wisteria-imagines · 3 years
Feel free to request any Reader x Pillars prompt off this!
101 ways to say i love you
firstly, tysm for 101 (actualy 103, haha) followers! when i started this account i honestly had no intentions of having so many of you lovely people take interest in me, but i'm very grateful nonetheless! this is my gift to you all, and, again, thank you!
i've seen a few other posts like this, but i wanted to go ahead and make my own! this is going to be completely different from the others that i have seen as well, so there's a lesser chance of duplicates for those of you who really enjoy these!
"You don't have to do this alone."
"I won't let you do this alone."
"I'll always be by your side."
"I'll get that for you."
"Let me bandage you up."
"I want you to be a part of my future."
"Here. You look hungry."
"Come here, I'll carry you."
"I fed your pets while you were away."
"Is something wrong?"
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
"I have an extra ticket... Would you like to go with me?"
"I saw you looking at it last time we were in the store together, so I got it for you."
"Stay with me."
"Thank you for making me smile."
"Your smile is beautiful. I want to see it more often..."
"I want to kiss you."
"You have a beautiful soul."
"No... No! Come on, I can't lose you!"
"You make me feel safe."
"Don't let me go."
"Give me a brush. I'll fix your hair for you."
"I want you, and only you."
"Your hands are too cold, I'll warm them up."
"Kiss me."
"I know you don't feel great, so let's stay home today, okay?"
"You're so beautiful."
"Hold me. Please."
"You're family."
"Marry me."
"I took care of the laundry already."
"Go back to sleep, (term of endearment)."
"I'll protect you."
"Take care of yourself."
"Let's take a break and relax."
"You're the first person I think about when I wake up."
"You smell so nice."
"Let's move in together."
"I wanna know everything about you."
"Don't leave yet."
"Let me see your scars..."
"I remember when we first met..."
"Here's your medication."
"I have a surprise for you."
"I bought this for you. It's in your favorite color..."
"Your skin is so soft."
"I would do anything for you."
"I'll help bring in the groceries."
"Last night your feet were really cold, so I found some of your socks and put them on you."
"I would go anywhere with you."
"You're cold, take my jacket."
"I promise."
"You're so golden."
"No one has ever made me feel like this."
"I missed you... a lot."
"Come back soon."
"I got us matching shirts!"
"I know you can do it."
"I'll never forget you."
"I've waited so long for this..."
"You look like something's bothering you... You can talk to me if you need to."
"We make the best team."
"I'll hurt whoever did this to you."
"You didn't deserve that... You deserve so much better."
"I want you to meet my family."
"I want to start a family of our own..."
"Your back is so tense. Would you like a massage?"
"This is my favorite picture of us."
"Don't hurt yourself again..."
"You should be more careful."
"Hey, your favorite movie is on. I'll get the popcorn."
"You've never let me down."
"I saw that you were almost out of shampoo, so I went and got some for you."
"You're overworking yourself... Please take a break."
"I named my little plant after you."
"It's an honor just to know you like this."
"I didn't make you uncomfortable, did I?"
"I never imagined that someone's heartbeat could sound so amazing."
"What was your childhood like?"
"You looked so cute when you were little."
"You look just like your mom/dad."
"What happened to you?!"
"Does it hurt?"
"I'm sorry."
"I love waking up next to you."
"Don't be scared. I'm right here."
"Have you been drinking enough water?"
"We can look out for each other."
"I'd like to take you on vacation one day, just the two of us."
"Are you sure you're ready?"
"You're so funny."
"Do you want to help me fix dinner tonight?"
"You don't have to pay me back."
"No, you're sick. You're not doing chores until you're better."
"Your voice is so relaxing."
"Text me when you get home safely."
"I found this meme that I think you'll like. Wanna see it?"
"Can I give you a hug? You look upset."
"I'm yours."
"I love you."
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wisteria-imagines · 3 years
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Wisteria Imagines - Kyoujuro × Innkeeper's daughter Reader (F) 
This was requested by @anonymous1710-blog who wanted to see some Tsundere Reader x Smitten Kyoujuro, I hope you enjoy!
 +++ Fire Pot-Sama +++
You weren’t the most respectful person in the universe, that wasn’t a secret to anyone. Your mother often chastised you for being a mouthy little thing, which - when being the daughter of an innkeeper - wasn’t the best trait to have. You tried keeping a lid on things when there were guests around, but some people brought out the worst in you. 
Case and point, the new residents your mother just checked in. They were demon slayers, which you honestly didn’t think was a real job, though your mother was quick to disagree. One of them in particular was kind of annoying. He was a tall man with the eyes of an owl and bright coloured hair, he immediately caught your attention the moment he entered the room. 
He seemed like an airhead, overly loud and positive. You doubt he could slay anything, he seemed too friendly for something like that. Your mother seemed to worship the ground he walked on, apparently he was a special demon slayer, but you didn’t buy it. You tried remaining civil, but your mother’s insistence on his greatness was starting to piss you off a little. 
One time though, when you were cleaning the empty rooms you stumbled upon one where the demon slayer was training in. He was shirtless, sweat making his body glisten, and boy, what a body that was. He was well built, muscles thick and toned, as though sculpted as opposed to earned. He was clearly skilled, and the way the light through the window hit his frame, he was truly breathtaking. Your mouth hung slightly, until his eyes fell upon you. 
You suddenly realise you were totally checking him out.
“Ah, (Y/n)-san! Can I help you with anything?” he practically bellowed. You also realise you didn’t know his name. He had that weird official title your mother called him, it started with a ‘h’ or something didn’t it? You curtly bowed your head.
 Sorry to intrude
For the first few seconds he was quiet. Nervous, you looked up and his cheeks were puffed with air. Finally he let out a great, deep laugh that echoed through the room. That was when you realised your blunder. A hibachi was used to store and heat food, it was not the official title of this demon slayer. 
“N-Not hibachi, hishi
 Uh, hashi
“Kyoujuro.” He interrupted you.
“My name is Rengoku Kyoujuro. I am the flame Hashira.” Hashira, was the word you were looking for. “But you can call me Hibachi-sama.” He teased. 
Your face was red with embarrassment. You hated this guy, and stupidly good looking body. 
You believed this was the last you’d hear of this man, however, for the next few days of his stay, he followed you like a lost puppy - or more accurately, an overly friendly puppy. 
“(Y/n)-san! How are you? Do you need a hand? What are you doing today? The weather is quite nice for a stroll, don’t you think?” 
He was becoming a nuisance. You didn’t know exactly what he wanted. He was being just a little “too” nice and helpful, he surely had ulterior motives. You played at his game, deciding to see where it would go.
“What do you want, Hibachi-sama? You’re kinda getting in the way of my work you know. There are other guests that need to be taken care of you know.” You'd taunt at him, though there was never any heat behind your words.
But regardless of your little jabs Kyoujuro doesn't falter the slightest bit. In fact he persists, and you slowly grow accustomed to his presence. 
One time you'll be in the kitchen unable to reach something high in a cabinet, and he'll saunter in asking if you needed a hand. 
"I don't know how well those eyes of yours work but that's too high for even you to reach." you say rolling your eyes.
He makes a thoughtful expression before getting behind you and hoisting you up by the hips as though you weighed nothing.
"There you go! Problem solved!" 
You spent a good ten seconds being startled, before reaching whatever it was you needed to grab. He placed you down gently, and you huffed, ignoring the blush on your cheeks.
"What is your game?!"
"This goody, goody routine you're spinning. I don't buy it for one second, so what is it you want from me?"
You turn to face him only to realise he was still very close to you, you could feel the heat radiating from his body. Again you were met with another thoughtful expression before he smiles, leaning in slightly.
"I want to spend time with you, though kissing you would be better." He said shamelessly. 
Your brain short circuited. 
You would blush and stammer before turning your head away with a huff.
"Stupid, Hibachi-sama! You think just cause you're cute you'll get a kiss off me? Dream on." 
"So you think I'm cute then?" He beamed.
You scoffed as you moved away from not daring to look back, because you knew if you looked at him for any long you wouldn't be able to stop.
"You're not ugly, Hibachi-sama." You said finally.
He blushed, beaming at you. It felt like sunshine was bathing your back.
"I like you too (Y/n)!"
Send in your reader x pillar requests and you just might get chosen!
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wisteria-imagines · 3 years
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Wisteria Imagines - Kyoujuro × Reader (F) 
+++Second Wind+++
Summary: During his fight with Akaza, a crow delivers a message to Kyoujuro from his beloved that gives him his second wind.
Kyoujuro was not one to feel fear, but this battle was wearing him thin. He had to stop Akaza, he had to protect his juniors from this monster. As the flame Hashira, that was his duty, to save those weaker than him, and defeat the wicked. And there was no one more wicked than the threat before him. Number three of the twelve Kizuki: Akaza.
“Kyoujuro,” The demon started, “You’ve been a worthy foe! Your skill, your technique, don’t you see how perfect a demon you could be? We could stay fighting together for eternity, can’t you imagine how perfect that would be! Forever building each other's power, till the end of time.” It almost sounded like the demon was pleading. A sick plea for the fun to never end. Kyoujuro’s face hardened.
“I would rather perish than submit to you, Akaza.” The demon’s face soured.
“Very well, but just know
” The demon sighed, “Killing you will be the hardest thing I enjoy.” Soon enough his face split into a crazed grin, before he flung himself forward towards the pillar. 
He was going to die here, Kyojuro realised. He was going to die fighting this demon, hopefully, by the mercy of any gods that be, he could spare the lives of his juniors. At least then his sacrifice could be worth something. He slashed at Akaza, putting in every technique he knew, but the demon was right. His human body could only cope with so much strain.
They were neck in neck, pushing into one another waiting for the other to give, when suddenly, a loud squawk came from overhead. Both of their eyes darted to the source of the sound, it was a crow. 
“Corrospondance for Rengoku Kyoujuro - SQUAWK - correspondence for Rengoku Kyoujuro!” The two warrior’s eyes fell back on one another before they pushed off of eachother, landing a great deal apart. Kyoujuro held out his arm, for the bird to land, never taking his eyes off of the demon. Akaza waited patiently before smiling at the pillar.
“Go ahead Kyoujuro. Read your little letter, since it just might be the last thing you ever read again.” He said as though he were offering a great mercy. The flame pillar huffed, he could barely see from one of his eyes at this point, but he unwrapped the letter from the crow’s foot. He unfolded it and was met with the familiar scent of his beloved’s perfume. You always sprayed your letters with it so he could always tell it was from you. 
“My dearest Kyo,
I wanted to tell you this in person but I just can’t wait until you come back. 
While I was visiting a shrine, I experienced one of those dizzy spells I had told you about last time. Luckily a medic was there and I found out something incredible.
Kyo, I’m pregnant! You're going to be a father! I wish I could see the look on your face, I bet you’re beside yourself right now. I know I couldn’t stop crying when I found out!
I miss you so much. So you better hurry up back to me Kyo, we still have to get married.
I love you with every inch of my heart, my flame.
Love (Y/n)”
Kyojuro gulped, his heart throbbing in his chest. He was so caught up in protecting what was in front of him, he had forgotten about you. The love of his life. The two of you had been together for a while now, you had seen him become a demon slayer, you had been there when he became the flame Hashira. He had promised to marry you once Muzan was slain, in the place where you two had met. But now, you were pregnant, with his child. He was going to have a family.
“Kyoujuro,” the pillar snapped out of his stupor. “We still have a fight to finish, it’s rude to keep me waiting.” Akaza taunted. That was right, he had a fight to finish, and a woman to go home to. Kyoujuro brought the letter to his face once more, breathing in the perfumed paper on final time before stashing it in his pocket. A smile split its way across his face. 
“You’re correct!” He stood firm, the flames in his heart burning stronger than ever before. “I have received some great news, so unfortunately for you, I’m not going to die here.” He let out a deep breath, the flames erupting out of his very being, engulfing him entirely. Akaza stood wide eyed, before laughing maniacally.
“That’s the spirit, Kyoujuro. It’s a shame you won’t let me turn you, you’re magnificent.” The ground cracked as Akaza surged towards him. Kyoujuro spread his stance and breathed, before rushing towards the demon. Their collision created a shockwave that blew a crater into the ground. “Amazing!” Akaza praised. “You’re so amazing, hiding this power from me? What the hell news did you receive to give you this second wind?!” Kyoujuro had no reason to disclose anything to the demon, but he was fueled by your words, and his endless love for you.
“I’m going to be a father.” They broke off before colliding again. “I’m going to have a child, and then me and my beloved will get married!” He sliced Akaza’s limbs off as fast as they grew back. “So you see, my fiance is waiting at home for me, so I simply must kill you here and now!” Any pain was muted by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. 
“Look at you, focusing on such weaknesses.”
“My love is no weakness! I truly pity you Akaza. To not know what it feels like to love, and be loved, to not know the happiness brought upon knowing there’s someone waiting at home for you. Have you truly been a demon so long you’ve forgotten what it feels like to have a heart that beats for another?!” 
Akaza’s face dropped, his strength faltering for a split second, but that was long enough for Kyoujuro to get the upper hand. With one final slash of his sword, he forced the metal through Akaza’s arms and through his neck, taking his head in one swift motion. 
Kyoujuro watched as the demon’s head went sailing into the air, his body still standing wavered as though about to drop. From behind him he heard Young Tanjirou’s voice call out his name, running towards him. 
“Stay back Young Kamado!” he was still on guard. The body was still standing, he watched it intensely, ready to move if it striked. Kyoujuro’s stomach dropped as the severed neck started to scab over, bubbling as though trying to regenerate the head. But luckily, dawn broke. The sun’s rays spilled over the horizon, and burned the body to ashes.
Kyoujuro let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding in before he crumbled to his knees, tears spilling over his eyes. 
“Rengoku-san!” Tanjirou skid infront of him, falling to his knees before the pillar. Tanjirou placed his hands on Kyoujuro’s shoulders as if to steady the flame pillar. “Rengoku-san, are you okay? The demon’s dead, you saved us all! Help will be here soon!” Kyoujuro looked at the boy, he wasn’t terribly wounded. Kyoujuro was glad.
“Young Kamado...” Kyoujuro pulled out the letter from his pocket and handed it to the boy.
“I’m going to be a father!” He laughed, his voice filled to the brim with love. Tanjirou looked from the letter to Rengoku, before smiling, sympathy tears forming in his eyes also. 
“Congratulations, Rengoku-san!” 
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wisteria-imagines · 3 years
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Wisteria Imagines - Kyoujuro × Reader (F) 
++Big (SFW)++
Kyoujuro seemed larger than life at times, especially when compared to you. To anyone else he could probably come off as intimidating, but in reality he was as sweet as honey. He was tall, shoulders broad and strong. His body sturdy and well built. He was more than you ever could have imagined, even in your wildest dreams and then some. And yet somehow, he was still yours. 
You loved cuddling into him. His arms were always so warm and safe, you could fall asleep in them with no trouble. 
His hands were your favourite part of him. They were so much larger than your own, he could connect his thumb and pinkie finger around your wrist with ease. His fingers could almost touch when he gripped your waist hard enough. 
He too loves how small you are compared to him. Sure you were no Kochou, but you didn't even come up to his shoulder. That only meant he'd use your head as an armrest when he was feeling playful. He loves picking you up, you weigh nothing to him. You always complain and whine when he picks you up, but he knows you like it. Sometimes when you act up he'll give you a look, which almost always results in a very one sided tickle fight.
You can't help but get flustered when things get intimate between the two of you. The way he towers over you, those eyes of his burning their way into your very soul, it's enough to make your knees weak. Sometimes he'll corner you, have you pressed up against the wall, his body flushed against your own. Other times he'll hoist you onto a table, gripping you by the waist.
His voice - typically big and booming - would slip into a deep, husky whisper that made the hair on your arms stand. His kisses would turn from sweet to passionate, an all consuming force that made you swoon.
You liked how he could pin you down by both wrists with one hand, you liked how much stronger than you he was. 
You loved how he was just so big.
Send in your Reader x Pillars requests, and you might get chosen
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