A 26 yr old, Eclectic Witch, Daughter of the Morrigan, Follower of Bast, Empath. Artist, Crafter, Filmaker, Geek
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Been kinda quiet lately, but to be 100% honest it is purely because I was off work for a week and I HATE posting from my cell phone and couldn’t be bothered opening my laptop because... yeah lol. *Note to self should probably look into the tablet app Anyway on to the topic of Manifestation. I have one major thing I am hoping to manifest this year. Well two, but one is a personal goal and one is a physical thing. Right now I am going to focus on the physical object. There are several ways to work on manifestation. Here are some of them:
Vision Board - Use a board, wall, or even a mirror and post a collection of photos or even sayings on post it’s that relate to what you are hoping for. For instance if you are looking to move, maybe a map with your desired location circled, a picture of your dream house, a post it with the amount of money or credit score needed to move. Make sure you place it somewhere where you will see it EVERY DAY.. or multiple times a day is even better. And take the time to truly focus on each image at some point during the day.
Daily Mantra - This will work best (at least for me) when it comes to goals. Write a list of what you are looking for. For instance if you are trying to be more healthy, are you focusing on your weight, heart health, energy? And then add things that you can do to help like not giving into soda temptation or something. Then once you know exactly what you want, make a saying for it, a rhyme is easier for me. Just a few lines is all that is needed. Then try memorizing it so that you can say it to yourself randomly through out the day.
Meditation with Visualization - This can work with many different types of manifestation but you need to have a strong sense of imagination and visualization along with a good amount of focus. If you have that this exercise is actually pretty simple. First find a quiet place, it would be even better if you can be in a place connected to your desire like maybe the plot of land you want to build your house on. You can bring candles, music, or even incense if it calls to you and helps connect you with your desire. Then close your eyes, or you could leave them open if you are really focused and SEE YOURSELF doing what it is that you want. If you want to lose weight, see yourself at your ideal weight living life. If you want to be able to purchase the home you are touring, focus and visualize your family walking through the halls. If you want to get a promotion SEE YOURSELF in that position.
Consistent Spell Work - This takes a bit more work as it is more detailed oriented. Find a spell that fits for your desire. Gather the supplies (personally I would try to gather enough to last you however long you will be doing the spell for this way everything is consistent). Then decide how often and for how long you will want to do the spell. For instance a spell for a job that just opened up would be a shorter length than for moving because you know that they would be looking to fill that position rather soon while your lease may not be up for several months.
Manifestation Box - This is the form of manifestation I plan on using. For this you would just need a vessel, like a box. Charge the vessel every full moon or so with the intent of manifesting anything that is placed inside, maybe filling it with herbs or stones to help. Then write your desire on a piece of paper being reasonably detailed (like when you want to move or who you want to move with) and then place it in the box. Don’t forget about it in there but leave the box closed as much as possible just charging up the energy when you can and maybe adding herbs once a month or so.
With this information reach for the stars, the power is in you to make things happen even if it feels like a long shot. With focus, power and drive you will be able to open so many doors for what seemed at one point to be impossible.... ... except you know... the actual impossible.... if Voldemort comes to life... I am blaming you guys lol
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So My Brother Just Found My Witchy Instgram.....
I dont like this... I don’t like it at all....
PS... I imagine this is his face looking at my account....
... He is not the most accepting of the “weird woohoo stuff”...
# Welp the witch is outta the broom closet now
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When you plant seeds
and more of them germinated than you expected so now you are being over run by Baby Witchy Herbs.......So Many Babies
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Shopping for a New Oracle Deck
I have found a tarot deck that I love and I am well connected with, but unfortunately I cannot say the same for an Oracle Deck. With my refund coming I must begin my search!!
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Crystals for Artsy Witches
Here is a list of crystals that could be useful to artistic witches.
Agate: inspiration, awaken talents and improve them
Alexandrite: creativity, imagination
Amazonite: creativity, intuition
Amethyst: creativity, intuition, perception, insight
Apatite: insight, creativity
Aqua Aura Quartz: motivation, making progress in goals
Aventurine: creativity, imagination, motivation
Beryl: creativity, helps relieves the feeling of tiredness (always good for artists)
Bixbite: creativity
Carnelian: creativity, precision
Cavansite: inspiration
Charoite: inspiration
Chlorite: inspiration
Chrysoberyl: creativity
Citrine: intuition, creativity, clarity
Coral: creativity, visualization
Dolomite: concentration, focus
Emerald: focus
Fire Agate: creativity, expression
Fire Opal: creativity
Garnet: mental rejuvenation, motivation
Girasol: visualization, imagination, creativity
Goshenite: creativity, originality
Hematite: focus
Howlite: expression, creativity
Kyanite: visualization
Magnesite: visualization, unconscious thoughts realized
Mookaite Jasper: expression, versatility
Mother of Pearl: imagination, intuition, mental clarity, adaptability
Opal: creativity, inspiration, spontaneity
Pearl: focus
Rainforest Jasper: variety, progress, creativity
Sapphire: creativity, expression, mental clarity, intuition
Sardonyx: creativity, mental clarity
Siberian Gold Quartz: inspiration, motivation
Tangerine (dyed) Quartz: motivation
Tanzan Aura: intuition, inner vision
Tiger’s Eye: motivation, focus, concentration, mental clarity
Tiger Iron: artistic skills, creativity, motivation
Topaz: creativity, individuality, expression
Ulexite: creativity, inspiration, imagination
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When Growth is on the Horizon
I feel like an itchy animal waiting to shed their skin. We have grown out of our current living space. I see now that it was meant as a transitional space where we needed to get our new lives together. We are supposed to move sometime this year and I am so excited to finally have a place that I can organize from the beginning and have it truly FEEL like home.
Im hoping to have a witchy space all to my own too, even if it is just a small room, all I really ask for is that it has a window and enough room for some storage (either a small closet or enough wall space for storage pieces). Something where I can have my Altar, a reading corner and a craft area (I feel a new side job coming on!!!), where on full moons i can just sit in my space with the window open and candle light and just be.
I feel like there is a lot coming my way and I know I have to wait for it to come... but oh gosh I am terrified and excited all at the same time.
*Btw I love these adorable witchy gifs on this site (this one specifically was done by @choualaclem)
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I actually plan on doing something like this as a second copy. Since my BOS is going to be typed (i have a separate journal) this way I can go ahead and write down spells or recipes and then go back every few months and update my book along with the results of the spell
new grimoire idea: instead of a book, I bought an index card box and some dividers. now instead of writing everything in a notebook, I write spells on notecards, kind of like a recipe box! I plan to decorate the box more and paint some sigils it
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This Valentines Day Use Magic to Find Love…. Self Love That Is
Whether you love it, or you hate it, Valentines Day is right around the corner. I know some intend on spending it all cuddled up with their partners doing gross, cheesy couple things, others will be avoiding the first people like the plague, and then some… well some will be sad and be hoping upon hope that love will find them. (Me personally.. I will be working for 12 hours and will probably be doing something fun with my SO on the weekend)
But I have an idea, one I will try to implement myself as I feel I need it very much. Regardless of your relationship status why don’t you focus on an often forgotten aspect of love…. Love of YOURSELF.
Here are some Witchy and Non- Witchy ways to show love to yourself…
Take a cleansing bath: Fill a bath with some Epsom Salts, and some flowers of your choice, like rose and lavender and add in some calming essential oils. Maybe throw on a face mask while you soak. The point of this isn’t too make yourself beautiful but to know that you are important and your body deserves some pampering.
Do something that makes you… you: Most people say “do your make up, get dressed up, make yourself feel good” as someone who doesn’t dress up often, doing that doesn’t make me feel special. However, dying my hair or painting my nails black is something that really makes me feel happy and truly like myself but I don’t always have time or the ability to do it. So do something YOU enjoy for yourself but you might not always have time to do whether that means getting a tattoo, practicing an instrument, or yes even putting on a dress and some heels (I have been eyeing a really cute skull dress recently)
That brings us to the next item. If you can muster it financially…. Buy Yourself something: This could be as cliché as a box of chocolates or as practical as a new waterproof eyeliner but buy yourself something. As someone who always puts others first and suffers from buyers remorse something fierce I know this can be difficult, especially if you are financially in a tough spot. But you don’t have to spend more than a dollar, as a matter of fact go to the dollar store and the thrift store and buy something there. The point of this isn’t to spend money but for you to be doing something completely for yourself. Heck even if you just go out and grab lunch, you are going out for yourself and focusing on getting yourself something without the caveat of having to also pick up something for someone else.
Spend some time outside: This may seem like a witchy cliché but there is a reason why it is one of the most common pieces of advice. There is something about going outside and feeling fresh air on your skin and in your lungs that makes you feel so much more alive and connected to nature and to yourself… especially when I go do exercise outside, I really feel in tune with myself… and how out of shape I am lol.
Work some Candle Magic: If you have been to a botanica, witchy shop, or even some international farmers markets, you may have seen figure candles that look like either the male or female figures. Sometimes they are by themselves or sometimes they are in couples. My suggestion is to pick one up, male or female, which ever you are called to have represent you. (Heck if you are non-binary or gender fluid, maybe consider picking up the male/female couple statue and have it represent both sides of you). You could even just use a plain colored candle that you feel is a color that represents you, or even a white once and inscribe your name on it. Then dress the candle, make it your own. Maybe say some words over it, dress it with love oil or herbs. Even maybe bind with a pink or red ribbon to represent love. Then as it burns focus all intent on learning to love yourself and love your life.
Affirmations: Now I am going to be honest I HATE getting this as advice because I think they are cheesy and I feel like an idiot talking to myself in front of a mirror. But I have to say, they do work. There is something very very very strong about the spoken word and hearing the compliments of yourself that your subconscious is probably crying out for. Try it for a week and see what happens, and if you are like me and can’t stand talking out loud, but have a very loud internal monologue, maybe try it internally first. I am not so sure it will work as strong as saying it out loud but it helps get over the initial cheese factor.
Do Some Gardening: “Oh but isn’t that the same as going outside?” you may ask. No, as someone who is in a basement apartment with no yard I can assure you it isn’t lol. That being said it is a grounding experience playing in the dirt, whether outside or in a bowl. But you should plant something. This coming season of late winter, early spring is a time of planting and growth so it is the perfect time for this exercise. Find a plant or seed that calls to you. If it’s a seed, sow it; if it’s a plant repot it. As you are placing your new green baby in it’s home, say (or mentally say) something that makes the plant represent your love of self. Then just love the plant and watch it grow. Give it the needed light (might need to be artificial light if in an apartment) make sure it has the proper amount of water, and honestly, talk to them or touch it daily as I feel plants, especially those in a container thrive well with the loving energy of a human since the plant itself is separated from the heartbeat of the earth.
Cleanse your space: Lastly, do some cleaning. Chores may seem like the opposite of pampering yourself but think about how much more calm you are when your space is clean, and how much clearer you think.
Do some charity work: If you truly find it hard to love yourself, focus your love on to someone, or something that needs a little extra time and love and you will find that you will not only receive love in return but you will truly feel batter about yourself. So go help at a food kitchen, or an animal shelter. Even if you can’t spend a lot of time, but you have some money, maybe go to a thrift store and buy some clothes in good condition and donate them to a Women’s Shelter. Even just buying packages of socks and handing out a couple of pairs to the homeless in your neighborhood would do so much to help them keep warm during the last of these cold nights.
So while Valentines Day isn’t a pagan holiday, I still think it is a good time to remind yourself to add a little more love to the world, whether for yourself, for your loved one, or for the world. So take some time and remember to do something to make yourself smile.
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UGGGHHHHH I hate having to be a “normal person” during the day. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t really hide my witchy side. A few people at work know, its kind of obvious by my necklace I wear every day and my love of halloween and crystals, I just don’t feel comfortable putting up witchy things in my office.
But I just wanna wear flowing or black clothes constanlty, surround myself with crystals all the time, and sit in an old house, working with herbs, or in my garden all day....
... But alas... no house, no flowy clothes, and no time to just sit and be witchy....
One Day Maybe....
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So I have been meditating with Malachite to open my third eye and unblock some stuff that has been blocked for many years. It’s so weird, as soon as it goes on my head it feel so tingly and not in a bad way but very nice. And then after a few seconds I find myself almost like slipping in and out of consciousness almost like I am falling asleep but i am not. If that doesn't happen then my head or limbs start too feel weird and airy.... Finally when I am done I feel like 10 pounds lighter. Its such a new feeling its odd.
I hope this all is a good sign lol
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Its so good to know im not the only one that does this!!
quiet witch aesthetic
❦ writing down and burning your spells, incantations, or intentions
❦ using meditation as a means of thanking/dismissing spirits or other powers
❦ channeling energy through memories and emotions
❦ communicating only through thoughts and facial expressions
❦ shying away from large, grandiose offerings or spells and instead opting for those that are discreet
❦ worrying that your craft is not as strong because you are not vocal
❦ lighting candles and lying crystals around the rim of your bathtub and energizing them with the sound of flowing water rather than your voice
❦ sigils are an absolute lifesaver. you can’t speak drawings
❦ your craft is personal. you keep it to yourself and rarely share your experiences with anybody but your grimoire, and maybe your cat
❦ 90% of your craft is solely based around meditation
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Altars on a Budget
Hey everyone. So I was on facebook earlier in one of my favorite witchy groups and a woman made a post regarding altars and their prices. She was newish to the craft and thought that she was going to need to spend all of this money to put together an altar. Here is a friendly PSA that it is not the case.
As an example I want to explain to you my situation when I started. So here we go. I had been studying witchcraft for many years (about 8 or so). However unfortunately I hadn’t had a place (or confidence for that matter) to practice anything. Well finally about 4 years ago my boyfriend moved to a new city and we finally had a place of our own. Even before we moved into our apartment (we spent two months living in a hotel before we got an apartment set up) we were looking for things for our new place but we weren’t even buying anything. Then one day we went into the local Goodwill (a place where I find a lot of my things) and I saw a small white bedside table, nothing fancy by any means, I don’t even think its made of solid wood. But it spoke to me. I had told myself I wasn’t going to buy anything because we didn’t have much money but I looked at the pricetag and it was only like $10 and my boyfriend told me to get it. So I did, then a few months later when we had gotten settled in our new place I went to the hardware store and paid 4-6 bucks on two sample jars of paint, purple and black. That weekend my altar went from stark white to purple with a black top. Next stop was back to goodwill and to the dollar store. At goodwill I picked up a box which I now use for incense. I painted the symbol of the Goddess on it and in the beginning it served as my Goddess representation. That box was 3 dollars. Over the next few days I picked up a few gold plates and bowls, and some 7 day candles from the dollar store. All of which amounted to maybe…10 dollars. That plus some books, exsisting incense and smudge that I had for a while was all I used for the first few months of my path. It wasn’t until almost 6 months later that I began expanding on things. And thanks to goodwill, thrift stores, and gifts from others I have only paid 60 bucks for my entire altar set up (not including crystals, herbs and books/decks.. but im a bit of a collector.
All that to say that you can start off with nothing, you don’t even need an altar (I needed one because im a visual person), you can go out to nature and let that be your altar. I have even seen people that have a bookshelf with three glasses on it (one for each element). Does that make their magic any less than that of a witch whose altar cost hundreds? No!
So for those new witches just getting started, take your time in learning the craft and finding your way but don’t get caught up in the idea that this is an expensive path because it shouldn’t be. Some people do collect things which can get pricey but even if they bought all of those things, without intent there would be no magic.
I’ll even share some simple altar ideas below* to help you guys out!
(from google.. if you would like credit or like me to remove your image please let me know)
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I don’t want to adult today
I just want to sit at home in a witchy room (which i don’t have in my home yet, so I want to go to my dream home..) and sit and just do witchy things all day
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🔮28 Day Witchy Challenge🔮
Hi lovelies! I hope you are all having a beautiful day! I have decided to make a 28 Day Witchy Challenge Post. This can be started at the beginning of the month or at any time. It’s whatever you prefer.
This is geared towards all witches, new and old. This challenge is focused on taking care of you and your witchy self. I am starting off September with challenge one. I’d love to see or know if y'all do it!!
🔮 DAY 1 - Take time out of your day to think about, write about, or draw what your witchy self looks like. What they are into. Their favorite witchy activity. Any details you can possibly think of.
🔮DAY 2 - Take the day to meditate. It can be about anything or nothing at all. Let your mind wonder and do it’s thing. Journal about it and let things come to you.
🔮DAY 3 - BUY SOMETHING WITCHY! This challenge is all about self-care for you and your witchy self, so it can be as simple as spending a dollar at the dollar store or buying something elaborate online. If there is no way you can buy something, try to find something. For example, go to the woods/Park and try to find a mushroom for an offering.
🔮DAY 4 - Piggy backing off of day 3, MAKE SOMETHING JUST FOR YOU AND YOUR CRAFT. Like all of these days, it can be something big or small. You can make a set of runes or maybe make yourself a picture for your alter. Just make it for YOU!
🔮DAY 5 - Watch or listen to something witchy. Charmed, Practical Magic, listen to some witchy music, anything!
🔮 DAY 6 - Spend some time in nature! Whether it is sitting on your lawn or taking a hike, or even a walk through the park, just take time to appreciate nature and Mother Earth and all she had given us.
🔮DAY 7 - Let an entire candle burn. I know this may sounds silly to some of you, but I am the type of person that struggles with this (unless doing a specific spell). So, just sit with your candle and watch it burn. Feel free to multitask while doing this. Just try to focus on it now and again. It can be a birthday candle or a very large candle, whatever works for you.
🔮DAY 8 - Make a special cup of tea. If you’re not a tea drinker, try a different kind or hot coco or coffee. When making, focus in your intent. When drinking, focus on all the different flavors you taste and sensations you feel.
🔮DAY 9 - Journal about the elements and what they mean to you.
🔮DAY 10 - Make a list of new worst things you can try. It can be anything like talking more walks or a new spell!
🔮 DAY 11 - Journal about your deities/higher power. What they mean to you. If you don’t have any, then try to journal about the energies around you. What you feel and the power.
🔮 DAY 12 - Piggy backing off of day 12, write down/find a new way you can honor your deities or energies that you journaled about. And if it’s possible, do it! It can be anything from a leaf you found to an elaborate meal. It can be simply praying.
🔮DAY 13 - BATH OR SHOWER MAGIC! This is pretty self-explanatory, but try to just take some time and take a magical bath or shower. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, or it can! Try to just focus your intent and maybe try a shower or bath meditation. There are a ton of different things here on Tumblr, so get creative!
🔮DAY 14 - Spell Jar!! There are a TON of spell jars on Tumblr and all over the internet. You can use those or make your own! They are very easy and great if you’re low on spoons!
🔮DAY 15 - Cook! If you aren’t able to cook due to physical reasons, or even lack of time, then try to eat something special. Regardless, cook or at least eat something that inspires you or harnesses your intent.
🔮DAY 16 - PRAYER! This is pretty self-explanatory, but try to honor and show your intent. Ask even, for guidance, hope, strength, whatever!
🔮DAY 17 - Sky watching! You can watch the Moon and stars or just the clouds go by.
🔮DAY 18 - Journal about what magick means to you. Go into as much detail as possible.
🔮DAY 19 - SIGILS! Make your own sigil! Focus your intent and be creative! If there is no way you can come up with your own, then feel free to use one from the internet.
🔮DAY 20 - Alter time!!! Try to redecorate your alter! If you are in the broom closet, then maybe draw one!
🔮DAY 21 - Journal about ways you can, from now on, nurture yourself. Whether it’s teas, baths, putting on makeup, whatever! Make lists or just woke about the things you want to do!
🔮DAY 22 - Worry Stone! You can find one or make one or but one, it’s totally up to you! Which brings us toooooooooooo……
🔮DAY 23 - Cleanse and charge your items!! There are umpteen different ways you can cleanse and charge your items, just pick one! Please make sure that however you cleanse and charge your items, it is safe for them.
🔮DAY 24 - PLANTS! Take care of your plants, harvest a plant, buy a plant, even take some time to talk with your plants!
🔮DAY 25 - SCAVENGER HUNT! No, not literally. But, go find something that nature has given you. A mushroom, a leaf, anything! Place it on your alter and honor it! By honoring it, you honor Mother Nature and all that she has created. Including you!
🔮DAY 26 - Do a glamour!! This can be anything from enchanting your chapstick to make you feel loved or carrying a self-love charm bag. Get creative with it! Try to make your intent focus on love from yourself or self-confidence!
🔮DAY 27 -MAKE YOUR OWN SPELL! Literally, just have fun with this. Use your alter, use your journal entries and the internet and books! Get creative! Focus your intent and be specific! It can be low spoons or high spoons. Whatever works for you!
🔮DAY 28 - MEDITATE! Meditate about the past 28 days and all the work you’ve done! Think and focus on your craft and all the self-care you have worked for!
I hope y'all enjoy this! Please let me know if you do it! I’d love to hear y'all’s thoughts! Feel free to edit this however you want! Make it work for you! I hope all you lovelies are have a beautiful day/night! 💚
Love and light
Cait ✌
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Looking to Follow Witches, Pagans, and Heathens…
So my dash is a lot of aesthetic pictures right now and I really want to see some more information based posts, so I want to Follow some new blogs!
Reblog this is you frequently post
-information (like how to’s) and mythology
-divination of any kind, but especially tarot and runes
-spells of any kind
- not a LOT of aesthetic pictures and the like
-heathen/asatru/Norse paganism centred content specifically regarding worship
Reblog if any of this applies to you and I will check you out. I am definitely open to following people who worship any pantheon, or follow a lot of different practices (like druidism and such)
Please DO NOT waste my time if you are a hateful person. (Sexist, racist, transphobe, homophobe, Nazi, or anything like this.) I will check.
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And so many of these things can be found at the dollar Store too for my friends ‘Craftin on a budget. I know at my tiny store I have been able to find mirrors (look in the candle section, usually used as table toppers) Epsom salts, scented oil burners, white seven day candles (along with the rare blue, green, and red), Wax Melts, black sand, matches, bowls, bottles, fairy garden supplies, colored stones (the glass ones you can use in vases) and tea light candles. I have even seen battery operated colored candles that could really be helpful.
Witch Tips for City Witches
City Witch Tips for all of my fellow witches stuck in apartments, dorms or other city areas.
If you can’t burn incense you can make your own sprayable incense by mixing alcohol (usually vodka or rubbing) with essential oils and a bit of oil, spray in the air to act like incense
If you are unable to go outside for whatever reason to get rain water (in my case just no where to collect it safely), fill a jar or glass with regular water and keep it near a cracked window to charge it with the wind, sound and scent of the rain outside. Same goes for storm water
Trapped in city and unable to get ocean water? Sea salt mixed with rain/storm water can be an excellent substitute
To continue on with water substitutes, if you can’t collect snow crushed ice from your fridge will suffice
Low key warding/protection you can use: spray moon water, salt water or sprayable incense about your apartment or dorm, place sigils under doormats, furniture, inside cupboards, etc; place crystals about hidden or out in the open, sweep and dust out the door or towards windows
If you need melted wax to seal a jar or for any other magical purpose, but can’t burn candles, by a wax melter and melt that wax and imagine the light from the burner acting like a flame (plus they are rather cheap, I got mine for 25 bucks)
Need stars in your craft but too much light pollution? Glow in the dark stars on your ceiling or wall can work just as well for visualization. Print out pictures of your favorite constellations or planets and place them up on your walls or on your altar. Live video feed of the night sky can also be easily found on the internet
Bath magic is amazing for low-key ‘in the woods’ witches. Use teas, milk, oils, herbs, bath bombs, bubble baths, salts, etc that relate to your intent. It is also a good place to meditate if you have roommates or family around that would disturb you otherwise
If you do for whatever reason need to burn a candle, birthday candles are small, melt fast, and don’t create a lot of smoke or smokey scent
Sigils are another great low-key form of magic. To boost them up, use color magic related to the color you draw them in, write them using quills made of feathers related to your intent, use colored paper, rub a drop of essential oil on them, charge them with crystals or in your windowsill
You don’t have to burn sigils to activate them, which is hardly an option when you are in a dorm or apartment. Other options are: Shredding them, erasing them, soaking them in a bath or shower, using body heat or your own pulse, etc
Miss having the outdoors and plants around? Windowsill gardens can really help. Small plants you can consider keeping in your windowsill or counter-tops: succulents, cacti, bamboo, lemongrass, basic, rosemary, mint, rosemary, mosses, aloe, snake plant, pothos (and other vines), carrots, beets, shallots, lettuce, spinach, garlic, chives, parsley, oregano, thyme, and marigold
Open your window to let the wind and air from outside to help energize you and clear out negative energies inside
Fun places to put sigils: under furniture, carved into soap, onto shampoo/conditioner bottles, on your make up, inside phone cases, in shoes, under bandages, sewn into pillow cases and blankets, behind pictures in frames, underside of nail polish, carved into wax squares for your wax melter, keys and keychains, behind mirrors or in medicine cabinets, on bookmarks, on or in binders and pencil cases, on medicine bottles, and water bottles/travel mugs
Easy to make and dispose of poppets: carrot sticks (one of my personal favorites), apples or other fruit, clothe, paper, popsicle sticks, paper towels/napkins, toilet paper rolls, eggs, celery stocks, and cotton balls
The internet is an amazing thing. Need some sounds to help you focus or meditate? Easily look up the sounds of rain, storms, wind, ocean waves, jungles, forests, etc
Christmas lights are fun and great way to use discrete witchcraft. Select ones in the colors you wish for them to bring ie green for growth, yellow for inspiration, white for protection, purple for psychic abilities, etc.
Some everyday things you can use for discrete witchcraft that don’t cost much at all or that you most likely already have: water, table salt, black pepper, paper, crayons/pencils/pens/markers, vinegar, milk, tea, highlighters, make up and beauty supplies, shampoo and conditioner, rubber bands, paperclips, thumbtacks, computer/phone/tablet, music/music player, playing cards, dice, air freshener, perfumes, toothpaste, rice, flour, sugar, honey, and all kitchen herbs and seasonings.
Can’t afford gemstones or crystals on college budget? Crackle and dyed quartz you can find super cheap at craftstores and online. I bought a whole bag for 4 bucks. Use them based on their colors and shapes. Can’t afford that but still want to use rocks in your craft? Find some rocks you like outside, again use their colors and shapes to determine their correspondences. Want to use them for a specific purpose? Paint sigils on them in the color that corresponds with what you want! Charge them in your windowsill or with your own energy and intent. There you go!
Pocket mirrors are cheap, easy to carry around and great for glamours and on the go magic.
Seriously though, glamour spells are going to be a good option for you. use your make up, skin products, hair care products, brushes/combs, perfume, mirrors, toothbrush/toothepaste and intent. Good to do while you are getting ready for your day
Dream magic is another friend of the city witch! Use crystals, sigils, herbs, etc near your bed before you go to sleep, drink some chamomile, get yourself a dream journal (mine is literally a notebook with construction paper on it), keep it and a pen near you. In the morning write down your dreams, your thoughts, how you feel (tired, refreshed, groggy, etc), and interpret them.
Can’t afford tarot cards? Print out some, you can usually find them online and they won’t last as long as a real deck but it is a good temporary solution. Want a Ouija board but can’t keep one or need it to be easily hidden? Print one out, draw on one on paper or cardboard, fold it up and store it once you are done. Want a pendulum but can’t afford one? Use your favorite necklace, bracelet or keychain!
Tea and coffee magic is great, make your own tea blends with the herbs you like. Or just buy simple green or black tea and add sugar, milk, etc depending on your intentions
As I said before, crock pot magic. The Modern Cauldron: brew and cook all day with it, fill your apartment with the scent of the herbs and food to fill it with the energies they correspond with and you get a delicious meal to come home to! Most dorms allow them. Rice cookers also work well.
Can’t afford fresh food? Have to survive on ramen, canned soup, and microwaved meals? That is okay! They even correspond with things! Tomato soup for love, beauty and passion. Beef ramen noodles for strength, courage and longevity. Microwave mac n cheese for beauty and feminity. Look at their ingredients and what they correspond with. Sure its not as glamorous as a making a huge made by scratch traditional meal but its kitchen magic none the less. Stir it with your intent while you cook. It isn’t fancy but it works just as well!
Use a notebook or binder for a nice grimoire, decorate it as much as you want on the inside. Print out pictures of nature, animals, planets, stars, places, crystals, etc that you cant’ access/afford and use them in your craft. Spell books and grimoires are powerful tools
Don’t have a wand? Use a wooden spoon. Tie a colored string or ribbon to it to correspond with what energy you want it to have and move and flick it as you would a wand.
Knitting, crocheting, and knot magic is very apartment friendly. As well as sewing and embroidering plus it is super calming.
Glitter, sequins, and beads are great in witchcraft! Use their colors to determine their correspondences. Put them in spell jars, sachets, bottles, etc. Glitter tip: if you spill any don’t fret, get some packing tape, wrap it around your hand with the sticky part outwards and dab at that glitter spill. You will literally pick up all of the glitter in seconds!
Enchant and charge your pots, pans, skillets, and other cookware to make every meal magical
Make moonwater in your windowsills. Use it for cleansing, beauty, divination, clarity, protection and purification
Take walks. Even if it is a city there is still nature about. Pigeons flying about, potted flowers outside of stores, grass growing in front lawns, etc. Enjoy yourself, even if it is not some wild, vast forest you can still connect with your local nature.
Pick up litter or garbage you see outside, being in the city we all see it. The natural world around you will appreciate you helping out. Bring a bag with you when you take your walks or travel and fill it with wrappers you see on the ground.
I hope this was helpful to all of my fellow city and dorm witches!
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When you are working on your BOS both at home and at work so you have your note -taking journal with you at all times. You go to work on it Saturday and can’t find it in your bag. Oh ok so I must have left it at work That sucks but I will work around it. And then monday you get to work and it’s not in your desk and you know no one stole it, so you sit there scratching your head, grab your laptop charger out of your bag and feel the plastic of the bag that your notebook is in.....
It was in my bag all weekend..... I am dumb.....
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