woodpeckerrr · 3 years
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
“Don’t you dare fucking touch my heart unless you plan to stay.”
— Unknown
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
“You are not for everyone and that’s okay. Narrow your focus. Find your niche and own it.”
— via stormdistrict
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
“If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.”
— Unknown
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
“How a person reacts to your sadness says a lot about how long they’re going to be in your life.”
— S. Z.
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
“To have someone understand your mind is a different kind of intimacy.”
— Unknown
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
Its crazy isn't it?
How you can literally have your life falling apart one moment, then you build yourself back up and the heart wrecking part wasn't being single again it was mourning the family unit i once dreamt off and it being ripped away from me because i had to pick my happiness over my daughter having the same upbringing as myself which in the long run im so glad i left but parts of me used to hate seeing families together because it was something i couldn't give my daughter, and then just like that you turned up out of the blue on the 3rd of October like you knew i would grow to you and now look nearly two months have passed and i am so in love with you it makes me sick, i feel you've been here for years and i can happily see my future with you and i don't fear you leaving me ever, i understand im hard to be with and im working on alot of things still but they take time and im hoping that one day i am better for myself, my daughter and for you.
I guess the point in this post is i had many times to give up but i just did it "one more time" and eventually it has now all made sense, im glad i never stayed in a relationship i wasn't happy with just for the "family" unit because i would be missing this one and the fact my daughter loves you is a bonus, it wasn't my wanting to introduce her to you early i didn't like the idea of her meeting someone who might not be permanent but then i realised that it'll be permanent if we want it to.
Im excited for our trip over Christmas and every other day i get with you because life is precious and i don't want to loose another day without you.
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
"A cold hearted person was once a person that cared to much"
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
“Novembers are for softest sleep when skies are dark and grey. They do not mind the time you keep when night looks much like day. They do not mind the rain that falls so warmly down your cheek. ‘Rest easy now’ is what they’d say if months knew how to speak.”
— Ellis Nightingale
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
Is there anyone you pushed away in the past that you wish you could meet again now?
Alot of people its what i do, but i guess im working on that
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
Why am I so unlovable?
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
Reblog if you’re lost in life rn but still trying make shit happen
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
"fuck my eating disorder" i say, as i binge on everything in the kitchen as if that isn’t. a part of. my disorder
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woodpeckerrr · 3 years
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