verrathpd · 3 years
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Verrath and the ghost of Lucy looking out onto the ocean
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verrathpd · 3 years
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Pill Demon species rules
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verrathpd · 3 years
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Reference sheet for the boi, my beloved Verrath
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verrathpd · 4 years
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A year later and Calming Sunset has improved again.
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verrathpd · 4 years
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So i made chibi of my ocs.
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verrathpd · 4 years
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Pink one is Yenity, Clan leader: Yutel is there name, they guide those blessed with the ability to fly and cherish those within their clan. Sometimes having self arguments but still love all those with their clan.
Green one is Tryklim, suneken clan leader although a new leader to the clan they've proven that they're worthy of leading. Based deep down underwater where no other will be able to swim the suneken clan swim.
Last one is Pica, a yenity defender and the next in command if Yutel gets badly injured.
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verrathpd · 5 years
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Feral Verrath
Just come along to the forest where Pill demons run.
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verrathpd · 5 years
OH 50+
well shit- well, i’m open for requests if anyone wants one? i’m kinda like do i re-draw DT!Sans or do something else?
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verrathpd · 5 years
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Calming sunsets are nice to watch~ Do you still need my help?
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verrathpd · 7 years
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Slowly crawling to the end of my life where hell awaits me.
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verrathpd · 7 years
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verrathpd · 7 years
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@twiggywashere finally returned to life!!! she’s back!!!
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verrathpd · 7 years
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Gold: Huh?
*bitch Slapped*
Gold: why? *whimpers*
@zianyahk Kei!Sans ain’t happy with Gold.
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verrathpd · 7 years
*wheeze* *flops to floor* god damnit.
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I don’t know what the hell this is. But it seems like something that would be right up your ally. I think they’re another kind of crugg? I’m not sure.
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Because I can never say no to Stretch in any kind of crocs! Even though way back when you sent this in to me I had already planned on drawing him wearing those, and something I find hilarious, is that the day when I got this before I knew it, I was thinking how funny it would be if you or someone else sent this croc pic in and when I got home that day there it was in my ask box xD I can frikking predict the future! 
Still I began and finished this one today and it turned out pretty well for one of my digital only pics, had to use a photo so to get Stretch’s pose right, or kinda right at least, some of the anatomy on the both of them are a bit miffy, but can’t be bothered to be picky it still looks good and this was just for fun anyhow! you can see where I started to get srs tired of working on this on Berry’s left foot, also on his colours, still happy with this tho so yay!
Also this is not Sw0pcäst so do not tag it as such thank you!
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verrathpd · 7 years
Demon...*hovers near @zianyahk* you require any help boss?
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My friend sent me this so I thought why not post it here! I’m am Satan itself XD
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verrathpd · 7 years
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“grape~ Goldie’s coming for you”
@zianyahk ^-^
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verrathpd · 7 years
Welp. Finally remembered my password and the fact i had tumblr...geez...it has been looooonnnngggg...
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