wisdomunleashed · 5 years
So,,, a year before I came out as a lesbian, I told my mom and sister I was bi. I learned today that my mom and big sister made a bet whether I would turn out to be a lesbian or not because apparently, and those are my sister's words, I look at men the same way my sister looks at oysters. She's allergic to them.
this sounds like every supercorp fanfic
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wisdomunleashed · 5 years
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Nothing but respect for MY Power Rangers
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wisdomunleashed · 5 years
Rude. I shall get you back
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Blep. Meet Athena, the cat as derpy as her owner (Wisdom)
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wisdomunleashed · 5 years
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wisdomunleashed · 5 years
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Oh I hope I’m doing this right
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wisdomunleashed · 5 years
me externally: I write fanfic because I enjoy it! I write for myself!
me internally: validate me. drown me in kudos. i will sell my soul for comments and fic recs
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wisdomunleashed · 6 years
whatever y’all say we can all agree that hope definitely forgot the whole ordeal between her, lizzie, and josie in that moment as the only thing crossing her mind was “josie had a crush on me” and i think that’s adorable.
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wisdomunleashed · 6 years
I know everyone is freaking out over that Hosie scene but for the wrong reason
Everybody needs to stop and really understand what that meant. I love Posie and I would love Hosie. We love good wlw representation but that seen goes beyond that. And it my opnion is even more important.
Did you all realized how big of a deal Hope reaction was? She didn’t flinch, she didn’t felt awkward and she didn’t made Josie feel ashamed of it. She was surprised for a second and then endearing in the next. She took it was a compliment.. not as a joke or even an offense.
Do you understand how big of a deal that is? How many of us grew up scared to death to even hug our female friends too long and overthinking it. Admiting you had a crush on your friend in the past? That would send me into an anxiety spiral. Thinking they would think I’m hitting on her or something. Afraid of being the predatory lesbian people set you up to be. Because I grew up with girls automatically thinking I liked ALL girls just because I was gay. That as soon as came out I was automatically going to hit on them. And I carry that trauma to this day into every interaction with a new female friend.
But that scene was just a friend being vulnerable and honest. And a friend being kind and taking the compliment that is just a compliment. If it grows to anything else, that’s another story. But in the moment it wasn’t weird, it wasn’t awkward and it wasn’t ugly. It was unconditional friendship. And it healed a piece of my heart.
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wisdomunleashed · 6 years
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wisdomunleashed · 6 years
“Describe your partner?”
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She answered as she didn’t know the rest of the team are nearby
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[click for better quality]
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wisdomunleashed · 6 years
Josie likes Hope: *sets fire to the school*
Josie likes Penelope: *sets fire to penelope*
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wisdomunleashed · 6 years
I’m pretty annoyed that some people are saying that josie is selfish after the last episode and what she did was horrible, but what would you of done in that situation. She made a mistake and then freaked out accidentally causing more harm than good. Yes she drove a wedge between Hope and Lizzie but has anyone noticed josie is quiet do you really think she would of had the confidence to say what she did. Hope lost so much in that fire and Lizzie was so upset by what she thought hope had said, if she told them it would be risking loosing both of them. There’s also the fact that we don’t know if she was outed, if your gay you know how hard it is to come out and if you’re not it’s pretty hard to comprehend, some people would do anything to stay in the closet and since josie has the powers to do that she did it, I’m being honest here and don’t really think I would do it differently in her position if I wasn’t ready to come out.
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wisdomunleashed · 6 years
After the confession that Josie burned Hope’s dorm room and she’s the reason why Lizzie hates Hope so much, Hope only asked: “you had a crush on me?”
I mean, come one! I thought she would be mad at Josie or something but asking that question as if she didn’t hear Josie’s confession 5 seconds prior was just asking for confirmation, validation!! 
Please Hope! You just wanted assurance that Josie really did have a crush on you because face it, you had feelings for Josie back then too!! 
HUHUHUHU I love Hosie so much! I can’t with them i just can’t
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wisdomunleashed · 6 years
“I brought snacks.”
— Hope “Suburban Soccer Mom” Mikaelson
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wisdomunleashed · 6 years
I’m sorry did you see Hope’s smile after Josie told her she was crushing on her?!?! She seem way to excited and happy about that fact. Like really happy about it. She wasn’t even bother that she lied or burnt her dorm.
Any person who tells me Hosie ain’t a thing is lying. I really wish they would make it canon. They seem so good for each other. And really it’s the only person I’ve seen Hope have genuine chemistry with.
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wisdomunleashed · 6 years
hope: you had a crush on me?
josie: of course i did. who wouldn’t?
bitch saaammmeeee
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wisdomunleashed · 6 years
“josie’s quote about lizzie going for everyone she’s ever liked implies one of two things: either lizzie is also into girls, or hope was josie’s first girl crush,” a thesis in two parts
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