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witchy-yandere · 4 years ago
Rabbits Rabbits Rabbits
Reblog this on the first of the month for good luck all month long!
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witchy-yandere · 5 years ago
Localizing Your Practice
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So much witchcraft emphasizes how important it is to honor and work with the Earth, but then teaches us spells with ingredients we basically have to import using locations we don’t have access to. It’s rare to find an existing grimoire or guide book that actually works with where we live. We can still use them, but it doesn’t enhance our connection to our local land, which to many can feel important. Here are some tips for localizing your practice and working with the land you actually live on.
See what nature exists around you. Explore your own backyard with a critical eye. What plants can you actually go and pick yourself? What are those plants associated with? Do you have access to a creek or river? What does your local land actually have on it? If magic correspondences for your local plants haven’t been written about, you may have to do your own research. Example: I grow several plants on my back porch which I can potentially use for magic.There are magnolia trees and rhodedendrons on the grounds of my apartment complex. My parent’s neighbors have chickens in the backyard, so I have access to some feathers when they shed. 
Check out local folklore, legends, etc. This is one of my favorite parts, but can also be the hardest. What are the stories of your area, both on a local and cultural scale. Example: A West Virginian may incorporate legends of the Mothman. Everyone says that one building on my old college campus is haunted (and they’re right.) People talk about that liminal-space feeling when you drive down that one road at night.
Find the magic spots. Sometimes the urban legends will tip you off to these (usually in a bad way) but other times you can find them on your own. A place where the energy is just right for some reason. A place you can go to be closer to nature, or a place you could host a ritual if needed. Sometimes it’s just a place where you can feel your mind open a little bit. Example: The shady corner of a public park. The tunnel downtown. That weirdly-perfect circle of trees in the woods behind Wal-Mart.
Meet your land wights. Spirits of the local land. This could be the fair folk, but also house spirits, the spirits of the trees near you, the nature spirits of wherever you are. They’re there. Be good to them and they’ll be good to you! Note: Some spirits and wights will not be interested in working with you, and that’s okay. I generally think it’s good to at least leave a polite offering to just be on general decent terms even if you never work with them more directly beyond that. 
Check in with your Seasons. Harvest holidays generally don’t have actual lifestyle importance to most people reading this. The seasonal shifts other people write about may be from a very different climate than yours! Figure out a calendar that works for you. It doesn’t have to be detailed, but something that ties you to the seasons as you actually experience them. I also love working in any fun annual festivals nearby, if any.
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witchy-yandere · 5 years ago
It's the summer solstice and a new moon, let's make this a turning point for a summer of new beginnings, happiness, and peace.
Take care of yourselves please ☀️
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witchy-yandere · 5 years ago
Celebrating Litha in the Kitchen - Kitchen Witchcraft Recipes for Litha / Summer Solstice
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Kitchen witchcraft recipes for Litha
Summer solstice is upon up and I don’t know for you but I am celebrating mainly inside. This year I am feeling really inspired in the Kitchen. I have published a great recipe that I created for this sabbat. Since lots of us are still staying inside for Litha, I made a selection of recipes you could try to add a bit of Kitchen Witchcraft to your celebrations! All those bloggers and you tubers are amazing and I highly recommend that you visit their pages, you might discover some gems!
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Lemon, Lavender, and Thyme Madeleines. A Midsummer treat! https://witchy-kitchen-craft.tumblr.com/post/621382849796489216/lemon-lavender-and-thyme-madeleines-a-midsummer
Litha Sun Cakes :: The Witches Corner https://youtu.be/p0GRlNXtmkI
Super Moist Honey Lemon Pound Cake Recipe | Homemade Food by Amanda https://youtu.be/6ovBEkFQuyg
Beautiful Floral Shortbread Cookies || Floral Shortbreads for Litha || Litha Recipe https://youtu.be/yifxdT8Ony0
Magick Chamomile Sweet Rolls || Anti-Anxiety Spell https://youtu.be/Ct7-wcS-Nm0
Magick Litha Lemon Cake 🍋 Summer Solstice Kitchen Witchery 🍋 Litha Recipe https://youtu.be/IDvcLrRcLJ4
Litha Celebrating The Summer Solstice 🌞 Everyday Summer Solstice Rituals & Magick https://youtu.be/WLlWSL7fQxE
LITHA RECIPE | Magickal Midsummer Lemon & Elder Tart | Summer Solstice cake https://youtu.be/2DDgXLZla7w
My Witch’s Year | Summer Solstice & Midsummer | Honeycake & Fae Offering https://youtu.be/JOxDkE0DmpU
Honey Lemon Upside-Down Cake
Solstice Cookies: https://deerhoofandrabbitsfoot.tumblr.com/post/175022965984/solstice-cookies-appropriate-for-both-the-summer
Summer solstice honey cakes ☀️🌻https://childofthecrowmoon.tumblr.com/post/621445997214777344/summer-solstice-honey-cakes
Kitchen Witchcraft Correspondances for Litha
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Don’t want to follow a precise recipe but still want to celebrate in the kitchen? Don’t worries I got you! We are at the peak of Summer, think fresh fruits and vegetables, lemonades, fruit cakes. Try to choose something that grows in abundance in your region and that is in season.
Fresh fruits
Fresh vegetables
Ice creams
Ales and Meads
Butternut Squash
Sweet Potatoes
Here we are! I hope this will keep you inspire for the new season! We are already half of the year. It has been weird and difficult so far but now is the time to celebrate all the hard work we have done and set up new goals and intention for the other half of the year.
Blessed be!
Have a wonderful Litha!
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witchy-yandere · 5 years ago
May Zeus provide justice to all. May he be with the lawyers working to support those detained for exercising their right to free speech.
May Hera strike a leader who watches as his people are murdered. May she strike him as he incites further violence.
May Apollon’s hands work through each medic treating wounds on the streets. May he disperse the cloud of sickness, and may no one taking to the streets in righteous anger be affected by this pandemic.
May Hephaistos command contraptions used against their purpose for lethal means to fall apart as they are used.
May Ares weaken the arms of those who violently strike against those they are sworn to protect.
May Athena’s Aegis guard the protestors from all harm.
May Artemis curse the aim of those who would cruelly strike their own people
May Persephone Praxidike and the Erinyes strike those whose hands are stained with innocent blood with the most vile of curses.
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witchy-yandere · 6 years ago
Hey what’s up y’all! I’ve noticed a lot of drama going on in the witchblr community so I feel the need to post this PSA.
If you are any of the following:
TERF, MAP, NOMAP, Nazi, DDLG, racist, an incel, homophobic, ace-phobic, trans-phobic, classist, ableist, xenophobic, an abuser, or sexist…
Get the 🌟FUCK🌟 off my blog.
I do not want you on my blog.
I do not want you to interact with my posts.
Kindly go fuck yourself elsewhere.
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witchy-yandere · 6 years ago
The Theoi are with everyone this holiday season, especially if you feel you are alone. They are watching over you, and giving you protection.
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witchy-yandere · 6 years ago
What Native people say about the use of sage: you can use sage, but you cannot smudge as nothing you are doing (waving sage around) is actually smudging. Smudging is a ceremony and you are, we promise, not smudging. Please buy sage from either us, or someone who sources the sage from us. White sage may not be considered endangered by the US government but corperate sourcing is making it difficult for us to source sage for our own religious purposes. Let alone to sell it.
What white people hear: never use sage ever, don’t ever buy it, don’t own it, don’t even look at it.
Look, y’all. There’s a couple of facets to my talk today.
1) Yes! You can buy sage! You really, truly can! Buy it from either native sellers (go to a powwow! Eat our food, buy our stuff, watch some dancing!) Or buy it from a seller who sources the sage from native people. Pick one. And no, buying it from 5 Below doesn’t count.
2) you CANNOT smudge. This isn’t just you “shouldn’t”— this is a YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF SMUDGING. Waving a sage stick around your doorways IS NOT SMUDGING. It is smoke clensing. Smudging, depending on the tradition and tribe, could easily have dancing and drums involved. You, as a white person, do not have the cultural BACKGROUND to even know how it works. At all. Period.
3) please, for FUCKS SAKE, stop making posts here on tumblr where you tell other white people about cultural appropriation and what they can and cannot do. Please stop, your license has been revoked because none of you bother to get the facts right. We native people are FULLY CAPABLE OF DOING IT OURSELVES. Consider instead: a) reblogging our posts where we talk about it! We’re here! We have made posts!! b) Making a post that states what we said and then LINKS BACK TO US. Screenshot with a link if you must. Stop centering your own voices in these conversations. You are already centered in everything, stop centering yourselves in a native space.
I’m tired of this nonsense, y’all.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk ™
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witchy-yandere · 6 years ago
chthonic worship tip
In my experience, chthonic (underworld) gods really appreciate hearing “thank you.” (This includes Hades and Persephone as well as Hecate, Hermes in his psychopomp aspect, Hypnos, Thanatos, Morpheus, and others.) They all do incredibly dirty, difficult, and vitally important jobs and rarely get recognition for it.
Things you can thank them for:
Sheltering, protecting, and taking care of the dead
Treating everyone fairly, meting out divine justice to people who escaped it in life
Allowing us to extract precious metals and material resources from the earth (I usually pair this with a commitment to do what I can to be a responsible steward of the earth, and follow the principle of xenia rather than hoarding wealth)
Maintaining the boundaries between this world and the next, and allowing people to pass through when appropriate
Making new growth possible by clearing away that which is no longer useful (this can be both literal and metaphorical)
Guiding and looking after people who are going through grief, depression, or “dark nights of the soul,” enabling personal rebirth and transformation
Protecting and nourishing the roots of plants, making all plant life and agriculture possible
Things that come from or are sheltered in their world include: sleep, dreams, precious metals, plant life, reincarnated or newly incarnated souls, magic, purpose and destiny — and according to interpretation, vaccination, EMDR, anesthesia, X-rays and MRIs, mass social movements, psychology, shadow work**
Also, please do something nice for Charon. I’ve long thought of him as the patron of customer service workers who are frequently yelled at.
*sources: Greek Religion by Walter Burkert, Ancient Greek Cults by Jennifer Larson, The Greek Way of Death by Robert Garland – these three books are my go-to’s for info about the roles the chthonic gods and the underworld played in ancient Greek religion and culture. Add to this the underworld as metaphor in Jungian psychology and archetypes (I’m less well read in this area, but see also The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell)
**I once read a great series of essays on the rivers of the Underworld (which I can not find right now) that posited the principle of vaccination comes from the Styx. According to myth, Achilles was dipped in the river as a baby and this protected his body from injury — just as exposure to a dead pathogen grants our bodies protection from a live version of that same pathogen. Along these lines, things like anesthesia and EMDR would come from the Lethe and/or the Acheron, psychology and self-reflection from the Mnemosyne, and so on. And modern astrology understands Pluto (Hades) as a god of invisible forms of power, which makes him also the ruler of things like X-rays and MRIs, nuclear energy, mass movements, and lots of other things…
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witchy-yandere · 6 years ago
This is my main, if I do end up getting deleted for some reason, check these accounts and I’ll figure it out from there.
Alrighty, I’m going to log off now and (hopefully) will be back on the 18th. If not, you can find me at ultra-trash-nerd on pillowfort, instagram, and ultratrash_nerd on twitter.
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witchy-yandere · 6 years ago
‪being a witch means spraying some rose water on your face, eating some chocolate and sippin tea and dedicating it all to aphrodite ‬
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witchy-yandere · 6 years ago
You know what.. your dreamscapes, visions, inspirations. They aren’t higher realities forever transcending your possible reach, they are actually your mirrors. Reflecting you and your possibilities if you so choose to accept them.
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witchy-yandere · 6 years ago
Why Protective Magick should be the first type of magic newbie witches should learn.
   Protective magic is used to (you guessed it) protect. It’s a very pure type of magic that is easy to access and use. But why should it be the first type of magic witchlings learn?
                      It’s okay to mess it up
     If you mess a protective spell up the worst case-scenario is that it won’t work. Other types of magic are very bad to mess up, and somehow I don’t think that a protective spell is going to make you sick for the next week.
                      It’s easy to use
     Protective magic is pretty easy to use compared to other types of magic.  It won’t take up as much energy as some spells, and it won’t fail as much.
                     It’s a good way to get comfy   
     Witchcraft can be very complicated, but this is a good way to get a hold on magic. It also can build up your magical power.
        Protective magic is easy to use, okay to mess up, and a good way to get a hold a magick. Therefore it is the best type of magick that a witchling could start with.
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witchy-yandere · 6 years ago
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The holidays’ wreaths, by Julia Nikita
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witchy-yandere · 6 years ago
Do you have a guide for translations of normal playing cards to tarot cards? I dont have a tarot deck and want to get into it. Plus I made a D&D Knowledge cleric who worships the Major Arcana
I don’t have the post anymore so I don’t know who to credit for these, but I took a screenshot of the post
I had saved these a while ago just Incase anyone else asked about it (and also because I can’t read tumblr posts so I saved it to make it bigger)
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witchy-yandere · 6 years ago
Hermes likes the trinkets you found on the ground when walking or on vacation. I like to give him cool rocks, coins, and shells.
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witchy-yandere · 6 years ago
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