wos 2: comoros
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This is the blog for Season 2 of World of Survivor: Comoros
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Hello to the Final 2, the jury, and the prejury. It has been 56 days, but now, there are only 2 people left. Andrew and Regan. One of you will win. You have both outlasted 16 other people. 
Tonight, you want to see your name written down. There will be 9 votes, and you need 5 votes to win.
For the final time, I will read the votes.
First vote....
"I hardly knew Andrew Gentile. I mean, I wanted to. I wanted to know him more than I had the chance. We never had the chance to get closer. And not once did I take him for granted. Not once." Even though, yes, Regan did better than people were making her out to seem, I think you did play a superior game than her. I hope we can talk more after the season and be on friendly terms. That's why, I vote for ANDREW to win Cumoros. I'm sorry <.<”
Second vote....
Third vote....
“Good luck!”
Fourth vote....
“the winner should be someone who didn't have to rely on immunity wins to get to the end”
Fifth vote....
Sixth vote....
That’s 3 votes Andrew, 3 votes Regan, 3 votes left.
Seventh vote....
Eighth vote....
That’s 4 votes Andrew, 4 votes Regan, 1 vote left.
The ninth vote and winner of World of Survivor: Comoros.....
Congratulations ANDREW for winning World of Survivor: Comoros in a 5-4 vote. After a long season of betrayal, blindsides, and bonding, you have emerged victorious. 
Thank you to every player for signing up and playing this game, and we had a great time hosting all of you.
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You say it’s your first time making it here to final tribal council in a game that’s not a mini, if so, congrats. In the first merge vote, you were panicking, saying that you were being targeted and you were freaking out. I came up to you and told you, I do not want you to go cause I had liked you then and I did try to “save” you, but I had not heard your name from others and then I’m told that you were actually trying to throw me under the bus. Did you really throw my name? And if so, why? I was bothered by this as this was before what happened in Arendelle, even though I didn’t really do anything to you in Arendelle either. Please list ALL of your games and your rankings in them. People perceived you as a goat, so explain how you were able to achieve your max “goatential” if this was your plan all along. Describe how every jury member benefitted your game. POST ALL INDIA CONFESSIONALS XOXO
You barely talked to me in the game. The only time we talked was talking how we would finally get to talk as we both had spring break. We didn’t have a single conversation during spring break.. Then when we were trying to find out who visited Debbie at exile, it was Cochran, and you told me Boston Rob. You spent more time talking to me in a live challenge than in this game.
I’m curious to know why, from your side, I know I didn’t talk to you either, but why didn’t you try to talk to me? Did you felt comfortable with your alliance?
Please describe how every jury member benefitted your game. Also, in video format, please read the first three chapters of My Immortal without making any negative, including sarcastic, comments about it.
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my placements- Pearl Islands (idk thjat game)- 12th or something. its back to basics Conquest: Faroe Islands- 7th Endure Palmyra- 12th RRN: The Lost City- 8th??? Survivor Supreme: Black Forest- 11th or 10th or something Survivor: halloweentown: 15th I wanna say WGE- Probably 77th place Survivor Jeju Island- Final 7 I wanna say at least Survivor 2017- 5th BBHell 1- 17th BBHell 6- At least 17th. Big Brother UK- never been nominated, top 10 Big Brother: nemesis- Last place Tumblr Survivor: Kiwayu- 15th Tumblr Survivor: Rebels and Rogues- 16th I never played Somalia Can You Survive 24- 24th Survivor Storybook: Agrabah- 7th Survivor Storybook: Arendelle- 11th Survivor: Pacific Islands- Malibu- 15th or something idk I stopped keeping track Survivor: pacific Islands- Rakirua- 14th Deception- 12th, Jury Survivor: ORG- Wikia-  I forget Back to Basics- Amazon: Idoled out 15th place. I WAS ROBBED.
Okay, so I was a goat. I think I could just easily exaggerate how much of a goat I was because I'm Regan, I showed people my jury speech from jacks skype survivor. And not only that  but people never took me seriously. Like people would rather let hell freeze over than vote me and I had to emphasise that because of my personality people don't want me to win. I just didn't hold back and I blew up whenever, so then people would just see me as annoying. I didn't hold back, I did screw over Karen. Like for so long even I felt like I was a goat until I took control and started to look back at how I actually played.
Shea- It defined allied lines. Chips- I think it showed that not everyone was being truthful and showed that I couldn't necessarily trust Karen and Andrew in the long run because they were not telling me the truth during that vote. They split the votes and it showed that since they didn't tell me, yet claimed to be my top 2 allies, that they only were in it for themselves and each other. they didn't care about me. So I knew moving forward that I could not trust them. So it helped me knowing that information Logan- It flipped the game, I felt like I was at the bottom until that vote. It flipped the game for me, I could play my own game once we took out enough people from the other side Rob/You- it helped me get the final ally out of the other side, before I actually started thinking about me. Drew was the other side, but this was just part of picking y'all off. We knew the other side (daisy, you. drew) didn't have idols at the time due to this vote and no one playing an idol, despite you all knowing you were screwed Drew- We took out the biggest threat. this helped me really align with Daisy and Veronica, it started that final 3. I finally begin to work with the other side. It was just impossible to work with the other side with him still there. Him and Luke were too tight. Karen- This vote defined my game, I have used this for a lot of my jury speech because this was my biggest move. it set our final 3 in stone. And moving forward put everyone else below me daisy and veronica on the bottom, come final 5. as us 3 were now running it. Luke- He was just an immunity threat and was winning this if he made it to the end. I felt like it gave everyone a better shot at winning Daisy- I had zero shot at winning against her, like I think it made veronica trust me more, and made my chance at getting to the final 2 greater, as I was going whether Andrew or Veronica won. This was another move I took a big part in, because I could've easily tied it, but I didn't want to screw over my closest ally. I could bring to the final tribal council that I was completely loyal to my one f2. And that I was completely loyal to both daisy and Veronica. Veronica- This was not my decision, and if it was she would be here. But that being said, she was so likeable I felt like I would have a very little chance against her now hearing others speeches.
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I feel like the reason I didn’t talk to you much was honestly a falter in my social game where I didn’t know how much I could trust you. And it wasn’t that I had this immense distrust for you, it was that I had good separate relationships with Karen, Veronica, Daisy, and Regan as well as a connection to Drew and Luke. At that point, if I had loyalty to everyone then that would just be a way bigger mess than what was already potentially happening. Of course I could have made the effort to talk more in game, because I did think you were cool talking outside the game. And I’m not gonna give a rant about “communication is a 2 way street” because at the end of the day, I’m at final tribal council and something like this should be on me in terms of reasons why or why not to vote me. So I do apologize for the lack of communication. It was nothing personal, just a hole in my social game that I wish I didn’t dig. And I hope we get to talk more after this game and maybe play together again where we can talk more!
Shea - I feel like while Shea and I didn’t end up working together, they were someone who I was really set up to a little bit later on. I voted to save them that night, and they ended up going home. However, at the same time this vote out showed where certain loyalties were lying at the beginning of this merge because there was such a split vote.
Chris - Someone I was very closely aligned with. They were someone I had a lot of trust in, and they were someone who made me feel strong in my social connections. Unfortunately, Chris was voted out too early for me to really do damage with him.
Logan - I definitely should have talked to Logan a lot more, and I regrettably never got to align with him. However, one thing that was a good takeaway before they were eliminated was information  they gave to Karen (who gave it to me right after) that Daisy, Rob, and himself were not as tight as everyone perceived. This showed cracks, and really showed that Daisy was going to be alone in this game. This proved to me that Daisy wasn’t going to have many numbers after the Sapphire Idol play, and let it be known to me that I was individually going to need to get Daisy back on my side again and get them to trust me again.
Rob - You were another indicator of how it was shown how Daisy didn’t have the numbers that I thought she had, especially after the Sapphire Idol play. This only further drove it home to me that I was going to have to get closer to Daisy through this merge and get the trust between us strong again so that we could work where we could moving forward.
Drew - Someone who gave me insight on some of the going ons in the game that I didn’t know about. Him and Luke were both working with Daisy and Logan (to my given knowledge) at some points and I was seeing where Drew and Luke stood. They seemed more in the middle and it was kind of showing that this really was a game where I didn’t want to see Drew get close to the end. He also was not very subtle (sorry Drew) with the fact that he got the idol. Then again, maybe it wasn’t entirely his fault as it was more so the faults of others.
Karen - Whew Karen was my ride or die this game. She was my closest ally and someone I got to work through strategy with with the knowledge that I could trust her with the information we exchanged. She was the person I trusted the most, and had the most loyalty in. She really made me feel secure when we would work together, and I think we made a pretty awesome duo.
Luke - To go back to the Drew idol situation, Luke was someone who was a big confirmer that yeah, Drew had it. But even bigger than that was that fact that Luke flipped on Drew. Getting Luke on our side to take out the player who he was assumed to be so close to was very important for my game, as we not only took out a huge threat with the help of Luke but also the idol that everyone had been dreading about all game. It is also important to note that similar to Chris, he made me feel secure in my pre-merge loyalties.
Daisy - I was with Daisy from the very beginning of this game. She, like Chris and Luke was again another person who made me feel secure in my loyalties pre-merge. When we got to merge, we found that we were both on a bit different sides. However, Daisy ended up being a benefit when she was shown to be pretty alone in the game. I would always talk with her after each individual immunity about how she would be safe, and then there would be some planning from there. Of course we weren’t always on the same page, but it was the loose on again off again connection that we had that would aid me in the votes, especially the complicated split votes.
Veronica - Another one of my closest allies in this game. Veronica and I were also close from the beginning. We were super excited to play together, and I knew I could count on her for a number for the majority of the merge. When Karen and I aligned with her in our chat, she was a big number to have when orchestrating the split votes. Also, on a somewhat more personal level, as we neared the end game she was good at making me feel more comfortable about Regan and Daisy in terms of saying how she wouldn’t let me get voted out had I lost immunity. She was also big in leaking important information from the alliance of herself, Regan, and Daisy much before Regan or Daisy even told me that was a thing.
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okay, so i wanna start this off by saying that i really do love the both of you a lot and i had so much fun playing with the both of you <3 secondly, i didn’t 100% show just how genuinely upset i was when i was voted out because i wanted to be nice and non dramatic and what not BUT since we did tribal so early in the day i had time to wipe my tears, get over the sadness i felt, and then let my sadness fester into petty bitter extraness. so with that being said i know i promised regan my vote already but that’s off the table so i can i have some sort of leverage to get y’all to answer/do my three part questions/demands. which i know y’all weren’t wondering but in spirit of being petty i specifically chose 3 parts because i got 3rd place. hehe.
PART ONE – ROP! because i was in the final 3 with y’all, i didn’t get a ROP from either of you and so i want one now, and yes flattery will get you everywhere but i want a genuine 100% honest thoughts about me and memories in the game and whatnot shit which should be simple enough and like it doesn’t HAVE to be at least 300 words….but it’d be nice :////
PART TWO – POEM! i want a poem written about me and i want it to rhyme preferably not half assed and in good length but this one is very iffy just because if its super short but really good then it will be okay and i just wanna smile and or nod my head in agreement so do with that what you will
PART THREE – QUESTIONS! just so i’m not a completE troll in my jury statement/question thing i will ask some genuine questions about your game play and etc.
1. you said time and time again that you wanted to see me in the f2 with you and you always talked about loyalty between us. if you would have won the final immunity, would you have taken me?
2. you’re possibly the most emotional player i’ve ever encountered……..ever. why should i give you my vote when you let your feelings cloud your judgement and actions in game?
3. what would you say are the strengths and weaknesses in andrew’s gameplay?
1. ok so forgive me bc u already know i don’t know much about survivor, but explain to me in detail about your specific strategic side of your gameplay because from how i see it the only truly 100% strategic thing (and not just social) you did was use the sapphire idol, and even that didn’t go as you planned, so to me as of right now i only see your entire gameplay as – talk to everyone and then rely on winning comps or youre out
2. as you said in your speech, you had it easy pre-merge because you were always on the winning tribe, but i still don’t see why i should vote for someone who only really had to play and do heavy gameplay towards the middle to end versus regan who didn’t have the cushion of immunity pre-merge and had to work her way to the end. can you explain to me why i should still vote for you although you didn’t work as hard as regan?
3. why didn’t you tell me you were voting me out in pms like i had asked you the night before :///
IN CONCLUSION –– i really do love you both as people and a large part of why comoros is my favorite survivor game i’ve played is due to you both and i don’t make any promises to not make half joking/half genuine bitter comments about this game (esp to u andrew) but i wish you both the best of luck and i will be voting based on responses to my question/statements and to others and from what i know about each of your gameplays and hopefully YALL don’t hate me after this extra ass mess that i had to do bc like if i’m not gonna win or get the runner up spot then i’m gonna have fun and being the bitter bitch that i am
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ROP: You were my closest ally in this game and you know that. I felt like karen and andrew were on the top of our alliance and we were on the bottom so I'm glad you and I flipped it was the right move. And thank you so much for listening to me in the karen vote. Means a lot because without you I could not have done it. It would've went to rocks. it changed our games for the better.
Poem: I hope I won't lose your vote because of what I wrote. The fact that you're mad makes me really sad. Remember before you went you promised me your vote is that really what you meant?? I cannot write well, I'm sorry writing a good poem to you would take a spell. I really think you will keep your word I hope, or else I don't know how to cope.
1) yes I would have taken you. If that meant I would have lost 9-0 (or something idk I'm bad at counting) then that really sucks. But when I tell people I'm sticking with them I will. I was very loyal to you and daisy and I only voted daisy out because I had to choose. I hoped to win immunity so it would be us 2 like we always planned. I felt that we were on a more equal playing field and plus I wanted to see you at the end with me
2) I'm sorry that I was Emotional I guess my feelings do affect my game a lot. but nothing anyone said to me or did to me personally affected who I was voting out. Karen was always extremely kind to me and I have zero reason to hate her. same with daisy. but I had to vote them both out. I did what was best for my game. so why I would say emotional things, I wouldn't act on it. or  else my game would've gone differently and Luke would've gone earlier because I was upset by things said by him. Veronica I may have been mad at you due to another game but I didn't let that affect my final 2 with you despite saying it might. you were always someone I wanted to be loyal to.
3) Strengths: -Very good physically. tried so hard in every challenge like he even brought his laptop to class in order to win final 4 immunity. that's commitment -Commitment. as I mentioned before he never gave up even though after Karen's vote he may have felt dead in the water. he tried to convince us to keep him and also never gave up on immunity and had an immunity streak going until the end. -Loyalty: he was extremely loyal. I don't think that until the final 4 he was planning on voting out you me or karen. he wanted it to be us 4 in the final 4 and it hurt him that Karen left. like emotionally not his game play really.
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RoP - Whew I really hate what I ended up doing to you in this game. And I don’t think any amount of apologizing will be able to make it better. But I am glad that you still want to continue this friendship because I very much do as well. When we both first saw we were not only in this game together but on the SAME TRIBE, it was hilarious. We were both freaking out and made sure we were gonna have each other’s back. You were not only an awesome ally, but an awesome friend to have as well. Like I told Daisy in her RoP, it’s become more difficult lately for me to kind new people I could really befriend in games because it’s the same people playing a lot of the time. And while we were friends already, this game helped out a lot. We were always so excited in PMs together, and honestly one of my favorite memories of this game is gonna be the call we did for the checkers challenge where we just kept cracking jokes about the mess that was happening. I loved playing with you and getting closer to you this game, and I really look forward to continuing the friendship. Thank you for being the ally and friend that you were, even though I ended up doing what I did at the very end. Ily mom <3
Poem -
Veronica, my mom You are the bomb diggity. Yes With a goodnight streak You make everyone weak Memes for days Queen of the gays Lady Gaga who?_Veronica_
Roses are red Veronica is our queen Her messages will light up any laptop screen She won Mystic Falls And we march down the halls Chanting so strong queen? Veronica
Mother of Sinnoh Queen of Comoros How we love her so Veronica
1 The talking to a lot of people aspect of my game was to open the doors for me to implement the strategies I wanted. You won’t know how people are voting and you can’t get people to vote the way you want them to without talking to them. And that’s what I had to do. A big part of this game was making sure people voted the way I wanted them to, because this was a game of split votes. At least at the merge. There was so much that could’ve gone wrong with the Sapphire Idol play (which ended up benefitting me anyway) and all of the other votes up to Drew’s elimination due to his idol. So split votes had to be implemented. And with a split vote comes a lot of talking and pushing different agendas onto people as to convince them to vote a certain way. Get this person to vote person number 1 for one reason and get another person to vote person 2 for this reason. If you want an example of a plan other than the Sapphire Idol, we could move to Drew’s vote out. This required getting Luke on our side, making sure that Daisy would be on board for the vote, and getting the alliances together to split the votes the way we wanted them to. It also required the convincing of Drew that Luke was the one going home so that he would not only protect Luke but make himself vulnerable to be voted out. There’s so much that goes into these plans that I spent a lot of time working out the necessary voting distributions that I wanted to go down. And I’d say I had a good success rate overall. Through working with alliances and talking to various people separately, a lot of my strategy ended up working.
2 I understand the dilemma of not wanting to vote someone who as safe all of pre-merge. However, that’s something that was very much out of my control. It’s very circumstantial how the tribal immunity wins play out, and you fight to win those as to see another couple days in the game. So, I’m hoping that isn’t something that devalues or discredits my game. And like I said in my opening statement, I used that time to make the necessary social bonds I needed to in order to get me to the end. I know that Regan had to go to some tribals, but what I had heard from during the swap is that Regan was never really in any danger. From what I had gathered, Karen, Drew, and Regan were going to be too tight-knit to be broken pre-merge, and they stayed together throughout all of the pre-merge. So I’m hoping this doesn’t discredit my game, especially because people like Daisy and Chris, who played good and respectable games up to their eliminations, could have potentially faced the same criticism as well had either or both of them made it to the end.
3 I honestly, truly had no figured out what I was doing that night. I dunno how much you believe that, but it’s the truth. You and Regan as well as the hosts all knew that night I was very overwhelmed with irl situations, and I really kinda just won the immunity, stayed online for a little bit, and logged out to clear my mind from not only this game but what was giving me anxiety irl as well. This isn’t something to make you pity me or feel bad for me, it’s just the truth that I was already very overwhelmed that night, and when things like that happen I always tell myself and other people to get offline for a bit if it means you’ll be calmer. So, when I woke up late the next morning and made my decision, I went to you guys in the chat, waited for you both to be present, and revealed it to you both. And that’s all the 100% truth.
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Regan, you betrayed me, you were someone I thought I could trust but silly me for thinking I could actually go this game without being back stabbed right? You're sitting next to someone who stayed loyal to me up until the very end, can u tell me why you are more worthy of my vote over someone who was a loyal ally?
Andrew, I'm so proud of you and I'm so glad that we got to work together this game and we did pretty well tbqh so yay us for that, that being said I do have a couple questions for you. 1. Had I not been blindsided and had we both made it to f3 would you have taken me to f2? And 2. Some the votes post merge we didn't really know what was going or our plans wouldn't necessarily go the right way so I wanna know what % of your post merge game was based on  luck as well as what % was the strategy, comps, & social aspects?
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you should vote for me, because I took control of my own game. I voted you out because I saw you as the biggest threat it is a compliment to you. I wish I was seen as a threat. You were good socially- people in general love you. Like, you were going to win. Yes, Andrew knew it was lowkey happening. Yes, Andrew still voted with you. I am not sorry I wasn't loyal, I will not apologize for furthering my game.
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GOD I wish you still hadn’t been done dirty like that. But I am super glad we finally got to work together all the way through a Survivor game together up until one of us died due to the hands of someone else. And I agree I think we did pretty good for ourselves. And I had an awesome time playing with my Kardad.
Whew okay to answer the question of taking you to final 2, I would have. You were my main, number 1 loyalty in this game. I probably would have lost to you, but you were my first real deal when it came to getting to the end. We came to each other first before pledging to Regan, so like me taking Regan over Veronica, I would have taken you over any other person we were sitting at final 3 with.
As for your percent question, I’m going to say that 10% of it was luck based. Luck based being the fact that that Sapphire Idol find was truly a gift from the Survivor Gods™ themselves. Had we not gotten that from auction, I dunno what would have happened. So I will accredit 10% to that item find as it did juristic that entire tribal where it was played. I would honestly and confidently say everything else of the 90% was based on strategy, social connections, and competition wins. We would work through every vote very carefully to try and work out the voting distribution the best we could, I made sure be social with the right people in order to try and correctly navigate through those votes, and I won quite a few challenges where after winning them, I was told “whew good thing you won because you were gonna be getting your torch snuffed.” And those challenges were challenges that I really worked out. So in all honesty, the luck portion I’m going to have to give to the Sapphire Idol find. Because even with that find, the vote distribution was thought out almost perfectly, and on top of that - me getting you to throw a vote to me last second to save me I thought was a huge move. If I hadn’t done that, I would have gone home.
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First, thanks to the hosts for this super fun game. It allowed me to make huge moves, make friends that I'll cherish forever and was ultimately just a well put together game so well done y'all!
Andrew: I didn't realise that my vote off was so hard for you until reading your ROP but I just wanna say don't worry, it's okay, I completely understand it and you're still a king in my eyes! Your opening speech was really good and opened my eyes to some of the things you did in this game beyond just winning immunity challenges so props to you for managing to do that. We came into this game pretty fresh from Malibu which is a game where we didn't work together so I was excited to work with you but ultimately that fell apart. My question to you is: Can you tell me why I still got votes on the Drew vote? I came to you and poured my heart out and told you I wanted to get Drew out but I STILL got three votes. Why should I vote for somebody who voted for me when I was presenting you with an opportunity to better your game.
Regan: Why should I vote for you when it's clear to me you weren't very loyal to anybody this entire game? You screwed the entire jury over so why should they vote you?
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I honestly didn't. I had an alliance with Karen Andrew and veronica very early on in the merge. Karen was my ally day one. I had to vote her off because you made it clear and so did others that Karen was winning in the end. And not only that, but Karen was a triple threat as I saw. I had to vote her off. Luke, we were never really allies we didn't talk until it was too late. When it came down to the point of Daisy, my final 3, and Veronica. I had no other choice but to vote out daisy. I had a final 2 with Veronica, once I realized it was a final 2. I made pacts and stuck to them. If that is not loyalty to you, then I apologize. I was loyal to those with me But I stuck to my final 3 I had made. I made two and only betrayed one person due to the fact that she was a huge threat. I never made a final 2 with you, because you were too strong.
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This is an explanation I think you’ve definitely deserved for a while, so honestly I am glad you asked about it. At Drew’s vote out, there was still a huge concern that he’d pull a fast one and play the idol on himself. That meant that if someone were idol’d out, the options were yourself, Karen, Veronica, Daisy, and Regan. So there had to be someone that received votes in a split vote. Karen was my closest ally, so she was out of the question. My next closest allies were both Veronica and Regan, and I didn’t want to lose them either. Lastly was Daisy, who I still wanted to keep in the game and have trust me up until close to the end. I wanted to keep that relationship with her. So that, unfortunately, left you. The others wouldn’t plant votes on each other, so it seemed like it just had to be you. And I will apologize for it right here, right now. Because you did pour your heart out to me. And having to split the votes on you sucked. But in my mind, the fact of the matter was that at this point, well shit I’m working with everyone except Drew - the guy who could be saving himself with an idol tonight. So if he does that, then who goes? So I weighed things out in my head, and even while working with you for that vote, you were with the person I had worked with for the shortest period of time. I had to put more trust in the others simply due to the fact that my loyalties had lasted longer with them. The votes just didn’t seem like they could realistically fall on anyone else in the split, and I’ll say again that I am sorry that after all of that emotional talk you had with me about the vote, that votes still landed on you. This was just a part of the game where I had to take emotion out of it and trudge on. And I’m sorry.
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Regan, I think your take on how you played the game was very well formatted, but it left very little to the imagination. A lot of what you said can be picked at with scrutiny due to the fact that you made claims that others can (and already are) tearing apart in that those were the plays that they felt they personally made. While this is a problem of perspective taking and not a fault of your own, I just thought I'd give you the heads up that in a game of resume building and trying to outlast, outwit, and outplay one another some moves that we may think are our own are often shared.
As for my question for you personally, I felt I would ask something with a bit of layers because, while what you said you did whilst playing this game does look quite impressive as a story arc. The whole "flipping to the top" and "appearing weak while controlling things" is impressive, but you stated in one of your first few sentences that you were never targeted in this game while I know for a fact that you were targeted numerous times. In fact, you were supposed to be the easy vote if the pre-merge tribe had ever attended tribal before merge as well as were supposed to be the vote at merge until I created some disunity amongst the players by openly targeting Drew while Shea was openly targeting Rob. All of that disunity coupled with the fact that Karen was feeding you information let you know that you were to be the target for the round, but you said that you never were. Why did you make this claim?
Also, since that's nit-picking (like I said, us jurors are going to be sifting through your statements to find claims for you to back up with how you played) I will give you a follow up question that is unrelated to your never getting targeted claim. My second question is, were you fully aware of your status as the "goat of this game" after a certain point? Everyone seemed to want to align with you because they knew you stood no chance of winning. Was it really strategy to allow that perception of you to go on and land you in the finals or was it lucky that you were perceived this way and it just guaranteed you a higher place (albeit not the title of Sole Survivor)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew, to begin with I just want to tell you that as someone that I feel is a friend of mine that I am glad that you did what you had to do to get to the end and avenge my blindside. That's really great so far as your story relates to mine in the game. I know, that's selfish to talk about myself as a jury member, but here I am... doing just that. In your opening statement you stated that it was nice to be in a game where you didn't know a lot of people and that it gave you an opportunity to play a more freeing game and then I was added and you already knew me. My question about that fact, in general is in which games have we played and in how many of those have we aligned? I just want to know this for personal reasons.
You also seemed to have played a game where you did what you had to do and got into relationships with people that you saw as getting you closer to this final tribal. When navigating the vote which of your fellow castaways would you say was your biggest hurdle to overcome? Were they somebody that you plotted to remove immediately or somebody that you just couldn't see yourself working with?
Finally, Veronica has told the jury that she fully intended on taking the second place finish because she felt you were close enough to her and loyal enough to her that you would take her. She has told us that she told you (and has since told us) she would respond to all jury questions with nothing but pictures of goats. Why would you take out someone who had undying loyalty to you and would give you a guaranteed shot at the title of Sole Survivor due to their want to tie for second with their close friend?
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1) I guess its my fault for not remembering that round as much as the others, but what I meant was besides one round I got no votes. I got 2 votes in total. My name may have been mentioned a lot but I always made sure the vote turned to someone else. I know I had help with that. but I never wanted votes on me because yes, I was scared of going home. I always tried to convince people there was no reason to let me go. And also, I had allies so I always felt safe. Because they made sure that I wasn't the target also. I stuck myself with trustworthy people
2) I was well aware of my goat status after merge. I never understood it but I emphasized it after a while .And honestly starting at the Drew vote, I tried to change that, while still being under the radar. In order to get Andrew to take me to the final 2, I emphasized the fact that he could easily beat me, while I didn't think that was true. I told him I was a huge goat and I listed the votes he would easily get over me. So yes, I helped it further my game.
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God I actually had to look through the games we played together BUT I found that they were in fact: Caribbean, Madagascar, and Burma aside from this one (which we were very much aligned in). With Caribbean being my first game ever, and you being on my very first tribe, I really remember wanting to trust everyone. Honesty, I trusted you in that good ole Rackem alliance, and I remember being totally blindsided by your vote out. But you were someone I was definitely working with that game! Then there was Madagascar. The game where we weren’t really together but were kinda pretending until the line was really drawn in the sand with JC’s boot. Then it was WAR. But a wholesome war at that. Burma we were aligned on the Brains, but I never really got to continue the relationship at merge as I was voted out in the fake merge :’)
For the castaway that was voted out who was the biggest hurdle, I would have to say Drew. The guy is such a huge threat in EVERY. DAMN. GAME. HE. IS. IN. And in these games it’s always 50/50 between him and I. This game, I didn’t want him getting anywhere near that finish line. So when we got him voted out through his idol misplay on Luke where he was completely vulnerable, it was a strategic weight lifted off my shoulders. Obviously not a personal one because I love the guy, but he was definitely my biggest competition in my eyes.
Lastly, onto the Veronica question. I know Veronica had a major loyalty to me. But I just saw winning against her such a more difficult feat than going up against Regan. And like I’ve said in my opening speech and a few other jury responses now, my official loyalty to Regan came before my official loyalty to Veronica. In a final 2 situation, it’s basically “who are you fucking over?” And it sucked but I stand by my decision. Even if it was a tough one. And with the whole goat picture thing, I think realistically and logically that shouldn’t have been the main thing I based my decision on. I could only imagine how stupid I’d look if I Veronica began giving her speech by saying “you’ll never believe how I tricked Andrew into taking me hehe” before sending an entire opening speech with no goat pictures in sight. I don’t think I was guaranteed a win if I had taken Veronica like you said, and even now I don’t by any means think I have a guaranteed shot against Regan either because I don’t see her as a goat either. That was just something I couldn’t logically base my decision on, and at the end of the day we all know Veronica wasn’t a goat. She was a major contender to win.
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To both of the jurors: I did not get to know either of you before my vote off. Had the plan actually worked, where would I have fallen in your plans? A fun question: what is your favorite childhood memory?
To Andrew: We did not talk very much at all this game, maybe twice, and yet I was willing to work with you. Why did you throw the safety vote on me? Why not Drew?
To Regan: You talk a LOT about yourself in your ROP, which is fine! I want two things from you. 1. Give everyone on the jury a GENUINE compliment, and nothing basic like queen or omg ily or something like that. 2. What surprised you about the way I played? How would you have worked with that long term?
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The plan worked according to me so. like I was so in the dark about your vote. I had no clue My favorite childhood memory is me locking my parents out of my house when we moved. I climbed on top of boxes of food and locked them out but I barely remember that.  Idk. just playing video games with my best friend all the tiem 
Logan- I love your confidence in yourself. I know it's probably extremely hard to come out, but you seem to have a ton of confidence and didn't let other peoples opinions get you down Shea- You just like me are very outspoken, I love how outspoken you are and how you are not afraid to tell people OFF Chips- I think you are a very loyal person, in games and outside of games and I love that about you. Other peoples opinions of your friends and allies never seem to phase you. Its one of the best qualities to have to be honest Rob- you have a very kind heart. I think it makes you more sensitive, and that's a good thing. You're very sympathetic and empathetic to people and their situations in general I love it, that means people will open up to you more in life.   Drew- When you go for something, you give it your all 100% no matter what it is, and I feel like that definitely translates to real life, it's not just in games. Karen- You're just a fun person to be around. You never take anything too seriously, and you really can lighten up the mood and you can make people laugh so easily Luke- I feel like you're very honest, you aren't afraid to express your opinions about people, without blowing up yk?? You do it in the right ways and more subtly. Daisy- You're very trustworthy, you don't tell things people tell you to others. People can easily trust you with anything and everything. Veronica- 1) You're outright gorgeous 2) Loyalty 3) I think I just love how caring you are and how nice you are. Like you do not have a mean bone in your body. And I don't think I have met a better all around person
What surprised you is that despite how loyal you were, you could recognize a threat when you saw it. You could recognize that Daisy was a threat and that you needed to turn at some point. I think if I knew that you would flip on the threats and stick with people who actually were on an equal playing field (like no one was a 10x bigger threat than the others you know), then I would have been willing to work with you. And you also fought to the very end. I wish I talked to you more because of this. I thought you were so attached to daisy and rob, and I'm sorry for assuming, because You had plans of your own in your mind
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I honestly never really saw taking you out being in my long distance plans. It was really Daisy and Drew that I would have wanted out first, and I knew that you had reached out to Karen in pms the night you were eliminated. Which made the sting of you going even worse. Honestly? Idk why I didn’t vote Drew. I panicked. I panicked that he was going to play his idol and that no votes would be cast. And then some revote would happen where I lost Veronica or Regan as a number. I just wanted the Sapphire Idol play to be what took someone out, not a revote. I wanted to create chaos, and stir the pot, and change the direction of this game. It didn’t 100% matter who had gone, even though Drew going probably would’ve been more convenient. I feel like Karen and I could have worked closer with you had you not gone. And when I say I wanted to change the course of the game, it ended up doing just that either way. Daisy was alone with you being eliminated and her saying Rob no longer trusted her. And now Daisy was someone I could still try to work with here and there, and that’s when my over-arching strategy of keeping Daisy safe and always telling her it wouldn’t be here - but be someone else - come into play so that she would trust me. I can never apologize enough for the fact that my safety throwaway vote ended up costing you the game, but in reality it did change this game for me. Maybe that was the thing that got me to the end, or at least started my path to it? While all of that is still a factor, I am sorry it was you, and I am sorry you working with Karen and I never got to come to fruition.
As for the childhood memory (my cheesy English Major ass is ready to write hehe), one really special one to me is from one of my family trips to Florida when I was 11. Myself, my parents, brother, sister, aunt and uncle, and 2 little cousins would go to Florida every spring break in April to visit my grandparents in Florida. We would go to the beach every day for a week, and it was honestly some of the best moments of my childhood. One memory that’s always gonna stick with me is when my mom took myself and my cousin who was 8 at the time on a walk down the beach. At the end of the beach if you were to walk right down it was a cove where a bunch of small boats would pass through and dock in a bay. The water was particularly clear over there, and it was honestly just a pretty spot. This time that my mom took my cousin and I, we saw this blob moving around in the water, and when we got closer it was a damn MANATEE. I’d never seen one in person but I was thought they were adorable, and as it swam out to the ocean I tried taking a bunch of pictures of it with the shitty digital camera by parents bought me a few days ago. I just remember my cousin and I chasing after it as far as we could on the shore before it got into the darker waters, but it was super exciting. And now manatees are officially one of my favorite animals. Aubry Bracco is shook btw.
Like I had mentioned in the other answer, I panicked about Drew playing his idol. It was implied that he had it, and I just wanted the Sapphire Idol to jurisdict who ended up going home. No “all votes being negated” situation. No revote where I could lose a close ally. I just needed things to happen the way they happened to shake of the game so that I could gain footing while everyone else was trying to regain their footing, even if the person who went home was someone I didn’t wanna see get their torch snuffed that night.
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regan - after rites of passage there was a bit of backlash from the jury because people felt that you a) used an opportunity to essentially suck up to the jury to instead make it about yourself and your gameplay and b) took responsibility for certain moves that people felt were theirs, and not yours. do you think these actions reflect those of a winner?
Andrew - when pleading for my life to you, you told me that you felt more loyal to veronica and that you planned to take her to f2 and you hoped she would do the same for you. in your opening statement, you claimed to have played a loyal game, yet you didn't take veronica to f2 even though you were apparently more closely aligned with her than you were with regan. in fact, you claimed to have a f2 with regan for a long time, yet she told me the night i went home that you were, at that very moment, promising her f2 (for the first time in the game). so my question is, how do you expect us to vote for you on the basis that you played a loyal game, if you gave up those loyalties for an easier win?
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a) I am a genuine person, I don't get what people don't understand about that. In my everyday life, I cant be mean and in this game I wasn't mean. I was explaining to the jury why I voted them out. Other people were just talking about how much they loved each other, which  I wasn't going to do.
B) I took responsibility for karens move, which I took a big part of. I flipped that round. I decided to go to the end with you and veronica that round. Drews vote was not my move, and I know that it wasn't. Logans wasn't my move because I was shocked by it. I wont take credit for things that weren't my move. I did make the move of voting you out because I could've make it tie, but I knew you were a threat to my game. Karens vote though, back to that. I think that was my move. because I decided to flip that round. And that I talked to veronica that entire night to get her to flip, she trusted me so I had to talk to her. So yes, I believe it was my move. Its not possible for that move to occur with me flipping. Because veronica waS NOT FLIPPING WITHOUT ME. yes, I believe it was my move
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In regard to the part of your question asking why I think I deserve to win based on a loyal game, I wanna delve into that a bit. In my opening statement, my main arguments to win were based around the aspects of my social and strategic game along with physical game that kept me safe during times where I could have been very vulnerable. I don’t think that my opening statement was really one based around loyalty, in fact - looking back at my opening statement to double check - I don’t mention it as a reason for me to win at all. Loyalty was a reason why I took Regan to the end, and loyalty was a reason I stuck to certain players as long as I did. I’m not asking anyone to vote me based on a loyal game. I’m asking to consider voting me based on the game I played in terms of strategic, social, and physical aspects. If we do want to look at loyalty, I tried staying loyal to people as long as I could. I made sure you were kept around for as long as I could until you needed to be taken out as a threat. I was loyal to Veronica, however I knew she had a huge chance of winning too. Of course it is wrong of me to have dashed these loyalties, but in a game like this sometimes super difficult decisions have to be made. Also in terms of promising Regan loyalty, that was something we had going for a long time. And it was before I had officially promised going to the end with Veronica. It was going to be myself, her, and Karen getting to the end had I personally gotten my way. And Regan is still at the end of me despite everything that went down, and even in light of this being a final 2 where I had to decide between 2 of my biggest loyalties in the game.
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Andrew, I’ll admit you’ve played a good game however the idea that someone with my name who is not me winning this season is disgusting(tm) and I think it would be hilarious if you lost to Regan of all people. Please explain why I shouldn’t give into my ego and fuck you over for my own amusement. (Delightfully and l*vingly penned by Kendall)
Regan, by laughing at me and calling me a ho on my way out and popping bottles with Karen, and repeatedly telling me I don't deserve to win another game, you blatantly brought factors that should have no bearing on an enclosed game into the game. Why should i even bother looking at the "great game" you supposedly played, and not just take you at face value for who you are outside of Comoros, in the same way I was viewed?
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Did I actually call you a ho on the way out? Look Karen and I were just finally happy that we could get the biggest target in the game out. I'm sorry, I do think I'm a good person outside and if I hurt you I am genuinely sorry. I do not expect your vote, I disrespected you, but I do hope to be friends after the game. Thank you. Please look at my game the way it is, and if you don't I understand.
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I think that, like I said in my RoP, we’re two game players who understand each other. Or at least, I understand you I think and I’m hoping that you understand me. I feel like we both play similar games. We’re always on a wavelength of “hmmm, am I or am I not working with the Andrew/Drew? I guess I can this round but next round not too sure. But the round after that? Totally!” I’m just hoping that the ego you’re talking about tells you otherwise when it comes to voting, and I really do hope you end up voting me. This is a game I worked extremely hard on, and I’m not doubting Regan did too. But I hope you see my game as more respectable, at least in your eyes. I can’t talk for the rest of the jury. I don’t want my work to be dashed because of the reason you’re telling yourself to vote Regan. If I lose, I want it to be because you and the rest of or a majority of the jury believes that Regan played an overall better game than I did. At the end of the day, I am hoping that you vote me for the game that I played as compared to Regan’s and not for a reason your ego will try to tell you.
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Hello plebians, and presenting the rest of the jury... Monsters Inc.
I didn't read your speeches, I don't really care what you guys have to say. Not in a mean way, I'm just not interested in you guys trying to convince me of things that aren't true and trying to talk your way out of things.
Andrew, You real cute, but you're not gonna get my vote just on that. I think you taking Veronica was cowardly, since you knew she would have beaten you. I don't think Regan is as much of a goat as you think she is. I want you to explain to me why you voted off Veronica and how that doesn't make you look less confident in the game you played.
Regan, I don't think you're a goat, you're an emotional player but that doesn't bother me and I think it worked in your advantage this game. I think you played the middle a lot, and coasted the middle to the end. You played a pretty strong game, but you rubbed people the wrong way and in a game filled with arrogant, self-centered people, they don't care about the game you played, they care about how they see you. Explain to me how rubbing people the wrong way helped your game, and if it had any strategical value to you, explain that.
Goodluck to the both of you. You're lucky Veronica isn't here, because she would have had my vote no matter what.
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I don't think I rubbed people the wrong way, I'm sorry if I did. I don't think people get I'm actually a genuine person. I did try to claim what I Believed were my moves. And I'm sorry if that rubbed people the wrong way. I mean to be as genuine as possible. I guess taking credit for moves I believe I made, rubbed people  the wrong way. but I do believe I played a good game. I wish I could give you a better answer. because I was not aware I rubbed anyone the wrong way until now
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Honestly, deciding between Regan and Veronica was the toughest decision I had to make in this game. I had promised final 2 with both of them, but at the end of the day I had promised Regan first. And that was my loyalty coming into play. I know I was loyal to both people and they were both loyal to me, but I had to go with the person where my loyalty had lasted longer. In terms of why I took out Veronica, it was because I think I have a better shot against Regan. At the same time though, I don’t think Regan is a goat. I know there is a stigma against her, but I’d agree she played the middle effectively to where it got her to the end. Even though I’m trying to come off confident in my jury speech, I’m still super worried Regan can beat me! I honestly thought Veronica had a way better shot than Regan even though I still think Regan could win anyway. I also think that had I taken Veronica, then there would probably be very similar criticisms as to why I would have taken her over Regan. It was a super tough choice where I could only take one person, and again, this wasn’t me thinking of Regan as a goat as it was me wanting to stick to my longer-lasting loyalty and at least have a better chance of winning walking into final tribal council. Also, in terms of the confidence aspect of your question, I would say it doesn’t show any falter or lacking in my confidence. I knew that Veronica was going to be tougher to beat. I knew she hadn’t burnt bridges. She had a solid social game, and was almost never the target only up until the very end. I really feel like she had a better chance than both Regan and I, so in that aspect I made a decision not only based on loyalty to Regan but also based on the fact that I wanted to go into this final tribal council with the best odds I possibly could’ve had.
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Hello jury! I am so grateful that I made the final 2 and I’m beyond proud of myself. I think I let it known to everyone that my best placement is 5th. I’ve never made a final tribal or final 2 in big brother, except in minis. I know people would rather let hell freeze over than let me win, because of who I am in this community. But please give me a chance to explain why I deserve your vote
 Where do I even begin? usually in games I’m a target from day 1, and my life in the game is just a ticking time bomb. I was never a pawn in this game though, I was not really someone people chose to vote for. Because I got myself into a group day 1. I made an alliance right away, and stuck with it. I got myself into an alliance with Karen, Drew, Logan, and Andie. With that, we took out Drew’s target, Kage, then picked off the other 2 on our tribe on Anjouan.
My social game helped me make connections with everyone and slowly go from being the “goat” in a final 3 to the top and making my own choices, although I always was. At merge, I made a quick final 3 with Andrew and Karen. And I was the connection they had to Veronica. Again, proving my social skills to be vital to my gameplay and interactions within the game. While Veronica was close with Andrew, no one seemed to tell her that much.   The Logan vote occured and that is the one vote I felt out of the loop for. But I knew it was best to get me back on top. So I was happy that the vote went this way, knowing it was not in my best interest to work with logan. I then knew I could do whatever I needed and wanted to do to make it to the final 3.  
I always had a plan of flipping to the side of Daisy and Luke. I just had to wait till the time was right. I did not want to be seen as a "goat" to Karen, so I begin to make the game I was playing all along more obvious, without becoming a target because people needed me in the game. During the Drew vote, I was working on the side of Daisy, Veronica and Luke. Drew was the biggest threat still in the game, he can win over any jury and any jury member despite how bitter they are and I’ve seen it happen. Me, Daisy and Veronica formed a final 3 during that vote. It was with the 2 people i wanted to work with all along.
Then next vote, I came up with the idea to get Karen out. It was harder to do considering she was a close ally and friend of mine, but I turned her into a target with the help of Veronica flipping. She was the biggest threat to my game and her connection to Andrew could ruin my game if someone else won immunity come final 4, and in the chance that it was a final 2. The problem was convincing Veronica, but I did do it I convinced her that Karen was threat in all 3 forms- social, strategic, and physical- and that she needed to get out while she was vulnerable. So we did it, we got her out. I told her that Daisy might not trust her if we just kept picking off Daisy’s side, which is true. And with that vote our final 3 was set in stone. We had a chat and everything. We got Luke out- the threat who was always oh so close to winning immunity.
And while our planned final 3 did not happen, I had to make a tough decision come final 4. Andrew won immunity, the worst possible scenario, and I chose between Daisy and Veronica. I chose to vote out Daisy, as I promised Veronica once we found out it was a final 2 that it was us 2. It was always going to be us 2. And Daisy could easily win, she was on the bottom then top then bottom then top again. So I did that, even thoguh I could’ve forced a tie, which I did not want to do against my closest ally. Then come final 3,
I convinced Andrew I was enough of a “goat” as he saw me to take me to the final 2. Although I believe I completely dominated the social and strategic aspects, while he dominated the physical part.  He had a final 2 with me, I needed him to keep it. I convinced him he had to keep it. Now here I am and I will answer any and all questions.
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Hello jury! Before I get into what I want to say, I would just like to thank the hosts - Carson K, Jay, and Carson C - for hosting a super fun season! You guys are awesome <3 Also sorry this is gonna be super long, but I want to lay everything out there for you guys.
To start my statement off, I will say for myself that this was a very difficult season to navigate once merge hit and my tribal immunity was gone despite the fact that the first half was quite admittedly easy. I’m not going to sit here and say how difficult pre-merge was when I never had to attend a tribal. However, that does not mean that there was still a lot of game to be played during that time. It was during the merge phase of the game where the stakes were raised for me monumentally, and everything was thrown for major loop after major loop. I’m going to use this final tribal council speech to try and convey to you all on the jury why I think I deserve the win based on my overall gameplay both through the pre-merge where it may be thought that I didn’t have to do much, and the merge where a lot of that gameplay that I did actually do paid off and allowed me to successfully maneuver my way through to the final 2.
The beginning of this game was a breath of fresh air for me, seeing as I really did not know many of the people at the start. Lately, it had become difficult to find a game where it feels like I am starting fresh and don’t really need to focus on potential pre-existing relationships. So naturally, I was pretty excited to start playing. On my tribe, I found myself connecting with a lot of people I didn’t really know. The only thing that really changed things up for me during this time was the addition of Chris (Chips hehe) - who I knew prior to this - to the tribe after Lilly’s quit. While we did link up when he came in, I still was solidifying new and improved relationships with Veronica, Daisy, and Luke. Veronica and I were just newly friends, but we had never played together before. Daisy and I had never met, and we clicked pretty quickly. Luke was someone who I knew but had never played alongside in a game, and we were really just acquaintances at the start. The thing was, I didn’t know who to trust in the start of this game. But, I managed to find a solid pre-merge group in Veronica, Daisy, and Luke with the later addition of Chris.
Through the pre-merge, and even at the swap, we found a core group of myself, Daisy, Luke, and Chris seemingly running alliances. We had side relationships with quite a few people, and were really trying to make sure that any tribal decisions involving challenges or the very important Exile were swayed in the direction we wanted. Which honestly, they really did seem to be! And as the tribes I ended up on kept winning immunity, I was safe and was allowed to culminate relationships that would hopefully work out for me when we did hit the time that I would be vulnerable. Even during this time, I was getting close to Austin and Brandon as numbers for myself, however they both left pre-merge. But, I still had a solid number of social connections. Through all of this time, I really tried to make sure that I was super close to Veronica, and that I would be the closest ally to Veronica over people like Daisy and Luke. The reality was, this group was going to hit a point where we’d have to vote one another out (which we inevitably did), and I wanted to make sure I was set with numbers. That’s what the pre-merge was for me: making sure I was set up socially as to continue keeping myself safe and have what I wanted to happen, happen.
Then came the point where we finally merged. And me and a few other people were finally vulnerable against the vote. It is very important to note that at the swap before merge and before the mutiny, I was put onto a tribe with Karen, Regan, and Drew. These 3 were ironically the 3 people I knew the most coming into this game, however I wasn’t on their starting tribe. Now I was finally faced with them, and was not entirely sure how to go about this. However, loyalties between groups were not tested on this new tribe, as we all made it to merge successfully not going to tribal during that period of time. It was now at the merge, where I found the game starting to crumble for me. In a vote where I was told Rob would be going, Shea went instead. Shea was a potential ally of mine that I wanted to get close to, and their elimination was irritating for me as I lost a potentially sprouting ally as well as someone else I could get to know, and the fact that the person who I was told going, didn’t go was also irritating. At the same time, I thought it would be easy to pick up the pieces. This proved to be a failure once again as Chris was blindsided by people that I was previously aligned with, and with Chris’s vote out, I was blindsided as well seeing as I did not see him going home that round.
With the merge not going well for me, I didn’t want to give up. I knew that I was very close to Karen and was becoming closer to Regan, I knew I had Veronica for a solid number, and I knew that I could still maintain some form of relationship with Daisy. I also knew that Drew and Luke were still people I could talk to for different information. I still didn’t like my position, but the auction came along. Knowing I needed an advantage, I found an extremely effective item in shaking up the game. Everyone’s favorite blue devil rock - the Sapphire Idol. So, I told Karen about it, and we worked out a super screwed up and contrived vote distribution that we almost got entirely right, save Daisy getting one less vote than we thought. However, that night I voted Logan thinking I could throw my vote as to not mess up the distribution, and the vote got super screwed up. One thing that is super important to mention though, is that had I not gotten Karen to purposefully vote me 5 minutes before the vote, she would have voted Daisy (giving her 4 votes) and I would have only received 2 votes. And with that the vote would have ended up 4-3-2-1 where I went home on 2 votes and would have Sapphire’d myself out :’)
After the Sapphire Idol play, everything exploded. No one knew what was going to happen next, and I accredit that to myself saying “lmao I wanna be chaotic for once because screw how this game is going.” So I was chaotic. And it paid off with Rob and Drew going in succession with split vote plans and Drew misplaying his idol as well as Luke betraying him. Of course, things fell through when Karen was blindsided. However, that night before the vote when I was skeptical Veronica was going to vote Karen, I went to her to make sure we would still be good “no matter what happened.” (Aka - are we good even if you vote out Karen tonight?). With that, I was solid with Veronica and we managed to take out Luke and Daisy back to back. On top of this, I managed to save myself with 5 immunity wins where I was told that if I had not won them, I would have been sent home. And with being safe like I was similar to pre-merge, I still played my heart out to try my hardest to see if the votes would go my way. And I managed to win up to final 2 where I had to make the toughest decision in the game in the form of voting out one of my 2 closest allies. So here I am now, against Regan who I have been aligned with for quite some time. I sit here asking you to please consider all of this gameplay and to convince you guys that I deserve the title of Sole Survivor for this game. While I feel like Regan was good at maneuvering as well, I think I played the social, strategic, and physical aspects of the game better. And I’m hoping that you guys all take that into consideration. I’ll take any comments, questions, concerns, or downright drags on my gameplay and will try to answer them to the best of my abilities. I appreciate you guys taking the time to listen, and I wish Regan good luck in this final tribal. Thank you again hosts for the amazing game, and thank you players for making this game what it was. It was awesome playing with you guys.
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Jay - Fuck you
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Regan - Kage!!! I love you so much. you're an amazing person and you're iconic. but you had to go. I was in an alliance in the beginning with Karen, Drew, Logan, and Andie. Drew's sole mission was to get you out. And so we followed that and the alliance of us got you out. So sorry. You had to go to please Drew. 
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Regan - I wish I got to know you better. You seemed nice and very new to the community. Wish you first real game could've been longer. (at least I think it was your first). Maybe we can talk after the game. But you were had to go next sorry
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Regan - Bun- Sort of the same thing I said to aqua. I never met you before. never. I don't think I talked to you once during this game. I wish I had. You were probably a nice person. but like aqua, you were just a casuality in our alliance. 
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Andrew - Rip I wish we coulda had more time together but you got super engrossed in your Legend of Zelda game asdfghj. I know you weren’t super into games though when you were eliminated so I hope we get to play together again soon when your head’s back in the game!
Veronica - you were so inactive in this game just like the other 2 we were also in together. i don’t know how you got voted out in this game but it 100% had to be because you were just not around. rip.
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Andrew - WHEW tbh you had me really worried like all of pre-merge so I wasn’t super super upset you went. That being said it was fun getting to know you and watching Great Lakes was a ton of fun!
Veronica - you were so messy and idek what you tried to accomplish the day you were evicted but it didn’t work and u walked so ur lame
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Andrew - Rip I realize we didn’t talk much. But I’m sure you’re awesome anyway!
Veronica - i honestly don’t remember you or at least cant think of you atm and i tried to look at my history and i have no convos with any ryans so idk if u actually existed and ya idk
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Regan - You were swap fucked and completely and utterly robbed. You deserved to make merge and make final 3 with me. I love you so much and I was so happy to finally play a game with the iconic andie. You were the one person in that alliance I knew I could trust then boom just like that you were gone. YOU WERE ROBBED. Queen <3
Veronica - ily my egg you were done so dirty when like me and two others left our tribe and u were left with logan and some other person i cant think of now maybe it was ryan idk but u know i love you and i wish you would have stayed longer
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Andrew - Whew your boot was a wild one and I wasn’t sure what to expect. I know you’re a sweetheart though and I wish you stayed a bit longer so we really could have talked more and solidified not only a game relationship, but a personal one as well.
Regan - I don't really remember how you left. But I do remember that you saved me. You literally saved my entire alliance. Because Andie sent you nudes. You are weak honey <3. That's why you turned. You set my game up to be as great as it was. From the point on where you flipped, I took my game into my own hands, and I thank you because now I'm in the final 3. and I have a 1/3 chance of winning. 
Veronica -  games always do us dirty when we are in it together tbh I’m happy it did u dirty and not me (at least at this point in time) but ur pretty and beautiful and stay that way 
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Andrew - Your boot was even more crazy than Shea’s and honestly I was just as blindsided as you. I was expecting that if I had survived early merge, that we would have been going deep together. But my entire game got flipped upside down by your elimination, and it was really a turning point for me. I wish it hadn’t happened, but know that it changed the whole course of my actions.
Regan - I know you're mad at me right now because of your game. But listen I was blindsided by your vote. I had no clue what happened. I had no idea about the split vote. I didn't plan that, because Andrew and Karen always had their own plans. But I voted with you that time, I never wanted you to go. You were a vital ally to me, at least I believed that. 
Veronica - we really didn’t talk that much but we were in an alliance together idr the name of it at all and it had a couple of others in there as well and i was one of the two people that didn’t actually know or had plans to do u dirty and vote you out from our alliance so when you left i was actually shook 
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Andrew - AAAAHHH NNNNN AAAAHHH okay I need to compose myself. Getting to know you even though we didn’t talk a ton was great. We’d talk a lot in the tribe chat and tbh you seemed like an awesome person who I found really easy to interact with. So when the S*pphire Idol vote happened I just- god. I am so sorry that you were the victim of that. In terms of this I say that everything happens for a reason, and I managed to get to the final 3! Idk if that woulda happened either way, but you really didn’t deserve that and I’ve waited like 3 weeks to say that. I hope you aren’t too upset at me over it and that we can remain friends when this is all over.
Regan - I thought I was at the bottom, but then your vote happened. this vote turned my entire game upside down. Yes this was Andrew's sole move, it was the move that sent you packing and turned the game around for my alliance. Yet, after that I knew my game was mine. I knew that because I had the numbers I could control my own destiny. No one saw me as a threat so once you got out and I knew I had the numbers, I could control my game. 
Veronica - ily but we never really talked in the game but u were one of the people that i wanted to wait until the last possible moment to even suggest as a vote and you were done SO dirty like i was literally the :o emoji when i saw you were voted out but you’re so amazing and i hope if we do play a game together again that we work more closely next time
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Andrew - Another person I got to talk to a bit more through this game! I mean, we were never really together, but things were always chill with you and you were one of the people that really made this merge cast just seem like a personally calm one (even though everyone was constantly strategically freaking out oops). You’re vote out was yet another wild one but I’m glad you fought in this game as hard as you did.
Regan - You were just a casuality to get Daisy out. You didn't deserve it, but we also knew they'd least expect you to go home. Once we figured out that we made a mistake in creating the alliance we creasted we also realized that you daisy and logan were working together- along with drew and luke. And that we had to do something about it. So we voted you out.
Veronica - ok so like you are one of the nicest people ever and you’re literally so good at games and i wanna host u so bad and like you already know i think all this because I’ve told you but its true and i was sad to vote you out but at the time i needed to for the better of my game and ya don’t hate me pls
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Andrew - Drewbert. Whew. Idk what to even say. We’ve played so many games together, and it’s never a case of us being super against each other or super with each other. I see that as super similar in us because we’re adaptable people in my eyes. One second we’ll be against each other, but then we’ll end up close allies. Another game we’ll start out together, and the come for one another. But it’s always in the spirit of the game and never malicious and I’ve always high-key appreciated that. I’m sorry your boot happened the way it did, but it just looked like one of those times where it inevitably flipped to us being on opposing sides. You’re always a fighter though and that’s something I always love to see in you, and I think/am hoping you’re able to say the same thing for me.
Regan - Oh poor Drew. You have won so many games I cannot even count. You were going to win had you made it any further. What you don't realize is how important your vote out was to securing my spot in the final 3- maybe even the final 2. that move started the alliance of me, Daisy, and Veronica. And from there we controlled the game.  Once we got Luke and Daisy to turn on you, my final 3 with Daisy and Veronica was set in stone. I realized at your vote that I needed to continue to play under the radar so  I could slowly but surely pick off the others not in our 3, one by one. 
Veronica - this still applies so I’m just gonna copy and paste what i said to u in mystic lmao
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Andrew - KARN my dad what did they do to you : ( NNNN you were one of the bigger players in this game and I feel like we both totally saw our dynamic duo-ship being broken eventually, but when it happened your Sondrew was sad. I am glad we got to finally work together through an entire Survivor game until one of our eliminations at the hands of someone else though. And that’s literally after a year like?? I’m shook. And we actually worked well together which was EVEN MORE SHOOKENING. We were really doing that huh?
Regan - You got out because of me. Let me make this clear- You. go. out. because. of. me. Hate it or love it. this was my move to make. Daisy and I were willing to go to rocks to get you out. We were gonna vote veronica to save her ass in the tie.  Then just hope you got rocked out. I spent this entire round convincing Veronica and telling Veronica why you needed to go. I got Veronica to flip, and that was 10 minutes before tribal. I had to convince her that daisy trusted her, because she was on edge thinking that Daisy didn't despite our deal. I had to get you out because you were the biggest threat to my game. I had a final 3 with you and Andrew. But that does not mean I was going to stay loyal. I was until I realized how many votes you were getting in the end- people loved you and you seemed to be leading our alliance thus why I had to cut you. 
Veronica - karen i actually love u sm ur iconic and a queen and honestly would have won this if i hadn’t done u dirty and voting you out was one of the hardest things i had to do bc like u already know I’m 100% lesbian for you and i promise u that if we are in a game together again i will actually die for u 1000% pls marry me i left jev for u ily
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Andrew - God your vote out was a super emotionally charged one. You fought for your damn life and it had me shaking in my boots. Even when I was YELLIN that I had to go host a live tribal for Solomon you wouldn’t give up. For the time we did work together though, it was pretty great. This merge was such a wild one that I didn’t know if we would be able to get to the end together or not, and I’m sorry that we didn’t. You were a big player though, and sometimes big moves gotta me made.
Regan - you did not deserve to go. And you fought so much until the very end. The thing was no matter what you said or did, you were going right after Karen. Daisy liked you, I liked you but you were a huge challenge threat, while I'm not sure if you would have won the jury over, we needed to get you out before you ruined our chances of going to the final 3. As soon as you lost a challenge your game was over. if you won this, Andrew would be sitting on the jury and not you. 
Veronica - luke ily as a person but i DID NOT trust u in this game and RIGHTFULLY so…u tried to get me out >.> ya freak and like i remember we were on call once being like “why don’t we work together in the games we are in together?” and like we should have but i don’t think it was ever meant to be…maybe one day………..
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Andrew - Ooooooooh my god this was also one super upsetting vote out. And ya wanna know why? Because I haven’t made a good friend like this from just one game in a while. A lot of the time it’ll take a couple games for me to become acquainted and then really get to know someone. And I feel like now that I’ve been in this community consistently playing games for a year and a half now, it’s harder for me to do that. But we hit it off really quick! And I thought you were an awesome person! So honestly it was awesome getting to know you, and I will forever feel shitty about your vote out. But you fought like many of the other people I’m addressing in these speeches, and I’m glad you did. I hope we get to keep talking after this game, and I really hope our friendship gets to continue afterwards.
Regan - I cried over your vote. You didn't deserve getting voted out. But I knew last night, I was the one making the decision whether the vote tied 2-2 between you and Veronica, or if you left. I was loyal to Veronica for so long and I couldn't just abandon her. You were so easily beat me, and I know you pleaded to me that you wouldn't, but I saw it as you played a good game. You got your way back up after being at the bottom multiple times. You fought your way until the very end. You asked for an extension on the vote because you wanted to give me your plea one last time. truth is, I would've lost a vote if I made it tie and possibly made veronica go packing. It also just wasn't good for my game. I couldn't risk losing to you. I'd rather go out at final 3, knowing I'd win if I made it, then lose in a final 2.
Veronica - ok whew from all the people i think i did you the most dirty in a way just because i knew it was gonna be either me and you when one of us had to be voted out and you were a threat im my opinion so i had to get you out and remind regan that it was smarter to get you out over me and not let it go to rocks but i love u and you were a great ally in this game and ya if we ever play in a game together again i know ur a loyal trustworthy person and ur just so great and ur snap stories are always so lit bc you be serving up some looks
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Andrew wins Individual Immunity! 
Your votes are due to your Host Chats by 10 PM EST on Tuesday, March 11, 2017.
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For today’s Immunity Challenge, you will be playing Flip Out! I will send a link to a Google Sheets, and you will move your “piece” 1 space each round. The last player standing wins!
Please fill out the Doodle sent to you in the Tribe Chat.
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