#not going to regret any of those bad fellas anytime soon
crimsonredemption · 5 years
“Will you stay with me? Tonight? I just— I’d feel better knowing you’re near.” With maybe kieran??
Thank you for this Anon, you have my heart
Kieran Duffy x fem!Reader
warnings: angst, mentions of violence, fluff in the end
Why wouldn’t they just get it over with and kill him already? He had been tied to this pole for days now, even though each day had felt like a lifetime. In his situation, he was painfully aware of any minute that crept on, each painful and humiliating. As if being a victim to their constant belittling and cursing wasn’t enough, some of them couldn’t hold back the occasional kick against his legs sometimes even his head, if he didn’t hold it high enough. Even the small kid in camp seemed to catch on with the adults’ behavior, throwing insults and stones alike. Being a part of the O’Drsicoll gang has been harsh and he didn’t care for them all too much but this? This was just inhumane. 
The only thing that kept him going was the thought of you. The way you cared for him, made sure he had enough water to drink throughout the day. You even helped him to relieve himself, which has been incredibly challenging and also embarrassing, but they would only let him walk once a day to attend to his business. He didn’t ask for it and at first he never even dared to talk to you, not even to thank you for your kindness. He was in so much pain. His legs were hurting from the constant standing and he couldn’t see his arms or hands but he didn’t dare to think about the wounds the ropes cut into his flesh. But you were always smiling for him, asking him questions about his person, talking about yourself and the others from the camp and how most of them were actually really good people at heart. He wanted to believe you but it wasn’t easy, considering the ropes around his hands. He didn’t intend to say this out loud and regretted it instantly, but when the sound of your laugh reached him he couldn’t help but chuckle as well. 
He noticed of course that the others didn’t like how much time you spent with him, feeding and caring for him. They teased you and some even started doubting your loyalty. He couldn’t believe his eyes when you turned on the blonde fella with the hat and hitting him in the face. 
“Don’t you dare speak to me like that Mr. Bell, next time it’ll be my foot in your face.” he heard you yelling in the man’s direction before you continued to walk over to him. He didn’t dare look into your eyes, ashamed that you had to suffer from other’s remarks just because of him; it wasn’t fair. 
“You didn’t have to do this Miss Y/N…I don’t want you suffering because of me” he said silently, staring at his feet in the dirt. The woman in front of him didn’t answer immediately and he feared he said something stupid. Only a few moments passed when he felt a gentle touch, your hand cupping the side of his face. He couldn’t help but lean into the touch, allowing you to lift his face to look into yours. His gaze automatically wandering to your lips and he could have sworn he’s never seen anything with the beauty of you. He had trouble focusing on the things you said, all he could think about were those plump lips right in front of him practically asking him to kiss them. But he shouldn’t. He wouldn’t. Not like this. 
And finally, he got his chance to prove himself and his good intentions to the rest of the van der Linde gang. Jumping at the chance to sell out his old gang, which got him nasty looks and a few mean comments but he didn’t care. All he cared for was being free from this pole and the ropes that were his home for so long, finally on the back of a horse again. The mission turned out to be more complicated than anticipated but no one got hurt and when they finally returned Arthur told him he was now free to roam the camp and help with chores or any work that needed doing. He mumbled a thank you, Arthur still made him incredibly nervous and he doubted this would stop anytime soon. 
“Nah I guess I’m the one to thank ya..for savin my life back there” Arthur answered and put one of his hands on Kieran’s shoulder. Before he could open his mouth to say something he heard you calling out Arthurs and his name. 
“He ain’t as bad as you all thought, right?” You said gifting him your biggest smile which made him weak on his knees. “Come on Kieran, let’s celebrate!” Your hand grabbed his and together you found your places around the campfire, singing and laughing alongside the others. At one point he remembered that he still had a tent to set up and groaned at the thought of leaving you and the others, but if he didn’t want to sleep on the grass he had no choice but to get to work. You offered him your help, which he gladly accepted. They were both a little tipsy from the alcohol and even though it took the both of you longer than expected, you did manage to pull the tent together. 
“I’ll leave you to it then Kieran, goodnight. Enjoy your first night in freedom” you said while trying to hide a yawn. You were already turning around but in a matter of seconds, he was at your side again, gently pulling you into a hug. 
“I never truly thanked you for everything you did for me Y/N, I don’t know how to make it up to you. I owe you my life.” he whispered into your hair and continued  “Will you stay with me? tonight? I just…I’d feel better knowing you’re near.”
“Of course Kieran, I’ll keep you company as long as you want me to.” you breathed while your hands were slowly caressing his back. He was glad you couldn’t see the heat that was rushing into his face colouring his cheeks a bright red. He could feel his luck turning and prayed it would last this time. 
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