whocanitbenow23 · 5 days
Guys my big toe is bent and it feels numb,I dropped my backpack with heavy books and stuff in jt..what happened💀 genuine question
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whocanitbenow23 · 7 days
You know this zesty ass kid? I bet you 50 dollars one of the male Finches sound just like him
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whocanitbenow23 · 8 days
Guys,I made the uhh Orcas island flag from Molly's room and put it on my wall
And I'm gonna try to remake Edith Finch's journal at some point (I've been having some sort of autism burnout,hold in with me)
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whocanitbenow23 · 12 days
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whocanitbenow23 · 14 days
oh yea ,I found this comment on a gameplay of Calvin's death
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whocanitbenow23 · 14 days
Dude I'm sorry but Calvin SO could've been saved
This is just my thought process,but couldn't Edie just go outside and stop the swing before it was too high up? couldn't she tell Sam to go get him? Couldn't she peek out the door or window? If it was dinner time,then that means Walter,and Sven were there too. They probably suggested Edie going outside in the first place.
Buddy,how r u just gonna keep calling out for him WITHOUT actually going outside.
Yeah Calvin's death could've been too fast for them to see (maybe),but it takes awhile for somebody to swing that high (especially with a cast on). The wind picking up did play a role in the accident,but c'mon dawg😭 it's a kid telling the story,the wind could've been a small breeze. I'm pretty sure he was also already inside the house when that part was said?? Sam was prob trying to find a natural way on how his brother died
Here's how Calvin could've been alive for awhile
1. Build the swingset further back
2. Get higher fences
3. Take him to parks with swing sets instead
4. At least put a time limit on how long he should swing without company
I think we all know that Edie plays a huge role in almost everyone's death. I just don't understand how you gonna let a mf that's been in your stomach for 9 months die. Does that not destroy her??
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whocanitbenow23 · 15 days
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whocanitbenow23 · 15 days
I'm sorry🙏
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whocanitbenow23 · 18 days
I swear its like high school wants you to die ,I am
NOT writing paragraphs about an artist that died 80 years ago!!🗣🗣
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whocanitbenow23 · 19 days
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whocanitbenow23 · 19 days
That's it brother,I'm eating your art🗣🔛🔝
i can't draw helmets but yeah
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It's kinda hard to draw when your pc has all the colors inverted 🚶🏼‍♀️not finished btw
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whocanitbenow23 · 19 days
I'm gnna be posting wroef doodles in a few minutes
Here's just a quick poll for curiosity
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whocanitbenow23 · 20 days
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whocanitbenow23 · 20 days
Does anyone actually wonder what some wroef characters sound like
Like Milton when he was a kid ,if he had an Sweet Indian accent or a Calm English accent
If Gus had a quiet edgy voice or one of those generic raspy 12 y/o voices
How Gregory's laugh sounded
If Lewis had those smooth guy voices or a high pitched voice
What Sven really sounded like besides his single scream
If Calvin had the same voice as Sam when he was a kid or if he had a basic hyper energetic voice
Is it just me?
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whocanitbenow23 · 20 days
Little siblings are so annoying until they do the most sweetest,innocent thing for you while you're upset/crying
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whocanitbenow23 · 20 days
This is so real
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whocanitbenow23 · 20 days
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