witheredwounds · 4 months
fuck rich people pretending to be alternative
trustafarains fucking suck
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witheredwounds · 4 months
entry 1
this isn’t a regression to my previous self, i’m not who i was then but yet is anyone? as i awake from a drunken nightmare the only true fear i find is the soulless eyes that meet me in the mirror, “what the fuck am i doing with myself “ i think, “why am i like this constantly?” Drowning in my self pity has almost become a subconscious activity as breathing is as memories of a better time flash through my head.
A pleasant September night on which i first locked eyes with her. “Hi my name is …” introducing myself never quite came naturally nether did talking to other people in general. When i asked her to dance was the start of the downfall
if i could go back, even for a moment i would stop myself
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