workindarkness · 7 years
The time had come for Ezio to make his choice. The night was nearly over. He hadn’t managed to complete his side-quest for the Rogue, which he felt sure would have given him the right answer, but at least he’d narrowed it down to one of the Cheshire cats. And it wasn’t as if he had nothing to go on. He’d overheard just a little of a conversation with the female cat, enough to determine that he was clearly the most suspicious of the three. And so he readied his plastic and collapsible blades, coating them in the imaginary and nonexistent poison he’d purchased from the Plague Doctor, and concealed himself behind the pumpkin carving station, waiting for the right moment: when the Cat was alone, so that he  wouldn’t be interrupting anything and wouldn’t get caught. 
When the time came, he seized his opportunity, spinning around to plunge one of his hidden blades into the Cat’s chest. It collapsed harmlessly against the front of this costume at the first hint of pressure. Ezio withdrew it, grimly satisfied. “Requiescat in pace.”
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workindarkness · 7 years
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In some ways, it was always easier at a masquerade. At the very least, no one thought anything of a man trying to hide his face. And so Ezio was able to watch from the shadows, and wait for his prey to reveal itself. 
Of course, he was there on a mission. The only information he had was that his target was dressed like a cat. Unfortunately, there were at least three cats at the ball: two Cheshire cats, and one female. He’d just have to tail each of them, he thought - then cringed at his own unintentional pun. Follow each of them, then. Watch for any suspicious behavior.
@cheshire-masq @cheshirecathalloween @kittenoutofthisworld
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