widogastontask · 1 year
I know it’s just a function of the level up to Level 10, but narratively I think this is a fascinating time for FCG to have gained access to Divine Intervention: he’s been exploring his faith, he’s just had a few moments of close connection with the Changebringer before accepting a mission of faith on her behalf, and now there’s the chance that she might intercede for him. I don’t know that I have a broader point here, I just think it could be a really cool character moment for FCG and I’m excited to see what happens with it.
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widogastontask · 1 year
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Imogen after burning down Ludinus's tower
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widogastontask · 1 year
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@.ramsiegel: Squad minus one.
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widogastontask · 1 year
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widogastontask · 1 year
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Patia Por'co, the Keeper of Scrolls, Archmage of the Librarium Incantatum
The embodiment of Perfection.
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widogastontask · 1 year
what d&d spell do you wish you could use in real life and why is it prestidigitation?
No. No, listen. Listen to me. Shut up about 'fireball'. If you're really that interested in arson, download the anarchists cookbook, coward. And shut up about teleportation, none of us asocial inside kids is prepared to deal with the consequences of a mishap, which will DEF happen if you use it frequently.
You know what has no chance of mishap and all chances of convenience? Prestidigi-fucking-tation.
Do you hate doing dishes? Poof. Every dish in a 5 foot cube is now clean. Even if you hardlined the rules as only applying to individual objects, less than 6 seconds to clean your curry tupper ware without getting those weird stains on it is worth it. never have to run a dish washer, never be without your favourite mug. And that's just dishes.
Hate laundry? Boom. You can just clean your clothes immediately after taking them off at night. Hate putting on your fitted sheet? Boom. Don't even take it off the bed. Your sink? Bathtub? Toilet? all of these things can be cleaned instantly and without needing any electricity and water guzzling machines. You can even do it on the go- stained your shirt? No you didn't. Sweat through your shirt? No the fuck you didn't. When you have prestidigitation, you are perpetually impeccable.
But wait, there's more! Prestidigitation doesn't just clean! Did your tea go cold? Boom, heat it up. Forget to put your wine in the fridge? Boom, now it's cold. Do you hate how water tastes? Boom- now it tastes like whatever you like. You will never again be forced to suffer a taste you don't enjoy with this one neat trick, because prestidigitation is technically like 5 tricks rolled into one convenient spell that is both practical and flashy.
Light candles with a snap of your fingers for dramatic effect! Conjure scissors from thin air! Create ominous whispers to follow you as you walk past your enemies! Leave a message on the wall that looks like dripping blood to remind your spouse to give the dog it's pills! Make an illusion of what haircut you want at the salon! and do all of that as many times as you want because we are cooking with cantrips baybe! You can even have multiple effects running simultaneously! The possibilities are as endless as the time, money, and frustration it will save you!
No other spell will give you more bang for your buck than prestidigitation. It is The spell, and every day it continues to be not real is a day I weep. I want this. YOU want this.
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widogastontask · 1 year
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Thank you Liam Obrien for this flawed, wonderful, silly wizard! Learned a lot about animation, now time to sleep! (ᴗ˳ᴗ)…zzzZZZ
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widogastontask · 2 years
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Bell's Hells, there's a journey ahead Happy 8 Years
Print Available
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widogastontask · 2 years
BACK to prison? was he IN prison previously??
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widogastontask · 2 years
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I’m sorry, I had to.
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widogastontask · 2 years
I realise that this would not be an ending to everyone’s tastes, but I would die happy if the net result of this entire moon venture is (obviously) the defeat and humiliation of Ludinus Da’leth by Bells Hells/the empire siblings (while foiling his evil plot) BUT ALSO if Vax, his divinity stripped from him, is ejected from the machine, falling at Keyleth’s feet as a mortal again, free to live his happy days in the sun with her as he so desperately wished all along.
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widogastontask · 2 years
Laudna not accepting Ashton’s apology when they they tried to be like “yeah sorry I was super drunk and said dumb shit and also remember nothing” is so great because her response of “bullshit you remember it all and it’s a good thing now please go talk to Orym about the hishari” does three things:
A) it doesn’t allow Ashton to pretend what they said wasn’t absolutely true,
B) encourages him to start trying for the things he wants because he deserves good things and
C) reinforces that Ashton does not need to apologize because he did nothing wrong
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widogastontask · 2 years
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Some self-indulgent lineart because sometimes you just have to draw whatever you want for yourself and not worry if it’s finished or not.
Definitely not because I’ve been feeling quite touch starved lately and I’m projecting that onto these wizards.
Might come back to this later to finish it, though. 🧡 💜
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widogastontask · 2 years
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Punchable (complimentary)
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widogastontask · 2 years
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I haven't opened up in a while. This group is strange that way. Didn't go well last time, we'll see how it goes this time. Although, y'know, may not matter in a couple weeks. Maybe in these last couple weeks, we can both work on affording ourselves a little bit of forgiveness.
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widogastontask · 2 years
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widogastontask · 2 years
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