who-is-azorahai · 5 years
i am a 50yo American. i have been ashamed of my country’s behavior (and real values/priorities) most of my life, you know, for REASONS.
Republicans, Democrats, blah blah blah.
this asshole-n-chief is only the latest in a string of warmongering plutocrats (both congressional and presidential), and as far as i am concerned, indistinguishable from less crass political whores such as Joe Biden or Hilary Clinton in any way that really matters.
in fairy tale America Donald Trump would never have been elected. but he was. elected. and not by the Russians. idiots.
and yeah, the religious right’s defense of this guy tells you all you really need to know about them.
anyway, if it matters, some sourcing/follow-up on the quotes: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
Emilia Clarke 2016 | Mark Seliger | Vanity Fair
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
PRIMO NUTMEG #178: Mike Gravel interview
Published on Jun 16, 2019
Mike Gravel is a former US Senator from Alaska who made history in 1971 when he read the Pentagon Papers into the public record. Gravel reemerged in 2008 when he ran an unorthodox, viral-video-fueled campaign for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. Gravel is once again running for President in 2020.
On the show Gravel discusses his history of unique campaigns, the meaning behind his infamous rock ad, third parties, this past week’s events in the Gulf of Oman, the charge that he is a “truther,” his 2013 trip to Iran, his thoughts on various conspiracy theories, UFOs, Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, direct democracy, and his own legacy.
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
who Mike Gravel looks up to..
"..the people i would look up to..
Ralph Nader
Noam Chomsky
Dan Ellsberg
Joe Lauria
Christopher Hitchens
“these are the people i look up to because..
“they had the brain power to discern what's going on in society and to address it as best they can.”
--Mike Gravel, from a conversation on Primo Nutmeg , Jun 16, 2019
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
The Who, "Baba O'Riley" Live In Texas '75
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
The Who - Baba O'Riley
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
Mike Gravel Interview: Joe Biden is a "Disaster"
Status Coup | Jun 24, 2019
Jordan Chariton interviews former Alaska Senator and presidential candidate Mike Gravel about growing tensions with Iran as well as the 2020 presidential campaign.
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
Presidential candidate Mike Gravel campaigns against militarism and empire
Moderate Rebels | May 8, 2019
Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton interview US presidential candidate Mike Gravel, who is running an anti-war campaign promising to "end the American empire."
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
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Red and Rover | Brian Basset | July 20-25, 2009
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
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Peanuts | Charles M. Schulz | May 18, 1952
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
“in name only”? Yeah!
i consider myself generally “progressive” and believe i have almost nothing in common with Biden. For being on the Left, Democrats such as Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Clinton are so far to the right i can barely see them.
and to the OP’s point: Biden most certainly is a creepy old dude barely distinguishable from Trump in any way that matters.
Biden is a creepy old white guy who can’t keep his hands or his comments to himself even around children and continually doesn’t know what’s going on around him and liberals still think he’s better than trump? He practically is trump at this point
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
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Perpetual Grace, LTD
James, a young grifter, attempts to prey upon Pastor Byron Brown, who turns out to be far more dangerous than he suspects.
Series premiered on ePix June 2, 2019. 10ep
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
Emilia Clarke
ph Cedric Buchet for Marie Claire, May 2014
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
Brahmin Left vs Merchant Right:Rising Inequality & the Changing Structure of Political Conflict (Evidence from France, Britain and the US, 1948-2017) by Thomas Piketty March 2018
From the June 2, 2019 essay:
For someone who was not acquainted with Piketty’s paper, the argument for a centrist Democrat might sound compelling. If the country has tilted to the right, should we elect a candidate closer to the middle than the fringe? If the electorate resembles a left-to-right line, and each voter has a bracketed range of acceptability in which they vote, this would make perfect sense. The only problem is that it doesn’t work like that, as Piketty shows.
The reason is that nominating centrist Democrats who don’t speak to class issues will result in a great swathe of voters simply not voting. Conversely, right-wing candidates who speak to class issues, but who do so by harnessing a false consciousness — i.e. blaming immigrants and minorities for capitalism’s ills, rather than capitalists — will win those same voters who would have voted for a more class-conscious left candidate. Piketty calls this a “bifurcated” voting situation, meaning many voters will connect either with far-right xenophobic nationalists or left-egalitarian internationalists, but perhaps nothing in-between.
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
The Eagles (Hotel California Live) @ The Capital Center 'Washington DC' (1977)
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who-is-azorahai · 5 years
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