KIce|02/10|臺灣人 Taiwanese|20↑|They/Them|like games, cartoon, and ships|*no repost or edit my art without permission* *未經允許不得轉發或編輯我的作品*
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Sera x Satan - Prepare for Judgement
Ah~I love drawing these two~!!! 阿~好愛畫這兩隻阿~!!!
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When you fighting with your classmate, and your master have to discipline you and the rest of council class is watching
This meme suits them, doesn't it?
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Nine Sols Dont Worry About It! AU Goumang post
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"Oh dear! A tiny crab appears to have made his home in my shirt pocket. That's the trouble with living on the beach."
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@fransweek 2025 Day 7 - Valentine’s
Happy Valentine's Day! 情人節快樂~
[Day 1] , [Day2] , [Day3] , [Day4] , [Day5] , [Day6] , [Day7]
UnderNega ('Undertale Negative AU', owned by me), was based of 'Negatale' created by ArtsyGum. see:[link]
☕Buy me a coffee~?☕。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。
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Frans Week 2025 - Day 1 - Stars
After having to miss out on Frans Week for the past two years because my dad was dying/dead, I wanted to finally try my hand at it again. Unfortunately, the day after finishing my second prompt, a horrible cold struck me down like one of Zeus's lightning bolts, and I've been sick ever since. I'm still sick! It sucks! At least I managed to write out the two most important days for me. But I'm gutted that I couldn't get more out in time.
The rest of the days will be written eventually, though they'll be too late for Frans Week. I plan to include them in my ongoing fic, A Good Father. It's my own AU where Asgore adopts and raises baby Frisk in the Underground. Both of the prompts I managed to write in time are set in this AU. In this one, Day 1- Stars, both Sans and Frisk are children (11 and 6 respectively).
Thanks to @fransweek for hosting this event. I look forward to it every year!
Sans didn’t think he was as fun to be around as his little brother.
Papyrus was far more entertaining and far more attentive than Sans could ever be, in the eleven-year-old skeleton monster’s expert opinion. Whenever the young Gaster brothers and Dreemurr daughter had gotten together, it was always Papyrus who had taken charge and decided what they would do for the day - even if that was usually puzzle planning and battle strategising.
However, today Papyrus wasn’t with them. He had very important business to take care of. Namely, chasing after old man Gerson with Undyne, to observe his fighting style (and to make sure that Undyne didn’t beat up too many “bad guys”).
Sans still wasn’t all that keen on letting Undyne into their small group of friends. And he still didn’t trust the preteen fish monster - she was far too hot-tempered and violent for his liking.
But it wasn’t up to him to decide who his brother wanted to hang out with. Papyrus was eight years old now, and was getting more independent and confident by the day. He didn’t need his big brother anymore - a fact that filled Sans with both pride, and a sad sort of wistfulness that made him feel older than he actually was.
At least Frisk still preferred to stick to his side over anyone else’s (besides her father, of course, but parents didn’t count). Sans could freely admit that their friendship was something he’d come to deeply cherish over the years they’d known each other, especially as she got old enough to play with the skeleton brothers and have actual conversations with them.
Sans especially appreciated how good of a listener Frisk was. He felt like he could tell his little human friend anything, and she wouldn’t judge him. Granted, at six years old she didn’t always understand everything he was talking about, and she couldn’t offer him the most insightful advice, or give particularly useful input. But something about her made Sans want to open up to her and share his thoughts with her, in a way he didn’t even do with either his brother or his father.
Which was why on this day, when it was just the two of them, he decided to take his best friend to his favourite place in the entire Underground.
Frisk looked around the cavernous room with wide eyes, awe shining on her face as brightly as the glittery rocks on the ceiling.
She let go of Sans’s hand and took several steps forward, before spinning in a slow circle, taking in the entire room with childish wonder.
Sans gazed at her with soft eye sockets and an even softer smile. Fondness curled in his Soul like a contented cat.
“this is the wishing room,” he informed his awestruck little buddy.
Frisk turned to him with a beaming smile, sparks of joy lighting up her eyes.
“Wowie! This is so cool!” she squealed, bouncing on her toes the way Papyrus did when he was particularly excited.
Sans grinned at her. “so you like this place, huh?”
Frisk nodded her head so vigorously, Sans was half-afraid it might fall off - Pap’s skull sometimes did, though he figured that might just be a skeleton thing.
“I love it!” Frisk gushed. “Daddy doesn’t like taking me to Waterfall, ‘cause he’s scared I might get sick ‘cause it’s so wet. But I think it’s so pretty! I wish I could see more of it.”
Sans really wanted to offer to take Frisk to explore more of Waterfall. But he didn’t want Mr. Dreemurr to get mad at him - or worse, his father (his father’s lectures were the worst!). Sans was also reluctant to potentially endanger his best friend’s health.
But still… he really wanted to see that smile on her face again.
“hey, tell ya what, kid,” he leaned in with a conspiratorial wink. “how’s about i take you to visit some of the drier places in waterfall? i know plenty of really cool spots like this room.”
Frisk’s smile got even bigger, if that were possible. “Really?! Really really?!”
Sans wink at her again, feeling smug satisfaction bubble up within him. “really. and, uh,” his grin dropped a little, as he gave his friend a nervous look. “let’s not tell anyone about this, ‘kay? don’t want our dads knowin’. they might ground us.” He couldn’t help the shiver going down his spine at the thought.
Frisk let out a dramatic gasp, and gave him a nod. “‘Kay! It’ll be our secret.”
“yup. our own little best buddies secret,” Sans agreed.
It felt weird to Sans to have Frisk purposely keep secrets, especially from her father.
But sharing something special, just between the two of them, gave him a ticklish feeling in his Soul.
It made him feel special.
Besides, they weren’t hurting anyone or anything like that. They were just having fun and going on super secret adventures together, as young children should do.
More than anything, Sans believed that making his friend happy was worth possibly getting in trouble for.
The next time the two friends visited the Wishing Room together, Sans brought along his telescope.
After setting it up and looking through it to make sure it still worked fine, he showed Frisk how to use it.
“Wowie!” she gasped. “The rocks look even prettier now!”
Sans chuckled. “yup, i think so too.” He gave his telescope a fond pat. “my dad gave me this thing. said it used to be his.”
That made Frisk tear her gaze away from the glittering rocks, and turn to give Sans a surprised look. “Really? I didn’t know your daddy liked looking at pretty rocks too.”
Sans shrugged his shoulders. “dunno if he does, actually.” Frisk tilted her head to the side, a cute gesture that was all hers, so Sans clarified, “dad told me he used to look through this telescope to see the stars better. ya know, back when monsters lived on the surface.”
The curious look Frisk gave him encouraged Sans to keep talking.
“see, dad loves stars. real stars. he says they’re brighter an’ prettier than anything else in the whole sky.” His voice lowered as he looked off to the side, gaze distant and unfocused. “when i was really little, and dad wasn’t as busy with work, he used to tell me all about the night sky. he taught me the names of all the different stars and constellations he knew of - he even drew them for me! he also taught me ‘bout all the other planets, and other galaxies, and black holes and supernovas and stuff!”
Frisk was quiet, as she observed the excited, yet sad look of longing on her best friend’s face. She wished that she could send comforting magic to his Soul, the way her father could. The way monsters could, yet humans could not.
She understood all too well the painful desire for something wonderful that was forever out of your reach.
“That sounds neato,” she told him softly.
Sans’s smile widened, not quite reaching his eyelights. “yeah. it sure does, huh.”
Frisk was quiet again, giving him a kind, sympathetic look.
Sans didn’t like the sad pity in her eyes, or the sombre tone the conversation had taken. He shook himself. This was supposed to be a fun time with his best friend!
“hey, ya wanna know something cool?” When Frisk eagerly nodded her head at his question, Sans leaned closer to her, as if sharing some new secret. “a long time ago, monsters would whisper their wishes to the stars in the sky. they believed that if you hoped with all your heart, your wish would come true.”
Frisk’s face lit up. “Oh golly, that is cool!”
Sans grinned at her reaction, happy to have successfully managed to dispel the previous gloomy atmosphere. “yeah, ain’t it?”
Then Sans let out a sigh, “‘course, we can’t do that no more. now, all we have are these sparkling stones on the ceiling…”
At that, Frisk’s face fell, her lower lip jutting out despondently.
Sans rushed to console her, internally kicking himself for making her sad again, right when he’d managed to cheer her up.
“but hey! that hasn’t stopped us from making wishes! everyone believes that if we keep wishin’ hard enough, surely all our wishes’ll come true.”
Frisk’s expression brightened. “Right! They will! Thousands of people wishing together can’t be wrong!”
Sans knew that was a naive thought. And yet, a small, childish part of him wanted to believe her, wanted to believe that wishes could come true.
Then, Frisk turned to Sans with an earnest look of curiosity on her face. “Hey Sans? You ever made a wish before?”
The young skeleton monster was taken aback by the question.
He blinked, then averted his gaze sheepishly. “well… maybe. when i was a baby bone.”
Frisk excitedly tugged on his arm. “Ooh! What was it?” When Sans hesitated, Frisk tugged harder. “C’mon! Tell me! Pleeeeease? Pretty pleeeeeease?”
Sans’s Soul squirmed at his best friend’s pleading whine. He felt helpless in the face of her expectation. It was so hard to deny her anything when she was so determined. In the end, all he could do was let out a resigned sigh. He really was no match for Frisk.
“fiiine. i’ll tell ya.” He tried very hard to keep the pout out of his voice and off his skull.
Frisk’s fingers wrapped tighter around his arm. It almost felt like they were wrapping around his Soul, which was a silly thought. Sans couldn’t bring himself to mind.
He lowered his voice to a whisper, despite the two of them being the only ones in the room, causing Frisk to lean in even closer to him. He could feel her breath brush against his bones. It was an odd, but not unpleasant sensation.
“i wished that i could see the real stars someday…”
Frisk was quiet as a look of contemplation came over her face.
Finally, after a few moments of deep consideration for a six-year-old, Frisk turned her gaze up to the ceiling - to the glimmering rocks serving as proxy stars. When she spoke, her voice was just as hushed as Sans’s had been.
“Then I wish that I could see the real stars with you someday.”
Sans felt his Soul give a jolt.
Faint heat spread across his cheekbones, as he failed to keep his smile off his face. He scratched at his cervical vertebrae in an embarrassed gesture.
“heh. that’s a great wish, frisk.”
The human giggled, and preened under her best friend’s praise.
Sans hadn’t realised just how reflective Frisk’s eyes were. They were so clear that the light of the sparkling stones on the ceiling shone brightly within their depths.
Frisk turned her star-filled eyes to him.
“One day, our wishes will come true,” she insisted, with such determination, that Sans almost believed that the human could bend reality to her very will to make them come true.
The young skeleton monster let hope fill his Soul, despite his better judgement.
“if you say so, buddy.” Sans smiled, looking every bit an eleven-year-old child. “then i’ll look forward to seein’ if the stars are just as bright and beautiful as dad says they are.”
Frisk gave him a considering look, before her lips curled into a cheeky grin.
“I bet your eyelights are even brighter and prettier than the stars.”
Sans made a choking noise. Heat filled his face and his Soul. “w-w-what?! c-cut it out! you’re embarrassin’ me…”
Frisk erupted into giggles, loud and joyous, looking entirely too pleased with herself. The sound filled the cavernous room, echoing off the walls. Sans could practically feel her laughter reverberating in his bones and resonating in his Soul.
He dragged his hood low over his skull, trying to hide his face in the darkness of his hoodie.
Sans knew that he really was no match for Frisk.
#fransweek 2025#fransweek#Aww~~~the wishing room conversation are theirs!#hope you get better soon buddy!
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@fransweek 2025 Day 6 - Freedom
'i'm getting you outta there.' 「我會把妳救出來的。」
[Day 1] , [Day2] , [Day3] , [Day4] , [Day5] , [Day6] , [Day7]
UnderNega ('Undertale Negative AU', owned by me), was based of 'Negatale' created by ArtsyGum. see:[link]
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@fransweek 2025 Day 5 - Hope
Is it worth it? 值得嗎?
[Day 1] , [Day2] , [Day3] , [Day4] , [Day5] , [Day6] , [Day7]
UnderNega ('Undertale Negative AU', owned by me), was based of 'Negatale' created by ArtsyGum. see:[link]
☕Buy me a coffee~?☕。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。
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@fransweek 2025 Day 4 - Dance
I love seeing people dance~^^ 其實挺喜歡看人跳舞的~^^
[Day 1] , [Day2] , [Day3] , [Day4] , [Day5] , [Day6] , [Day7]
UnderNega ('Undertale Negative AU', owned by me), was based of 'Negatale' created by ArtsyGum. see:[link]
☕Buy me a coffee~?☕。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。
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@fransweek 2025 Day 3 - Soul
A little sacrifice for the greater good… 捨生取義...
[Day 1] , [Day2] , [Day3] , [Day4] , [Day5] , [Day6] , [Day7]
UnderNega ('Undertale Negative AU', owned by me), was based of 'Negatale' created by ArtsyGum. see:[link]
☕Buy me a coffee~?☕。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。
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@fransweek 2025 Day 2 - Flowers
It always end the same... 結局都是一樣的...
[Day 1] , [Day2] , [Day3] , [Day4] , [Day5] , [Day6] , [Day7]
UnderNega ('Undertale Negative AU', owned by me), was based of 'Negatale' created by ArtsyGum. see:[link]
☕Buy me a coffee~?☕。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。
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@fransweek 2025 Day 1 - Stars
They are literally just a bunch of (beautiful) gas. www 其實也只是一堆(美麗的)氣體 www
[Day 1] , [Day2] , [Day3] , [Day4] , [Day5] , [Day6] , [Day7]
UnderNega ('Undertale Negative AU', owned by me), was based of 'Negatale' created by ArtsyGum. see:[link]
☕Buy me a coffee~?☕。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。
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Two of the baddest bitches to walk the celestial plain
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Okami - Bath
This . Was . Suppose . to be just a DOODLES!!!_(´ཀ`」 ∠)_ 這張本來沒打算畫這麼久的..._(´ཀ`」 ∠)_
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UnderNega - Bandaging
UnderNega ('Undertale Negative AU', formerly known as 'Negatale') was originally created by ArtsyGum, now own by me. see:[link]
Happy Lunar New Year~~~!。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。 Guess who has to work during new year's vacation? ME!!!.゚ヽ(*Q w q)ノ゚.
農曆新年快樂~~~!。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。 猜猜誰年假還要上班? 我!!!.゚ヽ(*Q w q)ノ゚.
☕Buy me a coffee~?☕。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。
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I wasn't aware it'll stuck like that! wwwwwwwwww
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