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wowfyloo · 10 months ago
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so. haikaveh
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wowfyloo · 11 months ago
Do you have a Danger Days timeline? Because I am trying to make on and I am STRUGGLING
i do, though i’m still building parts of it. rn it goes from the 1960s to the 2030s so it’s like...a vast stretch of time that devolved into alternate history. i can’t share the whole thing because Spoilers but i use it to keep track of world events and character ages and stuff and i’ll probably share it once i feel like i wouldn’t like...give away massive important stuff by doing so lol
if you want a hint tho? make shit up. i seriously honestly just shuffle shit around as much as i need to in order to make it make sense because i will tell you this: this timeline is NOT consistent. like in the slightest. it is not consistent between the music videos and the comics, and it is not even internally consistent in the comics. 
if you want to know how MUCH bullshit the danger days timeline actually is:
the may death never stop you trailer puts 2019, explicitly, as the year that everything Happens:
California, 2019. In the final days of The Helium Wars, and shortly after the disappearance of Australia, Better Living Industries unveils Battery City: a shining utopia free of decisions and emotion, and capital of the entire remnants of America. A triumph threatened only by a young orphan girl with a terrible secret. Running from the Corporation, she befriends four freelance anarchists, children born of violence and rock and roll.
like you mean to tell me that battery city was established and somehow got a LOT of political and social capital in the same year? possible, maybe, but i’m not sure how plausible that is - especially if a word-of-mouth revolution as widespread and culturally ingrained as the killjoys have been around for at least as long. the final days of the helium wars (which canon often conflates with the analog wars for an extra layer of confusion - were they the same war? who knows!! the lore never tells us this!) happened at the same time?
when the comics came out, it added a whole nother layer of mindfuck. the phoenix witch calls the fabulous four “teenagers” despite the fact that they were played by fellas in their thirties. for my part, i placed them somewhere in the middle age-wise, varying from late teens to early twenties - young, but not in middle school.
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but we can chalk that up to a lot of things - dawson casting, the fact that mcr was playing characters younger than them and not merely versions of themselves, etc. but that bit of weirdness pales in comparison to the timeline for the girl’s age in general.
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she was “born on the battlefield” according to the phoenix witch, so her mother couldn’t have given birth to her that much long after she was caught and turned into a drac. so, let’s say 2015 at the latest. even putting aside that 2019 was assumed to be the year that the music videos took place, the timeline we get in the comics is utterly nonsensical. if the girl was born in 2015 at the latest, that means that she would be twelve by the time the killjoys were exterminated in the comics timeline, 2027. all this despite the fact that she was a) young enough to have forgotten their faces once at age fifteen, and b) the fact that the comics estimate her age to have been around six when she was with the fab four.
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on TOP of that, the comics claim it to be the “twelve year anniversary” of the death of the fabulous four, and no matter what the girl’s age was when she ran with them...why would she be fifteen?? that means that she was three when she was with the killjoys - not six like vamos posits, and not twelve like the comics timeline would claim. she would be eighteen at the youngest, but the comics puts her at fifteen - and that file we see up there is supposed to be present day since it mentions cherri cola and the ultra-v’s, both of whom the girl only got tight with during the events of the comics themselves and not before.
in conclusion: the canon timeline we get is inconsistent as fuck so we all decided Fuck That and started making shit up
at least that’s what i did lol. like, you are straight up not going to be able to come up with a timeline that follows every piece of canon we get and makes cohesive sense. i have tried, and it’’s a lot. it’s a headache, and it’s not worth it. i have no idea why the timeline is so fucky in this canon and at this point i have chosen to shuffle around when things happened for the sake of consistency without sacrificing the events themselves. i put the death of the fabulous four at 2019 in spite of the comics timeline, for example.
what makes it easier for me is to visualize the whole thing as like...a story. which obviously it is a story but visualizing it as more of a legend or myth that’s being told through different versions and by different narrators. different people have different pieces of the puzzle and different people will remember things and when/how they happened differently. for someone, they remember the exact date of something and know when that event happened. for someone else, they remember only pieces but guess at a date at random. it’s like a story being told through different perspectives and as it’s passed down and down and down, certain things get lost, rewritten, moved around, and outright forgotten.
the phoenix witch and bl/ind are not reliable narrators - they emphasize different parts of the same story. the ultra-v’s are not reliable narrators - they weren’t there when the events of the music videos happened. cherri cola is not a reliable narrator - he was emotionally involved in a lot of aspects of this history and blames himself for certain things beyond his control. the girl is not a reliable narrator - she doesn’t remember a lot of the earlier parts, by her own admission.
the timeline doesn’t make sense. i chose to move things around while retaining what happened but not everyone does, and i don’t blame them lol. i wanted consistency so i just decided to start doing it myself cause uh this timeline sure is a Lot
so in short go hog fuckin wild and make up when shit happens because this canon is allergic to consistency
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
Killjoys doodles that i did many time ago!!
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i have so many draws to show here ! you can follow in my twitter if you want :D
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
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wanted 2 draw an al-haitham for the kaveh i drew a bit ago and got very much carried away
(comic transcript under the cut cuz my handwriting sucks)
(Ordering takeout because they're too lazy to cook)
🏛️: Why are you squinting? if you can't see put on your glasses.
🌱: I can't
🏛️: And why is that, Mr. Grand Scribe.
🌱: If i wear my glasses i'd have to take off my headset
🏛️: ... Hayi, You've had glasses for 10+ years, and you havent fixed that?
🌱: Can you order for me
🏛️: ... Fine.
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
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UNDERWATER - A short comic about Kaveh’s insecurity
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
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[read left to right]
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
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(Read left to right. This is some kind of sequel to my previous comic “Model”)
And the they had lunch in the most awkward silence of their lives.
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
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New Haikaveh/Kavetham comic finished ! 
(Read left to right)
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
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rip kaveh
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
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so. haikaveh
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
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That's one way to shut him up.
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
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This is what I’ve learned about haikaveh from the twitter tl let me know if it’s right
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
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kaveh was, in fact, not listening
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
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wowfyloo · 1 year ago
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