3K posts
I'm Ross. I'm 20 and I live in Leeds. I have a passion for interior design and gaming. Some of my favourite stuff includes Dangan Ronpa, Attack on Titan, Pokemon, Atlantica Online, Professor Layton, Parks and Recreation and basically anything that Tina Fey and/or Amy Poehler are involved in. If you post any of these regularly I'll probably follow you.. And if you like any of these follow me back! I don't bite so feel free to message me or whatever you do on this site WHICH I DOUBT I'LL EVER FUCKING UNDERSTAND
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
at a horror movie
bf: are you scared?
me: in this economy who wouldn't be
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enemy of the dogspotting community
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dying before your friends and welcoming them to hell like
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when ur friend got big gossip and u gotta prepare yourself
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Baby snakes appreciation post
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Pumpkaboo lamp (with mini Pumpkaboo plush)
It is tiny and cute and runs on batteries. Perfect for use as a night light!
(This lamp is part of the Spooky Party Halloween promotion at Pokemon Centers in Japan.)
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This is like installing Windows on a Mac.
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Do you like Dangan Ronpa? Do you like roleplaying? Do you like friendly community-based forums? Do you like friendly community-based Dangan Ronpa roleplaying forums? 
Have you ever wanted to roleplay as a Dangan Ronpa? Have you ever wondered what you'd be like in the chaotic, despair-filled world of Dangan Ronpa? Have you ever wanted to create your own Dangan Ronpa character completely from scratch, then roleplay with other like-minded people and their original characters too? Ever wanted to make friends with people who like the same stuff as you do through the oddly specific means of Dangan Ronpa-based roleplay?
If you answered yes to any of the above, then do we have a treat in-store for you! You'll probably love to get involved with Trigger Happy Havoc -- which is, as you can guess, a new Dangan Ronpa roleplaying forum!
We've been around for a while, finding our feet, and aiming to solidify our place as a fun, free, friendly roleplay forum that anyone can join.
We've got a good handful of members, but nowhere near as many as we'd like!
We're currently working through our very first Abnormal Day Event - these are our versions of the Class Trials you all know and love, but with a twist. 
Since the setting of Trigger Happy Havoc isn't set at the same time as the canon games, you have a lot more freedom in what you can do, where you can go, and who you can interact with! You won't be stuck with 15 other people in a confined space and forced to kill each other - unless you want to do that! 
There's so much more you can do, and no matter your skill level in descriptive roleplay writing, we'd be honoured to have you join our ranks!
If you have any questions at all, feel free to send me a private message on Tumblr, or find someone in the 24/7 Internet Relay Chatroom (IRC) of our site, which you can find a link to beneath the banner.
My name on the forum is Inverse, and simply Ross in the IRC, and I'm one of the administrators of Trigger Happy Havoc. 
But, hey -- don't just sit here, reading this! If you want more information, take a look at this longer advert I made earlier in the year, which describes a handful of the features we have on our site. Or, like I said before, come on over and introduce yourself! 
Note: If there's nobody active in the IRC, don't give up on us! Check back a while later, and someone ought to be there to help. A majority of us are based in GMT time, although we do have some members located in America, and even Malaysia! If you can't find anyone to talk to in the IRC, by all means, get in contact on here and I'll do my best to help you. 
So, I think that wraps up the basics! Hopefully, we'll see you joining the forum soon, and getting involved in all kinds of crazy hijinks with your characters!
Oh, also - if you're not a fan of Dangan Ronpa, or roleplaying, then we totally understand if you'd rather not join. No biggie! But, if you could reblog and share this around to spread the word, that'd mean the world to us. We're still very small in terms of numbers, and we aim to change that with your help!
Thanks again for reading this huge-ass wall of text. Appreciate it!
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Do you like Dangan Ronpa? Do you like roleplaying? Do you like friendly community-based forums? Do you like friendly community-based Dangan Ronpa roleplaying forums? 
Have you ever wanted to roleplay as a Dangan Ronpa? Have you ever wondered what you’d be like in the chaotic, despair-filled world of Dangan Ronpa? Have you ever wanted to create your own Dangan Ronpa character completely from scratch, then roleplay with other like-minded people and their original characters too? Ever wanted to make friends with people who like the same stuff as you do through the oddly specific means of Dangan Ronpa-based roleplay?
If you answered yes to any of the above, then do we have a treat in-store for you! You’ll probably love to get involved with Trigger Happy Havoc — which is, as you can guess, a brand new Dangan Ronpa roleplaying forum!
There are no limitations* on what you can do here at Trigger Happy Havoc! Want to explore the remains of Hope’s Peak Academy, while making friends, enemies, alliances, or a name for yourself? You can! The forum itself works like a ‘world map’ of sorts, divided into different areas of the school. RP your way around the main school block and search for clues in the bloodied classrooms! Scavenge your way through the MONOMONO Mart for supplies to survive! Arm yourself with weapons from the abandoned arsenal hangar, and fight to live! Or just chill out in the dorms and protect yourself!
Users will start out with a character of their own creation — there are really no limits to who you can create. Do you want to have a role as important as those of Naegi and Hinata? Go for it! Do you want to just provide comic relief and enjoy yourself, like Hagakure? That’s great! Sculpt a custom character in your own image if you want and rule the school!
As your time on the forums passes, you’ll find yourself earning Monocoins. You can exchange these for a variety of forum services, including a name change, forming an official group of you and whomever you choose, and even applying for permission to roleplay as one of the canon franchise characters! 
Don’t think we’ll just leave you to your own devices, however — the forum staff will organise special events called Abnormal Days. These are times when someone’s murdered, or an otherwise special occasion! We’ll hold one of the class trials you know and love, and you can apply to join in as one of the jury! Work with your peers, your friends, or even your enemies to find the true culprit, and punish them as you see fit!
An important thing to note is when Trigger Happy Havoc is set. If you’re familiar with the rather confusing timeline, it’s set before the events of Dangan Ronpa 1. All of the characters you know and love are alive. This timeline might help - THH is set where the large black arrow is pointing, halfway between DR0 and DR1. 
Want to learn more? Head on over to Trigger Happy Havoc, introduce yourself, bone up on the rules, and most importantly, have fun!
If you have any questions, head to our IRC (Internet Relay Chat) to get in touch with a member of staff, and we’ll do our best to help you out!
It’s 100% free to sign up, and we’ll never ask you for money. For anything. That’s a promise.
Even if you yourself don’t like Dangan Ronpa, or even know what it is, it’d be great if you could reblog this so we can get the word out about it. We’re hoping to create a fun, free roleplay forum with a friendly and welcoming community. Reblogging takes no time and could help us a lot!
So in short, come on over, register with us, and become the SUPER HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL ROLEPLAYER you always knew you could be!
*No limitations outside of the forum rules, which you can read and familiarise yourself with here.
Helpful Links!
Main Index Page - This is the homepage of our forum. Everything you need, you can find from here! It’d be a good idea to get to know where everything is for future reference!
Forum Rules - It’s vital that you read these if you’re planning to join us. Knowing the rules before you post helps both us and you by creating less stressful or stern interaction on the forums. Don’t take that to mean we’re harsh if you do make a mistake - we’re very friendly and we’ll do our best to help you!
Feedback - This is really helpful for us. If there’s something we’re not doing right, please let us know! If you have suggestions for new events, then again, let us know! 
Student IDs - This is where you should post your original characters’s bios. After we’ve had a chance to review them, we’ll either move them to Accepted IDs if they’re good to go, or if they need a little work, tidying up, or if there’s just a small problem concerning your character, we’ll comment and tell you what you need to do to make it acceptable. Once your ID is accepted, congratulations! You’re officially a member of Hope’s Peak Academy!
Student ID Form - Copy, paste and edit this in a new topic. If there’s anything you’re unsure about, let us know.
Welcoming Ceremony - Head on over here and introduce yourself! Come tell us who you are, what you like, what you dislike, what you’re hoping to achieve here, or anything you want! The more you share, the better!
Dangan Ronpa Timeline - Not gonna lie, Dangan Ronpa’s timeline is confusing as hell. This should help you incase you get stuck on something concerning when or where something happened.
Trigger Happy Havoc IRC (Chat room) - Join our 24/7 chat room (totally free!) if you have any questions at all for us. A member of staff will usually be there. Come talk to us!
Example Roleplay - This is one of the best ongoing roleplays we currently have on our forum. Don’t worry about making all of your roleplays to this standard - just try your best, and we’re bound to love it!
North - Home to the Administration Building and the Arsenal. What will you find here?
South - The Shopping Mall and Dorms are here. This is where you’ll find the Monomono Mart to exchange your Monocoins! 
East - Once a bustling high school, the main building is now desolate. Does this area have the clues you need? 
West - There’s barely anything left of this place, due to the riots.But there might be something important here..
Other - Need to take a break from the murder and violence going on? The park won’t be much different I’m afraid. Probably Novoselic either, to be honest. Could there be anywhere in the world free of the strife of despair?
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my cousin is literally the most boring person alive
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company gm: so what are your skills or talents 
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company gm: wooooo shit gotdamn boi 
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Mom i can’t go to school tmrw it’s a holiday
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*teacher calls your name on the first day of school for attendance* 
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