wiener-warrior · 3 days
"Hello.. Adam."
~ @michael-the-morningstar
🎸Oh, fuckin’…hi, Michael…..uhh….sup?🎸
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wiener-warrior · 5 days
🎸Because I’m lazy🎸
Another fucking Adam??..great
🎸WOAH, gurl! You are FLAT! Deadass lookin like an ironing board🎸
🎸I JUST got here?! What did I do, and who are you?!🎸
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wiener-warrior · 5 days
🎸Correction, Luci stole my wives plural. And, like, which fucking daughter? I assume Charlie, but like…I really more so embarrassed my fucking self that day. Also, I don’t do the manslaughter thing anymore, and it really fucking seemed like that’s what you were implying. And if ANYONE ruined my life, it was the tiny maid.🎸
Another fucking Adam??..great
🎸WOAH, gurl! You are FLAT! Deadass lookin like an ironing board🎸
🎸I JUST got here?! What did I do, and who are you?!🎸
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wiener-warrior · 6 days
🎸Hmm, NO! I’m actually quite fucking fond of Luci’, and am neutral on MOST of his spawn. And I’m pretty sure Vaggie could kill me in five seconds flat, something I would call hot as fuck if she wasn’t a lesbian during pride month.🎸
Another fucking Adam??..great
🎸WOAH, gurl! You are FLAT! Deadass lookin like an ironing board🎸
🎸I JUST got here?! What did I do, and who are you?!🎸
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wiener-warrior · 6 days
🎸Hmm, well, what does this “revenge” imply?🎸
Another fucking Adam??..great
🎸WOAH, gurl! You are FLAT! Deadass lookin like an ironing board🎸
🎸I JUST got here?! What did I do, and who are you?!🎸
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wiener-warrior · 7 days
🎸I AM A HOTEL BITCH….okay, I’m not “a bitch”, BUT MY POINT STANDS!🎸
Another fucking Adam??..great
🎸WOAH, gurl! You are FLAT! Deadass lookin like an ironing board🎸
🎸I JUST got here?! What did I do, and who are you?!🎸
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wiener-warrior · 7 days
🎸Well I am🎸
🎸What offer? I’m listening🎸
Another fucking Adam??..great
🎸WOAH, gurl! You are FLAT! Deadass lookin like an ironing board🎸
🎸I JUST got here?! What did I do, and who are you?!🎸
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wiener-warrior · 8 days
Does she have your stamp of approval as the First Woman and Mother of Humanity?
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🎸Hot as fuck. I approve.🎸
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wiener-warrior · 8 days
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What the fuck is this
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🎸That did NOT happen🎸
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wiener-warrior · 8 days
Adam do you think the way things happened in Eden had an effect on you as a person today?
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wiener-warrior · 8 days
Adam! I decided to do a loose sketch of what I thought you would look like in Eden as a woman. Do you wanna see her?
🎸I better look hot.🎸
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wiener-warrior · 8 days
Another fucking Adam??..great
🎸WOAH, gurl! You are FLAT! Deadass lookin like an ironing board🎸
🎸I JUST got here?! What did I do, and who are you?!🎸
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wiener-warrior · 9 days
🎸Yup, you got it, bro.🎸
*Archangel Michelle lands next to Adam*
Hey, buddy, old pal, have you seen my nephew? About six feet tall? Red and green hair? Son of Lucifer?
( @ask-the-archs )
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🎸Oh, Holy shi—🎸
🎸Uh, MJ, yeah…he ran off just a few minutes ago. Said he wanted me to hide him from his family.🎸
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wiener-warrior · 9 days
🎸The Hazbin Hotel, his bio daughter made it🎸
*Archangel Michelle lands next to Adam*
Hey, buddy, old pal, have you seen my nephew? About six feet tall? Red and green hair? Son of Lucifer?
( @ask-the-archs )
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🎸Oh, Holy shi—🎸
🎸Uh, MJ, yeah…he ran off just a few minutes ago. Said he wanted me to hide him from his family.🎸
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wiener-warrior · 9 days
🎸The hotel🎸
*Archangel Michelle lands next to Adam*
Hey, buddy, old pal, have you seen my nephew? About six feet tall? Red and green hair? Son of Lucifer?
( @ask-the-archs )
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🎸Oh, Holy shi—🎸
🎸Uh, MJ, yeah…he ran off just a few minutes ago. Said he wanted me to hide him from his family.🎸
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wiener-warrior · 9 days
🎸Oh, yeah, that too. Total bummer, feel bad for Luce🎸
*Archangel Michelle lands next to Adam*
Hey, buddy, old pal, have you seen my nephew? About six feet tall? Red and green hair? Son of Lucifer?
( @ask-the-archs )
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🎸Oh, Holy shi—🎸
🎸Uh, MJ, yeah…he ran off just a few minutes ago. Said he wanted me to hide him from his family.🎸
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wiener-warrior · 9 days
🎸Buddy, I just got here. I don’t know much! I know Luci’s tried to no no alive at least twice, I know his fiancé is dead, and that’s about it.🎸
*Archangel Michelle lands next to Adam*
Hey, buddy, old pal, have you seen my nephew? About six feet tall? Red and green hair? Son of Lucifer?
( @ask-the-archs )
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🎸Oh, Holy shi—🎸
🎸Uh, MJ, yeah…he ran off just a few minutes ago. Said he wanted me to hide him from his family.🎸
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