starksansc · 4 years
Despite the circumstances Sansa was more than happy to be confined in the apartment of Willas Tyrell. When he had offered her the opportunity for her to bring Lady and stay for as long as the horrors outside continued. And of course she jumped at the chance. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck alone in her apartment when the riots had finally gotten out of hand. Despite the circumstances she was enjoying herself and Sansa was secretly hoping this would give the two the perfect opportunity to talk about everything without outside distractions. They’d just finished dinner, it was only something Sansa had managed to whip together with the remaining contents of Willas’ fridge. After dinner he’d stepped out of the room for a moment and almost instantly the screen of his phone lit up vibrating on the table. She knew she shouldn’t look, but the temptation was there all the same. Getting up from her seat she reached over snatching the phone into her grasp. It was locked with a pass-code of course but the notification read the same. The name read ‘Nym’ and right away her brain started looking for the person that matched the name.
Sansa had know the names of a few of Willas’ ex girlfriends. Blaming the research she did of him for the fact that’s she now unfortunately knew exactly who was texting him. Her heart sank as she read further. ‘Was great to see you’ it was her worst fear realised. They themselves had yet to put a label on what they were, which left so much room for questions. Sansa supposed he was free to see other people if he wanted, that didn’t stop her from hoping he hadn’t. She jumped slightly as he reentered the room, phone still very much in her grasp. She’d been caught snooping, it wasn’t the first time she looked at a guys phone. The previous ones had been her ex boyfriends and they were far more untrustworthy than Willas. Or so she thought. Guilt covered her face completely. There was no denying what she had just done, he caught her read handed. Sansa held the phone out to him in the space between them. “It went off.” Was all that she could think of to defend herself shaking her head and looking anywhere but at him. “Nymeria Sand?” The name came out like a question, but Sansa wasn’t sure she wanted to know.
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winordie-rpg · 4 years
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when peaceful protests turn violent
April 2, 2020
Demonstrations in King’s Landing slowly turn into riots and before long, there are small groups appearing all over the country, their protests turning violent as they smash windows and cars and physically intimidate those who they believe oppress them. Across the country, stores are looted and many remain inside out of fear for their safety and the safety of those they care for.
The protestors have never before seemed so organized, so planned, but it becomes increasingly obvious that these are not the same college students protesting unfair imprisonment; these people are older, hardened, and their orders come from above.
Eventually, as the violence increases and people continue to go missing, the government is forced to act. An emergency meeting of Parliament comes up with a plan that is both terrifying and necessary.
Martial law is enacted for a period not to exceed two weeks. The military, operating under the authority of the individual governors, takes control of every kingdom in Westeros and the public transit system is closed. It is not safe to leave one’s home for very long and each street has a specified time they may leave to purchase necessities. In addition, the secretive Brotherhood without Banners is sent to round up those criminals they’ve yet to capture.
For the next two weeks, many are forced to hunker down where they are, leaving only for brief respites of necessity and fresh air.
You may choose where your character is placed during this time of crisis and with whom. Please try not to leave anyone out and remember that they don’t have to necessarily be placed with only people they like. Technology is still accessible, so even if your character is separated from a loved one, you’re more than welcome to do text and phone conversation threads. 
You may roleplay until APRIL 8 in rp time. 
Please post any open starters in the wod:starter tag and remember to respond to open starters!
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