woof-wife · 17 days
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woof-wife · 17 days
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woof-wife · 17 days
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woof-wife · 1 month
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woof-wife · 1 month
But are you normal about your friend who wears the corrupted amulet?
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woof-wife · 1 month
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woof-wife · 1 month
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woof-wife · 2 months
some fucking asshole, probably one of those pricks from Bedrock, just cut me off in traffic and i almost wrecked my cavemobile. it’s like, hey buddy, haven’t you ever heard of a fern signal? [1]
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woof-wife · 2 months
1. you can imagine how a “fern signal” might work. a driver would extend a fern branch out of his car in various positions to indicate which way he’s turning.
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woof-wife · 2 months
How do they choose which sand to be the glass and which sand to be the sand in an hourglass... Imagine you and your best friend were two grains of sand and you had to be in the hourglass and your bestie had to be the glass. Ur together but youve never been more apart. A Sick and twisted practice hourglassery is...
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woof-wife · 2 months
let me say this as a Palestinian Minnesotan about Walz. do i “like” him generally? sure let’s say that for once the dems picked someone who won’t doom their blue fash brigade.
is he good for Palestine? no. I think he’s spineless in front of zionism and like usual he does not care about Palestinian lives.
i won’t forget how he refused to meet with Ghazawis who wanted to speak to him about what Minnesota can do to support their families and the Palestinians of Gaza. He wanted a photo op and to “hear their own personal stories” but the moment they had a list of demands as constituents he cancelled the meeting and shut them out. And i know these families personally, as I organize & advocate with them
Despite our constant pressuring to have MN divest from Israel, his government wants to pretend like they have to “prioritize returns on investments for Minnesotans who are trusting them with their money” despite seamlessly encouraging the state to divest from Russia & Belarus in 2022 AND he divested MN from Iran & Sudan. Besides, Minnesota had divested from Apartheid South Africa as well so clearly there was a precedent for divesting.
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woof-wife · 2 months
the rape accusations against gaiman are getting the same media playbook as the accusation against biden a few years back---first most mainstream and legacy outlets are never going to take the story, it gets broken somewhere niche or less prestigious, the bigger publications don't follow up with the relevant sources or authorities, and then the mainstream narrative is that this is a fringe story peddled by weirdos with an agenda (anyone remember biden's accuser getting called a russian disinformation agent or whatever?) and it gets swept under the rug. ppl love to act like rape accusations are sooo rhetorically powerful now just because a few celebrity men lost netflix deals or whatever in 2017 but we are literally watching in real time how these stories are suppressed and publicity-managed out of the spotlight
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woof-wife · 2 months
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woof-wife · 2 months
Sorry I've been on such a anti anarchist stint, I saw an anarchist try to claim the black panthers were evil because they were supposedly a anarchist organization taken over by tankies and it's driven me permanently insane.
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woof-wife · 2 months
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13K notes · View notes
woof-wife · 2 months
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woof-wife · 2 months
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