wildcherie · 2 years
Tyler couldn’t understand why Quinn was so understanding. What if he murdered that guy? Would he still tell him it was okay to make mistakes? What he did wasn’t a mistake. Tyler was enraged. He was mature enough to know he had real issues. The answer to all his questions was right there on the windshield. Quinn had built an entire community through criminal ties. “So this is, like, what, a neighborhood for the mob?” Deep down, Tyler was a good person. He was just dealt an awful hand and did his best to make ends meet. It was possible Quinn was cut from the same cloth. Or maybe, just maybe, he enjoyed having blood on his hands. The latter seemed more likely. Quinn came from money, didn’t he. He was just another overprivileged prep who wanted to build his own empire. And yet, Tyler respected him. He knew all of this was for his family. He was a man who would do anything for his loved ones and that was the kind of man, husband, and father Tyler hoped to be someday. 
“You don’t have to convince me or threaten me to keep your secret safe, Quinn. You’ve been like a father to me. Hell, you’re the only person who would show up to jail and bail me out without asking questions. You never make me feel bad for who I am or what I’ve done…You just want me to be better and if you think helping you with this project will keep me and your family out of harm’s way, then I’m all in. You can trust me.” Quinn couldn’t find a friend in Jake, he was too reckless and selfish, but Tyler would step up and fill any shoes he needs to. 
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It was times like these, Quinn knew he betted on the right horse. Tyler would surely cross the finish line while giving it all he’s got. He was an animal. One without a home or a family and because of that, he was dangerous. It’s harder to break someone when they’ve got so little to lose. That’s precisely why Quinn liked him. He’s always had affinity for the troubled ones. From Monica to Myles, to now Tyler. Some of the best people he knew, came from literally nothing and he admired those people. Even wanted to be more like them and less like himself.
“I knew I could trust you,” he gives Tyler a pat on the back. “But, it’s always nice to hear it.” Quinn took one last look at the development before he turned the car on and drove away. “Now, what do you say we go home? I’m sure you could use a shower and I’ve got to get busy so you’ll be ready to start classes Monday. Plus, I told Brooke we’d be have lunch together so you’ll wanna get settled before she gets home.”
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wildcherie · 2 years
It was as if Quinn had an answer for everything. Tyler couldn’t go back to the McKenzies because then he’d have to stay there. Staying at the Maddox house seemed a little less permanent which benefited his situation. However, how would Brooke take the news? She was probably horrified by him. The way he pummeled Rhys right in front of her. Knowing Brooke, she was probably blaming herself. That guy was in intensive care. Was she even aware that he slipped into a coma before the ambulance could even reach the hospital? More importantly, did Quinn know all the gory details? 
“I’d rather stay with you, yeah, it would help my situation. Rachel would never let me visit Theresa.” It was weird saying her name, but he didn’t think she was deserving of the title ‘mother,’ yet. “But you do realize what happened, right? That guy at the club, I beat him into a coma. The cops told me. When he wakes up, he can press charges.” The look on Tyler’s face should tell Quinn how awful he felt about it. Quinn might be able to relate due to his own temper, but Tyler wasn’t proud of the pain in his bruised knuckles. Rhys just happened to find the wrong girl at the wrong time. Tyler couldn’t control himself when it came to Brooke. He would kill for her and that was terrifying. 
“We have a deal, sure. But I do have to ask. Why is this a secret? Why don’t you want Brooke to know you’re building a whole new community over here?” Who was going to live here? He knew Quinn was into some shady business. Myles was no different. It would seem everyone’s dad had a secret. Whoever Tyler’s dad was, he probably had a few secrets too. Maybe that was one of the reasons why he wasn’t around. 
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Quinn might’ve been debriefed on the fight and the aftermath it caused but, it didn’t change his perception of Tyler any. He wasn’t the only one who would kill for Brooke. There were a few others who would, too. Including Quinn, and including Jake. Hell, Stavo might even do so as well if he hasn’t already. He was obsessed with her, even had drawings and pictures of her plastered all over his walls. Rhys’ pressing charges would be the least of their worries once Stavo’s plan to win over Brooke or simply take her away came to fruition. “You’ve made a mistake, son. We all have done things we’re not proud of.”
Quinn didn’t bother to elaborate. He simply let Tyler decode that as he will. Besides, they’d reached their destination. The lot was empty today, all of Quinn’s workers were given the day off as he dealt with other matters behind the books. Matters that could never see the light of day or else it would be Quinn sitting behind metal bars for the rest of his mortal life and not Tyler. “There’s something you don’t know about me. Something no one knows. Not even my family. All of this,” he motions to the half built neighborhood from behind the parked wheel of his car. “took a lot of money. Money that I didn’t have but I borrowed from some people who occasionally need a place to store things or do business. They helped me out, now I help them. I bet you can see where I’m going with this....” These people were part of an outfit just outside Lakewood. If Quinn didn’t help them or repay his debt, they’d take it out on his family, his legacy, anyone and anything he’s ever come to love. “What my daughter doesn’t know can’t hurt her. I’ve done everything to keep her safe and a roof over her head when her mother disappointed her left and right. She has a good life because I do what I have to in order to maintain it. I’m sure someone like you can understand that. The sacrifices we make for the ones we love. You’re doing it with your biological mother. You left this world behind to get to know her as her last dying wish. I’d say that’s a pretty big sacrifice. Wouldn’t you?”
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wildcherie · 2 years
Jake wasn’t surprised Brooke didn’t want to shower with him. She could only reject him so many times before he became numb to it. However, it was disappointing, which is why he had to entertain himself in other ways. Her bedroom smelled like her and he was still really horny after waking up with morning wood. He managed to get it down before he met Brooke in the kitchen, but the arousal didn’t go away so easily. Therefore, rooting around her lingerie drawer was considered foreplay. 
“Yo, warrior princess, relax!” Jake laughed just as she snatched the red lace from his fingertips. “You know, I’m not going to say anything if you were to indulge a little.” He meant with him. Tyler could have slept with dozens of girls while he was away, what would another little hookup be in comparison? Without planning to overstep too far, Jake tugged at her towel a little, hoping she would change her mind and enjoy his company to the absolute fullest. “You could lay back on your bed, let me eat your pussy until you have an orgasm, then I’ll drop you off feeling completely refreshed.” 
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“Jake!” Her hand swatting his at the end of her towel came abruptly, much like the heat that rushed to her cheeks and between her legs at his vulgar offer. “Not saying anything requires you to keep your mouth shut and we both know you can’t do that long enough to actually keep a secret.” If he didn’t outright brag about getting down and dirty with her, he implied it with looks that weren’t at all subtle.
“We can’t.” She hoped that by saying those words and slamming her knees shut under her towel that they would convince him. But actually believing it would deter him, would mean she didn’t really know him at all. Jake wouldn’t keep trying until she ultimately gave in and admittedly, the thought was tempting. Sure, she wished it was Tyler’s face buried between her legs and not Jake’s but, beggers can’t be choosers. And, according to his actions recently... Tyler didn’t want her but, Jake did.
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wildcherie · 2 years
At the sound of Rachel’s name, Tyler couldn’t help but roll his eyes. He didn’t mean to come across as ungrateful, but Rachel wasn’t his mother. She was just another charity. That wasn’t the truth, she wanted Tyler to experience life outside of a prison cell. The McKenzies bought him a car, offered him and his friends trips around the world, and they even put money aside in a savings account for him. But Tyler couldn’t get himself out of his own head. He doubted everything. With good, there’s bad and he wouldn’t let himself enjoy the good before jumping right into the bad. Misery was comfortable. It was familiar. He’d rather be angry than be happy, knowing it can be yanked away at a moment’s notice. 
“Rachel wouldn’t have agreed with me leaving. She would have stopped me. I had to do what I had to do.” Tyler didn’t see any other way out. Rachel wouldn’t let him move into a trailer park with an ex-convict, cancer or not. “Quinn…Look, I respect you. You’re a great father. I really wish… I really wish I could’ve been yours. I think, maybe, then, I would have had a shot.” Tyler didn’t want to cry but he could feel his eyes well with tears, fortunately, he was able to blink them away without them becoming any more noticeable. “But, like, you can’t save me from this. And Rachel— She’ll never let me leave.” It would be against the law for her to allow him to stay with his mother. She’d be forced to report it. “I can’t go back to her. If you really need to know… It’s my mother, okay? My biological mom. She showed up out of the blue. She’s real. She’s real and she’s fucking sick, okay? This might be my only chance to know someone who’s actually related to me.” 
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Like Tyler was with Brooke, Quinn felt protective and one could even say, possessive over Rachel. They had a thing once upon a time. It never went anywhere and she married her high school sweetheart while Quinn knocked up and later married Brooke’s mother, Monica. Times were different then, but those feelings never really went away. So, he personally hated seeing her upset. And that anger only multiplied once Brooke mourned his disappearance, too.
Suddenly, there were two women in Quinn’s life who yearned to have Tyler back. Maybe that’s another reason, Quinn felt inclined to help Tyler out of this mess he created for himself.
“You’re ....what?” There was no need to repeat it. Granted, Tyler did elaborate. His biological mother resurfaced, only to draw him back into her. Quinn can’t say he understood. No one can. Not even Rachel, and not even Brooke. They don’t know what it’s like to be a foster child, to yearn for some kind of biological connection to someone even if it’s unhealthy and even if there are significant risks involved.
“Huh.” It takes him another stretched moment of silence to piece the information together and ruminate on a possible solution. One where, everybody sort of wins.
“Here’s what we’re going to do. You’re not going to tell anyone else about this situation. Especially an adult. They’ll feel inclined to report it. I’ll talk to the McKenzie’s and see if we can work something out. In the meantime, I need you to lay low. Refrain from causing any more trouble but especially in public. I can’t help you if you’re running amuck.”
 “Second,” Quinn paused to turn his blinker on, as he prepared to merge down a street leading him to a new neighborhood that was still in the process of being built. “You’re going to come stay with me for awhile. I’ve got a few extra guest rooms but considering your history with my daughter, I prefer you sleep in the bunk downstairs. Brooke can’t know about any of this. I’ll tell her you’re paying off a debt and it helps if I can keep a close eye on you. Which, isn’t entirely a lie because you do owe me. Construction for the new neighborhood begins every morning starting at 6 AM sharp. You’ll be there, ON TIME, and you’ll do your job. You’ll also go to class. Enrollment ended several weeks ago but, you’ve got the grades and I still have some cash I haven’t blown on you yet, I’m sure they’d be willing to take you late if I make a charitable donation in your name. Lastly, you’ll do all of this and still make time to see your mother on weeknights or weekends during your free time without putting up much of a fight. Because if you don’t, I will see to it you never come near me or my daughter again. Do you understand me? Do we have a deal?”
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wildcherie · 2 years
When Jake woke up, he nearly forgot he was in Brooke’s bedroom, but the pink walls and smell of Chloé Eau de Parfum were enough to remind him of last night’s events with Tyler. His phone was almost dead, too, slammed with hundreds of notifications; recordings from the club fight. Once again, Tyler O’Neill was infamous. Half the internet thought he was complete garbage while the other half wanted to fuck him. Lakewood’s Resident Bad Boy wasn’t the WORSE title to have. 
After stepping out of bed, Jake searched around for Brooke. The smell of breakfast led him to her. “Ow! Yo, retract the claws.” He hisses like an angry cat, making fun of her. Jokes aside, she did leave a nice red mark against his tan skin. He didn’t bother putting a shirt on. Now that Brooke was relatively sober, maybe she’d like to mess around some… 
“Okay, rehearsals, right. Maybe we should shower first? I could wash your hair. You might’ve gotten a little yuck in it. You were pretty out of it last night, boozy.” 
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Leave it to Jake, to make her smile when all Brooke wanted to do was kick, scream and cry her heart out. Or at this very moment... skip dance rehearsal to go get high instead. Anything to take the edge off and relieve the stress, she was currently feeling.
“Are you saying I look gross right now?” The thought never even occurred to her until he said it. But, suddenly Brooke fingered pieces of her hair and had to hold her breath to keep from puking at the sight of spit up wedged between the strands. How had she missed this? “Ew, I do need a shower.” But, before Jake could get any ideas - Brooke placed a hand on his chest to stop him from following her. “But I think I can handle this one on my own, fabio. I’ll be quick. Don’t go snooping through my things while I’m gone.” She knew him, and she knew he couldn’t resist even with the little death glare she shot him before disappearing to go clean herself up.
It was in the shower, Brooke also noticed there was some blood smeared across her boobs, hidden behind the cups of her bra from last night. It must’ve been Rhys’ after Tyler pummeled him. Either way, Brooke scrubbed away the evidence and any lingering dismay last night had brought her.
Thirty minutes later, she resurfaced in only a towel. “I thought I said no snooping.” Caught literally red handed with a pair of scarlet-red lace in his hand, Brooke snatched her panties back and stuffed them in her drawer. “Close your eyes or turn around the other way, I have to get dressed.” It wasn’t anything Jake hadn’t seen before. She didn’t say as much to him just yet but Tyler was there when Stavo tried blackmailing her with a set of nudes Brooke had explicitly sent to Jake a couple weeks ago. Tyler, didn’t have to but he made them go away during his initial visit and threatened to end Stavo’s life should he show his face anywhere near her again. After what happened to Rhys last night, Brooke believed him and held no interest in testing the theory further. Or risking Jake’s good looks on top of it. “Please, Jake.”
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wildcherie · 2 years
Tyler wasn’t proud of his actions, therefore he was having a hard time feeling any form of relief when he was bailed out by Quinn. In a sense, he thought he deserved to be punished. “I know what you’re going to say.” Tyler sighed, slipping into the passenger seat with nothing but a look of guilt and shame. “You probably don’t want me around your family anymore and I understand that. I’m a fuck up. I fuck up. It’s… It’s always the same. An apology won’t matter.” Tyler was trying to be real about the situation. He could say ‘thank you,’ and ‘i’m sorry,’ but what would it matter? Actions speak louder than words and his actions have been horrible. 
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“Actually, I was going to tell you you look like shit.” Tyler reminded Quinn a lot of himself at his age. Although, in reality he was a mix of both: him and Myles. The two got themselves into a lot of shit growing up. They stole cars, smoked a buttload of drugs, had casual sex with anyone they could get their hands on. In a way, Quinn envied Tyler. He missed that time of his life and still occasionally tried reliving it. Even forty years too late. “Buckle up. We don’t need you getting a ticket on top of everything else.”
As soon as they left the precinct, Quinn got on his phone and ordered Brooke breakfast. By the sound of her voicemail last night, his only daughter would be hung over and in need of some carbs.
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“You don’t need me to tell you what happened last night can never happen again. Not if you plan on sticking around this time. You had both Rachel and my daughter in tears after you left. Where the hell have you been, huh? You couldn’t pick up a phone and let your foster family know you weren’t lying dead in a ditch somewhere? What the fuck’s the matter with you?” Quinn shook his head. Flabbergasted, they even needed to have this conversation.
“If you want my help, and deep down I think you do, you’re gonna tell me what’s going on right now. Or I promise you kid, I’ll call up my lawyer and throw your ass back in jail where you belong.” They both knew, Quinn didn’t mean it like that. He never gave Tyler the impression that he was worthless. Since he came to Lakewood, Quinn was a persistent advocate for the young man. He saw potential in him when nobody else did. But, if he had no desire to get his life together then, there wasn’t much Quinn could do about it. You can’t make people want to better themselves, they have to want it on their own.
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wildcherie · 2 years
closed starter for @tuserfox​ + jake fitzgerald
It didn’t take long for the two of them to eventually fall asleep. Brooke had been both physically and mentally drained from the previous night’s events that, she immediately crashed the second her head hit the pillow, only to wake up the next morning to find Jake snoring in her bed. Shirtless. But, with his pants still on.
Wiping the grogginess from her eyes, Brooke quietly snuck out of bed and into the kitchen where breakfast was already waiting. Quinn called it in and had it delivered just under an hour ago, while he and Tyler took a long drive elsewhere.
On the table, wedged between a stack of pancakes and fresh fruit was a note.
It read: Sorry I missed your call last night, kitten. I was all tied up. Took a drive this morning with a friend, we should be back home in time for lunch. Have a good day. Love U. - Dad.
Brooke crumpled the note and immediately whipped her head around when she heard the shuffling of someone’s footsteps behind her. “God dammit Jake! Don’t sneak up on me like that.” Using her left  hand, Brooke slapped Jake’s chest. “Daddy bought us breakfast. Help yourself, because I can’t eat.” She was still too stressed and worried about Tyler, that she had no appetite. “Afterwards, can you give me a lift to the studio? We have rehearsals today and Raquel will kill me if I’m late.”
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wildcherie · 2 years
closed starter for @tuserfox​ + tyler o’neill
It took roughly six hours for Quinn to get the call and when he finally did, he slipped out of his recent fling’s home just in time to make it to the precinct right as his lawyer and his accountant posted Tyler’s bail.
Quinn was outside waiting in his Mercedes when Tyler emerged from his jail cell and was uncuffed in the parking lot. “Get in, son. We need to talk.”
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wildcherie · 2 years
While Jake was driving Brooke back home, Tyler was being ushered into a jail cell by two policemen making a mockery of the whole thing. “Pretty boy like you will have a fun time in here,” One of the officers said while the other laughed. “According to his record, he must be into that. This idiot is a repeat offender. No contacts are listed for family or relatives either.” Quinn bailed him out of many stints over the years, but his name was always left off the forms due to his reputable position as the town’s beloved mayor. The McKenzies weren’t listed either; Quinn did his best to keep them out of it knowing if they caught wind of Tyler’s penchant for trouble, he’d be kicked out. 
As the cell door clinked shut and the officers walked off, Tyler sat on a cot and pressed his back against the wall, wondering how he could let himself lose his cool like that. There was something really, really wrong with him and no one ever cared enough to help him figure it out. They just labeled him a bad person and a troublemaker. If anyone actually gave a shit they would make him talk to a therapist, or put him on some type of mood stabilizer. It was the stress, the loneliness, and the sacrifices he has to make. He wanted to be normal; to have a normal person’s life, but he couldn’t. He had to take care of his sick mother, who he hasn’t seen since birth, and he had to leave Brooke behind, the only person he ever cared about. Now she was heading down a dangerous path because of him. 
Meanwhile, Rhys slipped into a coma at the hospital, and the doctors were waiting for him to wake up to question him. They had part of the story from social media, but they didn’t know what started the fight and Tyler wouldn’t say. He was protecting Brooke. 
“Of course I’ll stay.” Jake was a manipulative liar with no impulse control, but when it came to Brooke, he respected her. She was drunk and depressed, he wasn’t going to take advantage of the situation by slipping a hand up her shirt or tempting her into a night of comfort sex — no matter how tempting that was. Instead, he slipped beneath the covers and let her lay her head on his chest, the same way they did when they were growing up as best friends, spending countless nights in their treehouse. “Everything is going to be okay. I promise.” He whispered while stroking her hair. It was a gesture that always seemed to help. Jake got it from his mother who used to soothe Brooke to sleep on the nights her parents would fight. 
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wildcherie · 2 years
If Tyler could hear Brooke, she would have been able to calm him down. She was always the light to his darkness, and after he skipped town to live with his biological mother, his sun was gone. On the other side of Lakewood, Tyler relapsed into all of his ugliest vices; drugs, alcohol, and promiscuous sex. He hated himself for leaving Brooke and the only way to deal with that overwhelming, soul-crushing grief was to become the worst version of himself so he wouldn’t get cold feet and run back to her in the middle of the night. The disgust he harbored for himself was enough to keep him at bay for an entire year. But, after a viral post of Brooke partying showed up on his feed, he knew he had to return home to keep her from going over the edge. It was okay for him to destroy himself, but he couldn’t sleep knowing his absence might have been contributing to Brooke’s reckless debauchery. 
Only seconds passed by, but they felt like minutes. Tyler was standing over Rhys with his shirt balled in his fist, punching him in the face until he was dragged away by two burly security guards and tased to the floor. Jake couldn’t make it over to him in time before the crowd was broken up by the police running in, with an ambulance not far behind. “I’m sorry, Brooke, there’s nothing I can do.” Jake shouted over the commotion before grabbing her hand and pulling her away from the chaos. They had to get out of there before they were arrested too. The club was amped up on drugs and adrenaline and authority was being challenged while soon-to-be viral videos were being filmed and posted. Being seen here, amongst the pandemonium,  would ruin their chances at a bright future, and their prominent families’ reputations would be publicly shamed. 
Once Jake nearly forced Brooke out of the club so she wouldn’t get caught on video, he placed his hands on her shoulders to calm her fight-or-flight response. “Hey, hey— He’ll be okay. Just call your dad or something. But we can’t be seen in there. Your dad’s the fucking mayor and my mom would disown me.” Despite his lifelong crush on Brooke, Jake could put his jealousy aside. The heart wants what it wants and unfortunately, hers didn’t want him. Instead of sabotaging her out of spite, he wanted to protect her. Even if that meant helping Tyler out. “Come on, get in the truck, I’ll take you home. We’ll figure it out. I won’t leave your side.” 
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As much as she didn’t want to leave the only guy she’d ever truly loved behind, Jake was right. Their presence would only cause more issues if they stayed. Therefore, she reluctantly climbed into Jake’s truck when the time eventually came and he offered her a ride home.
The whole way, Brooke said nothing. She was too busy trying to make sense of what the hell just happened. But, the more she tried, the more confused she got. At which point her stomach began to feel queasy and she was ninety-nine percent positive she was going to hurl. The second Jake’s truck came to a full stop in her driveway, Brooke wasted no time in hobbling out, wobbling her half drunk ass to her bathroom where she relinquished her frustrations out on her toilet while Jake stumbled in after her on the other side of the door.
She emerged a few moments later and crossed her legs indian style next to Jake on her bed. “I should probably call my dad.” Though, she’d been dreading it. Because along with her pleas for help, came questions and a possible grounding when he realized where she was when all this took place.
After dialing Quinn’s number, Brooke put the phone to her ear and basically poured her heart out to his voicemail, pleading with him to spare Tyler, to not only save him from himself but from the legal trouble he no doubt got himself in. After all that, all Brooke could do was wait. Last she heard, Quinn was out on a business meeting and Brooke knew that was code for a date.
“Would you---” she stopped herself, to wipe the tears under her eyes with her sleeve and bite her trembling lip. It was selfish of her to even ask, knowing full well how he felt about her and how she often took advantage of it. But, right now the last thing she could handle was being left alone. Who knows what she would get up to if that happened. “It’s okay if you can’t, I’ll understand. It’s just... I don’t know when daddy will be home and I don’t like being here alone.” The silence was deafening. Her three story mansion rarely felt like a home. “Could you stay with me tonight?” She stopped crying long enough to look up at him with soft doe eyes. “I can put on a movie and we can watch it until we fall asleep like we used to.” Before society, before hormones, before jealousy, and before high school told them they couldn’t be just friends.
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wildcherie · 2 years
Or what. Brooke’s words cut through him, slicing up his insides, and reminding him of his time in foster care and juvie when others would challenge his spunk. Tyler wasn’t the type to back down, not even to Brooke, who he was wholeheartedly in love with. Yet his actions this past year were contradictory. He left town, fucked around, and all but forgot about his relationship with Brooke. 
What are you gonna do if I don’t? Tyler had a few ideas. He could grab her by the face and kiss her in front of everyone, or he could turn his frustration toward Rhys and beat the shit out of him for making out with her. As toxic as it is, Tyler didn’t want anyone to have the privilege of knowing what her body felt like when she’s all hot and horny. He was possessive. She was supposed to be his. Brooke was the only thing, the only person, that made him feel like he was worth something more than a government paycheck. That was all his foster parents ever cared about. He was part of a scam. They were just cheating the system; cashing out at the expense of lost boys and girls. But Brooke made him feel like he had a home, a family, and that was more terrifying than anything he could ever imagine. Because once you have those things you can lose them. 
“I care because this guy doesn’t deserve you.” To be fair, no one did. But he would feel a lot better if she was with someone who loved her, not someone who wanted to fuck her in a bathroom stall at a nightclub. “I left because things were fucked up. And I just keep fucking up. But you’re better than me. You don’t have to do this.” Tyler reached out to hold her hand but Rhys beat him to it and laced his fingers with hers. “Hey, fuck this guy. I got weed in my van. Let’s go.” Rhys meant well, but Tyler couldn’t control the way his switch flipped. Nothing but anger and resentment clouded his mind and before he could talk himself down, he swung a closed fist at Rhys and knocked him back. 
Rhys hadn’t been punched in the face since grade school, believe it or not, and when he felt Tyler’s fist collide with his cheek, his bones rattled, and he nearly blacked out from the pain. And in old-school Tyler fashion, the viper didn’t strike once and retreat, he threw another punch, and another, and another… 
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I care because this guy doesn’t deserve you. His explanation, as frustrating and insane as it was, stunned Brooke into silence. She didn’t know what to say. IF there was anything to say at all. Who DID deserve her, then? Tyler? Because he sure as hell didn’t act like it. He had her and the first chance he got, he ran. Far as the eye could see it, he threw her away. Brooke had to stomach the fact that she wasn’t good enough. She tried to understand him, to support him, to love him. And where did it ever get her? Nowhere.
“I ---” Rhys cut her off, insisting they pick up where they left off someplace else. The offer sounded promising a few minutes ago but the heat left Brooke’s body the second Tyler entered the picture. Her arousal fled the moment Rhys opened his mouth again. Something inside of her curled at the thought of anyone disrespecting Tyler. It was one thing for Brooke to challenge his authority. But, it was a whole other when someone else was doing it. She was still very protective of him in that way.
As a result, she wriggled her hand free from Rhys’ grip, just in time to barely move away before fists went flying. Her instincts saved her from being on the receiving end of Tyler’s blow. He wasn’t aiming for her but, by standing so close she could’ve easily become collateral damage. “Tyler, STOP IT!” Her screams could barely be heard over the chaos that ensued. Brooke’s tiny frame was pushed off to the side by unfamiliar bodies that crowded around in hopes of getting the perfect shot of the fight that broke out. Suddenly, it became all about getting the best angle for their tiktoks, with Brooke’s well being a last thought. She yelled for Tyler a few more times after that, until her words were broken up by the onslaught of tears that streamed down her face. She wasn’t worried so much about him getting hurt as she was of him hurting Rhys and later regretting the consequences. Because no doubt, would their be legal repercussions should Tyler do irreparable damage to some loser’s face.
In the midst of trying to get her footing, Brooke inevitably clashed with another body and was relieved to see Jake, who she’d disbanded from earlier on in the night. “Jake, you have to help me. He’s going to get himself in trouble.” She was referring to Tyler who she couldn’t see anymore beyond the crowd. And she couldn’t hear beyond the shouting as two big security guards charged through the mob, trying to put an end to the brawl and arrest the culprits.
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wildcherie · 2 years
For only a second, Rhys looked away to follow Brooke’s backward glance at some brooding guy standing in the corner. Tyler looked intimidating in the darkness, the club light flickering across his glowering expression as he took them both in like a lion preparing to pounce. Brooke’s sultry whisper was enough to pull Rhys right back into her like a sailor to a siren. Without a verbal response, he leaned forward and captured her lips with an eager kiss. The heat between them somehow grew even hotter and he forgot they were standing in the middle of a public room when he reached for her ass, pulling her against his hardness. He ground himself into her, encouraging her to feel how stiff she was making him. 
“We should…” he pants against her lips in between an open-mouth kiss, “Go somewhere private?” Punctuating the question with a teasing roll of his tongue, Tyler couldn’t handle another second and marched over with his left hand closed in a fist. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Brooke?” When Rhys’s mouth opened to say something, Tyler turned to him with a glare and his face turned to stone. A part of Rhys wondered if he could take him, but somewhere, beyond the drugs and the temptation, he knew Tyler would most likely pummel him. “Walk away from this, right now.” He spoke to Brooke, giving her one last chance to end this revenge. 
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Even Brooke knew she was playing with fire, and in the end the only one likely to get burned would be her. But, the images of Tyler and Ronnie playing on a loop inside her head propelled her to keep going, to keep pushing the bar to see how far she could nudge it. Her ploy proved successful when the dry humping and heavy make out session finally came to a halt, interrupted by no one other than Tyler himself -- who embodied a green-eyed monster, with little specks of fiery hazel.
Instinctively, Brooke declawed Rhys long enough to turn towards the voice. Which, even up close was as sexy and as intimidating as ever. She couldn’t help but mirror Ronnie’s smirk across the room, knowing full well her scheme had worked in her favor. Yet, it wasn’t enough. The scales still felt uneven somehow. Tyler had up and vanished, left her without a trace or even a goodbye and then resurfaced only to bury his face in between the breasts of her best friend. How was that fair? As vindictive as she felt, she should’ve carried on, took Rhys by the hand and led both him and Tyler to a bedroom. Let Tyler watch as she mounted the first dick she could get her hands on. But, even as pissed and as heartbroken as she was, screwing someone else wouldn’t make her feel any better. In fact, she’d only feel worse.
“Or what?” she challenged him, disbanding from Rhys’ grip to cross her arms over her chest and go toe to toe with the one person who knew precisely how to cut her where it hurts. “What are you gonna do if I don’t?” It was a rhetorical question, because she wasn’t actually looking for an answer. She was being stubborn and defiant. “Why do you care if I screw someone else now? That didn’t stop you.” Brooke knew there was Ronnie but how many others had he messed with since leaving town?
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wildcherie · 2 years
Rhys may have appeared cool on the outside, but on the inside he was a bundle of wrecked nerves and lust. Brooke was an intimidating woman. There weren’t many girls who were this confident while seemingly sober and in control. As she ground herself against his pelvis, his arousal intensified, causing multiple waves of heat. In the dark, scarcely-lit club, he bobbed to the music, staring into her eyes and then at the glisten of sweat across her breasts as his fingers settle bellow them. 
“It’s a deal. I’ll do whatever you want and make anyone you want believe it.”  The song slowly faded into the next and he decided to take the lead. His hands moved higher and slid over her boobs, caressing them with a pleasurable tenderness that let him savor the feeling. He took his time memorizing their shape, their softness, and how heavy they felt in his palms. Whoever she was trying to piss off would be hellbent, but he didn’t care. Rhys would take an ass-beating for this goddess, who was making him so fucking hard. “I don’t care if you’re from heaven or hell, I want you.” 
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Whether it was the song changing in the background or the feel of unfamiliar hands across goosebumped skin, something in Brooke’s stomach felt heavy and uneasy. She attempted to drown it out though, tempting fate and fanning the flames of whatever fire was brewing between them by pressing her chest into the palms of Rhys’ hands. “If that’s the case, then prove it. Kiss me.” She licked her lips, glanced over his shoulder and then practically threw herself onto his lips, cupping his jaw to deepen the kiss just as the tempo picked up.
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Baby, I wanna touch you, I wanna breathe into your well See I gotta haunt you, I gotta bring you to my hell Baby, I wanna fuck you, I wanna feel you in my bones I'm gonna love you, I'm gonna tear into your soul I'm gonna fuck-
Just as the lyrics hinted to tearing at his soul, Brooke fisted Rhys’ shirt and parted her lips to allow room for their tongues to dance. All the while, she zoned out to who was left watching..... Tyler, Jake..... and Ronnie who just entered with a smirk.
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wildcherie · 2 years
“I don’t know.” Luke didn’t think it was up to them to decide how real or unreal Brody and Sutton’s relationship was. They looked happy enough. They were always hanging onto each other and full of smiles and laughter. It was like they shared this big secret with each other that no one else would ever find out. It made them look suspicious but at the same time maybe that was just jealousy.  “Well, they’re out on the slopes right now…” Brody was giving Sutton ski lessons, according to the TikTok they posted 10 minutes ago. “Wanna pull their luggage out of their room and steal the master?”
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Childish as it was, Luke’s suggestion did give Billie an idea. “I’ve got something better in mind, follow me.” Taking her boyfriend’s hand, Billie dragged Luke with her into Sutton and Brody’s room. They probably had an hour or two tops before the couple returned. “You know how we’ve been trying really hard to make a baby lately?” From counting her cycle like clockwork, to routinely having sex on the dot, to investing in all sorts of ovulation techniques... none of it was effective. Maybe, they needed to put the idea on the back burner and go back to having fun. Besides, you only get to live in your late twenties once. “We should screw in their bed.” Touching the outskirts of Luke’s belt, Billie lets her fingers dance over his crotch where she knows he’s getting hard. “I know where Sutton keeps her nipple clamps. If you impress me, maybe I’ll let you use them on me.”
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wildcherie · 2 years
spotify meme starter: draven & sam: @wildcherie​
#44. scream by erisu.
Timothy Draven had been obsessed with comics and serial killers since birth. His father was a major influence in his affinity for all things dark and gory. They bonded over horror movies and supervillains. It was innocent at first but then his father got arrested for an armed robbery and killed in prison during a fight. Tim’s interest in horror began to darken and then he ditched his first name and started going by “Draven” to be closer to his dad who’d been going by his surname since high school. Around this time, he met Tara —the sister to Billy Loomis’  daughter Samantha. Draven became obsessed with the Woodsboro story and began using Tara to get closer to Sam. “I gotta say, you don’t look shit like your father, but I heard you stab like him.” 
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Ever since Sam went head to head with ghostface, her family’s legacy only got more and more out of control. Hers and her sister’s faces were plastered all over TV, the news, and hundreds of YouTube channels. She couldn’t walk into a store, or sometimes down the street, without someone recognizing her. That’s why, the second they could - Sam and Tara got a place in New York and were staying with distant relatives over the summer, away from Woodsboro, until they came up with a better, more long term plan. “Is that your way of asking me to kill you?” Because any time anyone brought up Billy, that was Sam’s knee jerk reaction. She couldn’t help but wonder if that was normal or something primal and hereditary.
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wildcherie · 2 years
A cold wintry chill shivers down Tyler’s spine, incapacitating him from speaking another word. She was right— He fucked up. And if the tables were turned, he wouldn’t have forgiven her either. But justifying her anger didn’t make him feel any better. If anything, it made him feel worse. 
Choked up, all of his emotions were left in his eyes: a dark forest of hazel, blinking solemnly as he watches her. These kinds of games were not his favorite. He played them with Nina, and Brooke played them with Jake. This wasn’t supposed to be their life. They were supposed to be better. 
With a beer in his hand, he stood in a corner of the room, watching her approach some tattooed skater boy with bleached hair. “Yeah?” Rhys turned toward her with a mixture of confusion and intrigue. “Why wouldn’t it be convincing?” He slid a hand around her waist and pulled her closer. She was by far the hottest girl he’s ever laid eyes on and that made him incredibly nervous. Girls like her don’t usually approach guys like him. 
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“You’re so fucking hot.” Holding her close, he moved his hips against hers to the sound of club music. “Closer,” he whispers in her ear, “—where exactly would you let me touch you?” 
Unlike her prey, Brooke held no interest in Rhys. Other than, he was someone for her to flirt with to make her ex-something (in this case: Tyler) jealous. For Brooke, dancing with a complete stranger was a simple means to an end. A stepping stone to get to where she wanted to be... which was on top. She’d be damned if she let Tyler and Ronnie get the best of her.
With her new plaything’s hands on her waist, Brooke turned towards Rhys and cupped her hands behind the back of his head, making room for one of his legs to slip between hers as they ground on each other in the middle of the dancefloor. “Wherever you want,” Brooke responds in a kittenish whisper. Just before her hands take his and she helps guide them further up her waist, over her ribcage and directly below the curves of her breasts. She couldn’t help but, wonder how Tyler would feel if she let Rhys touch them. It’s been so long since Brooke had allowed herself to be touched in that way. Her interest in guys dwindled the moment Tyler left because no one else could compare to their chemistry.
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wildcherie · 2 years
christmas starter for @wildcherie​ / stu macher 
Jake was excited about the holidays. His parents were back home for the holidays, snow found its way onto the ground, and wrapped presents were brimming beneath the Fitzgerald Christmas tree. His mother wasn’t very happy to find out that Stu had been crashing at their house though, or the fact that he doesn’t know how to sit properly on the couch, or own a pair of socks without holes in them. “Yo, check it out, dick breath.” Jake sprinted into the living room and stood in front of Stu, modeling his new accessory. On his belt was a mistletoe charm sitting just above his groin. “Was this not a brilliant idea?” 
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there’s a reason they’re friends. even if they are from opposite sides of the tracks, and even if everyone else in jake’s life hated stu’s guts. but times like these... he had to wonder, with mistletoe dangling in front of jake’s dick and thrusted into his face whilst laying on the other’s couch. a place he’s slept for the past few days as he waited out the dramaggedon waiting for him at home. “i thought last year’s attempt was more subtle.” jake invested in one of those belts that displayed whatever text you wanted in the buckle. at least 10 girls were asked to suck jake’s candy cane. and brooke, of course, thought it was atrocious. she might’ve saved them all that day. “get your small dick out of my face.” stu wacks his best friend in the groin with the back of his hand. he could talk shit all he wants but it’s no secret to anyone but him that, he’s had a major hard on for jake for the last two or three years.
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