Dates - michael afton
a/n: I am literally writing this in bed when I'm supposed to be asleep. I have school tmrw after the winter break but this scenario came to my mind so since I couldn't sleep I just decided to write it. Anyways, enjoy!
You and michael were both lying in bed together. You had been together for 3 years and you couldn't have been more grateful for him.
The two of you had met during school. He was the cold hearted player who would find a new girl to date every week just to break their hearts.
You couldn't lie, he was quite attractive but his personality had ruined it. A few months passed and he had suddenly changed.
Stopped dating and rejected anyone who asked him out, and you noticed that he had started to glance more at you than normal.
You shrugged it off thinking nothing of it when he had came up to one day after one of your shared classes.
'Go out with me'
Tou were shocked. The Michael Afton never asked anyone out, no matter what.
'Why not y/n?'
'Because I know how you are. You're gonna date me for like a week or something then break my heart. You're quite know around for that'
'But I haven't dated anyone in months. Please y/n, one date and I will leave you alone after if you want me to'
You were contemplating whether you should or shouldn't. On one hand he was extremely attractive but on the other he was a heartbreaker. A player.
'... you know what, fine. We can go on a date. Pick me up on Thursday at 5. I'm choosing the place'
His face lit up, 'I promise you are not going to regret this y/n.'
When Thursday came around, michael had picked you up at 5 and you ended up choosing to go to a skating rink.
The two of you had fun together on your date and you really got to know the real michael. Surprisingly enough, you felt calm around him, like yourself.
After that night, michael had taken you on more dates. Overtime, you had really fallen for him and his charms. The entire cold-hearted bad boy persona all dissipated when the two of you were together.
You two had recently went on another date. This time it was at a diner (not his fathers) that he had claimed was amazing and many people recomend.
Nearing the end of your date, you had taken a hold on Michael's hand.
'Michael, these dates have been amazing and probably the most fun I've had in a while. I feel like ive gotten to know the real you and who you truly are and if you want to, I'm willing to give us a chance.'
He stared at me wide-eyed.
'Oh my, are you serious? You actually want me to be your boyfriend?'
'Yes michael. I do.' He stutters trying to find words. Instead, he gently cups my face and presses his lips to mine.
I kiss back after a few seconds, smiling into the kiss.
'Does this mean we're officially dating?' I ask him.
'Of course it does dumbass.' He kisses me again.
It's been 3 years since that day and everyday has been amazing, so full of love and passion.
I am so glad that I had said yes to that date despite his reputation. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have know how wonderful my life had been with him.
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can anyone give me ideas for a fic with Michael? I have writers block rn and have no good ideas. Pls help <3 (my request box thing is open)
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I Can Be A Better Boyfriend Than Him - {Lily Evans x Reader}
Synopsis: You have been best friends with James Potter since your first year at Hogwarts. Over the years you have developed a small crush on him. The day after you confessed to him, you saw him kissing another girl; at a party hosted by the marauders, you see James with the girl he kissed, being jealous, you grabbed the first person and made out with them in-front of James unbeknownst to you, it was Lily Evans, his new girlfriend.
A/N: My first WLW fic, I haven’t written many fics before let alone a WLW. I have a major crush on Lily rn and thought I would write something that sort of goes along the lines of ‘Boyfriend’ by Dove Cameron. This may be a little long, sorry.
CW: Rejection, little bit of Angst, WLW, making out, kissing, drinking, small mention of being drunk, probably bad grammar, marriage, not proof-read, Peter Pettigrew - 🤮
Word Count: 1760
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James Potter has been my best friend since our first year in hogwarts. We had met at Kings Cross Station, Platform 9 and ¾ . Ever since then I had been friends with him and the rest of the marauders; Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew.
Over the years at Hogwarts and hanging out with James all of the time, I had formed a crush on him. He was cute, sweet, clever, and mischievous, etc; everything a girl would want in a guy. But being his friend comes with some disadvantages - I know about all of his flings and all of the girls he was with.
Every time James would come to me, boasting about the new girl he was with, I felt my heart break a little. It hurt to hear about him being with girls that weren't me but I had learned to sort of deal with it. 
I had confessed about my feelings for him the other day and told me he would think about it and how he was feeling. I agreed and decided to give him some space to think. Lately, he had been acting a bit strange, he had been with more girls than usual, and talked in extreme detail about what happened with a girl he was with. It was like he was teasing me, mocking me in a way and I hated it.
Currently, we are in his dorm. Peter and Sirius are nowhere to be seen, Remus being the only other person in the dorm. I was laying down on James’ bed as the said boy was at the foot of the bed. He had been going on and on, rambling about his new fling that he made his girlfriend. He described her to be 5’4”, have long bright orange hair that resembled the sun, green eyes similar to the colour of a mandrake leaf, oval face, freckles all over her face, full pink lips, a cute button nose.
Hearing him ranting and rambling about her had broken my heart knowing he was probably never going to talk about me like that to someone else. The other boys knew about my crush on James and tried to help me but nothing worked, he would ignore my attempts and regard them as friendly banter.
By this time, I had zoned him out, now in my own little world. James seemed to have noticed so moved onto a different topic. In the midst of his ramble, he had mentioned a party they were hosting on Saturday. I had gotten out of my daze and talked to him. 
“You’re hosting a party on Saturday? Why? It’s not like Saturday is anything special right?” He answered back saying that there doesn’t have to be a reason for someone to host a party. What he said next shocked me. Never would I have thought that he would say that, let alone to his best friend.
“And y/n have you had your first kiss yet? I bet you haven’t. It’s a funny situation actually. You are friends with me and the boys but not having your first boyfriend or kiss. I mean you being friends with us, automatically makes you popular, boys should be drooling over you but they aren’t. Don’t you find that funny.”
Unbeknownst to me and James, Remus had been listening to us the whole time, meaning he had heard James talking to me.
Listening to James’ mini speech had brought tears to my eyes but I didn’t let them fall. No way in hell was I going to cry in front of James Potter. Instead I had just excused myself to go to my dorm, telling him that I was tired and was going to go to bed.
Walking out of the door, I heard footsteps following me. Thinking it was James, I ignored and just kept trudging to my dorm. When I had reached my dorm the footsteps stopped. I turned around only to be met by Remus, not James like I thought. I walked into my dorm, him following suite and shutting the food behind him.
“y/n I’m sorry, I don’t know why James would ever say something like that. Usually he would just lightly tease you. I have no idea what had gotten into him” Remus had explained. His words had instantly started the water works and I had broken down crying flopping onto my bed. 
Remus at some point had gotten on my bed and stroked the small of my back, comforting me and whispering sweet words that had put me in a slightly better mood. I had eventually got up from my position and faced Remus who hadn’t left my side. 
I looked over to my left, checking the clock. It had read 11:52pm meaning me and Remus had been sitting here for about an hour and a half. Letting out a small chuckle I turned to Remus. “Rem, you should go back to your dorm, it’s 11:52 and tomorrow is Wednesday, meaning classes. We all know how much you love to be punctual”
“I guess it is pretty late, but you come first. You are my best friend y/n and if you need me then I will always be here for you. But anyways, if you need anything feel free to come by the dorm, I wont mind. Good night.” Remus replied, smiling. He had given me a kiss on the forehead before walking out of my dorm. I could always rely in him
It was now Saturday, and it had been a few days since the ‘incident’. I haven’t been talking to James since though it doesn’t seem like he cares. He is always out with other girls and his girlfriend. I was currently getting ready for the party in my dorm with Remus, Marlene, and Mary. 
“Guys, what do you think about this dress?” I asked them. I walked out of the bathroom wearing a pink, mid thigh dress with spaghetti straps. Remus, Mary, and Marlene’s heads all snapped up to look at me, gaping. 
“Merlin y/n, you look stunning. I love it. Go for that dress.” Marlene spoke up, the other two nodding in agreement. “Now y/n time for hair” Mary spoke out.\
About 20 - 30 minutes later, Mary had finished up with my hair. Since I already had my makeup done, all that was left was jewelry. I put on gold moon earrings, a simple necklace with a rose quartz heart pendant, a matching ring, and a pink butterfly ring with purple side stones.
Once I finished putting on my jewelry, I signaled to the others that we could go downstairs. I had gone and opened the door walking out, Remus, Mary, and Marlene all following me. We could hear the music blaring from all the way up the stairs.
When we got downstairs, I had already lost the three of them to the crowd. Instead of looking for them, I went over to the drink section getting myself one. Looking around, I spotted James in the crowd. When I caught his gaze, I instantly turned away, focusing on anything but him.
It was too late as James was walking towards me, his famous smug smirk painted on his face. He was in my face, looking down at me. 
“y/n, what a surprise to see you. You haven’t talked to me in days. What’s wrong?” He boasted. What was wrong with him? He is seriously asking me that knowing exactly what he did? 
That’s when I noticed the girl beside him. James must have noticed because he had started talking again. “Oh y/n how rude of me. I forgot to introduce you to my girlfriend. y/n this is Lily, Lily this is y/n.”
“Hello y/n! It’s really nice to meet you.” She mumbled, blushing. She seemed sweet and kind. How could someone like her be with someone like him?
I turned back to James with an annoyed expression. “James, what do you want? I cannot deal with you right now. Whatever you need please make it quick. I’m trying to have fun here without you ruining it.” I rambled. 
He didn’t say anything, just stared at me with a smirk. His staring had turned into a stare-down as we just glared at each other. By this time Lily had walked off somewhere.
James, still glaring at me, spoke up. “y/n, still haven’t had a first kiss yet? I mean you swing both ways yet can’t get anyone to swing your way.” He chuckled. He fucking chuckled. This had pushed me over the edge.
I grabbed the nearest person to me and started to kiss them and surprisingly, they kissed back. Our kiss had soon turned into a makeout session. I was very into it that I had completely forgotten about James standing there until I felt the person being tugged away.
When I opened my eyes to see who it was I kissed, I was met with Lily fucking Evans. James’ girlfriend. ‘I just made out with my best friend's girlfriend. AND SHE KISSED ME BACK!” 
James had left in anger and humiliation, leaving me and Lily alone. I stared at her and admired her. She was just as beautiful as James had described her. I brought my lips to her ears and whispered, “I could be a better boyfriend than him. I could do the shit that he never did. What do you say sweetheart? Wanna get out of here?” 
She didn’t respond, instead nodding her head. I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the Gryffindor common room and into the hallway. There we sat and talked, occasionally kissing. We had a lot more in common than I would have thought.
Time Skip
I stand at the altar, waiting for my gorgeous bride. Since that party where we met, we had become friends. Eventually, I had asked her to be my girlfriend and we started dating. 3 years later, we both moved into our own house, and she proposed. We had been planning this wedding for a year and the day is finally here.
The music starts playing indicating that it was time for Lily to walk down the aisle. I watch the door in anticipation, and there she is. The love of my life, my soulmate, my life. 
I helped her up to the podium and there we held hands, gazing into each other's eyes. The pastor spoke, we said our vows and ‘I do’s’ and that was it. Me and Lily were now married. Now I get why people say their wedding day is the best day of their life, they get bound together with their soulmate. Who knew that having a crush on a playboy could lead to having a wonderful girlfriend and wife?
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Literally no idea what I’m doing rn 💀💀
I cry to sad songs in the matter of seconds 😗🤪
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Hi! Could I request a headcanons with Regulus? Like, him secret dating a shy, muggleborn Hufflepuff (female or gender neutral 😅)? How they met etc
Regulus having a secret relationship with a Muggleborn Hufflepuff
a/n: Fun fact: this is my first request so thank you! I appreciate people actually reading and liking my stories! Another fun fact, I am a hufflepuff and this is gonna make my heart happy :D . This may be really bad but idk, i haven’t done headcanons before so I apologize in advance
a/n: this may not follow your request but i hope you still like it <3
CW: Fluff, secret relationship, slytherin/hufflepuff relationship, use of slurs against muggleborns, GN!Reader, written in second-person POV, might not make complete sense, not proofread, probably spelling mistakes
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I think that Regulus is closed off and doesn’t let people in very easily
But he got partnered with you for a potions project in 6th year
The first part would be making the actual potion itself and Regulus is the only one talking 
You guys have a month to complete the project so you would have to interact everyday
Overtime, you would start to get comfortable with Regulus and vice versa
Even after the project is completed, you would continue to interact 
Only in secret though cause you and him didn’t want to get bullied by Regulus’ friends
After 5 months of a secret friendship, you had confessed to Regulus about your feeling expecting to be rejected since he was a Slytherin
To your shock, he reciprocated your feeling and you two started dating
You both had agreed to keeping your relationship on the down low and confidential, not wanting to be caught by the rest of the Slytherins
Regulus would sneak into the your dorm at night to take you on dates
Most dates would be on the Astronomy tower 
You and Regulus had a mutual love for space and stars
You had been keeping the relationship a secret for your 1 and a half years (half of 6th year and the entire 7th year)
During the last week of 7th year, you and Regulus decided to tell your friends, who accepted you two together 
You had been starting to make your relationship public and be seen with each other
Regulus’ friends had been harassing you the entire week after seeing you two together
They called you a ‘mudblood’ and overall bullied you 
Regulus would always step in and defend you - which you were grateful for
After graduating Hogwarts, you and Regulus moved in together
3 years later, you two are married with 1 kid <3
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His Caramel Gaze | Steven Grant
Word Count: 682
A/N: This show has me loving Wednesday nights, oml.
Warnings: Established relationship. Time set before all of the events of Moon Knight. No Y/N, only Name. Not proof-read. Mentions of not being able to sleep (Both Steven & Name). I think that's it.
NO SPOILERS AHEAD for Moon Knight!
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Gif is from @/leroypatterson on Giphy
I sat on our shared desk studying a few of Steven’s books while I patiently waited for him to appear home once again. The music plays softly in the background, my thoughts being washed out in the process. My hair falls down my back as I re-read the same paragraph once again. It's dark out and the only light that supports my vision is Steven’s old lamp light, seated in his desk. My face is surrounded by the soft glow of the lamp, my fingers tugging on the page.
A loud creak coming from my left shatters my focus on the paragraph as I abruptly face the location of the sound. To my left I notice a man coming through the door, flicking the lights on with his index finger, and closing the door behind him. “Name, you're still up, I thought you had work tomorrow?” the man asks me as he walks over to the desk. “I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to take a look through the books you left out on the desk, that's all” I responded to the man as his caramel gaze flickered between me and the bed which was left neat and untouched. “No need to lie to me, love. It's me Steven, you can tell me anything, right” the man stated with a sickly smooth voice, his caramel loving gaze shining in the golden light as he reached his hand out to me, attempting to pull me to a hug which I accepted wholeheartedly. “It’s truly nothing Steven, I just couldn’t sleep, you know how it is right?” I respond to Steven as he pulls me into his chest even deeper, rocking us both side to side laughing softly at my side remark. “Uh huh, whatever you say, beautiful, now do you think you can sleep tonight or do you want me to read to you?” “Read to me?” I question, “What do you mean read to me Steven” I ask the dark haired man as I look up to his carmel gaze. “I mean to do need me to read you tonight if you're still unable to sleep on this-'' he cuts himself off with a loud, short lived yawn, “fine night” he finishes. “No” I softly laugh in response, “I think I can sleep just fine with you here by my side Steven, maybe another time, handsome” I respond as I push myself off of Steven, “You are sleeping tonight, right?” I ask him. “Yes I am” he responds with a loud laugh as he walks past me to the washroom. “I just need to shower, I’ll meet you in bed okay. Don’t wait up on me love.” he says to me as his eyes look into mine before he fully walks into the washroom. “I won't Steven, promise” I respond to him as I walk to him and give him a chaste kiss on the lips “Goodnight, I love you” I say to him looking into his eyes. “I-I love you too beautiful, see you soon, okay.” Steven stated as he caressed my cheek looking nervous as if it was our very first time saying it to each other, some things never change I suppose. “Okay” I respond as a piece of my hair falls down my face and Steven brushes it away with the back of his hand.
In this moment with him, in every moment I am with him I feel as if I am flying, like our love is forever infinite. As he walks into the washroom and closes the door I walk back and turn off the light Steven had originally turned on, with that only the lamp light and remained. I look back at the desk again, the lamp illuminating the passage I had previously been stuck on. “I love thee with a love I seemed to lose; With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,I shall but love thee better after death.” If the galaxy is eternal then I think we are too, handsome.
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Im balling my eyes out... I just watched a sad Wolfstar edit. :(
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Marauders Characters I Will Write For
These are all of the characters I will write for from the marauders era :)
James Potter Sirius Black Remus Lupin Lily Evans Regulus Black
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His Love - {Regulus Black x Reader}
Synopsis: You have been dating Regulus Black since 5th year and the two of you were madly in-love. Once you finished Hogwarts, your parents arranged a marriage for you with Lucius Malfoy, Regulus’ best friend. Both of you were devastated but accepted and didn’t try to do anything since you knew nothing would change. A few years later, you reconnect with Regulus and mend your relationship.
a/n: This is my first fic, give me advice pls. Just don’t be rude, im not trying to do that today. Also, I am in-love with the marauders they fine asf <3. There also isn’t any incest in here. I am saying that because ik that all purebloods are related somehow and reader, Lucius, and Regulus are all purebloods so yea… 
CW: Fluff, Arranged Marriage, Cheating, kissing, Regulus doesn’t die AU, probably bad grammar, vulgar language/cussing, small mention of screwing/fucking, pet names (my love/love, darling, princess), Lucius gets punched in the face, not proofread
Readers House: Not mentioned
Word Count: 1399
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Regulus Black, the love of my life, who I got separated from, who I haven’t seen in years, is standing right here, before my eyes. 
2 years ago, my parents had arranged a marriage for me right after I had finished Hogwarts, even though I was in a serious relationship with Regulus Black. Not only that but it was to Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Black’s best friend. I had always despised him. He was cocky, arrogant, so full of himself, disrespectful, a misogynist, and overall unpleasant and I had to marry him. 
Regulus didn’t say anything when I told him the news, but the look in his eyes told me everything - he didn’t want me to, but knowing both mine and Lucius’ parents, he knew there was nothing we could do to stop this wedding. It would happen whether we liked it or not. The only reason my parents had agreed to this marriage was to keep the pureblood-line. Our parents didn’t want to lose their title as one of the ‘Sacred 28’ families and thought that Lucius Malfoy was the ‘best’ fit for the role. 
After our wedding, Lucius treated me like I didn’t exist. He would ignore me, only focus on his work and the Dark Lord, and overall made me feel like I was just air that was not even the least bit visible. When we would sleep, he would go to the edge of the bed and have his back facing me. Sure we weren’t in love and all but he could’ve at least have been a little bit chivalrous. 
I eventually found out that he had been screwing Narcissa Black behind my back our entire marriage. They never stopped even after I found out. It happened often and they didn’t try to hide it or muffle it. It was getting tiring honestly, constantly hearing your husband fucking someone else while you were in the room next door.
Whatever I was doing, whether it was cooking or sleeping, I would think of Regulus, wondering how he was, what he was doing, is he happy? Is he thinking of me too? These thoughts pondered in my head for hours on end. He was all I could think of. His smile that I missed dearly, his gray eyes that reminded me of the full moon every month, his sharp jawline, his dark auburn hair that flows in the wind like an ocean. Everything about him was beautiful. I could think and talk about him for hours on end.
On one particular night, I was laying in my bed, thinking of Regulus when Lucius had walked into our shared bedroom, having finished fucking Narcissa. He was sweating pretty hard and only had some fabric around his waist. Not sparing me a glance, he went into our shared bathroom, took a shower, and walked back into the room. He was getting into bed when he said something.
“Your parents are downstairs, y/n. They said they have some sort of a surprise for you. I don’t know what it is, nor do I care.”
My parents? They have only contacted me through owls and letters but never in-person. Why are they here now? And what did Lucius mean that they had a surprise for me? Shaking my thoughts, I slowly get out of bed and walk through the door. As I am walking down the long flight of stairs, I can hear some faint voices. One sounds like a female, and the other a male. ‘Must be my parents’ I thought. 
I reach the bottom step, as the floorboard creaks. My parents’ heads snapped up and immediately their gaze was fixed onto me. I start walking towards them cautiously anxious, wondering why they are here. I reach them and am pulled into a hug. Shocked, I stood there for a few seconds before hugging them back, melting into the hug a bit.
“Oh y/n. We’ve missed you so much. We haven’t been the best since you left but didn’t want to visit you because we were afraid you wouldn’t want to see us.” My mothers words surprised me. My parents had always treated me badly and I thought they made me marry Lucius cause they didn’t love me. This entire time they missed me? 
“Yes honey. We missed you dearly. Me and your mother had talked a while back and we know we shouldn’t have agreed to Mr and Mrs. Malfoy’s offer of you and Lucius courting each other. Y/n, me and your mother have brought you a surprise, but before we show you this.” 
In my hands were divorce papers. My dad had given me divorce papers to break off the marriage with Lucius. I put my hand over my mouth, silencing myself in case I make loud noises. I look up at my dad then my mom and pull them both into a hug. 
“Thank you so much for these. My marriage with Lucius has gone terribly and he cheated on me with Narcissa Black. I wanted to break it off with him for so long but never found the courage to. I stayed with him even though I never did. Now I can leave him for good. Thank you again. I love you guys.”
I had forgotten about my parents’ other surprise during the encounter, so excited about the divorce. Our moment was interrupted when a voice was heard. 
“Did you not miss me, darling?” A voice questioned. ‘That voice… I know that voice’. I whipped my head around and saw the face I have been thinking and dreaming about since my wedding. Regulus Black. The love of my life, who I got separated from, who I haven’t seen in years, is standing right here, before my eyes. 
I ran over to him and jumped into his arms. “Regulus…” I whispered in his ear. I hugged him as tightly as I could, probably suffocating him. “My love, y/n, I have missed you” “I missed you too Reggie, everyday” I hugged him tighter as the words came out of my mouth. “Calm down princess, you might end up suffocating me to death if you keep squeezing me like that” I immediately loosened my grip on him, my hands now around his neck.
“I’m sorry  love, I didn’t mean to” I said quietly, looking down. Regulus brought his thumb and index finger up to my chin, forcing me to look up at him. “It’s ok, I’m ok. I know you missed me and I did too, there’s no need to feel glum.” I smiled at his reassuring words, looking at his lips. Regulus was looking at mine too, and we both started to lean in. 
When our lips connected, I felt like I was in heaven. His lips were warm and soft, just like how I remember them. I pulled away from the kiss and we just stood there holding each other, taking in the presence of one another in their arms. 
Our blissful moment is interrupted when thundering footsteps could be heard coming downstairs, thinking it was Narcissa, I brushed it off until I heard the obnoxious voice of Lucius.
“What in Merlin’s beard is going on? What are you doing with my wife?” Lucius had called me his wife for the first time but I could care less. I was too busy thinking about how I am finally back with Regulus. 
Regulus had quickly spoken up. “She’s not your wife anymore, she has divorce papers and already signed them. Now you do.” Lucius’ response had taken me aback.
“No! I am not divorcing her! She is my wife.” “Lucius shut the fuck up with your act. You have been fucking Narcissa behing my back our entire fucking marriage and all of a sudden you wanna call me your wife? I don’t fucking love and never will you piece of shit-” My sentence is cut short when a loud ‘CRACK’ could be heard. Regulus had punched Lucius in the face and broke his nose. 
Lucius clutching his nose ran up the flight of stairs, up to our room. Regulus turned to me and pulled me into a hug. “You won’t have to deal with him anymore. And remember, I love you and you are my one tue love, You are my love.”
That’s right. I am the one and only for Regulus, His love.
Tag: @lovedbythemooon
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William Afton Masterlist
will be updated soon
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Michael Afton Masterlist
will be updated soon
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Marauders Masterlist
James Potter
coming soon
Sirius Black
coming soon
Remus Lupin
coming soon
Lily Evans
I Can Be A Better Boyfriend Than Him - {Lily Evans x Reader}
You have had a crush on James since your 1st year. After you confessed about your feelings, he got a girlfriend. One night, you accidentally kiss your (ex) crushes girlfriend.
Regulus Black
His Love - {Regulus Black x Reader}
You are in arranged marriage with Lucius Malfoy while being in a serious relationship with Regulus Black
Regulus having a secret relationship with a Muggleborn Hufflepuff
Regulus Black secretly dating a shy, Muggleborn, Hufflepuff; how they met, dates, and being open in the public
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Masterlist <3
All of my work can be found on this page. Hope you enjoy :)
I will take be taking requests for stories for the marauders, and Michael :) but I will not write smut (maybe like a few suggestive things but im not writing full on smut yk ) . All of my works will be with female!reader unless said otherwise
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Michael Afton
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(none of the art is mine, credits to the creators)
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