witchywritermm · 3 years
Magical Musings Blog is Now Magical Medium!
Magical Musings Blog is Now Magical Medium!
I’ve got some crazy changes in the works guys, and I just wanted to thank you ahead of time for your patience, your understanding, and for not trolling me because the website is still displaying “Magical Musings” everywhere. I have a new author website – WriteKindofMagic.art, which is why I decided to move the blog over to that site, making this site solely dedicated to offering spiritual…
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witchywritermm · 4 years
Appreciating Social-Distancing: The Earth is Healing
Appreciating Social-Distancing: The Earth is Healing
Reasons to Smile
With all the stressors we are dealing with right now- illness, isolation, job insecurity, fear for loved ones- it’s hard to see a silver lining around the COVID-19 cloud. That’s why I’m going to take the time to point it out. I’m not writing this because I think being stressed or anxious is invalid – in fact, it’s the opposite. We have every reason to worry, every reason to…
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witchywritermm · 4 years
New Moon Healing Spell
Let's use our magic for the benefit of our communities, Witches!
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Hello my loves! A week ago I posted an article, Witches, Unite in the Fight! , encouraging you guys to utilize the upcoming new moon energies in a way that will be beneficial to yourself as well a the community around you. I shared this article on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook, using the hashtag #WitchesAgainstCOVID19 to spread the word.
It is my hope that I reached a large enough number…
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witchywritermm · 4 years
New Moon Healing Spell
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Hello my loves! A week ago I posted an article, Witches, Unite in the Fight! , encouraging you guys to utilize the upcoming new moon energies in a way that will be beneficial to yourself as well a the community around you. I shared this article on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook, using the hashtag #WitchesAgainstCOVID19 to spread the word.
It is my hope that I reached a large enough number…
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witchywritermm · 4 years
Witches, Unite in the Fight!
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The New Moon on March 24th is going to have the perfect energies that we can use to work magic that will contribute towards the protection of our communities from the new virus, COVID19. By working in unison, we will generate enough energy that will not only offer protection, but will contribute towards the creation and implementation of treatments, maybe even vaccines, against this illness. I…
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witchywritermm · 5 years
Magical Gratitude 28-Day Challenge: Day 28, a little late
Magical Gratitude 28-Day Challenge: Day 28, a little late
Greetings my Gracious Group of Grateful Gals, Guys, and everyone in-between! I must apologize, I hadn’t realized that my scheduled post never published! But, as they say, better late than never!
Remember the Magic
That’s the thing with magic. You’ve got to know it’s still here, all around us, or it just stays invisible for you.
Charles De Lint  The Magic, pg. 235 Today we will start off by…
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witchywritermm · 5 years
Get to Know a Goddess: Part 4
Get to Know a Goddess: Part 4
November 22nd: Leucothea
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Happy Birthday Sagittarius Babies! Sagittarius is the centurion archer who represents harmonious mingling of the physical and spiritual living. Saggitarians tend to have a strong drive for justice, much like the goddess Leucothea.
Leucothea is a Greek goddess. The word Leucothea translates to “milk-white goddess”, alluding to her maternal nature. According to…
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witchywritermm · 5 years
Get to Know a Goddess: Part 3
Get to Know a Goddess: Part 3
November 18th: Matariki
Matariki, a Hawaiian Goddess, becomes the Pleiades with her six children in Polynesian mythology. Six kids! My goodness, you’d have to be a goddess to be a mother of 6. I have hard enough time with my son and my nephew!
the Number Seven
Celebrating Matariki
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From mid-to-late November, Hawaiians perform special…
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witchywritermm · 5 years
Get to Know a Goddess: Part 2
Get to Know a Goddess: Part 2
November 16th: Dharani
Dharani is the second goddess of the Get to Know a Goddess. According to Indian mythology, Dharani is the “wealth-providing, luck-bringing, abundant aspect of Lakshimi.
Baskets (filled)
Basil (sacred plan
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Celebrating Dharani
Artist renderings of this goddess depict Dharani with an…
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witchywritermm · 5 years
Get to know a Goddess: Part 1
Get to know a Goddess: Part 1
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A Note from Amanda
Hello my Loves! I know – where the heck have I been? WELL – long story short, my life has been crazy. Last month I took in my nephew, and it’s been crazy keeping up with work, my son, and rearranging my home and routine to accomodate my nephew. I’ve loved having him here, but it has meant putting things on hold- like my poor blog. But, thanks to my mom who randomly found a…
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witchywritermm · 5 years
Book Review: Idiot, by Laura Clery
Book Review: Idiot, by Laura Clery
Don’t Be an Idiot, READ Idiot.
So, this isn’t a typical review for a witchcraft blog, but I just loved this book too much not to review it. I love Laura Clery, I’m a huge fan of her videos. I wasn’t going to get her book, because I’m not into self-help books. But this is like a self-help-memoir-letter that sucks you in and spits you out feeling like your soul has been to the dry cleaners,…
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witchywritermm · 5 years
Support Magical Musings
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Being a single mother isn’t easy – it’s rewarding, and wonderful, but expensive. That’s why I’ve added this page- to let you guys know about some ways I’m trying to cover the rising cost of kids clothes and gas. (Not to mention Legos, my kids favorite toy, cost $10 for a little tiny box!)
So, below are some of my witchy creations and services! If you’d like some writing services, check out my…
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witchywritermm · 5 years
Life, Loss, Retreat, and Realizations
Life, Loss, Retreat, and Realizations
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It’s been a while since I’ve written anything, and today’s post will be wonky, to say the least. It’s more of a cathartic release from my soul than anything else, and I apologize in advance if you aren’t into this kind of stuff. I have always made a point to be transparent with you guys, and you deserve to know why I’ve been MIA.
Life and Loss
Life itself has kept me in a whirlwind. On…
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witchywritermm · 5 years
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witchywritermm · 5 years
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witchywritermm · 5 years
I had the honor of interviewing Kostas of Mistiis.com! He is an incredible artist guided by his intuition and inspired by history, community, and the Unknown.
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witchywritermm · 5 years
How old is my soul?
How old is my soul?
Photo by Flo Westbrook on Pexels.com
I recently celebrated my 31st birthday (May 10th), and it got me thinking about past lives, and wondering:
How old is my soul?
The idea that I have lived in multiple bodies, over who knows how many years can be a bit mind boggling. I’ve had past-life readings done a few times, and they actually matched up to visions I’ve had of memories when I’ve…
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