Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Okay guys. This is about the canons. As we've mentioned previously, this will be a CANONS ONLY site. But we are working fairly hard to make sure each and every play by anyone could ever use is being incorporated. With each of the nine cities having three class, high, middle, and low, in addition to their leaders, as well as a criminal class, we are planning for around 303 canon characters. That's a lot of canons. Obviously. SO- here is my question:
Would you rather us give detailed descriptions of each character, OR only list their relationships with other characters and leave them open for your interpretation?
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Long story short.
Life has gotten a bit busier than anticipated. What does that mean? We're setting a date and sticking to it even if it kills me. So NOVEMBER FIFTH will be the grand opening to the world. NOVEMBER FIRST is when you lovely followers will get to see it. That's right. Four days to work out your applications before anyone else. Just because we love that you guys stuck around through the quiet spell. <3
Oh- and we could use an extra hand if someone has a bit of free time on their hands. Experience is not a must, but we'd love it if you had coding and/or graphics skills- also not a must. However, you must be familiar with ACP on invisionfree. Just send us an ask and we'll send you the info. <3 <3

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we'll keep you guys up to date with the projected open date, so thank you to all the followers! we won't disappoint

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For all the feedback on the application. I'll be getting a screen shot up of it by next Sunday! But for now, we've reached 33 followers! So- ANOTHER CITY!
ARMUM has long been a city of political turmoil and strife, although the last four years have been the most peaceful the city has experienced in three hundred years. Originally a rather oppressive Communist city, ruled by several very greedy and corrupt Premiers, the long ruling government was overthrown a little less than a century ago. Anarchy spread over the city, and the violence that reigned was worse than most had experienced under communist rule. Five years ago a rather influential man named Arthur Dowell began to champion democracy, and single handed instilled a stable government where one had not before existed. He was immediately voted in as President, and so began the first peaceful years in Armum in as long as anyone could remember. Armum is of note because of their manufacturing of weapons, and their close relationship with the city of SONIA to keep their weapons up to date with the latest and greatest technologies possible. But their tenative friendship with the other cities are always in jeopardy during any sort of conflict between the cities. Because they largely sell to anyone, having no allegiance beyond SONIA. Despite the friction between Armum and the other cities from time to time, Armum's obvious interest in the human rights efforts in both BIA and KOLN, has earned the respect of their peers. Armum's class system is broken down into these parts: the workers, who are the lower class, but don't live in a state of complete poverty. The managers of the factories, who are the middle class and enjoy a rather comfortable life. And the 'owners' of the factories and politicians, who are the upper class and want for nothing. Most of it's people are of the lower class, but that doesn't make them poor or unfortunate. Quite the opposite, most enjoy their jobs and have well functioning unions. Armum is notable for being one of the wealthiest cities, along with KOLN and SONIA.
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Working on the App
I've started to work on getting an application template together- but I want to know what kind of application you prefer? I'm probably going to end up with two applications, but trying to get a feel for what you guys would like.
So- freeform, traditional, interview- or something else, what's your favorite kind of application?
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Well- not literally. But we gained seven followers in less than 24 hours! So that puts us at 26 followers now! How awesome. Thanks guys. We love you. <3 So, to show that love we are releasing TWO city descriptions.

CHLORA is of particular note for it's long functioning government system that is entirely unique to it. A technocracy, Chlora is the only city in which this type of government would even be effective due to it's basis in medical technologies. From exporting medicines, medical tools, and doctors, Chlora has been doing this since it's inception, nearly six hundred years ago now. It is the notable as the one of only two cities that are currently controlled by women. Although men are also allowed to be voted into power in Chlora, the role traditionally goes to a woman. As a technocracy, the idea is that the person most knowledgeable in their field would be voted in, but popularity is also considered. Chlora maintains incredibly great relations with all of the cities, with the exception of KOLN. It directly opposes KOLN's policy on political power and women, finding their laws regarding such things completely barbaric and old fashioned. KOLN holds an equal disdain for Chlora, finding the fact that they have not only a woman in power, but one in a lesbian marriage, quite distasteful. Reguardless, Chlora remains as one of the first cities, and one of the only one to have escaped any sort of bloody conflict with another city or within it's self. It's class system is based upon skill, much like their government, with those with the most skill and experience in the higher class, those with less experience and skill in the middle class, and those with virtually no experience, skill, or still in training in the lower class. Chlora is interesting in that your parents or linage matters little. Once you are born, you stay with your family until you are seventeen. At that point- you are on your own. You enter training to either become a doctor, engineer, or chemist, and you start out in the lower class. Everyone has to work their way up and earn everything they get.
NOX is the only city to currently not have a government in place, although that wasn't always the case. Nox was once a peaceful mining city, in charge of transportation to and from the moon for the purpose of mining moon rock, and various other minerals. Moon rock had been found to have numerous uses, the most important of which was the manufacturing of bricks. For hundreds of years, this was the job of all Noxians. But about ten years ago, accidents during mining expeditions began to happen. They weren't highly publicized at first, and there was evidence that the democratic government of Nox was trying to cover it all up. Suit leaks, were the most common, and the most deadly- but the nasty truth was, the equipment the miners were using was ancient. And no one wanted to pay to fix it, it was cheaper to just pay off the widows. But the accidents only got worse, and more frequent. The tipping point came when a mining transport crashed into the moon itself. Killing all fifty men on board. The government first tried to blame the incident on the driver, accusing him of being drunk, but after the accident was thoroughly investigated, it wasn't even possible to hide the truth. The vehicle malfunctioned due to a piece of broken landing gear, something that had been reported before the vehicle had even left the station. Hell broke loose. The miners went on a strike, and began to dismantle their city. Brick by brick. Starting with the government. And it took quite a bit of time, but three years ago the democracy that ruled Nox for over six hundred years died to thunderous applause. Now it's a haven for the criminals and the morally corrupt, and it seems that Noxians don't mind a bit. Nox has strained relations with all of the cities, which is understandable due to it's uncontrollable lawlessness. Travel between Nox and other cities is highly restricted, and if you don't have a good reason to be there, you may not be allowed out. Of course this does nothing to deter crime, as Nox is also the largest producer of counterfeit visas. Nox also suffers from a lack of true leadership, although the current 'warlord' with the most control is trying to do something about that. But he's just as much a criminal as the rest of the land, so the other cities aren't particularly happy about it. Nox's existing class system is based upon how much money, or land, you have. Both equal power. Most surprisingly, poverty is rather rare on Nox, as apposed to the other cities with much more stable government situations, although this is most likely to due with most of the population working for the criminal element.
Again. Thanks. <3 <3
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We're still at 19 followers, one more and we release another city, but I thought you might want to see this!
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I've gotten together a few songs that have been influencing me as I write up city and canon descriptions, and I thought I'd share it. It's there in the sidebar- sorry it's so small.
Any song suggestions?
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Come on guys...
One more follower and I release another city.... and Annie and Shirley are waiting. xD
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Why are you getting me excited for roleplaying? I gave up on it. Stop it.
xD I humbly thank you for the very sweet hidden compliment.
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We've Reached 15 Followers!
In just a day. I'm jumping for joy over here. And although I wasn't planning to release things by the amount of followers I received- I thought it might be nice to anyways.
This is a description of the city of Bia. I'll release another one about another city after five more followers and so on and so forth.
BIA is an agricultural city, responsible for nearly all of the grown food that exists within the RINE. They also are responsible for the oxygen farm that is within their city, which keeps the station's oxygen fresh and renewable. This oxygen farm is a rather popular tourist destination, and many of the richer peoples on the station travel there frequently. The rest of the city can be rather dangerous, however. Bia is ruled by an unsteady and largely insane monarchy that has been in place since the city's inception five hundred years ago. They are known for practicing the custom of having the King marry his eldest, or only, sister, thereby insuring blood purity. The current monarchs are known for their insanity and brutal acts of violence on their own people for sport and to secure the crown. And of course, their belief that women are just as valuable as men, a belief not shared by all existing monarchies on the RINE.
Bia has a history of refusing to work with cities and their leaders that they believe are beneath them, which includes nearly all of them. However, they've managed a tentative truce with most except for CEVA. Fairly often the people of Bia have gone without access to meat for months due to their King's less than humble belief that he is better than them. Mostly, he just wants their city for his own, as he believes they are two halves of a whole, and that Ceva rightfully belongs to Bia. It is important to note that Ceva has had it's independence from Bia for nearly two hundred years and during that time has had to fight off several incursions by the Bians and their Kings.
Most of Bia lives in poverty, serf-ship, except for the privileged few Lords and Ladies that the King and Queen tend to appoint for all sorts of selfish reasons. This has all but eliminated any sort of middle class. There is just the poorer- and the even poorer still. Human rights groups have long since fought against Bia's tyranny over it's people, although the people of Bia are too terrified to fight back as well. This has kept the other governments from getting involved, especially KOLN, who believes that Bia is the best example of a long lived monarchy and proof that it really works.
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And oh boy are there going to be lots of canons. Between all the cities there are four different member groups within each, and then another separate member group for those that can't (or won't) call a city their home.
SO I need lots of playbys. My goal is to use every playby anyone would ever want to use for an interesting and unique character that someone would love to play. Anyone have an playbys they'd like to see?
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Currently I鈥檓 working on a new role play called NINE CRIMES. It takes place on a space station that contains what鈥檚 left of earth鈥檚 population. And it has been for nearly seven hundred years. In that time, vast improvements have been made to the station, and it鈥檚 been massively expanded. It now contains nine full functioning cities, all governed by their own leaders, and play a crucial part in keeping the station running. But there is no more room to expand the station. Alliances are being made, and being torn apart, and at the end of the day- if they don鈥檛 stand together they could die.
So most of the site, in terms of skinning and graphics, is built. I need someone to help me get everything up on the forums, from rules, to the cities it鈥檚 self. It鈥檚 going to be massive, I鈥檓 warning you. I鈥檓 planning canons only (with the ability to buy originals through post counts), but there will be nearly 300 canons. I really need help, as this is just too insane to do on my own. <3 If you鈥檙e interested just hit up the ask box on the tumblr account I鈥檝e started for the site and I鈥檒l send you a link and my messenger account names. <3
Wow. Five Eight TEN [OMG!] followers in just a few hours. I'm soo glad people are interested in this. <3

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