williampiang · 2 years
Lesson learns from leaders
No company can operate without leaders which is why Microsoft places such a high emphasis on their leaders being great. What we never realized was how much care and empathy goes into their leadership styles. Microsoft believes in caring and Brad Smith and Satya Nadella are two of the most influential leaders at Microsoft and they got there because they embody what it means to be a great leader. This is more than proven by Microsoft's continuous success throughout the last few decades. When we came together and shared our information about these leaders, we were all shocked because of the stigma around corporate employees. The more projects we do the more it is becoming clear that to become a great leader and inspire your employees you have to actually communicate and understand them. Our biggest takeaway from this week is when you understand your employees, you know their strengths and weaknesses which will make you a more effective leader.  
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williampiang · 2 years
The Co-founder
Bill Gates is the co-founder of Microsoft, and he is an exceptional leader who brings out the creativity in the team member. His passion for learning by skipping class just to code more drove him to the top in the PC and Software industry. These were all earned by his love and commitment to work. His passion inspires his team to commit to the goals just like every other leader encourages their team, especially when things seem unattainable. His expertise is also one of his leadership styles that help others have faith in him, making him a credible leader. He was able to take Microsoft to a new height with his willingness to learn about computers and knowledge, making him an expert in the field. Having computer knowledge provides an advantage for him to lead the team and others in the computer industry. Gate knowledge with a seasoned member ensures a good project and a successful team. Bill Gates adopted that autocratic leadership style, which controls how the team does the work. For example, "we're going to get it done, and we're going to do it my way" is how autocratic leaders act. His team focuses on completing the team's tasks and seeing their team members' personal growth of their work, not the end goal. We enjoy this because he is doing things his way, and his team following his leadership and growing from it shows that much different leadership can build trust and drastically boost the team. Gate 2007 Havard commencement was a powerful speech that encouraged the graduated and graduates us college students who are still in our second year. The message is, "humanity's greatest advances are not in its discoveries— but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity," which opened our eyes to help those in need, not just in our country but also in countries that are in poverty like delivering medicine. His word influences us and everyone who hears it to make the world a better place. These are the leadership qualities Bill Gates has that led his team to a new height.
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williampiang · 2 years
The Current CEO
The CEO of Microsoft is Satya Nadella, and he is known for having a different leadership approach than other prominent company CEOs. Nadella is big on building a culture where people working at Microsoft look to help drive innovation that will improve the lives of ordinary people, not just bring more money into the few pockets lucky enough to be on the board of Microsoft. The saying that knowledge is power may be fading out thanks to Satya Nadella. Nadella has shifted his employee's mindset from individual-based knowledge growth to honing in on listening and open communication. He quickly learned that knowledge came best from fully understanding by listening to what others had to say. Listening to others more clearly, they shift their mindset to be about "we' and less about "I." Another style that Nadella has helped Microsoft adopt and implement into their leadership style is empathy. When it comes to multinational corporations, the general public doesn't have the most significant perception of the company, as empathy for others is thrown out the window in exchange for a few extra dollars. Satya wanted to bring empathy into the Microsoft workplace and used the previous idea of listening to his knowledge to help drive innovation. When his developers listened to customers' problems and understood the daily challenges, they could develop solutions to the issues that other companies hadn't even identified. They saw difficulties faced by others than those working at Microsoft and used that wealth of knowledge from listening. Empathy is something Satya Nadella understands well. With the first of his three children, who had been wheelchair users since his birth, he understood that listening and communication get you places. He'd have to clearly and effectively communicate with his kid to best help him live a comfortable life, but listening and communication skills come into play when talking to doctors. If there's a misunderstanding, he could seriously injure his child. Satya understands more than anyone what it means to walk a mile in another's shoes. Parenthood, for him, has come with challenges that many others don't have to think about. Having the experience of a child who used a wheelchair helped him as the CEO run the company for others. Listening more than talking has helped Microsoft become as successful as they've been over his tenure. Satya Nadella has helped implement a unique leadership style that few companies experience, with listening being of the utmost importance. Piggybacking off that, using empathy from what they hear from customers, they've pushed innovation to levels that can't be found among other companies. Satya Nadella has found a way to openly communicate by listening within Microsoft while having empathy be what the company pushes forward in innovation. 
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williampiang · 2 years
Brad Smith
Brad Lee Smith is an American attorney and technology executive currently serving as vice chairman and president of Microsoft. His tenure at Intuit has been legendary. During Smith's time as CEO, he helped transform Intuit from a product company to a platform company selling services in the cloud, taking its market cap to nearly $60 Billion. He did all this while creating a loving work environment and, throughout the process, continuing to preserve who he is as a leader.
Based on some of the interviews that Brad Smith has given, they talk about him being a leader who is kind, authentic, and a master storyteller. Smith knew how to inspire his team to excel as human beings and as part of Intuit. Besides that, if you ask any of his former team members, they will tell you that he led with great presence and love, often ending company talks to employees with "I love you like brothers and sisters." These factors make him a great leader and an even better person.
What is more that while a large part of the business is about products and processes, it's the people who ultimately make good organizations great. Smith was a man of the people. He always believed it was about "we, not me," often quoting, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
Everything has been said about Brad Smith; we can also learn a lot from his experience working with people and leading a group towards success. In this case, I want to emphasize a few main lessons that I see as foundational to Brad's leadership. One would be the foundation: "be kind," listen, and others. Then there are a few facts about the roles of the leader that might be useful at work and in life. For example, paint an inspiring vision which means Brad would share his leadership lesson to "be better than a good communicator, be a translator of dreams." He'd teach that most people don't want to run from something, but instead, they seek to run to something. Or one of the least essential things is to create focus what is more, by captivating people through storytelling, using strategy, developing yourself and growing your career, and having the courage to be your authentic self. 
Bred Lee Smith has made a significant impact on the Microsoft industry. By showing his leadership skills and willingness to change your habits to become a better version of yourself. Besides that, we can learn a lot from Smith's experience, such as those factors that have been said above might help you become a good leader and a better person
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williampiang · 2 years
Today, we will talk about one of the biggest technology companies over the last 40 years. Microsoft was founded in 1975, giving over 100 new jobs in the area where they started up Microsoft. They state that their mission is to enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential by creating technology that transforms the way people work, plays, and communicate. Microsoft develops market software, service, and hardware devices that deliver new opportunities, greater convenience, and enhanced value to people's lives. Doing worldwide business is precisely what Microsoft wants to do, while they have offices in more than 100 countries. Microsoft's greatest generation of revenue by developing, licensing, and supporting a wide range of software products and services by designing and selling hardware devices like Microsoft Edge, Office 360, and any Xbox contained product is as well Microsoft product. Microsoft also recently bought out a lonesome of other smaller and larger corporations and video game companies. Microsoft offers cloud-based solutions that provide customers with software, services, and content over the internet through shared computing resources—owning Bing, Skype, Windows, and Xbox LIVE. They earn revenue from their cloud services through usage fees, advertising, and subscriptions. Microsoft has one of the highest-ranked customer service production rates. The amount of research and development power that Microsoft and its smaller businesses have is essentially why they are constantly dominating the market with a 73% market share. Microsoft's intellectual property, specifically its patents and proprietary software code, protects them from rivals and enables it to make large profits.
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