workindarkness · 7 years
“Only that I have most horribly enjoyed this evening. Ending it with a murder most foul is perhaps an even more entertaining concept, albeit sad I don’t know my killer’s face,” he responded playfully, willing to play along with the other’s insistence for a moment. The night was almost over anyways, and he could feel himself growing tired.
Ezio genuinely, broadly smiled at that, breaking character just a little. The Templar sleeper agent had already been neutralized, after all. “Well, I think all will be revealed come daybreak,” he said, collapsing his fake blades back into their wrist holsters. “In the meantime, you may as well end the party like it’s your last night on earth. As for me...” He chuckled, dryly. “I have feathers to collect.”
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workindarkness · 7 years
The Cheshire turned, staring down at the blade for a moment with a blank stare before turning and glancing up at the guy who’d mock-stabbed him. “Oh how shall I ever live,” he replied in mock-horror, a massive grin spreading across his lips.  Internally he sighed though– some people took this just way too seriously. “Might need to try again though, darling. I’m afraid I’m still alive, and you have gone to quite some effort stalking me all evening.”
Ezio’s mouth twitched. It wouldn’t have killed him to play along... except that in a way, it would have. He supposed he couldn’t really blame him. Besides, it didn’t break his little game, really. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time one of Ezio’s victims survived long enough to hold a long conversation. “It’s a poisoned blade,” he said, his Italian accent quiet, but forceful. “Your time runs short. Is there anything you’d like to confess?”
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workindarkness · 7 years
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workindarkness · 7 years
The time had come for Ezio to make his choice. The night was nearly over. He hadn’t managed to complete his side-quest for the Rogue, which he felt sure would have given him the right answer, but at least he’d narrowed it down to one of the Cheshire cats. And it wasn’t as if he had nothing to go on. He’d overheard just a little of a conversation with the female cat, enough to determine that he was clearly the most suspicious of the three. And so he readied his plastic and collapsible blades, coating them in the imaginary and nonexistent poison he’d purchased from the Plague Doctor, and concealed himself behind the pumpkin carving station, waiting for the right moment: when the Cat was alone, so that he  wouldn’t be interrupting anything and wouldn’t get caught. 
When the time came, he seized his opportunity, spinning around to plunge one of his hidden blades into the Cat’s chest. It collapsed harmlessly against the front of this costume at the first hint of pressure. Ezio withdrew it, grimly satisfied. “Requiescat in pace.”
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workindarkness · 7 years
The haunted house was pretty creepy, but she wasn’t the type to be easily scared. Noises and props, people in costume trying to scare her… Galaxy just huffed and continued walking, occasionally looking over her shoulder. Finally, after seeing something out of the corner of her eye, she stopped, turning, hands planted on her hips. “Just tell me what the hell you want and we can both get on with our night, psycho,” she snapped.
For quite some time, he managed to maintain the correct distance from his target. But the haunted house had proved more a complicated situation that he could have imagined. No matter how well he remained concealed from her, costumed guards kept revealing his position by trying to scare him, and eventually, it was all over. Worst of all, she’d done nothing suspicious the whole time. Clearly, she wasn’t his target. Sighing, Ezio came out of hiding, his hands in the air. “Great. Mission failed, I’m de-synchronizing.” With that, he turned on his heel and stomped out of the haunted house. 
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workindarkness · 7 years
Galaxy noticed someone following her. Even in a crowded room, she could feel the eyes on her - eyes that were calculating, not lusty. Glancing behind, she huffed, then moved to duck into the haunted house. Not her ideal activity, but she was hoping to shake whoever seemed so determined to stalk her every move. Who the hell would spend a dance following someone else around like some kind of crazy person?
As he saw the female cat dart into the haunted house, Ezio cursed his own impatience. Warning, said a little a voice in his head. Maintain distance from the target. Tailing missions. He’d always loved to hate them. Outside the haunted house, he weighed his options carefully. From everything he’d seen and heard, she’d merely behaved like a cat in heat most of the night. And then had tried to avoid her mysterious stalker. None of that was particularly suspicious. Even so... it was so dark and misty in there that she’d never know if she was being followed or not. He might as well go after her.
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workindarkness · 7 years
There was something about the hooded figure that intrigued the Rogue, and he quickly agreed that maybe they were more similar than he first thought. After the other man voiced his proposal, the Rogue tilted his head in his direction as he mulled it over. “Normally, I prefer to work alone…” And if it was anyone else, the Rogue would have quickly turned him down, but this man made him pause a bit. “However, in this type of situation, surrounded by masked strangers, an alliance might not be such a bad idea.” 
He chuckled, darkly. “I thought as much. We have so many highly esteemed guests tonight. Nobility. Royalty. Divinity, if you take their word for it. And with them, they’ve brought so much wealth.” Ezio waved a hand to indicate the glittering costume jewelry everyone had adorned themselves with, then lowered his voice to a near-whisper as they withdrew from the refreshments table, towards the wall. “Now, I’m no stranger to the art of pickpocketing, myself, but that’s not why I’m here tonight. However, I would have no problem assisting you. If you accept this deal, whatever we manage to collect is yours. If you could, in turn, I would like you to help me keep an eye on all three of the cats. I know I have business with one of them, but not which one. As soon as you have an opinion as to which of them is the most suspicious - or seems the most dangerous - report back to me.” His mouth twitched once again into a smirk. “Do we have a deal?”
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workindarkness · 7 years
“Control humanity!? What dastardly beings would wish to control the people? Fiends!” Zorro scoffed, though as the assassin continued speaking Zorro noticed the man move quickly. He was thrown off for certain, trying to get his sword to the ready but it became caught in the sheath. Before he knew it the assassin had jumped on top of him, pushing the masked defender to the ground and landing on top of him with a thud and a groan. “Well damn, if you wanted to get on me, you could have just asked.”
Ezo had expected Zorro to dodge or parry, but it turned out his opponent wasn’t quite quick enough on the draw. So technically, he was ‘victorious.’ However, instead of plunging his blade into his chest while executing a perfect three-point landing, the two of them simply wound up in a heap on the ground. Real life was such a let down sometimes. “I think perhaps you and I are planning to do entirely different kinds of sword-fighting tonight,” he said, pushing himself up a little with a grunt as he considered his options. The masked man was seeking to protect what he saw as the natural order, to defeat evil, and let good prevail, but by rather simplistic definitions, with no understanding of the greater war being fought for the minds of humanity. He could still pose a problem later. However... he was no Templar. “Last warning: stay out of things that do not concern you!” Knowing he’d probably regret this moment of mercy later, Ezio sprang to his feet and made a run for it, seeking to conceal himself again in the hedges and the mists. 
In the Maze
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workindarkness · 7 years
“A wise thing to do,” the Raven King admitted. Most people were too fixed on their belief that the negative connotations linked to his presence were merely a superstition, that they often forgot to be cautious. There was nothing more dooming to man than the idea that he is invincible. Fate used the ravens as its messengers, yet men were too foolish to take note. He looked at the assassin’s reaction to the feather dropping intently, a curious look taking over his features. Something was clearly wrong, maybe he had realized that danger was looming close-by. “I might have dropped a few. You seem incredibly troubled by the whole ordeal.”
He pressed his lips together, then clenched his jaw as he tried to decide what to say. It didn’t seem to matter how many years had passed. Call it a compulsion, call it a tribute, either way, he wasn’t about to stop now. “I have a bit of a history with feathers,” he said, finally, and tucked it away in an inner pocket. He was sure he’d seen an owl around here somewhere, too... He’d have to keep an eye out for any more that might be lying around. “Never mind. You were speaking of things to come, I believe? Did you mean only that you’re a portent of doom, in general, or do you have some more specific insight?”
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workindarkness · 7 years
“Hoodie it is,” Faith grinned.  “And you can call me Faith, since that’s my name and all.”  Being twirled was a bit more old-fashioned than the sort of dancing she was used to, but the stranger definitely had some moves.  “Look at you go, I’m impressed.”
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This was fantastic: from the center of the dance floor, he was able to keep an eye on everyone. “Faith,” he repeated, and quickly decided that now was not the time to comment on the hypocrisy of what most called faith. “That’s lovely.” He chuckled warmly. “I learnt to dance during the Italian Renaissance. Let me assure you, the masquerades were even better back then.” He did shift into a more modern form of dance, though, swinging his hips and swaying his shoulders. One did need to blend in.
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workindarkness · 7 years
It seemed that his companion could feel the weight of his gaze even through the dark glass as the doctor could see the other man lower his head before he gave his answer. Although in his line of work he didn’t often need the services that the other man provided, it would still be nice have should the need arise. And while he also wasn’t one to take the word of others, there seemed to be something about this man that made him seem more honorable than other people the doctor had encountered. “Very good. Take any goods that you so desire.” 
For only a second, Ezio was stumped as to how to proceed without breaking character or falling into silly play-acting, but then he had it. He took the doctor by the arm in a sort of farewell, leaning into it a bit, their cloaks falling like curtains around the tepid embrace - a gesture that would have allowed them to pass goods back and forth without anyone else noticing. "Arrivederci, my friend,” he said, companionably, although ‘friend’ wasn’t quite the right word, followed by a softer, “Find me in the shadows." 
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workindarkness · 7 years
The Rogue nodded his head in agreement about the fact that everyone seemed to wear a mask these days no matter what they did. “Very true, but I assure you I’m no hero, so-called or not.” He looked around at the others that were nearby in mock suspicion and lowered his voice. “When you make your living as a thief, you find yourself with many enemies along with the authorities who would love to be able to boast about finally catching me.”  
“We may not be so different.” Ezio didn’t want to use the word “assassin.” Not yet. Perhaps not ever. He inclined his head meaningfully. He’d worn a plain black mask under the hood, just to be safe, and it let him look the Rogue in the eye a little more directly.  “And that being the case... perhaps we could be of some assistance to each other, over the course of the evening?”
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workindarkness · 7 years
Even the Raven King was allowed to indulge in human food every once in a while. His throat was feeling somewhat dry, and the punch was just like an oasis to him, offering what he needed the most. The sweets next to the punch bowl did look quite tasty, and the Raven King reached out to pick one of them. A voice stopped his movement mid-track, and he turned around to face the assassin. “I fear I may not be able to give you an answer just yet. However, what is good for a raven may not be ideal for someone like you. Be cautious, for my presence is already a sign of things to come.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, his mouth twitching into a grim little smirk. There was a good chance the Raven’s presence heralded the same events his own presence did. As the words left his mouth, though, a tiny wisp of a feather floated down from the Raven’s headpiece. He caught it in his palm. Not quite an eagle’s feather, and yet - Ezio swallowed, visibly. When he spoke again, his voice was softer, less confident. “Do you know if you’ve dropped any other feathers over the course of the evening?”
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workindarkness · 7 years
Even though he couldn’t tell due to the dark glass that covered his eyes, the doctor turned his head so that he could stare the other man straight in his eyes. Being surround by death constantly made one very cautious of other deeds and actions, so he wanted to watch the other man closely. “Not currently, no. However, if you want my goods now, I need some kind of assurance that your services will be available to me in the future.” 
Ezio lowered his head. He’d worn a dark eye mask under the hood, just for added protection, but even so, in that moment, he wanted the shadows to cover his face. He didn’t take the lives of innocents, as a rule. But no matter what the Doctor asked of him, it wouldn’t be the first time he’d had to make a sacrifice for the greater good. “Done,” he said, his voice low. “Seek me out when you need me. My services will be yours. One kill, or two less dangerous missions.”
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workindarkness · 7 years
The doctor stood up straight and looked at Ezio as he listed exactly everything he had to barter with. “As I’m sure you’re already aware, that is not sufficient enough to be able to procure my valuable goods.” He cocked his head to the side when the other man suggested another kind of arrangement between the two of them. “Having an assassin at my beck and call could come in handy, so I’m interested to hear more about what you have to offer.”
Ezio first smiled at being recognized, and then, in-character, frowned at being recognized. But he supposed asking for poisons did sort of give it away. He tilted his head slowly. He was never truly at anyone’s beck and call, but he supposed the good doctor hardly needed to know that. “Is there... work you need done, then?” 
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workindarkness · 7 years
“Well, it helps if I gotta get your attention.  Yelling “hey guy!” ain’t really going to get it done, y’know?”  Looking out at the dance floor, Faith was more than happy to oblige.  “Yeah, I’m in.  I should warn you, though, you might have a hard time keeping up.”
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He had to laugh at that. “Then I suppose I’ll certainly know who you mean by ‘Hoodie.’ And how may I have the pleasure of addressing you?” As they moved towards the dance floor, Ezio took her hand, twirling her quickly. “Try me.”
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workindarkness · 7 years
Reaching out to pick up some chips, he peered at them through the slits in his mask. “They’ll bring death to everyone… just perhaps not today.” At that point, he pulled his mask a little and shoved the chip underneath, keeping his identity hidden the whole time.
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Originally posted by giantmonster
“A fair point,” Ezio conceded, eyeing the mysterious cloaked man carefully. At least, he thought they were a man. With the full face mask and billowing robes, it was nearly impossible to tell. But it seemed that the chips were edible, at least, so he had a few. “Have you found anything to hold your attention this evening?”
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