very confused look, and Phoenix hurried to explain himself.
"Look, I know I literally never tickle you, but it always helps to cheer me up and I thought it might help you, too. Y'know, 'cause laughing just makes you feel better sometimes."
Miles sighed and rolled onto his back. "How do you want me?"
Phoenix snorted and adjusted Miles' arms so that his hands were above his head, then said, "Like this. Is this okay?"
Miles nodded and Phoenix straddled his husband's waist, tapping his fingers against Miles' belly and making the bigger man twitch a little.
Miles had his eyes closed and wasn't at all prepared when all of a sudden Phoenix blew air against his stomach. A shriek was forced from his throat and he tried to sit up and dislodge Phoenix, but the brunette just pushed him back down and did it again. The next shriek was followed by uncontrollable giggles.
Miles gripped the sheets to try and ground himself against the ticklish sensations, but then Phoenix's fingers were on his ribs and he couldn't help but try to pry the other man's hands away, laughing all the while.
Phoenix was right: the more he laughed, Miles realized, the less stressed he felt, and the more intense the tickling got, the less upset he was. Not that he could contemplate the situation much, as he was being completely wrecked and his mind was cloudy because of it.
Phoenix, by this point, was absolutely eating up the sounds Miles was making, and the noises served to spur him on further. He wormed his hands up under Miles' arms and tickled the soft flesh there and Miles tossed his head back, almost cracking it against the headboard of the bed.
Mikes was smiling brightly now and his laughter was completely unrestrained, and at some point he let himself go limp under Phoenix's hands.
He was babbling incoherently and shaking his head back and forth, and his eyes had begun to water, but when Phoenix moved his hands away, Miles reached out to stop him.
"Why, Miles, who would've thought that you'd enjoy this so much? Maybe I should tickle you more often!" Phoenix teased and Miles turned his head into the pillow to hide his face, still giggling hysterically.
"Aw, look at you! All smiley... That's what I'll call you from now on, huh? Smiley-Miley!"
Miles groaned and stuttered out, "Sto-o-op!" but Phoenix was nothing if not a quick thinker.
"I tried, you wouldn't let me!"
He kept tickling Miles for another good five minutes until he heard the weak call of the safeword, and then he stopped.
He lay beside Miles as the prosecutor caught his breath, watching with a smile as Miles wiped the sweat from his brow and rolled over to bury his face in Phoenix's chest.
Once Miles had calmed down enough to speak, Phoenix asked him, "Did it help at all?" Mikes blushed and nodded, the movement slightly disrupted by the fact that he was pressed flush against Phoenix's chest, but hey, at least the defense attorney couldn't see his face.
"Look at me, Miles." Shit.
Mikes reluctantly raised his head and met Phoenix's eyes, and Phoenix pressed a sweet kiss to his lover's lips.
"Thanks, Phoenix," Miles mumbled when they parted and Phoenix hugged him tighter.
"I have good ideas every now and then, huh?" he joked and Miles shot back in a deadpan voice, "Every once in a blue moon."
"Yeah yeah, whatever. I love you."
Miles grinned. "I love you, too," he answered and then attacked Phoenix's hips with no warning.
Needless to say, the neighbors would be putting in a noise complaint that evening.
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
How about a fan fiction about Miles having a bad day and this time Phoenix is the one to tickle him to near death :O. Take you're time I can wait.
Thanks for the prompt!! I'll get right on it!! Ahhh this is so cute, thank you for this!
I'll tag you in the fic, so keep a look out bc Tumblr likes to eat notifs.
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
Headcanon 3
-Phoenix's tickle-fantasy is to be tied down so that he can't move an inch, and then absolutely wrecked
-He has gone so far as to buy the restraints needed for the job, but he's never approached Miles with the idea yet
-One day he's looking longingly at the padded cuffs and Miles walks in and sees
-Phoenix doesn't even notice he's there until he clears his throat
-Phoenix jumps and turns around slowly, his face red and looking guilty
-"What's that you've got there?" Miles asks
-Phoenix knows Miles knows so he can't lie about it. "Um... H-handcuffs?"
-Miles hums. "And what were you wanting to do with them?" he asks, genuinely curious
-Phoenix turns redder. "T-tickle me?" he squeaks, and then buries his face in his hands
-Miles comes closer and takes the cuffs out of Phoenix's hands, looking them over
-"Yeah, I think these will work.. Take off your shirt and lay on the bed, please."
-Phoenix squeaks again, but does as his husband says, and Miles cuffs him to the bedframe
-"Test them," Miles says, and Phoenix gives an experimental tug on his wrists and ankles, and the binds hold
-Miles climbs onto the bed and straddles Phoenix's waist, a dark look in his eyes, as though he wants something
-Phoenix shivers, especially when Miles suddenly drags his fingertips down his sides
-Then Miles dives in and starts kneading his side, and Phoenix tries to move away, but he can't- the cuffs have him stuck in one place
-Laughter bubbles out of him like a faucet, and he wriggles aroynd to try and escape but it's useless
-He finds himself very quickly losing breath fron how much he's giggling
-But Miles can read him like a book, and slows down a bit to allow him to breathe
-Once Phoenix is stable again, though, Miles starts again even worse than before
-He squeezes both sides over and over again and leans down to blow raspberries on Phoenix's defenseless stomach
-Phoenix goes crazy, even more so when one of his husband's hands finds it's way up under his arm, and he starts cackling
-Miles grins and doubles his efforts, and then stops suddenly- Phoenix whines at the loss
-Miles then pins Phoenix's midsection down by sitting on his thighs and begins drilling little circles into Phoenix's hips with his thumbs
-Phoneix can't even move his hips to try and dislodge Miles, and thus is forced to take all that Miles is giving him- not that he's really complaining
-Miles keeps this up but also goes back to blowing raspberries and Phoenix's laughter rurns hysterical rapidly
-A glance up at his face shows Miles that Phoenix has begin to cry tears of laughter, and with how little the brunette is moving, it's clear that Phoenix must be getting tired
-But he hasn't safeworded yet, which means he still has a bit of energy left in him
-So Miles moves one hand to Phoenix's knee, the other still at his hip, and squeezes a few times
-Phoenix's bidy goes rigid and he screams his safeword as loud as he can (just to make sure Miles can hear him)
-Miles immediately halts all movement, and undoes Phoenix's restraints- as soon as he does, Phoenix curls up in a ball of giggles, his face red and streaked with tears
-"You okay?" Miles asks, petting his hair, and when Phoenix nods, smiling widely, he presses a kiss to his cheek
-It's still a few minutes before Phoenix can properly speak, but when he can he says, "Miles?"
-"You know I love you?"
-"Yeah. I know"
-"Do you know why?"
-"I think so... Tell me, just in case"
-Phoenix sighs contentedly. "Because you always take care of me~"
-Milea laughs and pulls him against his chest
-"And I always will, Phoenix"
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
Wrightworth Tickle-fic 1: "To Make You Smile"
Phoenix walked the short distance from the Wright Anything Agency to the prosecutors building, head hanging low and eyes downcast. He sighed as he opened the front door of the building, walking unbothered through hallways and up stairs until he reached his husband's office.
Today had been a long day, from a case he just couldn't seem to crack, to the rain pouring into his office through a window that was accidentally left open, and everything in between.
Miles would help him, though.
He knocked on the door and opened it a crack, poking his head inside and calling a weary, "It's me."
Miles looked up immediately, a frown on his face at the tone in his lover's voice. "Phoenix," he started, standing up. "What's wrong? What happened?" Phoenix tiredly trudged over to Miles and buried his face in the other man's shoulder, mumbling a "had a bad day" into Miles' suit jacket. Miles ran a hand through Phoenix's spiky hair, resting his cheek against the top of the shorter man's head and wrapping his arms around him.
"Do you want to go home? I can finish my work tomorrow, I don't mind," Miles offered, and pressed a kiss to Phoenix's cheek. Phoenix nodded and sighed again. "Sorry..."
Miles hugged him tighter and said, "Don't be. I was looking for an excuse to leave anyway." With that Miles grabbed his car keys and his umbrella in case it started raining again, and pulled Phoenix into his side as they walked out to the car.
Once seated in the prosecutor's red sports car, Miles turned the ignition so the vehicle could heat up- it was chilly outside, being an overcast fall day. He then turned to his husband and placed a hand on his knee, gently squeezing affectionately, and offered him a smile. Phoenix looked up and gave a weak smile back, placing his own hand on top of Miles'.
"I love you," Miles said softly, and Phoenix's smile was a bit more genuine this time.
"I love you, too, Miles," he replied sincerely. Miles smiled again and began to pull out of the parking lot, keeping his hand on Phoenix's knee against the other man's protests ("That's not safe, Miles! A wreck will only make this day worse, you know").
They ended up getting home safely, and Miles, ever the gentleman, opened the car door for Phoenix and held his hand as they walked up the stairs to their shared penthouse (which was soley Miles' until Phoenix and Trucy moved in- their presence made the place feel less cold and empty, and more loved and lived-in and like home).
Miles held the door to the flat open for Phoenix and led him inside to the bedroom. He helped him undress from his work clothes, kissing each bit of skin that was revealed, and then assisted him in getting dressed into something more comfortable (the entire process being argued against by the blushy defense attorney, though he ultimately made no move to actually stop Miles).
Once they were both in more casual clothing, Miles pulled Phoenix against his chest and asked, "Anything else I can do? I hate seeing you so upset." Phoenix closed his eyes and leaned against Miles' slightly bigger frame.
"Today was just so stressful... Help me forget?" he replied quietly, and Miles immediately knew what he meant. The taller man carefully scooped Phoenix up in his arms bridal-style and carried him from the bathroom to the bed, gently depositing him in the middle with a warm smile. "Anything for you, love," he said, and pressed a sweet kiss to the other man's temple. "Now... Do you remember the safe word?"
Phoenix nodded, and took a deep breath as Miles joined him on the bed, sitting by his side and slowly dragging his fingers up and down his sides.
With no protection but a thin navy blue sweater, Phoenix felt his skin tingle. He relaxed into the sensation, sighing and then giggling lightly as Miles spidered his fingers over the same area. Miles then moved a hand under his shirt and repeated the action, and Phoenix had to force himself to not curl up. Slowly but steadily, the fingers on his skin moved faster and firmer and soon Phoenix was full out laughing, his body twitching away from his lover's hands automatically.
Miles changed positions so he was now straddling Phoenix's waist, preventing him from escaping, and kneaded the spaces between his ribs. Phoenix's laughter shot up an octave and his squirming became more apparent. His arms had come up to cover his chest, and Miles moved them so they fit crossed behind his back confortably.
When he was satisfied with Phoenix's position, Miles lifted his shirt and leaned down. He pressed a kiss to the slightly-soft-but-still-toned stomach and inhaled, blowing the air out forcefully on Phoenix's unprotected belly. Phoenix snorted in laughter, and Miles kept him there with more raspberries in addition to having both hands glued to his sides, tickling consistently.
"Milesss!!" Phoenix wailed, the name broken by giggles, and Miles responded with a cheeky, "What?"
"It t-tickles!" The brunette complained, though Miles could tell he was enjoying it, and Miles responded, "Isn't this what you wanted? For me to wreck you until you forget today, and yesterday, and all the days before? That's what you asked for, isn't it?"
Phoenix, who had never been able to handle teasing, turned even redder and made a whining noise, tossing his head back and forth a bit as if that would make Miles stop talking.
Miles did not stop talking. In fact, Phoenix's action only spurred him on further, and he continued, "You like this, don't you, Phoenix? You like it when I tickle you?" Phoenix's only reply was another whine.
"Look at you, Phoenix, you're so adorable... Your face is all red and your hair's a mess and you're all giggly... I'm so lucky, I'm the only one who gets to see you like this... "
Phoenix's laughter had turned near-silent and his movements were tired- the only evidence that he was still awake was the shaking of his shoulders and the little gasping giggles that escaped every so often.
Miles slowed his ministrations, allowing Phoenix to breathe but still working his nerves. Once Phoenix had recovered mostly, Miles pressed little kisses to his neck, Phoenix moving his head so Miles had better access- which turned out to be a fatal mistake. Miles took his opportunity and blew another raspberry against the man's exposed neck, and Phoenix lost it. Miles hands were now occupied at Phoenix's hips, squeezing and digging in, and he kept kissing and blowing raspberries on Phoenix's neck as well, until the poor defense lawyer's hysterical laughter turned breathless again.
A few more minutes of tickling to Phoenix's waist and sides had the man crying tears of laughter, and soon Miles heard a weak but frenzied, "Safe! Safe, please!!" and immediately his hands stilled.
Miles kissed Phoenix's tears away and held his face, whispering words of praise to his husband, who's body trembled with the ghosts of tickles and residual giggles. Phoenix was panting, his body covered in a thin layer of sweat, and he moved his trapped arms back around to hold Miles closer.
"You held out even longer than last time, Phoenix," observed Miles in between kisses, and Phoenix sighed, a little dazed. "I needed it today..." he said by way of explanation, and Milea hummed in response.
"Did it work? Are you feeling better?" Miles asked, laying beside Phoenix and holding his hand.
"Yeah... I feel like I could take on the world- after a nap, maybe." Miles chuckled and Phoenix mustered up the energy to roll onto his side and snuggle up to the prosecutor, resting his head on Miles' shoulder.
"Thank you, Miles..." he whispered, already half-asleep. Miles ran his fingers through Phoenix's sweatdamp hair and kissed his forehead again.
"Anything, to make you smile."
A/N: Okay, how was it?? If you enjoyed this, a reblog would be a big help!! I tried to keep them in character, while also hinting at the fact that they are hopelessly in love. Also, I think Miles can be a lot more romantic than we usually give him credit for. I'm working on another fic for you guys, so keep a look out for it, and thank you so much for reading!!!
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
Headcanon 2
-Miles is a vicious ler.
-After Phoenix introduces him to the tickling community, Miles takes to his newfound role as "ler" like a bird to air.
-Phoenix has been wrecked to the point of tears multiple times
-They have to have a safeword because Phoenix will lose the ability to speak from laughter some days, and Miles will not know when to stop on other days
-Tickling has become an increasingly regular thing for them, it happens every day multiple times a day
-When either of them has a bad day, the other will do their job and make the other happy again:
* this means Phoenix will convince Miles to tickle him bc he knows hearing him laugh always cheers Miles up
*and Miles will offer gentle tickles to Phoenix bc it never fails to make him smile and laugh
-On that note, Miles absolutely adores Phoenix's tickle-laugh
-Half of the time, Miles ends up laughing too hard to keep tickling Phoenix bc the brunette's laugh just sparks so much joy in him
-Phoenix is low-key shy about his laugh. He'll try to keep himself from doing it but eventually it tickles too much to hold it back anumore and he basically erupts like a volcano
-Miles gets this look on his face when he's in a ler mood- to Phoenix it's kinda scary depending on how hungry Miles' expression is, bc he knows Miles will not hesitate to drag him to the prosecutor's office and just wreck him during a work day
-They'll be facing off in court and Miles will get The Look and Phoenix actually turns beet red and can no longer use complete sentences without stuttering, bc he knows what's gonna happen after the trial
-The Judge is concerned every single time this happens bc he doesn't understand whats happening and Phoenix just isn't acting right
-Phoenix is a tiiiny bit of an exhibitionist lee bc they'll be hanging around at the Wright Anything Agency while Phoenix finishes some things up and everyone's there and Miles will call him over suddenly and Phoenix knows what's about to happen. He starts stammering and blushing as he makes his way over to Miles and then Miles drags him down to the couch and starts drilling his thumbs into Phoenix's hips and the defense lawyer immediately starts cackling.
-He's like, not even trying to hide it at this point- everyone else is used to their antics by now. Phoenix doesn't ever try to get away, he just burrows closer to his attacker, which is weird to everyone else bc he's literally screaming "stop" at the top of his lungs but he just stays put????
-Everyone at some point has assisted Miles in tickling Phoenix for some reason or another, and it never fails to make the poor man scream even louder.
-The Agency got a noise complaint one time, but due to Miles' autbority and renown, that didn't happen again
-Trucy once asked them if it was a kink, and they were so embarrassed that they abstained for a whole week- they ended up explaining to her at some point that, no, it's not, it's just a really fun method of non-sexual intimacy.
-They only abstained for a week bc by the end of that week Phoenix's lee mood was through the roof and Miles could sense it
-He tickled Phoenix for an hour and a half non-stop when Phoenix finally caved and practically begged him for tickles
-Oh yeah.. Phoenix's lee moods are either nonexistent or raging. There is no in between
-Miles found him one day laying in bed, curled up in a ball and giggling to himself, and poked him in the side- Phoenix fell off the bed then climbed back up and pressed as close to Miles as he could. Miles dragged his nails up his back and went to town and Phoenix's hysterical laughter could be heard down the street
-Arguments are oftwn settled with tickling bc "you can't stay mad if you're laughing!"
If you want more I can make more!! Please send in questions or requests or your own headcanons!!!
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
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More Wrightworth!
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
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Wrightworth tickles, if you will
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wrightworth-tickles · 5 years
Headcanon # 1
-Phoenix is 100% lee
-he gets flustered when someone says the word "tickle" no matter the context
-when he gets together with Miles, he always provokes the other man into tickling him
-which is usually Miles' go-to as far as payback goes
-Phoenix's most ticklish spots are the space between his hips, his sides and under his arms
-Miles absolutely knows about them
-after they get married, Phoenix decides to tell Miles about his fixation with tickling
-he hesitates, but by that point he's already got Miles' attention, so Miles coaxes it out of him
-Phoenix, blushing like crazy, stutters out an answer: "I-I like it w-when you t-t-tickle me?"
-Miles grins, catching on
-"Is that a question? Or are you telling me?"
-Phoenix turns even more red, hiding his face in his hands
-"You probably think I'm weird now, huh?"
-Miles chuckles, "I already thought you were weird, Phoenix. This doesn't change that."
-but Phoenix is still pouty, looking unsure of himself, so Miles scoots a little closer and hugs him
-"You know, I think you're really brave."
-Phoenix looks up. "Why??"
-"Bc you clearly dont feel too confident in this part of yourself, so for you to tell me is very brave."
-"You don't think it's weird?"
-"Not really... For you to enjoy something that makes you laugh isn't weird to me at all."
-Phoenix just buries his face in Miles' chest, mumbling a thank you, weak fron relief
-Of course, Miles attacks when Phoenix least expects it, and tasers his sides
-Phoenix throws himself away from Miles' hands in surprise, ending up on the other end of the couch
-Miles laughs and pulls him back over, gently squeezing his hips and watching as Phoenix flails
-"I thought you liked this, why did you run?" Miles teases over Phoenix's already hysterical laughter
-Later, when they're lying in bed, Phoenix grabs Miles' hand and kisses the back of it
-"Thank you, Miles."
-"I love you, Phoenix. I'd do anything for you.."
-Miles pulls Phoenix close and they fall asleep aoon after
(I'm not the best at endings, so I'll leave this here for now)
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