winordie-rpg · 4 years
just a quick note to say that our holidays page has been updated with information about heritage day, which is the event the roleplay will open with! 
opening will officially occur later this afternoon — i would love to see a couple more applications before then!
open and wanted characters include: samwell tarly, robert baratheon, garlan tyrell, jeyne poole, arianne martell, && rhaenys targaryen! 
we are all really excited about this and have a great group already — we’d love it if you’d join us!
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
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LORAS TYRELL ( maxence danet-fauvel ) — penned by phoebe
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
with our reopening coming up this weekend, i'll be accepting applications each day this week! we’d love to have loras tyrell, jeyne poole, eddard stark, & robert baratheon join us!
i'll be around this evening updating the main a bit more with world building as well as answering any questions, so don’t hesitate to send them in!
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
happy monday! 
i'll be accepting applications this evening and inviting all former and new members to the discord server so they can plot and get to know each other! we have several open characters open and would love to see some applications, so send one in today! 
some wanted characters include: loras tyrell, arianne martell, eddard stark, && cersei lannister.
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
good evening, tag lurkers! i hope you’re having a great weekend so far! it’s just about a week or so until win or die reopens for a discord-only limited run!
our members are getting excited for the reopening and we’d love to have you join us! some open characters we’d love to see include theon greyjoy, loras tyrell, daenerys targaryen, cersei lannister, robert baratheon, eddard stark, arianne martell, edmure tully, brienne of tarth, robert “sweet robin” arryn, and bran stark! 
we hope to see some applications soon and let us know if you have any questions!
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
do you have an example application?
good morning, anon! 
there’s a sample application on the application page before the submit box. i hope that helps!
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
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just popping in to say that the rules page has been updated to reflect the move to discord. there is also more information on the kingdoms page regarding how the political unrest has unfolded and been handled in each of the individual kingdoms.
we’re currently accepting applications and would love to see some soon! please send in any questions you might have!
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
do you need to have read the books to be in this?
hey there, anon!
you don’t need to have read the books to be in the group! i would even go so far as to say that you don’t need to have seen much of the television show either. since this is an alternate universe, a lot of the world building is different and shown here on the tumblr main! we also have a lot of really great members who are more than happy to explain anything confusing, too! 
i hope this means i’ll see an app from you soon and please don’t hesitate to send in any other questions you might have.
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
mobile nav? i don’t see a link to it :)
sorry about that, anon! 
you can view the mobile navigation here!
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
what do you mean when you say limited run?
limited run just means there’s a definitive beginning and end to the group! we’re focusing solely on the holiday season so the roleplay will run from late autumn ( so a little bit behind where we are in present day ) and end sometime around the end of february. with life being so busy for so many people, it seemed to make the most sense to bring win or die back as a limited group with more flexibility than a traditional tumblr roleplay group! 
if it goes well, there’s always a possibility for another short-run event down the road, too! 
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
mw from each great house?
good afternoon, anon! i've chosen a couple characters from each of the great houses that we’d love to see in the group! hope that it sparks some muse for you!
house arryn: robert “sweet robin” arryn; lysa arryn house baratheon: robert baratheon; stannis baratheon house greyjoy: theon greyjoy; asha greyjoy house lannister: jaime lannister; cersei lannister house martell: arianne martell; oberyn martell house stark: eddard stark; bran stark house targaryen: rhaenys targaryen; daenerys targaryen house tully: edmure tully; catelyn tully house tyrell: loras tyrell; garlan tyrell; leonette fossoway tyrell
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
most wanted faces?
oh this is so hard, because there are so many amazing faces we’d love to have here! 
narrowing it down a bit, i'd say that we’d love to see henry golding, gemma chan, jamie dornan, nathalie emmanuel, brandon mychal smith, constance wu, && charles michael davis!
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
which characters would you like to see most?
there are so many characters we’d love to see! off the top of my head, i’d say we’d love to see loras tyrell, robert baratheon, ashara dayne, ned stark, robert “sweet robin” arryn, and edmure tully!
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
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hello members + tag lurkers! 
though members still in the discord group are aware, i'd like to officially announce that win or die ( a modern-day asoiaf rpg ) will be reopening for a limited run on discord only in mid-december. while the official opening date has yet to be determined, it will likely be sometime around the weekend of december 11-13. 
you’ll see a facelift on the main in the next couple of days as the theme and some graphics will be changed out. the overarching plot has been updated and the current character and taken face claim pages are also up to date. 
we will be taking applications immediately and would love to see some characters from all of the houses! acceptances will take place whenever three applications have been received, or on monday afternoons, whichever comes sooner! after opening, acceptances will occur slightly more frequently and after first acceptances, everyone will be given access to the main ooc discord server to post intros and get to know each other.
since the application format is moving to appless, the characters and faces are first come, first served. if you are a former member who wishes to return, please send a message off anon and i’m happy to reserve the character without you needing to send an application in!
i'm sure that you might have some questions, so i've put more of the logistics under a read more. please don’t hesitate to send in any questions you might have! I'd love to see some applications from you soon!
applications will be open and accepted from december 1 to january 4. after january 4, the group will be a closed one for the duration of the limited run. 
those who are already in the group will be able to pick up additional characters if they wish and the process for that will be outlined in the discord server.
there will be no formal activity checks. however, communication is a vital part of any rpg. members will be expected to communicate if they won’t be around for an extended period of time. that said, this is supposed to be fun and because of that, no one will be removed from the group for inactivity.
the rp will be solely on discord. there will be multiple servers utilized: a general intro/ooc server, a para/interactions server, and servers for individual events. there will be more instructions in the discord server on how to proceed and if anyone has any questions, please ask me!
the rough outline so far is this: event one/harvest holiday, free rp time, event two/first night holiday, free rp time, event three/valentine’s holiday, free rp time, event four/closing. 
there is no set time for closing as of now, though it will likely be in late february. 
for those of you who were here for win or die, volume 1: everything that happened the first time around is still canon for the group. time has progressed 9 months or so for the updated plot and you’re more than welcome to figure out what happened to your characters during the time jump! 
much of the world building will remain the same, though in the coming days I'll be adding more information about modern-day westerosi holidays!
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
good morning and happy wednesday, everyone! it’s been awhile since i've posted here so i hope you’re all doing well.
i just wanted to make you all aware that i am considering bringing win or die back for the holiday season as a limited-run group ( with an overarching plot that has a definitive end ). i’m still figuring out the particulars and how it’s going to run. it will be primarily discord-based and after an acceptance period, the group will be closed for the duration of the limited run.
though I've already reached out to the old server on discord, any former members who wish to come back ( including those who left and those who went inactive ) for this limited run are more than welcome to do so without applying. please send me a message here or on discord if you’re interested. 
keep an eye out on this blog as i'll be updating it regularly in the next few weeks. 
love you all!
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
Are the manderly sisters open?
yes, both mannerly sisters are open!
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
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when peaceful protests turn violent
April 2, 2020
Demonstrations in King’s Landing slowly turn into riots and before long, there are small groups appearing all over the country, their protests turning violent as they smash windows and cars and physically intimidate those who they believe oppress them. Across the country, stores are looted and many remain inside out of fear for their safety and the safety of those they care for.
The protestors have never before seemed so organized, so planned, but it becomes increasingly obvious that these are not the same college students protesting unfair imprisonment; these people are older, hardened, and their orders come from above.
Eventually, as the violence increases and people continue to go missing, the government is forced to act. An emergency meeting of Parliament comes up with a plan that is both terrifying and necessary.
Martial law is enacted for a period not to exceed two weeks. The military, operating under the authority of the individual governors, takes control of every kingdom in Westeros and the public transit system is closed. It is not safe to leave one’s home for very long and each street has a specified time they may leave to purchase necessities. In addition, the secretive Brotherhood without Banners is sent to round up those criminals they’ve yet to capture.
For the next two weeks, many are forced to hunker down where they are, leaving only for brief respites of necessity and fresh air.
You may choose where your character is placed during this time of crisis and with whom. Please try not to leave anyone out and remember that they don’t have to necessarily be placed with only people they like. Technology is still accessible, so even if your character is separated from a loved one, you’re more than welcome to do text and phone conversation threads. 
You may roleplay until APRIL 8 in rp time. 
Please post any open starters in the wod:starter tag and remember to respond to open starters!
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