worldOutgames 2013 Human Rights Conference
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The worldOutgames 2013 Human Rights Conference, 'From Safe Harbours to Equality', is an international, multi-disciplinary conference providing a global forum for sharing best practice, disseminating current research and developing strategies for the future. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
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woga2013human-right-blog · 12 years ago
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Français plus bas Contact: Jean-Yves Duthel : [email protected] Tel +32 (0)493078313. (Antwerp Belgium)
Former Premier of Québec at worldOutgames Human Rights Conference
Antwerp, June 10th, 2013 - Former Quebec Prime Minister Bernard Landry has accepted to speak at the LGBT Human Rights Conference that will take place from July 31st to August 2nd as part of worldOutgames III in Antwerp, Belgium.
“We are pleased that Monsieur Landry has accepted our offer,” said Tamara Adrian Hernandez, co-president of the conference. “As Deputy Prime Minister of Quebec from 1994 to 2000 and Prime Minister from 2000 to 2003, he is one of the best authors of policies for equality in human rights for LGBT people in Quebec. At his insistence, the National Assembly of Quebec caused Canada to introduce equal marriage for all.”
Bernard Landry has been active in Quebec politics for more than 30 years. He has held numerous ministerial posts: economic development, inernational relations, immigration, finance and finally as Prime Minister. Now retired from active politics, he is pursuing a career as a university professor in Canada as well as in China, Mexico and Egypt. It was his government in Quebec which, step by step, passed laws recognising LGBT human rights with civil unions (marriage is a federal reponsibility in Canada), adoption and pension equality. In short, Quebec has been an example to the world in LGBT rights. Monsieur Landry will address the conference delegates on the subject of “Political will is essential for advancing LGBT rights”. The Conference on LGBT Human Rights will gather more than 400 people at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Antwerp and will take place from July 31st to August 2nd, 2013. Registration is still possible at: www.world.outgames.org
Source : Jean-Yves Duthel, co-president, +32 493 07 8313
L’ancien Prémier Ministre du Québec Participera à la Conférence sur les Droits des worldOutgames
ANTWERPEN, le 10 juin 2013.- L’ancien premier ministre du Québec, monsieur Bernard Landry, a accepté d’être conférencier à la Conférence sur les droits humains des LGBT qui se tiendra, du 31 juillet au 2 août, dans le cadre des worldOutgames III à Anvers en Belgique.
« Nous sommes heureux, a déclaré Tamara Adrian Hernandez, co-présidente de la Conférence, que monsieur Landry ait accepté notre demande. Il a été, en tant que vice-premier ministre du Québec (1994-2000), puis premier ministre (2000-2003) un des meilleurs artisans politiques pour l’égalité des droits des LGBT au Québec. Et la détermination de l’Assemblée Nationale du Québec, sous son impulsion, a entrainé le Canada à reconnaître le mariage pour tous.» Monsieur Bernard Landry a été actif en politique québécoise durant plus 30 ans. Il a occupé des fonctions ministérielles nombreuses : le Développement économique, les Relations extérieurs, l’Immigration, les finances et, finalement, le poste de Premier Ministre. Aujourd’hui retiré de la politique active, il poursuit une carrière de professeur universitaire, tant au Canada qu’en Chine, au Mexique comme en Égypte. C’est sous son gouvernement que le Québec a, coup après coup, adopté des lois sur la reconnaissance des droits des LGBT par l’Union civile (le mariage est e responsabilité fédérale au Canada), l’adoption, l’égalité quant aux pensions de vieillesse, bref le Québec peut faire valoir son exemplarité en matière de droits des LGBT. Monsieur Landry s’adressera aux participants de la Conférence sur le thème suivant : « La volonté politique est essentielle à l’avancement des droits des LGBT.» La conférence sur les droits humains des LGBT réunira plus de 400 personnes au Radisson Blu d’Anvers et se tiendra les 31 juillet, 1er et 2 août 2013. Les inscriptions sont encore ouvertes sur : www.worldoutgames.org Source : Jean-Yves Duthel, co-président, +32 493 07 8313.
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Former Premier of Québec at worldOutgames Human Rights Conference
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woga2013human-right-blog · 12 years ago
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ANTWERPEN, 13 juni 2013 – Bart Abeel, voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van de worldOutgames III, is verheugd de deelname te mogen aankondigen van Rudy De Leeuw, voorzitter van de Belgische socialistische vakbond ABVV-FGTB, die het woord zal nemen op de LGBT-mensenrechtenconferentie op vrijdag 2 augustus in Antwerpen.
“Het ABVV engageert zich als vakbond al langer voor de erkenning van de gelijkheid van de LGBT*, op alle niveaus van de maatschappij”, aldus Rudy De Leeuw. “Wij ondersteunen de eisen van de LGBT, in de eerste plaats wat betreft sociale rechten en arbeidsrechten. Het is dus met veel genoegen dat ik deelneem aan de Conferentie van Antwerpen, een belangrijk evenement ter bevordering van deze rechten”, besluit hij.
Het ABVV-FGTB aarzelde niet om alle vakbondsnetwerken, niet enkel in België maar ook in Europa en de rest van de wereld te doen bijdragen, zodat talrijke vakbondsleden zich zouden inschrijven voor de Conferentie van Antwerpen. Via een speciaal panel zullen vakbondsleden trouwens nieuwe acties kunnen voorstellen ten gunste van de LGBT-werknemers.
De conferentie, die wordt voorgezeten door Tamara Adrian Hernandez (Venezuela) en Jean-Yves Duthel (Canada), vindt plaats op 31/07 en 1+2/08 in het Radisson Blu-hotel in Antwerpen. Er worden meer dan 300 deelnemers verwacht.
 (*LGTB staat voor Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender)
Meer info:
Jean-Yves Duthel +32 493078313 (ondervoorzitter WOGA-Conferentie), FR
Pascal De Bel +32 475 694 693 ( Gewestelijk Secretaris BBTK-ABVV Antwerpen), NL
Biografische info Rudy De Leeuw via http://www.abvv.be/web/guest/fotos-en-cvs
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woga2013human-right-blog · 12 years ago
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ANVERS, JUIN 17, 2013 – Monsieur Bart Abeel, président du conseil d’administration de worldOutgames III, est heureux d’annoncer la participation de monsieur Rudy De Leeuw, président du FGTB-ABVV de Belgique en tant qu’orateur lors de la Conférence sur les droits humains des LGBT le vendredi 2 août 2013 à Antwerpen.
« L’engagement de notre syndicat envers la reconnaissance de l’égalité, à tous les nivaux de la société, pour les LGBT, ne date pas de hier, a déclaré monsieur De Leeuw. Nous sommes actifs dans tous les champs de revendication qui touchent les LGBT et, en premier lieux, dans leurs droits sociaux et du travail. Lors de la Conférence d’Anvers, je serai ravi de participer à ce moment fort important pour l’avancements des droits, a-t-il conclu.»
La FGTB-ABVV n’a pas hésité à mettre à contribution tous ses réseaux syndicaux, non seulement en Belgique mais aussi en Europe et dans le reste du monde, afin que de nombreux syndiqués s’inscrivent en tant que participants à la Conférence d’Anvers. Un panel spécial permettra d’ailleurs aux syndiqués de proposer de nouvelles actions à mener pour les droits des LGBT en milieu de travail.
La conférence, sous la co-présidence de Mme Tamara Adrian Hernandez (Vénézuela) et de M Jean-Yves Duthel (Canada), se tiendra les 31 juillet, 1er et 2 août au Radisson Blu à Anvers. Elle devrait réunir plus de 300 participants.( www.woga2013.org –conférence)
 Pour information :
Jean-Yves Duthel +32 493078313 (Co-Président WOGA-Conference), FR
Pascal De Bel +32 475 694 693, SETCa-ABVV Anvers Secrataire Regional, NL
Notes biographiques sur http://www.abvv.be/web/guest/photos-et-cv
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woga2013human-right-blog · 12 years ago
ANTWERP, June 17th, 2013 – Mr Bart Abeel, chairman of worldOutgames III, is pleased to announce that Mr Rudy De Leeuw, president of the FGTB-ABVV trade union of Belgium will be a speaker at the LGBT human rights conference in Antwerp on Friday, August 2nd, 2013.
“The commitment of our union towards recognising equality at all levels of society for LGBT people is not something recent,” said Mr De Leeuw. “We demand activity wherever LGBT people are concerned and primarily as regards social and work rights. I will be delighted to participate in the Antwerp Conference, as it is an important event for improving human rights,” he concluded.
The Belgian GFTB-ABVV union has not hesitated to use all its labour union networks, not only in Belgium but also in Europe and the rest of the world, in order to get a large number of union representatives registered as participants at the Antwerp Conference. A special panel will also be a platform for union representatives to propose new initiatives for LGBT rights at work.
The conference, under the co-presidency of Ms Tamara Adrian Hernandez (Venezuela) and Mr Jean-Yves Duthel (Canada) willtake place from July 31st to August 2nd in the Radisson BluHotel in Antwerp. More than 300 participants are expected. See www.worldoutgames.org
For more information :
Jean-Yves Duthel +32 493078313 (Co-chair WOGA-Conference), (French language)
Pascal De Bel +32 475 694 693, Regional Secretary, SETCa-ABVV Antwerp (Dutch language)
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Biographies at http://www.abvv.be/web/guest/photos-et-cv
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woga2013human-right-blog · 12 years ago
Mayor Matti Herrera Bower :
Antwerpen, June 3rd, 2013. – Tamara Adrian Hernandez and Jean-Yves Duthel, co-chairs of the Human LGBT’S Rights Conference at the worldOutgames III in Antwerpen, are pleased to announce that Mayor Matti Herrera Bower, from Miami Beach (Florida, USA) has accepted to be the Closing speaker at the Conference.
« By accepting this proposition, Duthel said, Mrs Herrera Bower is fullfiling the tradition, since worldOutgames I in Montreal in 2006, going on in Copenhagen in 2009, that the Mayor of the next city holding the event, closes the Conference on Human Rights.»
« The legacy of the Outgames, added Tamara Hernandez, is now going on since almost ten years. And Antwerpen will be very proud to hand over to Miami Beach th legacy of the Conference on LGBT Human Right.»
The Honorable Mayor Matti Herrera Bower continues her outstanding career of community involvement, currently serving as the first woman mayor in the history of the City of Miami Beach.  Originally elected to public office in November 1999 as the Miami Beach Commission’s first Hispanic woman, Mayor Bower has cemented her reputation for being dedicated and passionate about the issues that face the residents of Miami Beach.
Mayor Bower served as president of the Feinberg Fisher Elementary School, Nautilus Jr. High and Miami Beach Senior High Schools.  Additionally, she worked on countywide education issues as a member of the Miami-Dade County Public School Board’s Attendance Boundary Committee, Committee on Bilingual Education, Miami-Beach Feeder Patterns and the Citizens’ Advisory Board.
Mayor Bower co-founded the Miami Beach Hispanic Community Center and is a former member of the Miami Beach Housing Authority, and the Community Development Advisory Committee.  Additionally, she is a former board member of the Friends of the Bass Museum Board, Miami Design Preservation League, Miami Beach Community Development Corporation and past chair of Art Deco Weekend.
During her decade plus years as an elected official, Mayor Bower brought her tenacity as a longtime activist to her role, sponsoring legislation that benefited the residents of Miami Beach, especially initiating new programs and services for the elderly, disabled and low-income citizens, women and children of our community. Mayor Bower was instrumental in expanding the availability of affordable  and workforce housing, access to afterschool and recreational programs, maintaining strong laws promoting historic preservation and championing the redevelopment of the Miami Beach Convention Center.
Mayor Bower is the recipient of numerous awards including the Miami Beach Development Corporation Founding Chairman’s Award; City of Miami Beach Community Heroes Award; Miami-Dade Park and Recreation Department’s In the Company of Women Pioneer Award; MDPL Chairman’s Award; Boys and Girls Club Award; The National Housing Award; The South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Women of Leadership Award and Women Worth Knowing recognition from the Miami Beach Commission for Women.
Born in Cuba, Mayor Bower is a retired dental assistant, living in the same home purchased for her over 30 years ago by her late husband, Richard Bower.  Mayor Bower has four daughters: Marie Hernandez, Lisa Roman, Laura Reubenstine,  and Lisa Jo Bower as well as six grandchildren Katie, Natalie, Tommy, James, Ann, and Lee who reside in North Carolina, West Palm Beach and Miami Beach.
The conference will be held from July 31st  to August 2nd 2013 at the Radisson Blu Hôtel in Antwerpen. It will gather around 400 participants with, at least, 10 % from the South.
Information : Jean-Yves Duthel  +32 (0)493078313.
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woga2013human-right-blog · 12 years ago
worldOutgames III - Anvers 2013
Les co-présidents  de la Conférence sur les Doits humains des worldOutgames III d’Anvers. Tamara Adrian Hernandez (Vénézuela) et Jean-Yves Duthel (Canada) sont heureux d’annoncer que Alice NKOM’, du Cameroun, a accepté d’être la conférencière d’ouverture le 31 juillet prochain.
« Alice NKOM’, a déclaré Jean-Yves Duthel, est avocate depuis 40 ans dans son pays. Elle est devenue internationalement parlant une vedette de la défense des droits des LGBT dans son pays en 2008 en se portant à la défense de jeunes gens arrêtés à cause de leur orientation sexuelle. Elle est devenue un exemple pour beaucoup d’avocat qui, de part le monde, s’élèvent contre la discrimination des LGBT.»
Maître NKOM’ est mariée et mère de deux enfants. Dans la dernière année l’homosexualité est devenue, dans trop de pays africains un sujet de discorde et de droits bafoués. Le Cameroun, malheureusement, fait dure figure quant à la sévérité et à l’injustice dont l’appareil judiciaire – police et tribunaux – fait preuve en persécutant les homosexuels. Elle a fondé l’ADEFHO (Association pour la défense des homosexuels) qui offre assistance et soutien aux personnes arrêtées, détenues ou condamnées à cause de leur orientation sexuelle. Depuis 2003 elle a défendu plus de 30 personnes accusées d’actes homosexuels – parfois avec certains succès – comme dans le cas de deux jeunes hommes qui ont étés libérés en janvier 2013 après une condamnation à 5 ans de prison en 2011.
« Alice, a déclaré Tamara Adrian Hernandez,  à cause de son courage et de sons sens de la justice, subit des menaces régulières depuis 2008.  L’Association des magistrats  a même tenté de la faire radier du barreau camerounais à cause de son engagement en faveur des droits des LGBT. Alors qu’elle fait régulièrement l’objet de menaces écrites, la police n’a diligenté aucune enquête. Elle est la personne  toute désignée pour ouvrir la conférence d’Anvers.»
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woga2013human-right-blog · 12 years ago
worldOutgames III - Antwerp 2013
The co-chairs of the LGBT Human Rights Conference of worldOutgames III in Antwerpen, Tamara Adrian Hernandez (Venezuela) and Jean-Yves Duthel (Canada) are very pleased to announce that Alice Nkom’ from Cameroon has accepted to be the opening speaker of the conference on July 31st, 2013.
“Alice Nkom’”, Duthel said, “is a Cameroon lawyer who came into worldwide renown in 2008 for taking on the defence of people accused of homosexual acts in her country. She sets an example for lawyers in many other countries where persecution of LGBT people is a flagrant breach of Human Rights.”
She is married and the mother of two children in Douala. She has been lawyer for forty years. She has attracted international attention by her courageous stance on a wide array of topics, and in 2008 she was the leading lawyer defending young victims of severe police violence after large scale demonstrations. Lately, homosexuality has become a major issue in many African countries. Cameroon stands out for the severity with which the judicial apparatus – police and courts – persecute LGBT people. Alice Nkom’ also strongly opposes heavy social censure. She founded ADEFHO (Association pour la défense de l’homosexualité) that offers general assistance to people arrested, detained or convicted for their sexual orientation. Since 2003 she has defended more than 30 cases of people accused of homosexual acts – sometimes with some success, such as with the release of two young men in January 2013 after being sentenced to five years in prison in November 2011.
“Since 2008 Alice has been facing regular threats because of her sense of justice and her courage,” said Tamara Adrian Hernandez. Even the magistrates association of Cameroon intended to strike her from the Cameroonian bar because of her commitment to defend LGBT Rights. She faces regular death threats via email and text messages without any investigation from the police.  She is the right person to come to Antwerp for the LGBT Human Rights conference.”
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woga2013human-right-blog · 12 years ago
City of Antwerp & worldOutgames Press Conference
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woga2013human-right-blog · 12 years ago
Antwerpen Outgames: Road to Success
ANTWERP, May 21st, 2013 - "Back in 2009, the Gay & Lesbian International Sport Association selected our city – Antwerp – as host for the third edition of the worldOutgames, to be held this year. We are proud to have taken on this important challenge," said Mr Bart De Wever, mayor of the City of Antwerp. "And we are also proud and confident to be looking forward to welcoming the thousands of participants, their families, and their friends. Once again, Antwerp will be at the center of world sport, culture and human rights," he added. Accompanied by Alderman for Culture, Mr Philip Heylen, and Alderman for Sports, Mr Ludo Van Kampenhout, and by Mr Bart Abeel, chairman of worldOutgames Antwerp, has launched the full programme of activities which will take place during the event. "For three years, we have been working rigorously and persistently to create an event of international standing. This third edition of the worldOutgames, which we sought to be held here in Antwerp, will meet the objectives set", said Mr Abeel. With ten paid staff and countless volunteers, with the unfailing support of the city authorities, with the help of the Belgian and Flemish governments, local LGBT organisations and ILGA-World, we are going to hold high-quality sporting events, compelling cultural events and a significant international conference about human rights", Mr Abeel added. The programme of activities, covering around 180 pages in print, is available on the web site. It contains all the information about the three pillars of the worldOutgames: sport, culture and human rights. Ms Tamara Adrian Hernandez, renowned lawyer and professor from Venezuela, took part in the press conference by video link from Caracas. "The co-president of the conference Jean-Yves Duthel (Canada) and I are particularly pleased to be able to host a conference at such a high level and with such precise goals. With the help of an International Expert Group and partners around the world, the conference will deal with Migrations and Transitions in a world of perpetual change. In particular, we want to emphasize LGBT solidarity not just between North and South but also between East and West." worldOutgames III represents more than 5000 registrations from 80 different countries.   More information: Jean-Yves Duthel [email protected] Tel +1 514 655 0504 (Montreal, Canada) 
Follow on Twitter    Friend on Facebook    Forward to Friend  Copyright © 2013 Gay and Lesbian International Sport Association, All rights reserved.
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woga2013human-right-blog · 12 years ago
GLISA Media UPDATE: worldOutgames Conference Call Invitation time change
Media Invitation: Online Press Conference: worldOutgames III COUNTDOWN TO ANTWERP.
MEDIA ALERT Antwerp, Belgium May 16, 2013
UPDATED: Online Conference Call Invitation
TIME CHANGE: Conference Call will start at 14h00 Antwerp Time worldOutgames 2013 05-21 UPDATED
worldOutgames III COUNTDOWN TO Antwerp, Belgium
Contact: North America Jean-Yves Duthel,  [email protected] world.outgames.org  + 1 514 655-0504 Antwerp, UPDATED Friday May 17th  – the Mayor of the City of Antwerp, Mr Bart De Wever, the Alderman for Culture of the City of Antwerp, Mr. Philip Heylen and the Chairman of worldOutgames III Antwerp Mr Bart Abeel, will hold an important world press conference on Tuesday, May 21st at Antwerp City Hall at 14h00 local time. The press conference will also be broadcast live via online webinar. Ms Tamara Adrian Hernandez from Venezuela, co-chair of the International worldOutgames conference on LGBT Human Rights will also attend via an online video link. The press conference is being held to announce the programme of all activities: Sports, Culture and Human Rights Conference. Members of the press who wish to attend online by internet will need to register online as soon as possible since on-line seats are limited: http://qcklik.me/wogaconf1305 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the online webinar. Use this link to look up the time for your timezone: http://qcklik.me/woga135
  For additional information on the GLISA family and worldOutgames 2013 Antwerp, please visit our websites: www.GLISA.org www.world.Outgames.org  
About the Gay and Lesbian International Sport Association Established in 2004, the Gay and Lesbian International Sport Association (GLISA) is a democratically governed, international association of sport, culture and human rights organizations that works for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. GLISA’s mandate is to support and grow an international LGBT movement by organizing continental associations, continental Outgames, and global worldOutgames every four years.
Technical Contact: For any technical issues related to the conference please contact: Daniel Vaudrin +1 514 998 4282 skype: daniel.vaudrin email: [email protected]
Follow on Twitter | Friend on Facebook | Forward to Friend  Copyright © 2013 Gay and Lesbian International Sport Association, All rights reserved.
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