woahhitsbee · 3 days
Disrespected: P.S Part 2
Seonghwa gets his shit together......
thank you @imperfect0angel for this idea. I was on the fence of doing a part 2 where he came begging for forgiveness so you just gave me the push I needed! Hopefully it was enough groveling for you :)
Part 1
CW: Explicit language
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Two weeks had past and at first Seonghwa thought he was free, thought he would be able to spend more time with his friends, spend more time alone. But the more time went on the more he started to miss your presence. "She doesn’t want to do anything with us and she barely lets you hang out with us" Jongho's words stuck with him, he always thought that you were the reason he never really saw his friends, that you always made him cancel plans. But as the more he thought the more he realized that he did it to himself
"Hey babe, the guys wanted to go out for drinks tonight" Seonghwa yelled from the bedroom as you got the couch ready for the movie night Seonghwa had promised for weeks. Feeling really disappointed you knew it was important for him to see his friends considering he blew them off the past 4 times just to stay with you "oh... well that's fine Hwa, I know they miss you so we can always do this another night" you say as he comes into the living room. It really wasn't okay but who are you to get in the way of his friends (bro.... you're literally his girlfriend... but whatever) "No it's fine Angel. We've put this night off long enough" he says coming up and giving you a kiss on the top of your head. You smile up at him still feeling a little unsure, you love spending time with him but you know his friends adore and miss him as well. "Are you sure? You haven't seen them in a week" you questioned trying to reassure him that it's okay if he wanted to go but he insisted on staying. Halfway through the 2nd movie his phone starts ringing "Woo's calling. I'm just going to see if they're okay" he says quietly getting up not waiting for you to answer. He's gone for only a few seconds but when he comes back he has a complex look on his face "The guys need me to go get them. Something happened at the bar. It's a mess. I'm really sorry Angel but we have to continue this another time" he says sadly, giving you a quick kiss before leaving.
Seonghwa thinks back to that night a lot. There was never an emergency, nothing happened at the bar, he didn't need to go and get anybody. The guilt started to consume him and with every day that passed his desire to text you an apology grew. But he knew this was something he had to do in person, he fucked up, big time. He always thought you were plain, letting the words of his friends cloud his judgement. But without you here his days felt dull and just seemed to drag on forever. Every morning he would wake up hoping to see one of your mushy good morning texts or hoping that you would text him to talk things out but you weren't the one that fucked up. No, you were perfect and he hates that it took him this long to figure that out. He hates that he let his friends talk shit about you, he hates that HE talked shit about you. He had to apologize. He had to get you back
He raised a shaky hand to your door, hesitating for a second before finally knocking. What if you weren't home? What if you didn't forgive him? What if you found someone else? What i- his thoughts were cut off by the door opening (please always look before you open the door... unless it actually is Seonghwa...). You feel your eyes widen at the sight in front of you. The bags under Seonghwa eyes were very prominent and he was wearing his lazy day sweatpants. "What are you doing here" you ask crossing your arms "I um I just wanted to uh I" Seonghwa started to stutter, you couldn't help but look at him like he was stupid. He let his friends insult you, HE insulted you and now he's here at your door blubbering like a fish "ummm... I'm just going to close the door" you say as you awkwardly start to close the door "wait" he shouts and next thing you know his arms are wrapped around your waist, his face buried into your tummy "I'm sorry Angel, I'm so fucking sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me but fuck, I fucked up really bad. I hurt you in ways I never wanted. I don't think you're boring at all and I am so so fucking sorry about ditching you on our movie night. You're so perfect, a literal Angel and I'm so sorry for not treating you as such" Seonghwa was on his knees begging you to forgive him but the damage was already done "Seonghwa, you do realize that, that wasn't the first time you ditched me right? You did it during our café date, our picnic date, and on our year anniversary. If I bored you that much why didn't you just end things instead of hurting me?" you questioned pushed him off you
"Please Angel, give me another chance. Let me make this up to you. I never thought you were boring, I should have never let them talk about you like that, I should've defended you. Please, I will do literally anything you ask, I just want to make this up to you" he whimpered, tears streaming down his face. You just stood there contemplating, you loved him a lot but he hurt more than anyone ever has and you definitely didn't want to go through that again "Fine. You get one more chance but if you fuck up again then it's over and I never want to see you again" You say getting down on your knees to meet his level. He said nothing as he practically tackles you in a hug "thank you, thank you, thank you. I promise to love you right this time Angel"
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woahhitsbee · 3 days
Disrespected: P.S
CW: angst, explicit language, insulting, encouraging behavior, shitty Seonghwa (i literally love this man so freaking much it’s unhealthy), shitty everyone honestly
Part 2
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“Jeez Hwa you’re still with her?” One of his friends laughed while they gathered on his couch “Shh San she’s literally sleeping in my room” Seonghwa hushed “oh come on dude you gotta let us know what you see in her, she’s so plain. Is it the sex?” Wooyoung questioned. Seonghwa rolled his eyes “I mean he’s right Hwa. She doesn’t want to do anything with us and she barely lets you hang out with us” this time Jongho chimed in. At this point all the boys were trashing you not realized you had woken up and heard every single word and what hurt the most is that Seonghwa jumped in. “You know there’s times when we’re talking on the phone and I made the excuse that I have practice or I have to study just to get off the phone because I’m so bored” He laughs “dude the one time you told me to call you acting like there was an emergency so you could get out of that movie date” Wooyoung laughed “I mean in all seriousness. Why don’t you just break up with her?” Yunho asked “I think I’m used to the company and I like how much she likes me” Seonghwa shrugged “trust me if found someone more entertaining I’d definitely leave” he laughed. Suddenly Hongjoongs face dropped, feeling the presence behind him Seonghwa turned and was meet with you tear filled eyes. You were out the door before he could even process you standing there. “Oh shit” Mingi sighed. Seonghwa raced out to catch you but you were already long gone.
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woahhitsbee · 3 days
His Lockscreen: OT8
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Please don’t clown me on Wooyoungs……. I thought it was cute 🥲
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woahhitsbee · 3 days
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A=Angst F=Fluff S=Smut
Hongjoon: Prioritys (A)
Seonghwa: First date(short)(F)
Disrespected (A) Disrespected Part 2 (A)
Yunho: Too Much (A) Falling (F) Coming soon
Yeosang: Sunlight (F)
What’s your favorite scary movie? (S) Coming soon
San: Two Princes Two Princes Part 2 Coming soon
For Years (F) Coming soon
Takin the lead huh? (S) Coming soon
Wooyoung: Two Princes Two Princes Part 2 Coming soon
I Love to love you (F) Coming soon
Jongho: Physical Touch (F)
OT8: His Lockscreen
Lazy Days (F) Coming soon
Requests are open!
Idek know how to make my posts look good…. So sorry
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woahhitsbee · 4 days
Physical Touch: C.J
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Everyone knows Jongho does NOT like physical touch, that is until you came along. It started slowly with holding pinkies under the table to him hugging you from behind constantly. Whenever you would leave the apartment you'd always give him a kiss, but the one time you forgot he would pout the entire time until you came back over. "What's wrong bear?" noticing his attitude. he says nothing and just points to his lips, the realization hits you and you can't help but giggle "were you really this pouty all day?" you ask crossing your arms "YES, YES HE WAS" you hear Wooyoung yell from the couch. Jongho looks at you expectantly and who are you to deny him. Reaching up you give him a quick peck but apparently that was not enough for him because next thing you know he grabs your face and smashes his lips against yours. The sudden attack surprises you but you can't help but melt into him. After he's satisfied he pulls away "now I'm happy"
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woahhitsbee · 8 days
Priorities: K.H
I guess this can technically be toxic Hongjoong. As usually this is not I how I think he actually is. I literally love this man so freaking much 🥹 we’re both Scorpios ssoooo anyways enjoy the angst
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They way he never put you first, ever. “Sorry love I can’t make tonight’s date. I have to finish a few songs but I’ll make it up to you next time” he says putting his phone on the desk turning his focus back on the screen of the laptop “you said that the past 8 times Joong” you sigh standing up from the table you’ve been sitting at for 45 minutes “I’m busy (Y/N) you know this. My job is really important and requires a lot of time” he said running hand through his hair “I’m important too you know. I can’t remember the last time I actually got to see you and not on the phone. I’m just getting tired” you say, your voice dropping at the end. It’s quiet for a couple minutes and you’re sure that he’s not even paying attention anymore “Hongjoong?” You hear him sigh “look (y/n) I’m sorry but I’m busy I can’t do this right now, we’ll talk later” he rushed out before hanging up leaving you to stare blankly at your phone.
A few days had passed since that night and you have yet to see Hongjoong let alone hear from him, not even a text. You debated on texted him knowing he’s busy and didn’t want to cause an argument. But he’s your boyfriend, you should be able to see and talk to him and not have to feel hesitant about it. You’re about to hit the call button when you hear a knock on the door. Through the peephole you see your very tired looking boyfriend standing on the other side on his phone. He looks up as he hears you opening the door. You give him a small smile as you step aside to let him in, he takes off his shoes and makes his way to your couch slumping down tiredly.
“So how are the songs coming along?” You ask as you sit next to him “it was tiring but I think I made good progress” he said turning his to look at you, his eyes looking empty. You missed the way he used to look at you. You missed when he treated you like someone he actually wanted to be around. You miss him. “That’s good! I’m sure the guys are going to be happy with it” you say trying to smile “they are, we started recording yesterday which surprisingly didn’t take long so we just hung around the dorm the rest of the day” he says sleepily while shutting his eyes. You felt a slight pang in your heart hearing that. He didn’t think to even send you little text any time after they got home “I figured you were busy the whole day since I didn’t hear from you” you watch him frown without opening his eyes “I just needed a break from screens and wanted to be alone for a little bit” he shrugs as if it were not big deal.
You really didn’t want to argue with him especially when he looked so tired but you didn’t know when you’d have another opportunity to be face to face with him like this. Taking a deep breath you just it all out “you know I haven’t seen you in almost a month. We haven’t had an actual engaging conversation in 2 weeks. I can’t even remember the last time we went on a date. It doesn’t even feel like a I have boyfriend. I understand you’re busy with work but I haven’t heard from you in THREE days Joong, I couldn’t even get a single text from you and to hear that you weren’t even busy the entire time feels like such a slap to the face. I don’t understand. If I did something to make you act like this towards me please let me know because I don’t know what to do anymore” you expressed crossing your arms and standing, waiting for his response
“I understand you’re upset but this is my work, what I do for a living, what I love, it’s a lot of hard work and time. I really don’t want to keep having these useless conversations over and over. Ateez is my priority and I have to focus on that above anything else” he says sitting up staring at you. You really don’t know what to say with what he just said, he basically said you’re not a priority to him and if that’s the case then what’s the point of this. Fight the tears that are building in your eyes you open your mouth to speak but nothing comes out.
You turn away from him so he doesn’t see the hot tears rolling down your cheeks “I don’t want to do this anymore” you sniffle, you hear him stand up and make his way to you “me neither. I don’t like these little confrontations” you feel him wrap his arms around you making your heart break even more. “No. I don’t want to do this relationship anymore” you cried as you pushed him away “It’s obvious I’m not important to you and it already feels like we aren’t together so why don’t we just end it here” he stares at your for a few seconds to see if you’re joking, waiting for the ‘just kidding babe, I love you so much’ but it doesn’t come. He stares at your tear stained face. He scoffs crossing his arms “you’re upset right now, why don’t we talk when you’ve had time to calm down and think” he says grabbing his things. He stops when he hears you laugh bitterly “that’s actually really funny because I have had more than enough to think about this and we should’ve broken up a while ago” he starts to panic once he realized you’re being 100000% serious “you can’t be serious. Look love I’m sorry okay, I know I’ve been busy and neglecting you but I’ll make it up to you I promise. Let’s go out now, I can take you wherever you want to go” he rushed back in front of you but you just shook your head tired of the circles “I can’t do this anymore Joong” you whispered “please don’t this (y/n) please. I swear I will find more time for you” he begged feeling his own tears gathering “I’m sorry, I’ve made up my mind” you say turning away from him
“You’re really going to throw this all away? Just like that? I told you what you were getting into when we got together but you were so insistent on making it work” somehow he turned it on you making it your fault for not wanting to make this work or wanting to stay in a relationship you were no longer happy in. Anger bubbled inside of you because how dare he. How. Fucking. Dare. He. Taking a calming breath as you try not to explode you stare him dead in eyes and see nothing. No love. No adoration. No anger. No hurt
“I thinks it’s best if you leave Hongjoong” he does nothing but stare at you for a minute before making his way to the door, grabbing his shoes, not even bothering to put them on and walking out.
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woahhitsbee · 9 days
Sunlight: K.Y
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Your favorite thing in the entire world is Yeosang in the sunlight. The way his skin shines as if it was made of silk velvet, even the tiniest touch would wrinkle such perfection. The comforting shade of mocha in his eyes didn’t help the enchantment he held you under. You cherished the days you could just stare as you both laid in bed. It was if a halo entrapped him and the most heavenly being was lying next to you. He would always have this soft loving look whenever you were around as if you were the only person in his world adding to his angelic personality. Your favorite thing in the entire world is Yeosang in the sunlight
I literally love him so freaking much 🥲🥲🥲
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woahhitsbee · 10 days
Imagine your first date with Seonghwa. He would take you to an art museum. You and Seonghwa would look so majestic while walking through that people would think you two were the art 😏 he would say some cheesy pick up line like “all this art but you’re the true beauty” and then instantly cringe at himself
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woahhitsbee · 11 days
Too Much: J.Y
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I don’t know how to tumblr and make these posts look pretty…… someone teach me 🥲 also I’m not really happy with a lot of the wording in this so at some point I’ll go in and fix some things. Oh and I was going through some thaaangs when I wrote this soo to me it’s a little sad ❤️
You don't know where everything went wrong but the shift was very noticeable, everyone saw it except him. It started off with little things like taking hours even days to respond to your messages, but he's busy so you tried not to worry too much about it. Soon it turned into feeling alone even when you're with him, you can count the amount of times he spoken to you in the past few weeks on one hand. You don't even remember the last time you guys went on an actual date, you seem to hang out with San more than your actual boyfriend.
Hearing the front door open you look over seeing a tired Yunho walking in. He doesn't even look your way as he takes his shoes off and heads to his room "hey YuYu! How was your day?" You ask trying to see if he actually wants to converse today. He shrugs and continues walking. You sighed "I wish you would actually talk to me Yunho, I've barely talked to you in weeks, I know you're busy but it feels like I'm not important to you anymore" you say trying to get him to at least look at you.
You hear him huff out in frustration, finally turning towards you "Why do you always have to freak out about this stuff, I'm busy and you knew what you were getting yourself into when you started dating me" he said sounding drained. "I know YuYu but I just miss you a lot and I just want to spend a couple minutes with you" you didn't like to beg but you didn’t know what else to do "you see me everyday I don't know what more you want from me" Yunho started to walk towards his room not wanting to talk about this anymore. Frustrated tears started to form in your eyes.Feeling defeated you sit back down on the couch, dropping the subject to appease him.
When Yunho got to his room he started feeling guilty, he didn't mean to make to come off the way he did. He had a horrible day in the studio but he didn't want to drag you into everything, he knows you just want to help and spend time with him which makes him feel even worse but he can't explain it. He loves you a lot, he just feels like he has too much going on. After changing and showering he decided to sleep it off, maybe then he'd feel better and you guys could go to this new gimbap shop he saw on the way home.
Jongho was the next to come home. Seeing you sitting on the couch alone, he already knew. Even though he was younger than you he always seemed much more mature... you knew better, but he always had such great advice. After removing his shoes he accompanied you. "You know we all care about you and we would be devastated to see you leave but you have to do what makes you happy. I know he loves you and he does have a lot going on but I'll understand if you don't want to continue" he said giving you a small smile before standing and walking off to his room.
You were left by yourself again and in the silence. For awhile you had gotten used to it seeing as that's all you get from Yunho but eventually even the silence became too much. Making the hardest decisions you thought you'd ever have to make, you couldn't stop the tears from streaming as your wrote your heart out. You didn't have the courage to tell him face to face so after carefully gathering the things you had left over the months you placed the note on his nightstand for him to see when he woke up. Tiptoeing through the apartment hoping you didn't draw attention to yourself but right as you went to open the front door Mingi walked in. Noticing the bags your hand he sighed with knowing eyes.
To my YuYu,
From the moment I met you I knew you were the one for me. You were everything I was looking for,for years. You know everything about me and I thought I knew you. You were my best friend, my whole world but recently it felt like I've been having to beg for your attention and when I get it we always argue. I can't continue putting myself through this, I love you more than words will ever express but for the sake of both of us I need to let you go. I will treasure every memory we made and every minute we spent together. I pray you find someone who you'll love the way I love you. I will always support you but I just cannot be with you. I will miss the guys so much, they grew to be the brothers I never had. Thank you for everything, I will forever cherish you.
please understand this is not how I think Yunho is in real life. I literally love him so much he's such a sunshine boy and I think that's why I chose him for this because it just seems like something out of character I guess 🥲🥲 I'm sorry if this feels incomplete I know I kept this kind of... not open ended but if you want a couple different endings let me know!!! I've been feeling bleh recently and it gave me the much needed cry I've been waiting for. If you all are ever needed someone to talk to I'm always here, please remember that ❤️
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woahhitsbee · 11 days
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WooyoungXreaderXSan love triangle
"Stand up straight (y/n)! A princess never slouches" your mother says as you get ready to enter the ballroom. Today was your 18th birthday and all you wanted to do was lay in your bed instead you're in a dress you can barely breathe in and you're about to be in a room full of people you can barely stand, but this was for your parents, for your people. "Yes mother" you say straightening your posture to something more presentable.
Your mother nodded to the guard for him to begin the announcement "NOW PRESENTING QUEEN (M/N)" your mother gracefully descended the stairs as your father greeted at the bottom. You watch as he took her arm and led her across the room "NOW PRESENTING PRINCESS (Y/N)" you looked around at all bodies as you began to descend as well. You recognized a couple but some were new. When you reached the bottom you made eye contact with your mother, her eyes telling you not to find a corner to hide in and to actually interact with others.
Your mother was hoping this was the night you would find a husband. Most of the princess had already found their suitor by the age of 16 but boys never really peaked your interest. You sighed as you began to walk around bowing to elders as you passed. You seemed to gravitate to the food table not being able to resist all the delicious smells coming from it. You were so engrossed in deciding what to choose that you didn't notice the presence next to you.
"Have you danced with anyone yet" the voice startling you. With a hand placed over your heart trying to find your breath again you looked up to see your best friend Wooyoung with an amused look on his face "you shouldn't sneak up on someone, it's not very princely" you said rolling your eyes back to the food "I've been standing here for 5 minutes" he said trying to suppress his laughter "but I guess you wouldn't have noticed considering you're drooling right now" he said while pointing to your chin. You swat his hand away laughing
"Ahh prince Wooyoung, it's very nice of you to join us for (y/n) birthday" your fathers voice booms over the crowds as he makes his was to the two of you. Wooyoung bows respectfully as your father approaches "it's very nice to see you in good health your highness, I wouldn't have missed this for the world" he smiled respectfully "(y/n) why don't you and Wooyoung go and dance" your father says hopeful that you'll actually listen for once but you don't even have the chance to answer before Wooyoung grabs your hand and drags you to the dance floor "I think that's a brilliant idea your highness, don't worry I'll wear her out for you" Wooyoung winks at your father and you can't help slap his shoulder
You and Wooyoung have been best friends since diapers. You've always seen him as a brotherly figure but the past couple years he's really grown as a man and of course you noticed when he was suddenly taller than you and had muscles. The thought of even being remotely close like this made your world crumble and your mind went blank. Why would you ever think of Wooyoung like this? He was loud, annoying, overbearing, sensitive, so easy to talk to, loving.... Okay... yeah you have a MAJOR crush on him, but you obviously couldn't tell him. You're not sure if he even feels the same way or if he even wants to get married. He doesn't really NEED to, he's already next in line but with your brother taking the throne your parents are really pushing you to marry a prince. You were completely fine with being a Duchess and you did not see yourself being queen at all.
Feeling Wooyoung's hand on your waist pulled you back to the present as he stared at you expectantly. You realized you were just standing, staring at him like a deer in headlights with your hands by your side. It's not like it's the first time you guys have danced but this if the first time it's felt different for you. You hesitantly placed one hand on shoulder and the other in his. His hands felt warm and welcoming. As you began to move to the music your anxiety grew. You stared down at your feet afraid that if you looked up and made eye contact you were stumble
"Have you found a suitor yet?" He asked already knowing the answer but he just wanted to see if he had any competition "I feel like you already know the answer to that" you said rolling your eyes at him as he spun your around "well who knows maybe you'll find him tonight" Wooyoung sighed as he wiggled his eyebrows "I'm hoping people leave me alone" you really didn't care much for the whole smiling at people you barely knew and thanking them for coming to a party that was mainly for your parents.
The song finally came to an end and you pulled away from Wooyoung "hey I'll be right back okay" he said before walking away "Princess (y/n) I hope you're having a fantastic birthday" you heard voice that you hope you'd never have to hear again. Duke Park Jin-young was the epitome of insufferable, of course he would be here. You take a breath before your turn with a bright smile on your face "good evening your grace. I'm very glad you could make it" you say with a slight bow. He hums before looking around "so have you found a husband yet? You're not getting any younger" he sneers with a smug smile. You can feel your eye twitch "how's your wife?" You asked knowing she up and left him which really isn't heard of and not very queenly of you to bring up but to see the smile wipe from his face was very... satisfying
He huffs and walks away as you look around to see where Wooyoung went. You see the back of his big head and make a beeline to the only person you felt comfortable with. When you made it to him you were about to tap him on the shoulder when you look up and a soft pair of eyes staring at you in surprise. You felt the world stop and the air deflated from your lungs. In front of you was Prince San. Someone you haven't seen in over 5 years due to his parents sending him to train in something you couldn't even remember.
Something was different, this wasn't the same San you knew years ago. No this San grew, in more ways than one. He seemed to mature into the manly man in front of you now and the way he looked at you made you head feel very fuzzy.
Oh shit
Do you want a part 2?
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