will-davis-blog · 11 years
I'm everything but a cheater!! I know, that's why I'm inviting you. And the fact that I can't seem to find a thing on my apartment anymore and I need someone to help me clean up has nothing to do with it.
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How weird is the fact that I'm listening to the "Chicago" soundtrack?
But I’m really ticklish and you know that! I think you’re cheating! You know, I think I’d like that… you know how much I liked being up with you last time.
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
And you crack faster. And yes, you will have to watch it with me again. Not that Catherine Zeta-Jones isn't hot, but hey, my eyes need to rest a bit from the Cook County Jail. Talking about seeing you... I think it's time you come to see me.
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How weird is the fact that I'm listening to the "Chicago" soundtrack?
I could win one of these days! You only win because you’re stronger than me, you have an unfair advantage. I guess you’re gonna have to make me watch that with you when you come see me.
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
I left my DVD at Roxie's house, you can borrow it from there anytime. Everyone in this world needs to watch Across The Universe. Everyone.
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Senior year, ah. Feels like yesterday, Enjoy it, because it will be over and then you will miss it. We're good, I haven't see her in a while now, but I'm planning on visiting soon.
How weird is the fact that I'm listening to the "Chicago" soundtrack?
Across the Universe is the movie where they covered Beatles songs right? I still need to see that, because I really like The Beatles.  
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That’s good to know. I’m good, still surviving. It’s my senior year at CCD, thank god. How are you and Roxie doing?
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
I'm happy that she's happy too. Has she been okay lately? I know that if she's not okay or upset about something she wouldn't tell me because she doesn't want me to worry. Promise me to tell me if anything happens to her. Hell yeah! I miss being called Silly Willy. My friends over here just call me Will.
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How weird is the fact that I'm listening to the "Chicago" soundtrack?
She really does. And you already take such good care of her. I’m happy that she’s happy. Oh, I’m not completely sure about that. You don’t have to get in line, I’ll give you one anyways. Silly Willy.
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
Hopefully I will. For Roxie mostly. She deserves the best. That's perfect for you! You will make it on the business, you'll see. I'll be first in line to buy your CD and I'll be the creepy fan-stalker.
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How weird is the fact that I'm listening to the "Chicago" soundtrack?
Well, that’s good. But hey, you’ll be making a hell of a living for yourself. I don’t know what I’ll do other than pursue music.
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
Blaine once joked about Roxie keeping my nuts on her night stand. I kicked him so hard on his own... That was a good day. I'm switching to Help! in this exact moment, because it's exactly what I need.
You almost always do, Sebs. Your major is one example of your good decisions.
I'll take your word on that one. I'm pale as a ghost and I really miss surfing. And there's no way I'd leave her behind. Have you been to Ohio lately?
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How weird is the fact that I'm listening to the "Chicago" soundtrack?
Dude, you are whipped with a capital W.  Everyone needs some Beatles, you should play some right now.  Get your man card back, or whatever.
Yeah, acting isn’t the most book-heavy major, I’ve learned.  I make good decisions.
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You should swing down here when you get the chance.  Bring the missus, whatever.  It’s sunny every single day.  I’d think it was freaky if it weren’t so convenient.
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
Rocky Horror is another level of musicals. Have you seen Across The Universe yet? Best. Musical. EVER.
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Hay, bee! And I did not thought dirty on your question. It's good, exhausting, but that's the college life. How about you?
How weird is the fact that I'm listening to the "Chicago" soundtrack?
I’m not big on musicals, but I have to admit Chicago is a pretty boss movie..,same goes with Rocky Horror Picture Show and Repo.
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Hey Will, how’s it hanging?
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
Oh, the usual then. You're a lucky carrot head. I miss that life so much. I'm good, I've been burning my lashes reading every night and I've written about 600 papers in about three months. But that's what I signed up for, so I don't exactly mind, but still.
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How weird is the fact that I'm listening to the "Chicago" soundtrack?
Oh, you know. School, Warbler practice, hanging out with your girlfriend. How about you?
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
No you don't, I win the tickle fights. And again, no. Across The Universe is the best musical, funny, sunny, honey, Roxie of mine.
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How weird is the fact that I'm listening to the "Chicago" soundtrack?
I always win! It’s the best musical, silly!
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
Blame Roxanne! Apparentaly all her movies burned to ashes or something, because the only movie we ever watch is Chicago. I need some Beatles.
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And add the fact that it's Medicine to the equation. I've read more books than I ever read in Dalton. Bloody hell, I didn't even know there were so many books about medicine in the world! I haven't been to the beach since Rox and I went to Doncaster, I envy you so bad.
How weird is the fact that I'm listening to the "Chicago" soundtrack?
It’s pretty weird, man.  Good to hear from you, though, even if your music tastes have plummeted since we last talked.
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Harvard does that to people, I guess.  UCLA is no cakewalk, either, especially since I’ve got about half of your brains and a quarter of your work ethic.  I’d rather just be down at the beach all day.
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
Dawson! What's up lad!
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How weird is the fact that I'm listening to the "Chicago" soundtrack?
Hi Will!
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
How weird is the fact that I'm listening to the "Chicago" soundtrack?
You win, Roxanne.
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And hello to everyone! Long time no see. Harvard has been kicking my bum off lately.
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
I love you too, baby.
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… I love you, Will.
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
They are not silly! They all have meanings. See, the skater boy? That's me. The compass? That's you and my sisters, because you guide my way. The cup of tea is my Mum, the world is you, because you're my world. The birds are Blaine, Kurt, Nick, Jeff, Sebastian and Dan, my Dalton boys. The horseshoe it's awesome, the paper plane is Alex, because he is childish and reminds me to have fun, and the oops! it's because I realized I had way too many tattoos. And the owl is also my Mum because she's always watching.
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Exactly! Besides, your hair will grow out, you can always redye it back. And I can even forgive your silly tattoos, Boo Bear.
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
A cute british gnome with tattoos!
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A cute british gnome.
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
Tattoos are fun what can I say
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will-davis-blog · 11 years
I'm a british gnome! That doesn't even make sense!
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I think it’s cute.
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