true courage
111 posts
"...is feeling afraid and doing it anyway." independent multi muse featuring characters from the hobbit, harry potter, game of thrones, percy jackson, and more. important character details found in each of their bios. written and adored by renee.
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withcourage · 5 years ago
someone: everything happens for a reason!
me, traumatised: what was the reason? what was the reason?????
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withcourage · 5 years ago
look, we all know the ‘that’s rough buddy’ exchange is hilarious, but i don’t think i’ve ever realized until now the full comedy of that moment. zuko was talking about leaving his girlfriend mai behind and for whatever reason, likely in an awkward misguided attempt at bonding, sokka thought then was the perfect reason to drop ‘my first girlfriend turned into the moon.’ and we see zuko pause, look up, consider, and yet the best thing he could come up with is ‘that’s rough buddy’. and then he doesn’t even question it further. he genuinely must have had no idea what sokka was talking about until seeing the ember island players performance. and he just accepted that.
actually, the number of stuff zuko just accepts about the gaang without questioning it is hilarious. sokka’s gf turned into the moon. bloodbending is a thing. he apparently burned down suki’s village that one time. all i’m saying is that the gaang could 110% start making things up and zuko would believe it. toph’s gonna tell zuko that her biological mother was a badgermole and he’ll just go with it.
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withcourage · 5 years ago
hi i’m here to talk about characters with aches
aches from old injuries. finicky battle wounds, stiff joints from being restrained in captivity - things that their body never erased, pain that reminds them every day of what they went through. maybe it’s obvious, like a limp, or maybe it’s something that is only clear with early morning stretches and groans. maybe the aches grow worse in rainy weather, or when they think about the injury that caused the soreness.
a character who has to live with aches, and the painful memories behind them.
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withcourage · 5 years ago
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          ‘  ah —– hm. one sec !  ‘  clearly they hadn’t thought this through as much as they should have. aang easily bounced off the ground and leaned his weight into his glider , soaring up and grabbing toph before she can start to fall too fast.  ‘  alright , failed mission. the moon’s just too far , toph.  ‘
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    toph wrapped one arm around aang to hold on tight, realizing just how much she hated this kind of flying after only a few seconds of it.   she huffed, visibly disappointed.     ❛     well, that was a bust.   we’re going to have to find a new way to get us to the moon, because i’m not giving up yet.  i hate to say it...  but we might need to ask sokka for help.     ❜
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withcourage · 5 years ago
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        what was worse ? admitting defeat to an established warrior under her threat , or being tickled by said established warrior ? the answer came a half second later when he stood up abruptly , grinning down at her.  ‘  fine. but i want you to know i don’t approve of your threats.  ‘  his arms slipped gingerly around her waist , blue gaze falling onto hers.  ‘  you have the unfair advantage of knowing all my weaknesses.  ‘
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    ❛     good boy.     ❜    suki said sweetly, all pretenses forgotten as she pressed an adoring kiss to sokka’s nose.   her smile was radiant, pleased that at long last, sokka would be taking a break from his work.  she was glad to see him so dedicated, but knew that it would take a toll on them both if he overworked himself consistently.   consider her a bit selfish, but she wanted him to be happy, spry, and attentive.     ❛     you’re the one who showed them to me so easily.   we kiyoshi warriors never let our weaknesses slip, sokka.   but its okay, i forgive you -- and i’ve even made you a snack, and am armed with plenty of cuddles once you’ve eaten.     ❜
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withcourage · 5 years ago
“Oh yeah, they needed it. They get too cocky otherwise.” Nico smiles reluctantly. It’s nice, really, to feel normal. To celebrate a victory with a friend. He’d been anxious about befriending Piper at first, nervous she wouldn’t like him, but he’d been pleasantly surprised that they actually get along just fine. He snorts with laughter and nods. “Hell yeah, I could use a good meal. I’m craving fries. Ah.” He wiggles his fingers. “I have mind control powers. Nah, just kidding. I can project an intense feeling of fear. One of my many charms. Makes people uncomfortable day to day, but if I focus it can scare the shit out of people.” 
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   once they were settled, with food mere seconds away from appearing on their plates, piper was able to give nico her full attention.   she would not have been surprised in the slightest if mind control truly was a power for a child of hades, but was pleased to know that her cabin alone held that particular gift.   she laughed, and clapped her hands together excitedly.     ❛     that’s super creepy, but also very useful.  nyssa is one tough lady, it would take a lot to make her crack.   remind me not to get on your bad side.     ❜
   the words were lighthearted though -- piper had seen enough of nico to know that, as powerful and terrifying as he could be, he was still just like the rest of them.  besides, piper had a few tricks up her sleeve that could send people running for the hills...  it just seemed to be a demigod thing.     ❛     we won though! thanks to your hard work and my excellent leadership,     ❜   she grinned, eagerly taking a sip from her now-full goblet.     ❛     i can see cabin ten and cabin thirteen having a strong alliance for generations to come after today.     ❜
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withcourage · 5 years ago
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        it was worse than ikki anticipated. bolin couldn’t name to save his life , which only seemed right — after all , his fire ferret had the name pabu.  ‘  no no , that’s horrible. he deserves better.  ‘  ikki insisted , still staring at the creature with a mixture of adoration and pity. she vaguely wondered what her dad might think when they let it loose on the island.  ‘  what if we named it bolin jr ?  ‘
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     ❛     heeeey!   i thought it was really good, okay...     ❜    all anger was forgotten, however, as ikki presented bolin with the best idea he had ever heard in his life.   his eyes went wide, grin growing to three times its normal size.      ❛     ikki!   you are a genius!  oh, i’ve always wanted to name something after myself!   little bolin, itty bitty bo, aww!     ❜    he wiped a fake tear from his eye, and held a hand over his chest.     ❛     i think we’ve found the perfect name.     ❜
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withcourage · 5 years ago
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     ❛     dakota’s confirmed there’s a hydra growing closer to the perimeter of camp.  it shouldn’t be able to get in, but i don’t think leaving it is a good idea.    ❜    though monster attacks had certainly posed less of a threat since the doors of death had been closed, it didn’t mean they weren’t still dangerous, and frank had nearly landed himself in the infirmary on multiple occasions to prove it.    ❛     i trust your judgement on this, reyna.  i’m willing to join the attackers if necessary.     ❜
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withcourage · 5 years ago
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     ❛     stop.     ❜    toph commanded, and for once, there was not a hint of sarcasm in her tone.  in fact, the girl sounded concerned, holding her arm out to halt her companion in her tracks.  several long seconds passed in silence, before toph spoke again in a whisper.     ❛     we’re being followed...  i can’t tell by what, its too far.  but i can feel it.   do we stop and fight?     ❜
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withcourage · 5 years ago
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     ❛     hazel... do we have to take arion?  i could fly us there!     ❜    frank knew it was a lost cause.  after all, nothing he could transform into could ever be faster than hazel’s magical horse, but it was worth an effort.  he hadn’t forgotten what arion had said about him, but with a stern glare, mouthing this isn’t over to the horse, he deflated and gave in to hazel’s request.  he’d never been able to deny her anything.     ❛     okay, let’s go.  those legionnaires aren’t back yet, and i...  don’t like it one bit.     ❜
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withcourage · 5 years ago
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     ❛     agh!  nico!     ❜    frank’s surprise came not from nico’s appearance, but from his own disappointment at his mess.   a roman praetor should never have let his office grow into such disarray, but with the amount of work he and reyna had taken up since returning to camp jupiter, he’d hardly had time to breathe, let alone tidy up.   frank gave a sheepish grin, hurrying to the door to usher nico out, before slamming it behind him.     ❛     wow, that’s embarrassing.  sorry you had to see that...   you’re here for the festival, right?   pluto is honoured among the gods today after some changes, so i thought you might like to participate!     ❜
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withcourage · 5 years ago
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   hermione had not seen viktor since the wedding -- and even then, she had to admit that her attention had been minimal, distracted and anxious despite herself.  her thoughts had been far away from the burrow, from the joy of the newlyweds, and from old friends.   seeing him now brought about a whirlwind of emotions that hermione was unprepared for: happiness, at seeing someone who had once meant so much to her, but confusion and sadness too.  he was, after all, from a world before the war, and hermione was not sure how much of that girl now remained.
   steeling herself against her own dizzying thoughts, hermione flashed viktor a gentle smile, pulling him into a hug that perhaps was a bit too tight -- before she pulled away with eyes downcast.     ❛     its good to see you again, viktor.  i’m sorry i stopped writing, i didn’t know if... you wanted to hear from me.     ❜
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withcourage · 5 years ago
woaaah i passed 100 followers on here even though i haven’t really done much and i’m honoured !! consider this a teensy little celebratory starter call!
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withcourage · 5 years ago
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        ‘  surviving worse things doesn’t mean you can’t get hurt. oh ! i’ll just fly after you in case you fall or can’t breathe.  ‘  and without another warning , aang took toph’s advice and punted her directly at the moon — airbending her even higher.  he waits a moment before jumping after her.  ‘  did you reach the stratosphere ??  ‘
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    ❛     now you’re using your noggin, aang!     ❜    and just like that, she was off, soaring through the sky.   she couldn’t see, and admittedly, the sensation was much scarier than she was expecting it to be.  when aang’s voice sounded in her ear, it took everything toph had not to sound too shrill.     ❛     how should i know?   i can’t see where i am!     ❜
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withcourage · 5 years ago
@withelements​ asked: ‘ DAD ! ‘ ikki tackles tenzin in a tight hug. ‘ just reminding you that I love you ! ‘
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    a gentle smile curved the corner’s of tenzin’s mouth, returning ikki’s fierce hug with one of his own.  as he pulled back, smoothing down her hair instinctively with one hand, he spoke in an adoring tone.    ❛     thank you, sweetheart.  i love you as well.     ❜
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withcourage · 5 years ago
happy father’s day to tenzin especially
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withcourage · 5 years ago
sure. blame the guy who’s a huge idiot who causes a lot of problems, again
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