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Indie RP Balan and Lance Semi-Selective
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wondermaestro ¡ 4 years ago
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Temporary Promo thing
This is a multimuse rp blog! Open to all and just chillin’ with different muses. More will be added soon! From Funamusea to Pretty Cure, I’ll probably have a lot of other muses from random animes/shows/games/etc.
Come over ‘n say hi to em if ya want! Always happy to have ya.
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wondermaestro ¡ 4 years ago
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      He hates it very much. But he will keep the sign on, it’s only fair.
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wondermaestro ¡ 4 years ago
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      When Balan is too much of a fool that Lance has to straight up hide from his tomfoolery. Sometimes he’s just too much for him to handle, with all the damn ‘magic’ he keeps pulling out of his ass at times.
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wondermaestro ¡ 5 years ago
Man I sure do love making this account to have a lotta fun then disappear cuz of life LMAO
welp I’m pretty sure it’s in the rules so yeet. Then again there is so little info about these boys lmao
So if y’all wanna interact with either Balan or Lance, lemme know u < u
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wondermaestro ¡ 5 years ago
NiGHTS crossed their legs as they listened to the other speak, chuckling softly at how excited the other was at such a simple subject. They really were a lot alike. They honestly didn’t mind the other rambling, it was nice seeing someone so passionate about the little things.
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“Oh those are both easy questions. My favorite snacks are by far the desserts, with cheesecake being the best I’ve had so far. Though I will admit, everything else you listed is great too~ As for the last question, no, I don’t believe there’s a particular type of song I like more then other’s, anything’s fine as long as I can play it like this.”
They then raised their hands as if playing a flute, a few melodic tones ringing out as they played the invisible instrument, then returned their hands to their lap.
“How about you, do you play an instrument?”
      While he was floating there and listening to the other, there would be a few more of the little ones popping up here and there. The little fluff balls came as chicks, rabbits, cats, some foxes, what have you. He looked down at them and hovered a little lower so a select few could hop onto him. Holding onto the little creatures while he listened.
      They all especially coo’d and chittered with delight as NiGHTS played a tune. What talent~! Balan leaned back a little more while holding onto the little ones. As the question was directed to him, the creatures hopped a little more, chirping and chittering as though trying to answer that themselves. Balan had to pet a couple of them to calm them down,
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      “I can play quite a few, yes. But I don’t usually perform them myself. I let the staff do that. They do a fantastic job at it after all~! I’m proud of all of them.” As much as he loves to show off and make a spectacular show just by being himself, he does love to see what the others can do as well. Bringing them all together can only make the theatrics that much better after all.
      “Perhaps if they aren’t busy, they will perform something for you~! I’ll even join in, or perform some of my own music for you some day if you’d like.”
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wondermaestro ¡ 5 years ago
Of course NiGHTS didn’t hesitate, have you seen them with octopaw? Tiny cute things were their one weakness. As soon as they see anything cute they were liable to rocket off to snatch it up. Once NiGHTS had their fill of fluffy bird-rabbit…thing they plopped it between their horns, letting it stay there if it so wished.
They then sat down in the air themselves. It was a simple trick, given the dream realm’s nature and their own power of flight. They absolutely wanted to see more of this world, but they figured it wouldn’t do any harm to stop for a bit and chat, maybe get to know each-other.
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“Random question I just thought of but…is there any visitor food you like? We don’t have to eat, so I’m curious if you’ve had any of it.”
      The little one flapped it’s little wings, chirping happily as it would wiggle about. Getting comfortable on it’s new little sitting spot as it rests there. Content as is with the new Nightmaren in the world.
      “Oooh? My favorite snack~?” He has a finger against their cheek, eyes shut and his head tilted upwards as he thought about it. “Mmm, there are plenty of wonderful things they make~ But I do make a habit of bringing snacks like popcorn, sandwiches, little cakes, whatever I can get my hands on~! Oo! I especially like their wine!! If I want to relax, I’ll sometimes get some tea with some bread and honey.” Ah--he was rambling at this point. Catching himself, he looked to NiGHTS and shook his head a bit, gesturing towards him with a smile,
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      “And what about you? Do you have a particular favorite? Oooh~! How about music? Is there a particular type of song you like?”
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wondermaestro ¡ 5 years ago
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      Good thing he has this hat on. Cuz boy howdy is this boy blushing up a storm. He didn’t expect that to be something the other would say--wow.
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wondermaestro ¡ 5 years ago
Seems you really like them. Are you sure this is just simply you looking up to them, or maybe something more?
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      The maestro tilts his head a bit, crossing his arms and seems to be pondering about it a bit. “Hmmm..I guess we should just wait and watch the show unfold itself. Don’t you think~?”
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wondermaestro ¡ 5 years ago
wondermaestro liked your post “How are ya liking that Balan guy over there, hmmm?”
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wondermaestro ¡ 5 years ago
So, Balan, is NiGHTS as greats as you were expecting?
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      “They are exactly what I expected ‘n so much more~!! I couldn’t be any happier!”
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wondermaestro ¡ 5 years ago
NiGHTS stifled their laughter as the other remarked Wiseman didn’t even deserve a face. Even if this was just another tuesday for NiGHTS, having a new friend besides them in a new locale made it that much sweeter. They’d happily float behind the other, taking glances at the realm around them but returning their attention to Balan often as they continued to explain the staff.
Now that was something NiGHTS hadn’t heard of before. Dream beings other then nightopians? They wondered if they were any more intelligent then the tiny creatures, but soon turned their gaze downward as the other pointed at one of the cutest little things they had ever seen. NiGHTS all but squealed, letting go of Balan’s hand to zip over and scoop the little ball of fluff up, cradling it in their arms as they rubbed their cheek against it.
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“Oh my gosh I love this little guy! They’re so fluffy and cute and small and precious-” The purple nightmaren pretty much interrupts themselves, returning to cradle and nuzzle the ball of fluff.
      Oh! He didn’t even hesitate, huh? Balan hovers on closer as he happily watches NiGHTS play with the little creatures. They always bring comfort and joy to others after all, it’s the perfect form for them to have when confronting visitors. They are easily mistaken for chick or rabbit plushies after all. And personally, he absolutely adored the little ones as well.
      Once he was close enough, he positioned himself as though he was sitting in the air. Completely relaxed as he watched the jester squish and nuzzle up against the little chick. It made all sorts of happy little cues and chirps at NiGHTS as they let him smother it with love.
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      “Aren’t they just perfect~?” He chuckled, a hand on their cheek as he watched the other have so much fun with the bean. “They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. It’s hard to choose a favorite when they’re all so precious~!”
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wondermaestro ¡ 5 years ago
NiGHTS didn’t really see themselves as this, unapproachable, flawless hero. They made mistakes just as much as anyone else. But…it did raise their spirits to learn the other had did what they did because of them. That their own rebellion had inspired another. Hopefully the other had better luck helping their sibling. Maybe…it wouldn’t do some harm to be honest.
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“I should be thanking you Balan~ It’s wonderful to hear my rebellion inspiring others to fight against Wizeman’s tyranny, that I’m not alone in this. I’d say I’d have loved to see his face when you did it, but the old geezer doesn’t even have one~!” The nightmaren would remark with a giggle.
NiGHTS happily posed with the other as they summoned the door, almost perfectly mirroring the action, if slightly delayed. They grasped the other’s hand, happily flying with them through the door, twinkle dust highlighting their trail through the air as the purple jester was toured through the area. It was like a second dream gate.
They’d poke their head into the gate, eyes wide with awe as they looked around the area. Sure it wasn’t that far off from what they’d already seen, but simply having something new to experience was exciting to the first level.
“So who are these staff? Nightopians?” They’d ask, assuming they meant the children like dream beings.
      “Someone who’s just as much of a bore as Wizeman is doesn’t deserve the very thing that gives us expression.” He rolled his eyes, keeping that coy smile of his as he does. It’s selfish of him still, of course. That he did this ESPECIALLY for the fun of it all. The methods might be that of a bit chaotic, but his intentions are true. He did want to go forth and spread positivity rather than solely feed on negativity as well as cause it. There’s enough of such things in the world as is..And what better way to fulfill both his need of adventure as his want of doing the right thing? It’s isn’t their fault that something like this could happen to a nightmaren!
      In Balan’s own perspective, it’s still pretty surreal however to hear someone like NiGHTS praise him in such a way. Yes--he’ll do whatever it takes to go through with this rebellion! He will join NiGHTS as even a first level like himself could go and make such a difference. This, he will swear upon.
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      They kept a gentle grip on NiGHTS’ hand, guiding them gently through the world. It’s something he’d even introduce his Visitors to first. A mix of something familiar to them, as well as something that’s straight out of a dream. A land above the clouds that had greenery, beautiful gems here and there, whales flying along with beautiful colors as well as trees and clockworks on their backs. To a nightmaren like themselves, this is probably just another beautiful tuesday walk in the park!
      “Actually, they’re nothing like the Nightopians we’ve seen. They all come in their own shapes ‘n sizes, creatures of their own accord. It’s a delight working with each and every one of them~! Perhaps you’ll see some of them soon. The most common little creature you’ll see however are those cute little babies~!” He said as he held NiGHTS close. It was just so he could sort of help guide them to look at the little balls of fluff that looked either like chicks or rabbits. Pointing at them bouncing about, smiling as he looked over at the jester, “They are the ones who often lure visitors to my world~”
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wondermaestro ¡ 5 years ago
NiGHTS simply stared as the other twirled away from them, listening with undivided attention. I was honestly awe inspiring to hear, that a nightmaren devoid of an ideya shard could rebel, fighting to bring some light to their more loyal, negative sibling’s life. Sure it shared plenty of similarities to their own story, but NiGHTS couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration towards the other.
Having had a moment to collect themselves NiGHTS flew up to the other, lacing their fingers together. 
“How wonderful~! You must be very brave to have done all this, and without a shard to boot~!” NiGHTS would remark, freeing a hand to tap the red crystal in their chest with a wink, before pointing forward.
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“Now let’s see more of this world of yours!”
      Balan’s eyes widened a bit as the other had hovered closer to him with such awe in their expression. It was odd--seeing someone whom one has heard stories about go to you with such admiration. He couldn’t help but feel prideful of it. He looked up to this Nightmaren, and it especially gave him the very ideas that he loved so much. Imagination, excitement, adventure..if he can bring a smile to not only the visitors--but even to Lance’s face? Honestly, he’d feel like the happiest nightmaren in all the worlds!
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      “Shard or not, it just makes things more fun to take such risks. No~?” He said with a smirked. “But I have you to thank for inspiring me~! I probably wouldn’t have done any of this if it weren’t for the hope you bring to the table!”
      With that, he had his hand outstretched immediately, and another against his chest as he posed with joy, “Then allow me to open the doors~!!” One had popped up on cue. Grabbing their hand and whisking them to the world! As they passed through, it was much like the worlds NiGHTS’ was used to. Many doors, many worlds, many opportunity to enjoy the wonderful things!! He hovered over to open one of them, the other side revealing some green plains. Objects floated here and there, even some of the land. It was like an organized chaos, in a way.
      “These worlds are often occupied by the staff~! Visitors can come in any of them and explore each one!” He said as he hovered on in, “This one’s heart hasn’t wavered just yet. Things seems to be fine, so everything is pretty great~!”
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wondermaestro ¡ 5 years ago
Now it was NiGHTS turned to be flattered by this strange nightmaren. They honestly hadn’t expected the other to be so…forward, yet un-malicious. The twirl and dip had a brilliant pink shade coating their cheeks, the older first level embarrassed the other had so easily moved their body.
NiGHTS tried to compose themselves before speaking again, though that blush still remained.
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“Ahh, well…yes I suppose balance is needed. Though I do wonder, does that mean you have a sibling of your own? Have they replaced Reala? Or are they working together?”
      “Ah hah! You must mean the one who works the chaos part, yes~?”
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      He let’s go of the nightmaren, another twirl as he’d end it with a bow. Tilting his hat to NiGHTS as he explained a bit,
      “Lance is the one who works alongside me, I suppose you can call it~! Lance causes the sadness and negativity. I wish to find a common ground with him! He himself is probably so sad and felt left out--so I’m determined to find a way to balancec us out!! It would be very upsetting if he goes too far into a similar path as Reala’s after all, yes?” He extends his arms out to gesture the world, “This dream world is our terrain. I honestly don’t think Lance has ever interacted with Reala before--if that nightmaren even knows of Wonderworld~. Whatever the case, you need no worry of Lance. I, the amazing maestro Balan, will do what I can to help him through this~.”
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wondermaestro ¡ 5 years ago
The dream demon was…confused, to put it mildly. They had sensed a powerful nightmaren in this part of the dream world, and followed it’s presence here…to a theater and met what seemed to be a new first level.
NiGHTS had been under the impression Wizeman’s powers had been waning. Was this what he needed the ideya for? But…he didn’t feel any negativity coming off of the other.
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“I’m sorry, I feel I’m still at a bit of a disadvantage here. I didn’t know you were here, I just felt there was a powerful nightmaren here. Are you a new first level? Did you rebel too?”
      He confuses many visitors and creatures far and wide. So seeing NiGHTS’ expression didn’t waver on Balan’s own large smile and excitement in his eyes. The maestro honestly couldn’t believe it when he himself had sensed someone so powerful making their way here. Honestly, he’d be equally as excited if he had seen Reala as well. But NiGHTS? NiGHTS has a special place in his heart. He rebelled as soon as he heard their story.
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      “A powerful Nightmaren? My goodness-if I am he then I am truly flattered!!” He laughed with so much joy. Holding NiGHTS’ hand up to twirl Nights before dipping him. Balan was just having a blast at the moment with this special visitor!!
      “You’ve got it right on the money!! I’m pretty new in the scene~ But I will climb my way up and bring in joy and adventures to my visitors~!! I will guide them and even offer my help if we run into negativity in the world! A balance between peace and chaos is always needed after all, yes~?”
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wondermaestro ¡ 5 years ago
      “Could it be?..Oh certainly, it has to be~! He who has graced MY Theatre with his presence~!”
      Oh now he’s EXTREMELY excited!! Balan zipped on over to NiGHTS, twirling about as he circled the other with an already wide grin. It’s the famous Nightmaren himself! How could he not barge his way to him? Grabbing the other’s hand immediately, Balan shook it without letting go as he introduced himself,
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      “I am he who guides this world known as Wonderworld~!! I am called, Balan! Or Balan the great~! Or the wonderful maestro~! Oh but I don’t mean to brag~ I’m honored to have you here! May I ask, what brings you here?”
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wondermaestro ¡ 5 years ago
Silver let out a tiny squeaky toy noise, mismatched eyes wide in surprise. It wasn’t often that someone did this to him, so he was a bit startled.
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“I’m a hedgehog! Who’re you? You’ve got cool hair!”
On one bounce upwards, turquoise energy surrounded him and he floated in the air, floating down a bit to curiously peer at the other.
“My name’s Silver.”
      Not only was this thing really cute--but it also possessed powers!? Oh he’s already loving this little dude! Silver, huh? The silver lining to his life!! People will speak of Silver far ‘n wide!! Of course--unless the little one was too shy ‘n such. Stage fright, what a sad sad thing. But if he must, he will give Silver the confidence needed!!
      Oh--but he was getting far ahead of himself. He watched Silver in awe as he had descended in front of him slowly. From the excitement alone, Silver could probably see the sparkles and stars in his eyes. This is going to be fantastic!!
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      “Thank you~! Gracias~!! Merci~!!! I’m so happy you like my look!” He said with such excitement in his voice and movement. He may as well be trembling from it. Twirling about and holding Silver’s hand, he had an arm outstretched in such a dramatic pose as he introduced himself.
      “I am the one and only, Balan~!! I come from a world known as Wonderworld!! A place where fun and magic is all around~. A place, where your wildest dreams can become your reality~! I am he, who guides the visitors to such a world~”
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