houseinthestorm · 3 years
Icarus laughed as he fell. Threw his head back and yelled into the winds, arms spread wide, teeth bared to the world.
There is a bitter triumph in crashing when you should be soaring.
The wax scorched his skin, ran blazing trails down his back, his thighs, his ankles, his feet. Feathers floated like prayers past his fingers, close enough to snatch back. Death breathed burning kisses against his shoulders, where the wings joined the harness. The sun painted everything in shades of gold.
There is a certain beauty in setting the world on fire and watching from the centre of the flames.
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houseinthestorm · 4 years
START//END || Self-Para || 18:00-19:00 05/04/2020
He had almost made it — almost made it through the day without shattering into a million pieces. It had taken him every leftover ounce of energy he had.
His entire body was shaking by the time all the patients started making their way back to the cafeteria. Just the sound of chatter, alone, was enough to make a shiver run down his spine. Like a deer caught by headlights in the middle of the night, he looked skittishly around him. Not a living soul lurked nearby, just the figure of Rose by his side, he wanted to get away from her prying eyes.
His feet carried him towards the stairs, his ears constantly on edge trying to listen to anything he shouldn’t be hearing, running away from all the sounds he did catch. Even with sleep deprivation ruling his body, he made his way through the deserted hallways of Thornewood. Step by step, breath by breath, he was opening doors he’d never seen before, taking blind turns, leading him to unknown places He knew he was on the top level of the hospital — knew he shouldn’t be there, but he just couldn’t bring himself to care.
And it’s not right
Before he knew it, he was slapped in the face by the crisp night air. His feet grazed over the gravel under the soles of his shoes, his eyes filling with tears as the last heat that had wrapped itself around his body got blown away. His mind took him to the edge, fingers clamped around the railing that prevented him from taking a step into nothingness.
You’re dead wrong
Isn’t it beautiful Charles?
A familiar voice said beside him. An even more familiar smile meeting his own. Rose. His heart skipped a beat. The air that had filled his lungs knocked out just hearing her.
“It– It most definitely is…” He said after swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. His eyes lingered for a moment on the setting sun before traveling back to his sister. This was the Rose he wanted to remember, the one that would smile at him with kind eyes filled with joy instead of pain — instead of anger agony.
What are we doing?
He shuffled a little closer to the phantom of his deceased sister. His eyes traveled back to the orange-colored sky, his shoulders relaxing for the first time in a long while. His head slowly arching up as he closed his eyes, breathing in the fresh air, the scent of rain filling his nostrils.
You look tired Charlie, are you feeling okay?
A small chuckle escaped his lips; if only she knew… “You know me — A-Always tired.” He breathed softly, scared that any loud noise would make her go away. It felt so familiar, nostalgic to be there together with her — even if it was just for a few minutes. “I miss you Ro-“ The young male confessed as he opened his eyes once more, not understanding why his cheeks felt damp. “H-Happy twenty-third birthday.” He said, his head turning to the place where she was standing mere seconds ago. He was used to it – being met with nothing but air. A sob escaped his closed lips as his fingers fumbled around the closed pocket of his jacket, looking for the last of his cigarettes.
Let’s go home
They didn’t work. Charlie felt pure panic filling his veins. The nicotine couldn’t calm the storm in his head. The thoughts kept thundering around, the next worse than the last. He was currently smoking his last cigarette, the fifth one in six minutes. He didn’t want to do this anymore, stuck between life and death. Life felt like a burden that kept on getting heavier, Rose pricking her thorns deep within him from beyond the grave. Why keep fighting her when she called him so loudly?
I have been here before. The edge.
Why- Why am I still here? I fail — fail in the outside world and fail in here. Why am I still trying?
He just didn’t understand — couldn’t understand why he did. Why choose to be followed by fear and regret? Why not just end it, if only to silence his sister if nothing else?
For the first time in a long time, he felt that strange urge again. His clenched fist shook softly as his eyes looked at it. Startled, he realized she had taken it from him again — the innate sense of touch. He couldn’t feel shit. It alarmed him, he needed to feel something, even if it was just for a second — just for a minute. The brick wall beside him invited him to punch it — punch it until his hand was bloody and raw once more. He had done it before. Why not now? One staggering step drew him closer, and another.
Charlie, don’t!
“Rose!” He scolded her. His arm drew back moments before he pushed all his power from his slim body-weight into the punch. A furious punch resulting in a flurry of punches at the wall. His left hand joined in with his right. Punching until he felt the grit of the stones rubbing against his skin, his face streaked with tears, mouth open in a silent scream.
There’s no hope
He collapsed on the cold ground, his knuckles bruised and bleeding as droplets of blood pooled beside him. Shivering breaths escaping through his closed lips. The cloud of tears slowly fading away from his sight as he started to see again. His deep blue eyes glued onto the small rose tattooed on his lower arm.
“Why Rose — Why? Why did you storm off? Why did you go? Why did you leave me the fuck alone, Ro? You promised me!”
The apparition of Rose didn’t reply, leaving the young male feeling more alone than ever before. Isolation morphed into anger as his eyes found the thorns sticking from the stem. He wanted it gone — wanted her gone. With renewed energy, he tried to get rid of it. His skin burned, rubbing on anything that looked like it could damage the image of the fragile rose. The concrete underneath him, the rough brick beside him. Even the sharp metal he had hidden in his pocket began scratching, hurting, trying to make the small drawing disappear from his skin.
Charlie didn’t know how he got there — one moment he was trying to destroy the small tattoo and the next he was standing on a ledge looking at the nauseating drop underneath him, arms wide as if he could fly away. The breeze played with his hair, drying the salt trails on his cheeks as it kissed his skin as if it was baiting him to give in. A small stream of blood dripped from his lower arm into the depth below.
It’s all wrong
There was no way of knowing how long he had stood there. It felt like hours. It probably had been less than two minutes. It had been a gust of wind that made him lose his footing — made the bloodloss kick in, just enough to make him grasp onto something solid once more. His senses kicking in enough to get himself back on the roof. His feet carried him to the stairs. Tears started to roll over his pale face once again. He didn’t make it far — didn’t even make it back to the green floor, not even yellow. His body collapsed at the bottom of the stairs, a pool of red forming in his clenched hand. The sound of drips of red falling on the white floor reached his ears, drip by drip. Eyes quivered to stay open —
self-preservation wavering as he waited for the darkness to take him once more — once and for all, for all he cared.
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houseinthestorm · 5 years
      A talent for annoying people was accurate for this little mouse, for he even managed to annoy Piper to some extent. Although in all honesty it wasn’t that hard to annoy the fire haired beauty all things considered. She had a very short fuse, yet with her uptight nature and always feeling the need to be in control, her hostile and sarcastic nature was something she always held back. There was no doubt she could scare away the majority of the patients in Brielle or at the very least, commit more up to the psych ward as the big bad dragoness drove fear into them. There had been a few patients the woman had dealt with where in fact she saw them become a stuttering mess who couldn’t even look her in the eye.  It was amusing to say the least.
       The only patient she did not strike fear into and instead indulged her with sarcasm and witty remarks was Charlie. It was a nice reprieve from the other nut cases in Brielle that she had to deal with. Piper was able to slip up every now and again with that patient and reveal her true colors, but it wasn’t something she ever got completely comfortable doing. After all, she was holding back much of herself while in Brielle. She was an intern and trained to get to where she was now in life that she couldn’t jeopardize a blossoming career because of some idiotic patients who didn’t know any better and drove her up the wall. She had never wanted to roll her eyes as much as she did while in that nut house. Yet there was the odd times it did happen but luckily it happened in front the patients who wouldn’t say anything to get her in trouble. It was actually a struggle to be professional sometimes with the yahoo’s.
“Is that so? Well I’ll consider it a point in my court since you actually had to work to annoy someone.”
       She said, her cherry lips containing a victorious smirk to them. Ever since their first encounter in the hallway when she caught the delinquent roaming past curfew with a bloody hand, she knew that this patient would have given her grief. And sure enough he did. But at least she could roll her eyes and make snippy remarks towards him in small doses that wouldn’t get her in trouble because she was being unprofessional and scary. This little mouse could take it and go toe to toe with the dragoness of Brielle from time to time. It was something that kept her unusually sane.
       Even though Piper’s humor was pretty straight forward, not everyone could handle it. Just as they could not handle her without running towards the hill or cowering under a rock. There was always an underlining to what this woman said that not everyone could understand the meaning to her words and what was meant behind them. Even her tone of voice could be condescending to her words. But of course not everyone - if anyone, would challenge the spitfire. Just as well, because they would go down in flames screaming in terror.
“It’s possible you’d need another copy. It has been quite some time after all. Besides, the day I miss a troublesome mouse is the day pigs fly.”
      Piper informed him with a laugh of her own. Only Charlie could seem to get her humor and play along with it. Hell he could even poke fun at her which gave her the incentive to continue on.
      If there was one thing this boy couldn’t do in front of the dragoness, it was lie AND get away with it. She saw through people’s deception plenty in Brielle. It was good practice for the real world. And right now, Charlie was no exception as he tried to play off that he still wasn’t the same delinquent she knew of before they both left Brielle. It made her chuckle as she watched him fake his surprise at her accusation. Oh this was something she had missed - not that she would tell him that. Or if she did, it would be in her own way without actually saying a nice compliment.
“Oh cut the bullshit will you, little mouse. You so have not changed.”
      The fire haired spitfire stated point blank with the roll of her eyes. A classic trait of hers. She was always straight to the point when she needed to be. But she couldn’t help but smile at the fact that he was still the same old delinquent that spoke fluent sarcasm towards her. With a simple shake of her head, she lifted her brewed cup of caffeine to her lips and took another couple swigs.
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Even with his talent to annoy anyone that wanted to be annoyed and annoying people that didn’t want to be annoyed. He did remember their first meeting, the boy being sleep deprived and the stuttering mess he hated and loved. It might have been the best decision he took that night to stand still the moment the dragoness had spotted him and called him out. The chance of meeting her, the chance of her still being annoyed with him for ruining the fact she was on her way to home. The sneering the moment he walked back into her and the small smirk growing on his face as he could release some of the inner piece of shit he always will be onto her.
Charlie is not a bad person, was not a bad kid. He was mostly a people pleaser and realised the moment he was trying to make friends and be liked by anyone, maybe one of his biggest weak points, the fact he wanted everyone to like him. So pushing buttons people didn’t want to be pushed didn’t work for most people. It did however work with Piper. And he had loved it..! His snarky comments were always hidden in sarcasm and although most people would just recognise it as some kind of humor, the intern had known about the real purpose of the words he spoke, the sarcasm nothing but a mask for his own feelings and words. Knowing he had a person in Brielle to whom he could vent this piece of himself had drastically helped him in climbing that last mountain towards freedom…
Another big flaw in the personality of the young male was the fact of being such an oblivious loser when it came to recognising danger. A normal patient would look into the eyes of the redhead and see nothing else but pure danger. Charlie however saw not just the fire but also the sparkle of joy and maybe even friendship into it. Even though he was pretty sure the redhead would never admit to it. Some people might actually see it as a positive point in his personality. He wouldn’t look at someone and have a opinion ready for that person. He would look into the soul and think he saw something good. Although the trait had also resulted into a toxic couple of interactions with his big ‘friend’ Samuel whom loved to punch him black and blue…
If anything the dragoness of Brielle had taught him, it was that you shouldn’t be scared to walk around the place you work and pretend you have any kind of power. To roll your eyes at your patients and sneer at them from time to time. They are persons like yourself at the end of the day, and treating them like one usually works in your favour.
Charlie knew one thing for goddamn sure. He would sneer at his patients, call them out on their bullshit and scream at them when they would scream at him. He might appear unprofessional by doing so. It might not work with everyone, but you could bet your ass he would treat most of his patients, or at least the ones that can take it, the same way the dragoness had treated him. Just in the hope he would find someone that would keep him sane as Piper did in Brielle, and hoping the same behaviour would keep that said patient sane as well.
“I will order a new one from Amazon when I’m back home in that case. As well as sending you a video I saw about flying pigs. Because I’m sure there has to be one since you most fucking certainly missed me~”
The mouse said with a small grin lingering on his lips. Just hearing that oh so tiny small laugh leaving her lips he was goddamn sure she had missed him as much as he had missed her. The laughs she had given him inside of Brielle were the rarest he would hear. Some days he would make it his goddamn goal to hear it, failing was most certainly an outcome on those days.
He knew she wouldn’t buy his bullshit. Knew she wouldn’t nod and say ‘alright I believe you’. Even though she didn’t. It was a trait the both of them shared and he actually loved. Being able to penetrate someone’s bullshit and call them the fuck out on it. That however did mean she also was excellent at poking through his own bullshit.
“Oversleeping. Did you miss hearing me say that word Piper. I fucking overslept who on earth would have thought Me, Charlie Swann, would ever oversleep. Like actually having an eight hour night of sleep and waking up at nine instead of eight…!”
he said trying to turn the conversation back into his favour instead of trying to weasel his way out of the bends she was forcing him in. The young male not able to give the woman a solid reason why he was here and not on his way to campus. Pretty much getting his negative story into some kind of positivity. Which he should be able somehow with the both of them enjoying a pretty good cup of coffee.
“aren’t you even a little proud of me now?!”
The young male said with a soft smile taking a swig from his takeaway cup filled with black liquid. Savouring the bitter taste lingering on his tongue.
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houseinthestorm · 5 years
         Annoying the red haired spitfire would have been putting it mildly. He was irritating at the best of times. Simply because he did not LISTEN to her half the time and went off on some magical tangent that otherwise sounded like he was bat shit crazy and belonged in that nut house. However compared to the other patients, Charlie was surprisingly the one that Piper could actually tolerate to a surprising extent. It was natural that the other patients were irritating and otherwise vexing - hell some of the staff were just as bad. It was just miraculous the woman hadn’t actually gotten herself fired from the Institute as opposed to graduating from it due to her bedside manner. Although she was as tough as nails and were the thorns of the rose as opposed to the vibrant bloomed flower, Piper still kept herself in check for her patients. She still gave them the necessary treatment no matter how insignificant it was. She had proved herself time and time again to Sebastian and to everyone else in that nut house that just because she was young and had a two faced attitude, that didn’t mean she was all beauty and no brains. Because her mind was brilliant - absolutely brilliant. That’s why she had finally become a surgeon and not just some intern.
“I’m pretty sure you didn’t have to try, Charles.”
         The cunning vixen answered with a playful wink before taking another sip of her brewed beverage. Piper had known right off the bat this one was a little shit disturber and did everything he could to press her buttons to make her explode - whether that be internally or externally. It really was a test to the woman’s patience. But considering her controlling nature, she had always managed to keep herself in check around a patient and not let her attitude and temper get the best of her at times. It was unfortunate for Charlie that her attitude would peek through every now and then as they exchanged words of sarcasm. Granted back then Piper had to seriously tone down her personality and have inner conversations with herself since if she ever let her true thoughts be known she would have been as good as gone from Brielle. Thankfully her little outlet to let some of that attitude out was Charles Swann. Especially since he didn’t go off tattling on her and trying to sabotage her budding career.
         If he thought she had missed him though, he was wrong. Kind of. It wasn’t exactly like Piper had made friends while she was in Brielle, simply because she didn’t care to. She was there for a job, not to establish personal relationships - no matter the times her once boss Sebastian had suggested she would benefit from it. The fire haired beauty made it a point to get to know the patients but they didn’t need to get to know her. The life of Piper Capello and her inner feelings had been off limits to everyone but herself. That way she wasn’t distracted by anything.
         It was nice to see Charlie however. He was that little piece of sanity for her in such a place that made her want to bang her head against a wall. They could share a witty banter to some extent where Piper found herself being a little lenient with him at times. Though she had come to know over time that was just the person he was and the effect he had on people. Which is why his words caused a chuckle past her cherry lips.
“Geez don’t get all emotional on me. I didn’t exactly say I missed you. I just said it was nice to see you.”
         Piper felt the need to correct him before bringing her feet off the chair that was sat in front of her as she gestured to the empty seat with her cup of coffee.
“You can sit if you want. I’m just killing time before I head to work.. Unless of course your delinquent nature is still as bright as ever where you’re suppose to be somewhere but aren’t.”
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Her reaction resulted into a small chuckle from the young male. He was damn well aware he didn’t have to try. He bloody well knew he drove her nuts just by being his jolly shitty old self that loves to push people into insanity. To some extent that is.
Studying to become a psychologist and wanting to press buttons to make people go mad. Not the greatest combo if you take it too far. So it probably was a good thing he had some practice on the fierce redhead in front of him. He had always known where to draw a line and stop before someone would get so annoyed with him and give him a punch to remember. He had made that mistake once in school. And promised Rose he would never again.
But just thinking back to his time inside of Brielle, and the time he spent with Piper. It had been good. Without the Dragoness he would have gone crazy from time to time. To mess around, speak freely and challenge her into battles he would most certainly lose from her. It had brought joy to some of his gloomy days. Days in which he avoided all interaction and walked into her. Or days in which he ran from all responsibilities just to see the red wave of hair following him around the corner. Her reprimanding voice when he was sipping form that mug of coffee that he 'couldn't' have. Or so his file said. Even though he always drank his daily mug of coffee. More like daily four mugs of coffee. But whatever. It had been good for him to find the fierce dragon to his small, but somewhat brave, mouse.
“You aren’t giving me enough credit Piper. I know I have a natural talent for annoying people. But you- You were a real challenge.”
It was most certainly the truth. Even though the young male had a knack for annoying people, the intern had been a challenge. And even though he knew he could easily press the different buttons of people he also knew he barely did so. Or at least tried not to be someone other people avoided because he was annoying to be around. That however didn’t mean he thought the dragoness had found it infuriating to be around the small mouse he was in her eyes. For as far as he knew she enjoyed just as much as he did. A challenger approaching. Just like their metaphor described, he was just a tiny mouse to her mighty dragon. If she had wanted to she could have blown him off the earth and leave his ashes to smolder.
The both of them worked in the benefit of the other. Venting rage and irritations to someone that could either relate or turn it into a battle of words that made the other able to cope with it better. Or so he experienced it. The eyes of the redhead being as cold as fire from time to time, only being able to know how damn fucking cold fire could be until you met her. But even then thinking you could catch glimpses of amusement.
“Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying dumbass. Nice to see you translates to I missed you in the language of Piper Capello. Or is my dictionary that old and outdated?”
The young male said with a playful wink as he sat across from her. Taking a bite of his breakfast bagel as he looked up to her. Eyebrows raised in faked surprise as he heard her comment.
“Me? Delinquent?!”
It took him a small second of pure willpower to keep his face straight and not start laughing. Knowing for sure he couldn’t hide the smile in his eyes.
“I was being a goody two-shoes and am actually on my way to class. I most certainly didn’t overslept and am killing time in here to skip my first class and wait on the next bus on the same time. Notice the fact I said most certainly didn’t~”
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houseinthestorm · 6 years
And at once I knew I was not magnificent Strayed above the highway aisle (Jagged vacance, thick with ice) I could see for miles, miles, miles
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houseinthestorm · 6 years
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houseinthestorm · 6 years
       The odds of the crimson haired beauty running into anyone she knew or even liked at this little coffee shop was next to zero. Even though she would recognize a couple of the other nurses and doctors finding their way here from time to time, it wasn’t as if Piper knew them on a personal level by any means. She didn’t have time for that. Well, maybe she did IF she actually made time for any one but herself but the odds of that even happening was like hell freezing over. The surgeon got an inkling that that should she actually open herself up and allow herself to bond with another human being was just going to take her away from her work and the dream she strive so hard to attain.       Piper certainly wasn’t about to jeopardize it on account of something as trivial as friendship. If anyone wanted to talk to her, they could talk to her while she was at work as opposed to outside of work. And even then the personal stuff would be to a bare minimum.
       However what she didn’t expect was a PATIENT she had known from her time to being an intern in the Brielle Institute to be crossing paths with. Especially the little mouse.
       The humor being cast from the males lips in front of her definitely had her believing he did not change much in that aspect. Which was good. If the dragoness was being honest with herself, she actually LIKED this one. He was able to go toe to toe with her own sarcastic wit; even though it was dialed WAY back during that time. But he actually seemed like one of the more real patients that didn’t put on some silly façade and use his diagnosis to his advantage like some patients did which really irked the woman.
“How touching, you’ve missed me that much have you? Though I’m not sure if every dragon needs a mouse - maybe only sometimes. But only when it doesn’t make her want to bang her head into a wall.”
      Piper sarcastically said; remembering and missing the banter between them. Charlie Swann was an amusing one to say the least. He still remembered their odd little analogy of the dragon and mouse - especially when he tried to play it off as the tortoise and the hare. They were so much more then that little fable though; they were mightier. Well, one of them was much more mightier in many senses of the word and it definitely wasn’t the tiny mouse.
      She smiled with satisfaction as she brought the cup to her lips once more and taking a sip of the warm brew that soothed her coffee addiction.
“Oddly enough it’s nice to see you too.”
       The surgeon admitted; though always having it to make her own way of speaking since the woman could never give a full hearted and meaningful compliment without a twist to it.
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When Charlie limped into the little coffee shop he never imagined bumping into someone he knew. Yes sure, Sebastian had shown him the place and he knew Ryder could be found here as well as Sam. But he was pretty sure they all were at work the moment he opened and walked through the doors. Especially since it’s not the best place in town to get your coffee, Charlie could only be found around here when he missed his bus... It was the closest to home as well. But Sebastian had a better machine in the apartment than an apartment should have.  That being said, he and Noah could be found sitting here from time to time. Not just because they missed the bus, but because the interior of the place was pretty cozy. A bit like an upgraded Starbucks as the blonde brit would say. 
So seeing the redheaded dragoness... Well it was someone he would never expect to see in here..! He didn’t even know she either lived around here or why she would be around here in the first place. Not that it mattered...
At least she still seemed to be the same. Part of his brain was wondering what she would think of him? He knew he was doing better. Knew Brielle wouldn’t have him anymore roaming the halls as patient. But would he she actually pick up on that. Was he actually looking better. Or was he still indeed just that little suicidal mouse. He could only guess at that. Could only hope that his new life wasn’t making him look as dull and grey as he was back in the hallways of Brielle. 
“Are you insinuating that I actually succeeded my secret mission of annoying you so much you wanted to bang your head against the wall? Goddamn didn’t think I would be that good at being a lil’ shit.”
It was more of a victory than he would ever admit. He knew he would annoy the redheaded intern as much as he could. But never actually was sure he succeeded in it. He adored the little moments they shared in the hallways of the institute. She met him when he was on that last mountain to recovery. She met him when he was feeling better and better and becoming more and more himself. Resulting in him being annoying from time to time when his filter was still disabled and he was not in charge of the power button. 
“Wait are you even saying you missed me?”
The boy said with raised eyebrows. 
“I think I might have to cry. If you could turn around for a second~”
Even though he was on the way of making the female regretting her words. He didn’t mind. He actually did miss the redheaded spitfire. And he actually was a little moved hearing she missed him as well. She was still roaming the halls when he was released back into the wild. But he never did make up to the promise of annoying her whilst having the same position as her. The fun the two of them would have had if he was though. Two interns bullshitting against each other and not minding their own tongues.  
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houseinthestorm · 6 years
If there was one thing that Demetria and Charlie did well, it was understanding one another – their telekinetic best friend alerts in the mind beeping like a metal detector paving across gold. There was something that had moulded itself into their personalities, forever branding their hearts as they had found solace in one another through a dark time. The people in Brielle Institute were vulnerable… They were broken, destructed, vulnerable people. Demetria had never believed it, though she finally understood the very saying that one therapist always used to repeat to her… In order for things to get better, they need to get worse. The brunette had never truly reached a stage in her life where things were so out of hand, though she managed to escape the institute without any bullet wounds littering themselves across her back. She would never fully be better, though the narcissism and personality disorder that had embedded itself into her soul would be there forever – serving as a constant reminder for the rest of her life, that Demi Rivers was no normal girl.
Smiling over to him, listening to the words that Charlie had uttered, Demetria found her hazels bouncing back and forth between her best friend and the road that her tyres were spinning along. Charlie had never been selfish… He had always been somebody to attempt to view the situation from another’s eyes before he looked at it through his own and that was something the beauty had always appreciated about him. “Hey – I did NOT leave without you. I waited in Oregon before taking any big road trips or vacations anywhere. I just simply had a head start.” Eyebrows raised, head bobbing from side to side as she attempted to sugar coat the fact that she had been released first, but then again – Demetria had been admitted first. November 2016 was a time that she would never forget… It was possibly the worst month of her life, though she had to be thankful for some things. Without Brielle, she never would have met any of her friends or Jared. Even if she did leave some friends behind and not their physical bodies, but their ghosts. Abigail was somebody that Demetria had also met there, though the raven-haired girl was the one who left Demetria standing alone. “That is true. It’s what you’ve got me for now… I’ll do of your angry talking.”
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Charlie might have survived it all. The whole losing his twin. If he wouldn’t had dragged himself underwater. Pushing people out, not wanting to sleep, blaming himself for something that he had no control over. That and maybe his mental health that had never been stable to begin with... It used to be Rose that would keep his monsters under control, but without her, without her voice to lead him through the night. He went mental.  Brielle had been good for him. Even though he would never actually admit it. But without the institute he would never have met his friends. Old and new. HE would never have met Noah nor Sebastian or maybe the most important one the beauty beside him. Even though nobody expected the two to become friends as they are right now, they had been a gift from heaven for the both of them. When Demetria pulled him into the old office of Holmes when the riot police barged in or when she would storm into his room at 3am just because she knew he was awake and could always appreciate the company. 
Charlie would never end up being ‘healed’ and ‘better’. He would keep walking with the weight on his shoulder, a ghost of his sister sauntering at his right shoulder. But he could live with that, knew it was okay and part of his life now. Just as he knew it was time to get back to school, learn and become a better person. Maybe waiting a little longer with that to amuse the beauty and go on big road trips with her. Maybe he could show her around San Fransisco and show her all the places he and Rose used to hang out. 
“Taking a road trip does sound like something I could use. Can’t we go like right now? I’m pretty sure Sebastian won’t miss me as long as I leave a note on the coffee table right?” He said with a small grin. Of course the girl was right. She sticked around here. Even came picking him up. He couldn’t have wished for a better friend. And come on~ She deserved to be out there as much as the others...! 
“Like just if- Imagine- If we could go right now, take your beautiful car and just drive off. Where would we go first?”
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houseinthestorm · 6 years
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houseinthestorm · 6 years
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houseinthestorm · 6 years
“Sam! I know that I agreed on meeting you after my lectures. But fucking hell I did not agree in meeting in a loud ass bar...” The young male said as he made his way towards the brunette sitting at the bar. All she had done was text him a adres and remind him of the promise he had made. But he was actually not really planning on getting hammered and make him forget the whole night. 
He sat down next to the girl as he ordered himself a drink. “Why the fuck are you here to start with?!”
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houseinthestorm · 6 years
       A 9am start to the day was pretty late in Piper’s opinion. Although being a surgeon, her hours could be a little all over the place. She had been working graveyards and fourteen hour shifts this past week so even her sleeping pattern was a little all over the place - yet she loved it. She enjoyed it to the fullest extent possible. THIS is where the once medical intern at Brielle Institute had strived to become in life - a surgeon. Someone who did different operations of many kinds through out the day. Nothing ever felt repetitive nor remedial; which is how she felt in Brielle most days. Thank god she was out of that nut house for good! And far away from it too. The reminders of that place were things the red haired surgeon did not need. Granted it wasn’t all bad in some senses if she were to pinpoint things. Although the forming thoughts of that place weren’t going to dive in any deeper as she suppressed such unwanted memories.
       Inhaling the sweet smell of the freshly poured caffeine in front of her, Piper was reminded why she loved this little café so much. Not only was it fairly close to the hospital - a ten minute drive at best, but it was quiet; secluded and the coffee was just fucking perfect. This little shop was one of those hidden gems that she had stumbled on. Even though this wasn’t her top spot for coffee, it came in a close third place. A pair of cherry red lips lightly pressed against the plastic lid where the small opening was as she took a small sip; savouring the rich taste. She had at least another twenty minutes to kill before she needed to head into work, so in the meantime her eyes flickered between her cell phone and the newspaper in front of her while also taking sips of her coffee.
       It was mere coincidence that when she reached for her coffee this time that her gaze happened to lift upwards to a passing customer that caused her ruby lips to pull into a sinister; yet coy smile.
“Well well, look what the suicidal mice dragged in.”
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God he loved this place, his nostrils filled with the scent of the freshly grinded coffee. It was just a place he could sit down and enjoy. Maybe even more important sit down and let his mind race and at the same time calm down. His thoughts fluttering towards the past few months. The moment he got out of the institute. The fact he returned to school, was studying at a great college that was learning him how to help people that are just as messed up as he was.. The male still has his off days. The days in which he can’t function, the days in which the death if his twin sister was still resting on his shoulder like a giant weight. He was getting better and better with each passing day. Getting better at sleeping. Hell he overslept today, there was not a better example than that..! 
He was not really looking forward to school. It was his final year. The year in which he hoped he could get himself a killer final internship, before ‘leaving the nest and spreading his own wings’. But the shit he still had to learn. It made him feel anxious from time to time, doubting himself in which he really didn’t know how he ever guessed that this would be the right job for him. He loved school, loved the learning and the fact he might be able to help people. But what if he failed someone. Himself, Noah, Sebastian or maybe even a patient in the long run. So many therapists had failed him. What if he would do the same. It was still a thought that kept him awake on multiple occasions. Even when the blonde Brit beside him would force him to close his eyes and stop thinking for a moment to just go and sleep. 
It had been great the moment Noah had left the institute. After a fiery debate with the young doctor they had agreed on her staying with them until the male would finish school, find a job and after that finding a place for them to live. 
Even with him dreaming away at the thought of leaving the small town and leaving the doctor ( even though he would have loved to stay near the male for forever ). He couldn’t help but snap back into reality as he heard the familiar voice. The redheaded dragon smiling at him. 
“Why can’t you just stay put in my nightmares??” The boy said with a wide grin. “Every dragon needs it’s suicidal mice right~”
Within a mere second he remembered his weird ass stupid analogy. He really was stupid back in the days. Even though just thinking back at it, so came the urge to wanting to write a actual fairytale/kids story about a mice defeating a dragon again.
“Good to see you again Piper, enjoying the coffee?”
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houseinthestorm · 6 years
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houseinthestorm · 6 years
Demi had told him the address. Told him how to get to the apartment the beauty shared with the institute teacher. The young male had been shocked finding out Jared had left the institute. Shocked when he found out he had left Demi behind.
Of course Charlie had already forgotten most of the instructions the moment the brunette had hung up the phone... Especially after having to listen to another lecture about A Clinical Approach to the Human Brain. He loved the fact he was studying again. But it had still been killing. 
He took the steps two at the time before standing in front of a door. A small knock. Hoping he had remembered the apartment number correctly. 
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houseinthestorm · 6 years
As the young male opened his eyes. Gaze looking around the unfamiliar room. The dark blue walls the curtains leaking in the light from outside. With a glance on his phone he knew he had overslept. As he jumped up from his bed jumping into the jeans that he threw onto the ground the night before. 
Part of him still thought he was inside of Brielle. Even though as he woke up he knew where he was. The ‘guest’ bedroom in the apartment of the young doctor, Sebastian Ramsey. Even though Charlie knew it now was his room. 
Within minutes he was running down the street. A piece of toast in his hand as his bag was hanging from his shoulder. Schoolbooks weighting down on him. Fuck how could he have overslept. How could the fucking insomniac that always woke up at 5;30 fuck up on getting on a bus at 8;22~
With a small sigh he sat down at the bus stop. The bus driving off right in front of him. “For crying out fucking loud~” He mumbled as he turned around. There was one upside at missing the bus. One upside at the place of the bus stop. Just across the street. Hidden between some giant stores. A small cafe. 
With slouched shoulders the young male walked in as he approached the register. Debating on what to order. “A extra large black coffee please.” Just because his day started off this shitty.
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houseinthestorm · 6 years
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Charlie Swann, also known as the kid with the permanent frown on his face. Even as a small kid he understood the world better than most adults. Understood the pain of others, knew the world was a place filled with hurt and pain. If it wasn’t for his twin sister Rose or his loving parents dragging his feet back onto the ground, he would have floated off long ago. His sister always was his guardian angel and his saviour in hard times. That’s what twins are for right? A build in best friend. She was there for him and he was there for her. Two souls that completed each other. Even as the two grew older, they still were together, even with the both of them growing their own clique of friends and not spending every minute together anymore. The boy could count on her during the moments he needed her.
Rose had always been better in the social part of life; making friends, hanging out with them, just having a social life. Charlie had his school friends. But after school he was rather alone, spending time behind the piano or playing the newest game or reading that book he had been looking for. With the friends also came the parties and the underage drinking. Even though Rose forced Charlie to come with her to certain parties especially the ones around the holidays like Halloween and new year. Charlie Swann just disliked them. Sure he would have his smile plastered onto his face pretending he had the time of his life. But the music was too hard, the lights causing him headaches, but as long as Rose was close enough he would fight his way through them. As Rose sneaked off to another party she wasn’t supposed to go to, he felt alone. She came home late at night, crawling through her window. He knew, their parents knew sometimes. The conversations they used to have became rarer and rarer. The girl being too busy texting her friends, too busy flirting with that new guy. The guy that was four years older and in the eyes of Charlie an utter dickhead. Scared of what he might do to her made him have nightmares. Making him not want to go to sleep unless he would sleep next to his siter knowing she was safe and sound. The news that one day his biggest nightmare became the truth broke the boy. His little sister, the most innocent human being he knew, was dead. Found in a ditch with bruises all over her body. Whilst being a young girl of 18…
Without Rose there to calm his thoughts. With the last conversation they held still in the back of his mind, him telling her he didn’t trust the guy she was seeing. She storming off into the night. Only to see the missed calls on his phone before looking for her. He couldn’t sleep anymore. Rose was there. Looking at him. Screaming, crying, trying to talk but not able to. She was just broken, and most certainly not the girl he loved. The shadows started to move, lawing towards his ankles, holding him in their tight grip. When he did sleep he didn’t know when he would wake up, didn’t know if he would still be asleep or if the phantoms of his nightmares were actually standing in front of him. He avoided his parents, tried to make them believe everything was alright. It wasn’t… After a year of trying, a year of little sleep except for the small hours he gave himself sleeping in hiding spaces were nobody, including Rose, couldn’t find him. He collapsed, disappearing into his closet for a few days until his mom found him, eyes still bloodshot from the hours of crying and not able to do anything else then to mumble the name of his deceased sister. His parents decided it was time to get him some help. Help in the form of the Brielle institute. Hoping they could ‘fix’ their remaining child.
Connections: None
Unfortunately, Charlie is TAKEN!
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houseinthestorm · 6 years
Logan Lerman Gifs
Under the cut are some more recent (or hopefully more recent) gifs of Logan Lerman as requested by a friend. They were all made by me so I’d appreciate if you kept them out of your gif hunts. Feel free to use them for rping purposes, and like and reblog if you found this helpful!
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