Thou art returned safe to me.
Wolianger Week, Day 7: Living
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But Zeromus remains... how are you two going to enjoy yourselves?
The Bindings should do most of the work. They kept the Eldest of Primals at bay, after all.
Verily, the wards shall serve us well. But we have ever lived in perilous times, have we not? Yet our love shineth bright and clear in the midst of darkness.
That it has.
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Darling, I just remembered. In the Unlost World... there was an Endless who looked a lot like you.
And his story... it reminded me of you and Moenbryda.
Euclase - his name was Euclase - had died young, but his fiance lived on. But she never got over him. She never got the chance to mourn him because of those damn regulators.
They were reunited before we shut down Living memory but...
I just hate to think of what your life would've been like without your memories of Moen.
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Mothercrystal guide you and keep you all safe.
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Of the Depths
Wolianger Week, Day 4/5: Memory/Beach
FFXIV. Urianger/Warrior of Light, Urianger & Moenbryda. 1280 words. Rated T. Dawntrail spoilers.
The Gleamsands of Tuliyollal were aptly named. Waves of heat already shimmered off the beach, morning sun painting the tidal pools brilliant turquoise. Urianger could readily admit that it was beautiful, not unlike Il Mheg had been beautiful. Not the lake only, deceptively glass-clear, into which he would never have ventured but for dire necessity. The whole of the Faerie Kingdom, he thought now, might be compared to the sea—subject to naught but its own whims, as treacherous as it was enchanting. For all he had enjoyed his time among the fae, and as grateful as he was for the knowledge gained there, he had never forgotten what might befall him should he run afoul of their whims, or merely cease to offer an entertaining presence.
Reckless, perhaps, to reside there so long alone, and yet never had the fae instilled in him the kind of gut-churning fear that deep water did.
[ Read the rest on AO3! ]
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it's been 15 years, you've picked up a new boyfriend, and you still don't know how to swim. #woliangerweek2024 Day 2: Vacation
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Wolianger Week, Day 2: Vacation
They've earned some time to themselves. 💜
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Wolianger Week, Day 1: Aid
Being healers together means that Ariane and Urianger share a lot of common interests and experiences. They both know intimately the role of keeping one's companions standing and aiding those in need.
Being healers together also often in practice means being healers apart.
A healer must go where they are needed, and it's not uncommon that they are needed in different places, whether it's being recruited as allies by two different claimants, or dividing their skills in a crisis to offer aid to as many people as possible. And no matter how much faith they have in one another's skills, there will always be some amount of worry there, knowing that they cannot be there to protect one another, that their hearts call them to protect those more vulnerable even when it means being apart.
For all that, they wouldn't change a thing about one another and the lives they've chosen. They take the opportunity to nourish their faith in one another, and savor the moments when they can return to one another's arms safe and sound.
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oui, c'est vrai. je suis un ananas.
#woliangerweek2024 Day 1: Pineapple
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