wixminhyuk · 10 years
I'm really sorry for being mia for a couple of days~
I had some techincal difficulties but they are all fixed now!
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wixminhyuk · 10 years
Be My Model? | Minhyuk x Junhee
The day started out with sunlight seeping through the curtains and the brisk air stirring about outside the window. The weekend mornings were usually lifeless as everyone was vacant from the streets mostly caused by the condition known as sleep. However in Minhyuk's case he was more than happy to be out and about during this time of the day. He rose slowly from his bed and begun to ready himself for the day. With a canvas and easel in one hand and a box of acrylic paints in the other he set out towards the park where he would spend for the day. 
Once he got to the park and found the location he wanted to paint he began to ready his materials. After setting up his canvas and his paints he began to do a rough sketch on the canvas of the scene he wanted to paint. But there was one thing missing. It would've been absolutely perfect if he had a person in this painting. 
Scanning the area Minhyuk was trying to see if there was anyone he could possibly ask who had the time. If he could gather up the courage to even approach the person. When he finally spotted a person he immediately covered his face with his hands. Just by simply spotting someone he lost what little confidence he had. At the same time he was grumbling to himself about how perfect the painting would be if he had that person in it. After about ten minutes or so of arguing with himself he cautiously approached the female and tugged on her sleeve lightly. "Umm excuse me miss..." he spoke in his soft voice, "You would be perfect in my painting.. Would you please be my model?" 
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wixminhyuk · 10 years
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wixminhyuk · 10 years
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wixminhyuk · 10 years
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