witchyhat-blog · 7 years
Spell-Brew: Ensure the Peace
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My best friend is going to be taking a road trip with most of his family soon, during the glorious Mercury retrograde. While on the phone, we concocted a spell to help keep the peace as best as possible while they're on the road--but you don't have to be traveling across the country to do this spell! ♥
You will need:
any drink of your choice (he chose coffee, simply because he likes coffee; I chose chamomile tea, to keep them calm and content when on the road)
any sweetener of your choice, and however much you think is appropriate (he chose leftover candy hearts from Valentine's Day; I went with sugar.)
Bonus material I used:
white candle - to banish negativity during their trip (note: if you follow the Moon phase for your spells, then this can be for a new or waning Moon; use the waxing or full to draw in positivity)
amethyst - to help with the spell; to help them keep a level head and not fall to the heat of the moment
rose quartz - for friendly and familial love
Ten of Cups - one of the absolute best times for family in tarot
Libra symbol - balance and togetherness
rune wunjo - joy and harmony
sunflower seeds - happiness, vitality (I chose twelve, but if you want to use sunflower seeds it doesn't matter how many there are)
The spell itself is simple. When adding whatever sweetener you choose, make sure to do so with the intent of "sweetening" everyone up. Once you are settled, take a drink for each person you want to be harmonious, visualizing them being peaceful, happy, and having fun each time you do so. For whatever of the brew remains, gift it to the Earth (or any body of water, including puddles, should any be around).
If you used any extra tools, then you could meditate on each tool's meaning before taking a drink, and visualize the tool's power affecting the person--but that's not something you need to do.
I hope this helps some of you have peaceful times! ♥
Friendly Warning: If you have as many tools as I did, and about three or four or more people, then take note that if you spend the time to meditate on each tool before taking a drink, your brew will most likely be cold. In which case, be careful about drinking something like coffee or Earl Grey! :)
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witchyhat-blog · 7 years
Why Protection is Important
Hi, friends! This is a follow-up from my Some Basics about Witchcraft post, and there will be more on this subject. Protection is so, so important, and this here is more about trying to explain to you why protection magic is important (the following post will cover the ways in which you can protect yourself and others). There are many, many people interested in witchcraft and Paganism who, in the beginning, want to just jump right in before learning the basics.
I’ll be honest here. When I first started studying witchcraft, I was a definite non-believer. I was one of the annoying naysayers refusing to believe what generations before me had found to be true: there is magic in the world, and it can be harnessed. Anywho, because I didn’t totally believe at the time, I didn’t feel a big need to use caution with spellwork. Add that to the fact that I was a lot more interested in studying all the other aspects of magic instead of protecting myself and my home, and you can begin to imagine some of the things that ensued.
The first incident I recall is when I was laying in bed for the night. I wasn’t tired and was tossing and turning when I felt what almost seemed like the cat jumped on to the foot of my bed. I might have thought it was him, too, if it hadn’t been that that thing was just a bit too light. I stayed as still as possible while I felt it slowly crawl up my bed, felt the covers move just slightly, felt the weight of it press into the mattress. When it got closer to my head, I hopped out of the bed, flew to the other side of the room, and turned on the light to discover that nothing was on my bed (or under it).
The second was when I was raising my vibrations to do long-distance healing when, in my heightened state, I recognized another being in my closet. It’s kind of hard to describe this feeling, but I felt it and I knew it. I could tell from its energy that it wasn’t “good,” exactly (like an angel), but it also wasn’t negative. I��merely told it to leave and went about my business.
There were some more incidents: the sound of the front door opening, yet being locked the entire time (my dog heard it too, by the way, and yes, it really was the sound of the door; nothing else in my place could have made that sound); looking directly into strange lights flashing above the neighborhood I live in; strange shadows seen by myself and my friends in the middle of the road that I had to swerve to avoid hitting . . . the list can go on.
Please, please be safe. Please, please use protection. If you are thinking that all of this would be cool, then understand that there is a way to work with spirits and you still have control! When they are coming into your home as they please, they can sometimes be very tricky to get rid of. They are no laughing matter. And even if you aren’t worried about negative/invasive spirits or beings, then consider that there are all kinds of things in the world you can protect yourself and others from, ranging from bullies to drunk drivers and beyond. Don’t be “that guy” that thinks he can do whatever he wants without doing something to protect himself.
I’ll be writing a second post on this topic, with ways I’ve found effective in protecting myself (as well as some spells and ways I’ve found to be effective in banishing entities), but I think you guys should know a little something more than just what I’m saying here. I’m trusting that everyone who’s reading this understands that protection magic is important, but that information doesn’t do you any good if you aren’t equipped with the tools to protect yourself.
Cleansing your space is always a good method to shoot for (note: you will find that this is often referred to as “smudging,” though it’s becoming a common concern in the Pagan community that saying as much is cultural appropriation). Sage, frankincense, and sometimes myrrh are my personal go-to’s, but you may find that something else works. Cleansing of this nature should be done whenever you feel it is appropriate, but having a set schedule (e.g., once a month, before and/or after spellwork or ritual, etc) is a good idea. This can help relieve your area of spirits, but if said beings are strong enough, it won’t do a lot of good.
Salt has an excellent use in witchcraft. Time and time again you will find many witches talking about sea salt. Don’t be fooled: any kind of salt will work, including the table salt you have in your kitchen. You can create a circle of salt to protect you as you cast your spells, or you can even go outside and sprinkle salt around the perimeter of your house/land. Creating a line of salt at doors and windows is said to keep spirits from entering in those ways. It’s a good, basic form of protection you can do--but note that once the line of salt is gone, so to is the barrier.
Yet, in my opinion, the most effective way of protecting yourself is by asking the higher-ups. You know. The Green Man, Mother Earth, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Jesus, the Universe itself--whoever it may be. I frequently don’t find myself in need of “true” protection magic anymore, because all I need to do is ask Archangel Michael to protect me at all times. Boom. The same can be true for you, if you ask.
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witchyhat-blog · 7 years
Some Basics of Witchcraft
Maybe you're on the verge of a spiritual awakening. Maybe you have a friend or partner who's a witch, and you want to look into it to impress them, or have something in common with him. Maybe you were born to a family where one or more of the parents (or grandparents, aunts or uncles, etc) practiced witchcraft. Perhaps you want to prove how ridiculous all of this is (and if you do it correctly, my dear friend, prepare to be amazed). Or heck, maybe you just wanna do cool spells.
No matter the reason, you will still need to learn the basics just like the person next to you. Most people who are interested don't know where to start--after all, this is an entire ocean that you may have never even known existed. Try not to become overwhelmed, though! Here are some things you should look into first, straight from the witch's hat!
Protection - This may not be as exciting to you as the wand, dream magic, kitchen witchery, or love spells, but start here. I waited two months before practicing protective magic. I thought it'd be all fine and dandy, but it wasn't. I got the clue once something heavy enough to be a cat jumped on my bed and crawled towards my head, but guess what was there when I felt around and turned the lights on? Nothin'. (Yes, I will be telling more of this story later.) Just remember that when you cast spells, you're messing with the spirit world...and the spirit world is going to mess with you, if you don't take precautions.
Book of Shadows - This is like your witchy journal you use to write about absolutely anything. My best friend writes about pyrokinesis, dreams, and some of his spells. I have a total of six grimoires all dedicated to different witchy topics, and I'm wanting more. It's also worth it to note that you could record yourself talking about your witchy stuff, video spellwork, type on a word processor--whatever works for you.
History - Don't worry, you don't have to memorize dates or names. You should have an idea of the history of witchcraft though. Begin where you are interested. The Salem Witch Trials? Ancient magic? Pendle Witches of Lancashire? Witchcraft through the ages in Italy, Scotland, or Russia? Whatever floats your boat, man.
What is Magic? - If you go and ask five which is this question, you will come back with ten answers. We tend to have different ideas and answers, and that's okay! In the beginning, the goal is to get an idea. I had a different idea of what magic was when I first started than I do now, but my first idea wasn't necessarily wrong.
The Three C's - Cleansing, charging, consecrating. Why are they important? Why should you do them? What are some ways for you to do them?
Tools - In witchcraft, there are many, many tools for you to use. Included are candles, incense, herbs, candles, flowers, crystals, altars, athamés, and more candles. Start becoming familiar with what each of these are, their purpose, and so on.
Spells - It's okay to do spells, but keep this in mind: magic is not a toy. There are very real consequences to magic, if done correctly. I would not say that they are hard to do, but if you are very scattered they can be easy to mess up. Be careful, but don't be afraid to grab the reins and create the world you want to see!
And after all of this, there are still things to learn. But don't worry! Witchcraft is interesting, and you're always able to study things YOU want to study. It's not all bad. Besides, soon enough I'll be adding my own two cents on these topics, and more, so you can follow me to learn.
Till later, friends!
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witchyhat-blog · 7 years
Normally I don't reblog stuff like this but...c'mon. It's a dancing crow.
I know many of you out there are feeling a bit down. Have a crow to Wouldn’t it be Nice by the Beach Boys to lift your mood.
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witchyhat-blog · 7 years
I eat and breathe witchcraft, so please do reblog.
🖤 Hello!!! I’m doing another one of these because I desperately would love to see more witchy things on my dash!!! Please reblog if you post about
Tarot ✨
Ecclectic witchcraft
Crystals ✨
Forest/nature witchcraft ✨
Ocean/ watery witchcraft
Are a baby witch like me!! ✨
I would love to have more on my dash so reblog so I can check out your lovely blogs!!! 🖤
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witchyhat-blog · 7 years
Ahh, flowers. My favorite type of plant. In fact, I attempt to practice more flower magic throughout the year than I work with herbs. Of course, that's just me....
Ostara Flowers
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Daffodils Daffodils are probably the best choice of flowers for Ostara. They are one of the earliest flowers to bloom and are directly connected with springtime. These are flowers representing rebirth, renewal and vitality. Their energy is very uplifting and energizing (at least for me). They can also be used for awareness and inner reflection.
Hyacinths Hyacinths symbolise a fresh start. They work awesome to ease the mind and bring peace to it. Moreover, they are a symbol of hope and work therefore quite amazing for this time of the year.
Tulips Ok, let´s be honest with this: tulips work most of the time, just like roses do. White tulips are especially suited for forgiveness while bright tulips represent the coming of spring. So they are an amazing choice for your Ostara bouquet or altar.
Pansies I´ve never seen pansies in only one colour, most of the time they are tri- or bi- coloured. They can bring loving thoughts and are a beautiful little spring flower. To come back to the colours, especially orange (warmth), yellow (happiness) and blue (calmness) are a good choice.
Read more about flower colour meanings or flowers for curses here.
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witchyhat-blog · 7 years
This is an excellent "template," so to speak. Witchcraft isn't all that difficult to do throughout the day, once you get the hang of certain things. It's more that it just feels or looks difficult. Enchant the mirror you use every day to help you divine, charm your pants to make your legs / butt look even better, cast a quick spell to get the best possible parking spot at the mall--whatever you do, make it work for you!
Finding time for Witchcraft
Sometimes it’s hard to make room for magic in daily life. We understand, so we made this hypothetical schedule to give you an idea of how to incorporate a little magic every hour of your day.
6:00 am Charge your morning tea or coffee while checking the moon phase
7:00 am Pick out a talisman to wear for protection/luck/etc. when dressing
8:00 am Use a sigil or glamour perfume to enhance confidence for the day
9:00 am Use a protective charm for traveling on your way to work or class
10:00 am Use an attraction charm or friendly glamour to improve interactions
11:00 am Drink plenty of fruit or crystal infused water for magical hydration
12:00 pm Add charged spices to your lunch for midday energy re-boost 
1:00 pm Spend a moment with enchanted smelling salts for calmness 
2:00 pm Cast a simple spell using emojis on your smartphone 
3:00 pm Give a cup of coffee with enchanted sugar to ‘sweeten’ someone up
4:00 pm Use a concentration sigil to improve your work or studying
5:00 pm Use a money or luck spell for payday, or to beat traffic home
6:00 pm Choose specific ingredients for your intent when making dinner
7:00 pm Cleanse your home with herbs, or a crystal-infused room spray
8:00 pm Set aside some time to light some candles and meditate
9:00 pm Remove the day’s energy with an herbal soap in the bath or shower
10:00 pm Use a dream pillow or cast a sleep circle for the perfect night’s rest
There’s always time for magic!
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witchyhat-blog · 7 years
potion for a day of self-love
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A potion you can take with you throughout your day to fill you with self-love
- rose petals
- cranberry vanilla tea (i used this because it was available, but if you don’t have it cranberry juice and vanilla extract also works)
- sugar
1. Brew the tea and the rose petals. Let it steep for a few minutes.
2. Add however much sugar you like, stirring clockwise to invoke sweetness into the next day.
3. Refrigerate overnight. When you put it in the fridge, say: “while this cools, self-love it shall bring, i will love and appreciate the qualities within.”
4. The next morning, pour it into your water bottle or thermos, add ice cubes, and enjoy!
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witchyhat-blog · 7 years
Note to self: use next time you buy a plant, thanks!!!
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Funny way to find out which plant you might like to buy.
Source: apartmenttherapy.com
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witchyhat-blog · 7 years
Here are some ideas, some of which I've done and others I plan to do. I honestly believe this is such an important topic--incorporating magic in your day-to-day life. Maybe it just seems like more of a want or a desire at first, but how is practicing more of your spirituality NOT a healthy thing to do? And when is it not encouraged in an religion, coven, etc? Anyway, I'll stop rambling.
× Enchant sheets or blankets to make you feel safe and protected (you could also put a protection spell on them!).
× You can charm hair products to make your hair longer, thicker, healthier, prevent or slow baldness, etc.
× Put a spell on your purse or wallet to where, if it is stollen, the thief either brings it back to you in repentance, or is brought to justice as swiftly as possible.
× Cast a luck spell on your shoes to keep you from tripping or stepping in anything...unpleasant.
× Charm glasses or sunglasses to find missing objects and things unseen.
× Enchant your mirror to reflect your inner-beauty for a time.
× Charm heaters to cleanse the space with fire and A/C's to cleanse the house by water. (Or, make it your own. If you have a fireplace to keep you warm and windows to keep you cool, then adapt as you do. If you are using a window you may find it more appropriate to use air for cleansing, but remember that, if you prefer to use water, it is often still present--if you live in a humid area, for example.)
× Enchant leashes or cages for your pet to keep them protected.
× Charm a clock to make time go faster or slower.
× Charm curtains to welcome in positive energy when open and repel negative energy when closed.
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Put a small ward on the door and windows 
Visualize the energy you are getting when eating food or ingesting caffeine
Put a glamour on your make-up and brush
Put a glamour on your closet for the clothes inside
Put a small bowl/plate with rose quartz, amethyst, and quartz crystal on your sink counter
Make every shower a “cleansing” for yourself and every bath a gentle recharging
Hang a sigil somewhere in your kitchen to ensure delicious food
Spend a few minutes talking to your plants
Meditate for at least 5 minutes a day
If you do sage cleansings, mix the leftover ashes and sea salt together in a container to keep for if you need a quick protection
Charm your necklace for protection and recharge it once a week
Charm your shoes to ensure that you will make it to where you are going
Add some of y'all’s small things y’all do around the house
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witchyhat-blog · 7 years
Constellation Correspondences 🌠
A Andromeda - power, removing barriers, release, letting go Aquarius - new beginnings, luck, wishes Aquila - guidance, psychic work, astral travel Ara - hearth, home, devotion, refuge, protection  Aries - fertility, abundance, protection, banishing  Auriga - wisdom, knowledge, storm warding 
B Boötes - inspiration, nature, storm warding 
C Cancer - astral travel, dreamwork, psychic abilities, imagination, creativity, subconscious desire  Canes Venatici - companionship, faithfulness, protection, healing  Canis Major & Canis Minor - death, renewal, new beginnings, protection, purification Capricornus - harvest, energy, abundance Cassiopeia & Cepheus - balance, relationships, love, union, healing, maternal conflict (Cassiopeia), and familial/home conflict (Cepheus)  Centaurus - balance, duality, healing, wisdom Cetus - power, intelligence, communication, change, growth, happiness Columba - peace, relaxation, fidelity, devotion, marriage, union Corona Australis - emotions, love, spirituality, success, manifestation of goals  Corona Borealis - guidance, protection, knowledge, divination, success, manifestation of goals Corvus - wisdom, secrets, duality, prophecy, divination Crater - life, emotions, abundance Crux - elemental energy, crossroads, decision-making  Cygnus - light, death, transformation, prophecy, self-esteem 
D Delphinus - intelligence, wisdom, truth, releasing negativity, fertility, safe travels  Draco - wisdom, power, knowledge, prosperity, luck, protection 
E Eridanus - life, health, abundance, power, wisdom, transformation, meditation 
G Gemini - balance, change, transition, increased power, banishing Grus - death, rebirth, mysticism, truth, divination  
H Hercules - wisdom, creativity, strength, energy Hydra/Hydrus - life, reproduction, forces of nature, power, healing, transformation
L Leo - power, protection, courage, strength  Lepus - abundance, swiftness, wisdom, divination, hidden knowledge, transformation, lunar magick  Libra - balance, healing, legal matters  Lupus - power, purpose, loyalty, protection Lynx - isolation, purification, cleansing, illumination, insight, hidden knowledge, swiftness Lyra - underworld, enchantment, immortality of the soul, music 
M Monoceros - beauty, freedom, love, luck, spirituality, transformation, wisdom, creativity 
O Ophiuchus & Serpens - healing, balance, the flow of energy  Orion - self-confidence, strength, victory, winter storms 
P Pegasus & Equuleus - travel between realms, contacting the dead, astral travel, divination, psychic abilities  Perseus - hope, desire, wishes, manifestation, power  Phoenix - change, cycles, transformation, rebirth, renewal, personal growth  Pisces - creation, fertility, union, creativity  Piscis Austrinus - prophecy, divination, inspiration, astral travel, wisdom, otherworldly knowledge  Pleiades, the - mysticism, power, higher consciousness, wisdom, awareness
S Sagittarius - mental stimulation, virility, sexuality, physical energy, power, skill, manifestation of goals Scorpius - protection, the underworld, creativity, transformation, psychic abilities 
T Taurus - abundance, regeneration, power, strength, potency  Triangulum - balance, change, transformation
U Ursa Major - healing, protection, survival Ursa Minor - renewal, rebirth, awakening
V Virgo - rebirth, harvest, regeneration, prosperity 
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last updated: 2-19-2017
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witchyhat-blog · 7 years
This, my friends, is an excellent example of working on one's spiritual path in life! I am so going to do this when I wake up tomorrow.
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Spiritual Progress Tarot Spread
Where you are in your spiritual cycle
Central cycle lesson
Positive Influence
Negative Influence
Thought I would share this spread that his been super helpful for me and for others that I read for! Hope it has good results  for anyone who decides to utilize it!
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witchyhat-blog · 7 years
Self love and healing spell bottle
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You will need: An incense cone/stick to burn (I used frankincense for protection and purification) Rose quartz chip (encourages self love and aids emotional healing) Lavender (healing) Peppermint (protection and healing) Rosemary Incense ashes Sea Salt
A white candle to seal the bottle
Steps: Start by burning the incense to purify the space. Add all ingredients while focusing on your intent and visualizing your negativity and pain being put into the bottle. Light the candle, close and seal the bottle.
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witchyhat-blog · 7 years
About the Witchy Hat
Greetings, everyone! This is the required "about me" post. Sort of. At least for the time being.
For now, call me Venus. I'm very intrigued by astrology and, because Venus shows up in such important places in my chart, I go by that nickname at times when I'm online. In addition to astrology, I'm also interested in numerology, the dream world, oracle cards, crystals, reincarnation, angels, and incorporating magic into my day-to-day life. My dream in life is to embrace the path of a spiritual teacher, and in a certain sense this may be my first intentional grasp at that.
Or maybe not. We'll just have to see :)
I aim to share spells, notes, tips, rituals, aesthetic pleasantries, and other wonderful things with those who decide to read my Tumblr blog. I hope that you all enjoy and learn something new :)
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