willgoldgirlie · 1 month
im gonna be real ilgwis was not good at all and lovejoy fell off after pebblebrain
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willgoldgirlie · 4 months
on a serious topic, i’m lowkey sick of people yapping about ‘he came back as if nothing happened!’. because while that is true, there is reasoning for it.
no matter what he said, you guys wouldn’t even care to listen. he could release an hour long video proving his innocence, and you guys would watch a minute of it and then say he’s guilty.
that’s how you guys acted with the response back in february. clearly, you guys didn’t read it and run with whatever you’re told. he never admitted to anything.
wilbur isn’t stupid. wilbur knows this.
what’s the point of responding if you guys won’t care to listen anyway? and honestly, hop off of that man’s dick. you guys all claim to have gotten over him months ago, but dickride him so hard, it’s actually insane. like dawg, grow up and find something else to talk about. antis are more obsessed with him than his own fans are, swear to god.
it’s not like he said he won’t be responding at all, he just said he won’t be responding ‘for now’. so, i’m assuming over time, he’ll talk about it more. not that you guys will listen anyway, but he’ll talk about it.
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willgoldgirlie · 4 months
wilbur soot antis being so angry about wilbur’s return is so funny to me. like dawg, you claimed to have gotten over him months ago?? stop talking about him lol but LOVEJOY TOUR IN AUSTRALIA THIS SUMMER ‼️‼️‼️
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willgoldgirlie · 4 months
can i just say that people pick and choose when to care about victims? they always go ‘oh, support shelby! support caiti! support alice! support andi!’
but what about dream’s victims?
i’m so sick of seeing people go ‘oh, but dream’s innocent! he didn’t even send nudes of himself!’ so? that doesn’t mean what he was doing was okay, or wasn’t child grooming. why the fuck was dream, as a man in his mid 20s, messaging 16 YEAR OLD TEENAGE GIRLS.
also, the only reason you guys are okay with what he did is because he said ‘oh, but i was losing interest after a while! oh, no, i didn’t send pictures of my dick to minors! i would never do that!’
no, but you were still intimately privately messaging minors, were you not?
THAT is child grooming. child grooming is the process of gaining the trust of a minor to sexually abuse them later. just because he didn’t do anything right away doesn’t mean he wasn’t planning on doing ANYTHING.
i see his stans using the argument ‘but amanda lied about being sent nudes!! she had to have been lying!!’ but that argument is so poor. just because she lied about being sent dick pics doesn’t mean she never felt abused or groomed by dream. again, dream is a grown ass man messaging teenage girls on snapchat. is there not something weird there?
also, it’s the fact that there are so many other people who fell victim to him, and nobody wants to talk about that. so many other teenage girls have said that they were groomed, and everybody goes ‘oh, that’s just what happens with dream. he always gets accused of something bad’.
i just find it APPALLING that SO MANY people have fallen victim to him, and have spoken out about it, but nobody believes them because they just go ‘sigh, ANOTHER allegation against dream.’ DOESN’T THAT SAY SOMETHING? dream is finally being called out on his disgusting behaviors, and nobody takes them seriously. they’re always just like ‘oh, of course dream is accused of child grooming again’. WOW, WHO WOULD HAVE EXPECTED A CHILD GROOMER TO CONTINUOUSLY BE ACCUSED OF CHILD GROOMING??
dream stans are my number one enemies, dawg.
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willgoldgirlie · 5 months
people trying to benefit from wilbur’s downfall are the worst. i saw this tiktok where they were like ‘FUCK WILBUR SOOT!!!! oh, by the way, i’m a small streamer!!! support me instead!!’
or that band who did the portrait of a blank slate’ cover, and the caption was ‘since wilbur soot is a horrible person, here’s MY BAND’S cover of the song!’ (you weren’t even singing it right, by the way).
or it also just rubs me the wrong way when those people comment under these wannabe lovejoy indie band’s tiktoks going ‘adopt us!!! you’re the new lovejoy!!! 🥺🥺🥺’ and said band will reply with a tiktok going ‘oh yeah, we ARE the new lovejoy!!!’
also, just those ‘small streamers’ going ‘i’ll never do anything bad like wilbur soot did! support ME instead!’ like dude. you’re insufferable.
y’all will never be as good as wilbur soot/lovejoy. sorry.
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willgoldgirlie · 5 months
i’m truly convinced you guys don’t know what child grooming is. child grooming is, by textbook definition, “the action or behavior used to establish an emotional connection with a minor, and sometimes the child’s family, to lower the child’s inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse.” we all know wilbur’s intention was not to sexually abuse tommy. they were good friends.
as for stealing from los campesinos!, that is just not true, and you know it. bands take inspiration from other bands all the time, and no one bats an eye, but lovejoy’s so much different? double standards, maybe?
you guys put wilbur on a pedestal, even when he said NOT TO. you guys did anyway, then found out he’s not this perfect sweet little soft boy who does no wrong, and you guys lost your shit. i find it absolutely humorous watching all of these other dsmp stans get humbled. ‘george would never!!! ❤️❤️’ then he DID. ‘punz would never!!! ❤️❤️’ then he DID. ‘quackity would never!!! ❤️❤️’ THEN HE DID.
nobody is perfect. wilbur is not any different.
you guys refuse to see any of the off putting things in shelby’s story. i want to make it clear that i DO NOT believe wilbur is 100% innocent. he’s still a raging cunt, whether or not he abused anybody. however, shelby’s story is just so… off.
why was she so angry about him not paying for HER plane tickets and HER own catsitter? why did she feel it necessary to laugh about the fact that he was depressed and burnt out? why did she get so angry about the fact that he didn’t want to go out all the time?
shelby’s frustrations about the biting are 100% valid. there is no excuse for that. but as for everything else? why?
‘he only did it for the fame and money, guys!!!’ it’s almost… like… it’s his job…
it just makes me so angry. wilbur did not do everything with ill intentions. stop acting like he did.
HOWEVER, some of you also need to stop acting like wilbur is 100% innocent. he is NOT. he’s not this perfect, innocent soft boy he made himself out to be. you can obviously enjoy him and his content, but stop acting like he didn’t do anything wrong.
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willgoldgirlie · 5 months
i kinda hate when ex wilbur fans shame people who still support him. like at the end of the day, what does it fucking matter. if you don’t support him, that’s fine. a majority of wilbur fans, though, either literally cannot stop supporting him, or… hear me out… don’t want to stop supporting him. i get that you don’t like that, but what good is harassing wilbur supporters doing? it’s not gonna change their mind. it never has. grow a fucking pair and move on if you don‘t like it.
also (VERY targeted). what does it matter if somebody likes your old wilbur posts. if you don’t like him anymore, then why leave them up? “oh, but the memories of it 🥺🥺” put it in a note on your phone or something. you can’t just leave it up, then be mad that people interact with your post. “oh, how DARE you like this post, that i CHOSE to leave up, on my PUBLIC account, on tumblr😡😡😡😡 i WILL shame you for it on my account 😡😡😡😡” grow the fuck up. you’re acting like a junior high girl. it is NOT that serious.
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