une femme adephagienne
6K posts
early 30s ~ she/her ~ feedee ~ lesbian ~ Minors dni ~ CW 186 GW 300
Last active 60 minutes ago
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wickerfemme · 2 hours ago
hiiiii i love your blog and looove your style esp skirts! i myself love my fitted skirt but just recently outgrew it >_< which is great except now i need to find new skirts... i was just wondering where you find skirts for bigger women!! and what kinda search terms you use to find different kinds of skirts you like. thanks so much <3
Aw, thank you!! I know all too well the highs and lows of "great! I outgrew a skirt. Now what?". It's fun and flirty! It's frustrating!
Skirts are actually the garment I have the hardest time with; maybe I'm just choosy, but it's so rare I find one I like even slightly. I mentioned in a reply to another ask recently that I find a lot of skirts and dresses fall too short on me because of my height, and that's a major component of my trouble – I've started getting stuff made to order just so it actually fits me lengthwise, cos I'm so tired of everything only hitting my knees. That's to say: I'm personally in very much a 'where the fuck does a girl find a skirt she doesn't hate' mode almost continually.
You mention outgrowing a fitted skirt, which really isn't my terrain; I like and wear high-waist a-line midi-skirts pretty much without variation (my ideal silhouette is a bell with a semicircle balanced on top). I don't have anywhere great to point you for success. When it comes to searching for skirts online, I don't think I have a surefire list of guaranteed terms or anything. I look for something that matches the above description (a-line, midi); I also prefer only to wear linen or good-quality cotton, so I limit my search to those materials. You probably also do this, but I play by the rules of "I can't trust your product if you won't show me what it looks like on a fat person" – similarly, the wider the size range the more confidence I have, even if I don't need anything on the larger end of the range. I also try to keep to stuff made as sustainably and ethically-with-regard-to-labour-conditions as I can, and domestically if possible (partly because of an unfavourable exchange rate).
I probably shouldn't have tried answering this before I woke up 100%; I feel like I'm not saying anything!
Honestly, if you're not already familiar with the, like, tailoring terminology for different cuts of skirt I would start there. That way you're using the actual name of the style you want, and not just attempting to describe the look. From a 'turning up good results in a search engine' perspective, that's also likelier to give you more generally reliable stuff instead of just dropship items where the name of the garment is a soup of SEO keywords.
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wickerfemme · 24 hours ago
Having one of those mornings where I just feel very... full-figured. Very aware of the space I take up.
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wickerfemme · 2 days ago
I love how well you dress when you want to show off your gain. It's obvious when you're naked but being able to show off the size of your tummy through layers of clothes is hardly appreciated. Also I love how full your neck has gotten
omg, thank you! One of my favourite things is when my clothes only make my size more apparent. I had my phase of all my photos showing how small my clothes were getting, and now we're in a (much hotter) place of all my clothes fitting but being, like. fat girl clothes.
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wickerfemme · 3 days ago
Eating too much pasta and drinking cream? Me?
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wickerfemme · 3 days ago
Gotta have a snack so I have the strength to make dinner
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wickerfemme · 3 days ago
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I problem Ive been experiencing recently
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wickerfemme · 3 days ago
i really appreciate your steady, levelheaded approach to weight gain, especially as someone who can’t handle stuffing very well. do you ever get jealous of shorter feedees and how little weight it takes for them to look fatter? how do you deal with that?
Thank you for saying so! I'm still working at finding the balance between 'just eating well' and 'eating to gain', but I just don't have it in me to go all-out with stuffing myself constantly. My body doesn't like it!
I absolutely have that feeling of envy! It's not all that intense a feeling, but I've definitely had the experience of seeing another girl of my exact weight and being all "but she looks fat!". Ultimately, it just comes down for me to keeping perspective: everyone's bodies gain differently, even those of the same height, and it's just not a fair comparison! Besides, I like being tallish; from a gaining perspective it means I have more surface area to cover, but that means that theoretically I could hit the really high numbers in a way that someone shorter couldn't (I'm not really a horny-for-numbers girl, but still. I remember being younger and discovering that someone was like 500 lbs but wore it like she was a hundredsomething pounds lighter because she was also six feet tall, and that left an impression on me). The idea of being tall and fat and overall just a Big Woman is very hot! I love it when a woman is amazonically large!
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wickerfemme · 4 days ago
reblog this to get fatter
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wickerfemme · 4 days ago
It happened again: I spent most of a workday sitting on my ass and now I'm all What If about a much more sedentary lifestyle
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wickerfemme · 4 days ago
If 300 lbs is your current long term goal, do you have any short term goals?
200 lbs by end of lent sounds cute
In the shortest term: move the needle just a little! I've been stuck at my current weight for months, and I'd love to shift that. Medium term: 200 by the end of Lent (gotta get seriously to work on this)
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wickerfemme · 4 days ago
GW 300 looks so good at the top of your bio. . . like yes, ambitous gluttony?? get huge?? add 10, 15, 20 minutes to walks because of how much longer it takes to tote your enormous ass around? maybe you're just sipping cream and eating a lot of pasta, but it all adds up. . . anyways, is there something that excites you most about the idea being very fat and bulging with self-love?
Someone noticed ~❤️
My answer to what excites me about getting really big is... being really big. Like, I'm still 120ish pounds away from that goal and already the feeling of substance that I have compared to when I was thin is just! so good and important to me. Can't wait to really fill out a seat, can't wait to join the ranks of fat women after spending my life thinking dreaminly about how beautiful fat women are. Simple stuff!
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wickerfemme · 4 days ago
How tall are you?
I've answered this before, but who's keeping track? I'm 5'9"ish!
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wickerfemme · 4 days ago
What's the cheekiest work outfit you currently have? 👀🤭
Oooh, this is a hard one. Thinking about this is really making me realise how "professional woman" my wardrobe is. I run really warm, so in the summer I wear more crop tops and shorts (I have none of either that fit right now). During the rest of the year, though?? Um, I have a button-down dress that's a bit snug around the middle and a little short in the skirt (not designed for medium-tall girls!) and really shows off how chubby my knees look. I guess that?
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wickerfemme · 4 days ago
How's your office chair dealing with your increasing size and weight?
Is she starting to feel a little snug and creak every time you shift your weight?
If not, it's only a matter of time 🤭
okay, SO: we're not at 'snug' yet, as much I want to be – there's still another couple of inches to go before my hips start brushing the armrests. I am riding a bit low in the seat now, though; I adjusted my position a bit during a videocall earlier, and I was really taken aback by how what an effect quickly sitting back down had. That particular strained bob up-and-down that happens when a desk chair suddenly has to accommodate a bunch of weight.
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wickerfemme · 4 days ago
It's a big 'admin at my desk' kind of day, if anyone wants to send some cheeky asks for me to answer on the clock~
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wickerfemme · 4 days ago
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my favorite dress is getting a little tight, maybe time to size up? 😬
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wickerfemme · 4 days ago
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Looking cute in the office today, but wouldn't I look cuter with A) a needlessly high-calorie snack, and B) a couple dozen extra pounds on my frame?
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