window-sill-reeader · 5 years
get you a man who calls your mom for the recipe of your favorite lemon-coconut-shortbread cookies with white chocolate centers and gives them to you in the most blatant confession of adoration ever witnessed
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
Pairing: contains Kaliis Gilwraeth x Aurora Jie-Lin O’Malley, Tyler Jones x Finian de Karran de Seel, Scarlett Jones x Cat Brannock
Request: @window-sill-reeader asked “ What if Halloween wasn’t a thing in the future and aurora gets really excited for it but nobody else knows what it is so she force’s everyone to wear homemade Halloween customs and throws a Halloween party for the crew. ”
Warnings: swearing, suggestive things, prepare yourself for Finian’s costume
A/N: Okay so it’s mostly general on the relationships but follows Auri so tends to have more focus on Kalora, then Tylian because I am trash and literally have to put it in everything, and then some very background Scarcat. Um, I had a lot of fun writing this and coming up with their costumes (shoutout to some of the guys in aurorafiles for helping with your suggestions). Anyway, happy halloween! and I hope you enjoy this!
Word Count: 2328
“What are you doing?” Kal asked as he walked into the common room and found Auri surrounded by piles of fabric.
“Making Halloween costumes,” she replied simply as if that explained anything to Kal.
“Hallow-what?” Auri stopped her sewing and looked up at him.
“Wait. Has no one ever explained Halloween to you? I thought Tyler or someone would have at least.”
“No. I have never heard of this Halloween.”
Keep reading
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
Honestly, I lowkey want Nova to run away in Supernova, getting as far away from Gatlon as she can. To make a new name for herself, and find a job that she actually enjoys and isn't illegal or involve being a superhero—maybe an engineer or something. For her to get help to cope with her traumas and lead a happy life. Maybe with her team, maybe without. So long as she escapes the claws of the Renegades and Anarchists, and is allowed to be free.
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
I love cilantro since I was raised to love it. Also spoiler cilantro is traditionally put in tacos with onions. And when I mean we put in cilantro I mean if it don't look your eating a salad by the time you are done adding cilantro you need more cilantro.
workshopping a YA novel where the government divides everyone into social classes based on whether they like cilantro or think it tastes like soap
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
Y'all this is the aurora burning description and I am shook to the core. Like Kal has a long lost sister what is this star wars(well sort of). Also tight body suits I feel Fin will be real excited about that.I am so excited for book TWO!!!
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
hey so i know marissa meyer has a reread of renegades & archenemies going on but i also wanted to host a reread/buddy read for both books a little closer to the supernova release!
renegades: the week of october 20th
archenemies: the week of october 27th (giving you a few days to mentally prepare for supernova)
(if you've never done a buddy read, don't worry! it's very simple. everyone will be in a group chat, read a select amount of chapters a day, and then discuss it together!)
if you're interested in joining, reblog! i want to make sure people actually want to do this before i commit to it :) this buddy read is also for people who haven't read the books yet and are looking to do so! 💜
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
Everyone better watch the show so we can get a Nikolai in S2
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
Me everday
Therapist: Whats on your mind
Me:I feel stressed because of school and sometimes I feel like everyone hates me but I can't tell anyone because I have no friends
Therapist: And how do we react to that
Therapist: well at least she not hitting the whoa anymore
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
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Cinder is the cheese god
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
Cinder cheese god
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
Cinder is the cheese god
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
Like if you up for a grishaverse Netflix viewing party.
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
More on Aurora rising
Okay so before I get start I want to say that this text is about why Kal Is my favorite character and why I used to hate him but not anymore.Okay so first of all at the beginning of the book I hated Kal I thought he was just a horny alien with a big bonner and I absolutely hated his guts. You see I always hated when authors use "instincts" to make romances happen because to me they are really gross and honestly over protective. For example in the lunar chronicles I hated the relationship between scarlet and Wolf because I thought calling your girlfriend your alpha and pretending she is basically an animal because of your "instincts" is kind of gross . But here is where my perspective of Kal changed when he and aurora are talking after she just woke up you can see how far Kal would got to protect her not just from the outside world but from himself. He wanted to give her a choice he didn't want to interfere her life with something unknown to her. Which honestly is the best thing to ever happen in a YA series ,because male characters whether they are alien,human,werewolf,Vampire/other they always act as if the though person they peruse has no choice but to be with them.And it is so refreshing to finally have a character who doesn't feel like the person they peruse owe them something. Almost ever male in YA feels that if someone doesn't fall in love with them then that person is being unfair to them. So Kal going out of his way to give her a choice to be willing to go thousands of miles away from aurora which will probably pain him in ways that are unimaginable just so he can give aurora the choice to not be chained to him for the rest of his life that my friends is a real man. Also con we just talk about how he respects her body I DON'T remember the last time I saw that. Any wau that was my rant I hope you all enjoyed it and please make sure to tell Me your opinion on Kal.❤
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
I honestly didn't think I would like this book as much as I did because I saw a lot of negative reviews on book tube but this just goes to prove how important it is to form your own opinion.Kal is definitely my favorite character because he Is the sweetest Bean in the whole universe and he just needs a hug.❤
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
OMG THE BEGINNING CHAPTERS OF SUPERNOVA ARE SO GOOD!!!!!! Comment if you want to talk about it.
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window-sill-reeader · 5 years
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I always imagine cinder humming So This is Love from cinderella while she works. I also feel that this song is just the cutest for cinder and kai❤
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