I woke up today and choose violence
45 posts
Mexican, +18, Any pronouns. I like Alenoah.
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woah-i-am-here · 11 months ago
Me, coming back from college and seeing the notes, missed messages and all the new Alenoah content that spawned while I was gone:
What the heck did I miss?!?!
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
*Inhales in spanish*
Art. Masterpiece. ahHHHhHHHH. sjJhHhHzhdkjskdjssk. So pretty! So cute! I love itttt. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
The smugness in Noah, god I love that smirk nghhh. Love it. Love you 💕
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Alenoah role swap au by @woah-i-am-here
dude im literally obsessed with this au its my FAVORITE ugh i love it
also this was rushed, im on the verge of passing out due to exhaustion
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
That moment when you are doing a large comic and you are stumped in a part AGhHhHHHH STUPID BLOCK aldbsAAAAHHHHhHHHHhHhHhHHhHHHHH
Bless me, heavens, BLESS ME. Let me finish the piece of Noah harvesting the consecuences of his actions NYeHHHHh
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
I'm crying. This is so pretty?!?!?! The colors, the gays, the alenoah, aufmsbsnebsjbs UGHHHHhHHHHHhHHHHHshdhskjdksjdkdjdkdjd I am— I'm eating so well holy jesus I am smiling so hard I love this I love you I akdbandvsnddjs—
*Happy Monkey Noises*
Guess who finally draw a fanart of their fav au
Thank you for the good food @woah-i-am-here 🙏
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
BESTIE ARE YOU OK, you haven’t posted in a week and I gotta check up on ya😔😔😔 (btw this is not asking you to make more art, it’s asking if you’re feeling ok😇🤌)
I am alive, and still in love with Total Drama. It's just that College started for me and my free time got murdered, since I work too.
It's incredibly busy, but I promise I'm not dead. Thank you for asking. You are a sweetheart 💕😭
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
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Canon Alejandro and Role Swap!Noah. They probably would not be able to stand each other, lmao. Fake recognizes fake.
Bonus: MK and his young father (Thank you, time shenanigans fanfiction I do not remember your name of)
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
What a great day to be alive. This just made my entire month, santa madre. Lo amo. Amo. Amo. I love it. Amo. I loveeeeeeee. Ayooooooo. AhHHHHHHHHhHhh. AHHhHHHhHHHHHHHhH
ALENOAH SWAP AU BY @woah-i-am-here !!
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@thatonetotaldramaguy EAT UP ❗️❗️
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
- medichamx
Ayyooooooo. Thank youuuuuuuuuu 😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
Your swap au made me think
The Alenoah fandom likes to put Noah's sisters as being all successful in their chosen career/sport and I can only think of the pressure for success Noah would have.
Just imagine, being the youngest of 9 children and having all 8 older siblings be successful, and then there's the youngest; his parents don't expect anything of him because his sisters already gave them everything they could've asked for and more.
Thinking about it maybe that could be the reason canon!Noah is so apathetic and without drive, nothing he could do would compare to what his sisters already did.
I really like your way of thinking. I really enjoy when one of them is a soccer player. Kinda paralels a bit with Carlos.
Giving fame to his family siblings—and the money, even— is like a situation where nothing he does matters. Entering Total Drama because he wants to success like his sisters, but not caring because at the end of the day, his family doesn't need the money and winning a reality show —where in real life it is demonstrated that they are staged as fuck— wouldnt amount to anything his sisters have done. A lose/lose situation.
But giving him the motivation, the pressure, a motive... That's why I enjoy reading fanfiction so much. Noah has enough open to just wonder and try to expand on him. That's why I love him so much.
It's kinda funny that you touch this subject, because it is a bit of the opposite in the AU. It has the same premise of everyone in the family being famous, but Noah, having still the ability of not giving a flying fuck underneath his persona, the mask, he doesn't care about the expectations his family has set for him.
He used to, but the pressure...
"With a mind like yours, we could be on top of the food chain. Instead, you are wasting your talents reading and staying on computers all day." "Go hang out with your sister! I don't care that you don't like her, she will help shape your inadecuate figure." "You fashion sense is a disaster, Noah. Change your clothes in this instant!" "Stop frowning. You look disgusting when you do that. Why did you have to be born with such a big forehead and those wrinkles? Eugh..."
...It was just too much for him.
So no. He doesn't care about the expectations. Noah won't win in name of his family even if in some part if him wishes they would feel an ounce of pride if he did. He has his own motives to be in this show, and that's why he uses whatever he has at his disposal to get the million, no matter the people he hurts on his way.
He has no need for the fame, his family needs no money, but winning this means everything to him. He's pressured to succeed.
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
OMG I LOVED YOUR ALIEN STAGE X ALENOAH DRAWING!! ive been thinking about it for a while but didnt know how to make it work but you portrayed it perfectly with the role swap au!! i wasnt sure how it would fit but you nailed it amazingly!!
im so glad to have found another alien stage & total drama fan! (ik these fandoms have literally no relation to each other but i still hold them very close to my heart lol) the songs are a banger and the animation is so beautiful, not to mention the deep story and how everything connects to each other
also, your artstyle is so nice!! it looks so neat and kinda close to the original style while also adding uniqueness (i think thats a word? idk 😭😭)
hope u have a great day <33 (and sorry for the rant)
The role swap Ruler of My heart was in my head the moment I heard that song. And it fits so much, considering that Swap Noah is manipulating and trying to get a rise out of Swap Alejandro 80% of the time they spend together.
I found Vivino's videos because a friend recommended the My September song. And then Alien Stage gripped my heart and broke it. I freaking love Hyuna and Ivan so much, and Sua deserved so much better I SWEAAAAAAAAAAAR, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS KILL THE LESBIAN VIVINOOOSSSSSSSSS
I really appretiate the kind comment about my art!! AWOOOOGAAAA I'm not that confident in it since it's so inconsistent sometimes, so hearing that people like it feels like a weight off my chest.
I hope you have a great day too!
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
whats ur thoughts on the gen2/roti cast?
Mixed would be the short answer.
There are some characters that I enjoy. Dawn, Mike, Zoey, Brick and Jo being an example.
But at the same time, I felt like the season was a bit underwhelming, at least for my taste. I actually started to lose interest mid season. And gotta be honest, I didn't watch the finale. So that's that.
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
As a Fear and Hunger player, seeing an AU with Total Drama being mixed with that game feels like a dream come true.
(I'm still not that confident with coloring, but I´ve decided to go little by little)
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Obligatory Alenoah Doodle because OTP.
Fear and Hunger AU belongs to @total-funger-island
Bonus: Traditional Fear and Hunger Noah drawing (With Moonscorched included). LET ME LIVE I AM A DAAN MAIN.
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
Amazing. Perfect. Precious. Talented. Masterpiece. Art. Beautiful. Incredible. Heart touching. This just made my existence.
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
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"Handsome as always, Alejandro. Why I am not surprised?"
Just two gays being pals, two besties being homies.
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
I feel so dumb for not recognizing the last one, rayos— But Chihiro? Mabel? Noah? Good taste, really good taste.
Well, I'm gonna asume that you are a sweetheart who is not afraid to say things the way they are and be a little mean¿
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Ty for the tag, sweetie pie ♥️
Now who do I tag —qkdhskdjks I don't wanna be a burden— @bbycha25 , @diggity-didge-too , @thatonetotaldramaguy , @danthyl —anybody else free to join 🥰
Making a tag game cause I can
Rules: post 4 fictional characters you relate to and assume something about the person you reblogged from based on their characters
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No pressure tag! @sidneyoftheblackwoods @mqstermindswift @stars-and-birds @zenilvar @forever-chained-to-myself @themidnightarcher @skeelly @thepencilsnameissteve @thislove-taylorsversion @thislifeissweeterthanfiction @swiftieannah @a-pessimistic-swiftie @catastrxblues @jellycanon @what-about-wendy and anyone else who wants to join<3
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woah-i-am-here · 1 year ago
Yes, I am hilarious.
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