whitemoonshine98 · 1 year
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Finn: So little Lady, If that’s cleared I would like to ask my own questions. First how about dinner Friday night at mine? Or if you prefer a public place I’d like to eat at the Italian Restaurant a few minutes from here. You choose. 
Emma: Is this a Date? Do I fascinate you this much? Besides why would I go out with a man 10 years older then me? Thought my mum raised me well. *wink* 
Finn: I see this wildness burning in your eyes Emma. Everything forbidden excites you. So don’t play games with me. I’m a lawyer Emma. I’ve seen way to many Games, to many people and characters. All I’m asking is, for you to talk clearly with me. Tell me what you want like the grown woman you are. 
Emma: What do you want? Why talk with me at all? Don’t you have clients waiting for you? 
Finn: See...If I want something I do everything in my power to make it mine. And right now I want you. So bad. The second I saw this fire inside you, I lost it. I don’t care about your age Em nor do I care who your parent are. You mesmerize me. Clear Enough?  
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Emma: I have not much time, so make it quick. 
Finn: Listen fire head, I don’t appreciate such tone. Normally my temper would take this to another level but you’re lucky. Being Grace’s daughter gives you a plus point.
Emma: Hah...Trying to scare me big boy? So tell me, how do you know my mum anyway? Are you guys fucking or something? 
Finn: Watch your manners. I’m sure Grace raised you well. So how come you act like a little child who doesn't know how to talk to strangers? 
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Finn: And no. I’m not having any intimate relationship with your mum. I was her lawyer on the Divorce case with your dad. Made sure that you three could stay with her. Also managed all the financial stuff. I met you and your sisters 10 years ago. You might not remember, didn’t pay a lot attention to a man who was talking about money with your mum. All you did was running around and screaming some song lyrics out of your lungs. 
Emma: Oh?! 
Finn: Yes, oh. Don’t judge too soon. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
Meanwhile at Home
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Valentin: Missed me honey? 
Sage: Quick come inside. No ones home but they will be here in no time. 
Valentin: Always rushing baby. When is this gonna End? Tell your parents and the ting is done.
Sage: Not that easy, now come! 
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Valentin: Hmm I love you Sage. You know that right? 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Emma: Welcome in Green Leaf. What can I bring you? 
Finn: The Fish-soup for me please and the signature wine of the house. 
Emma: Of course. Is there anything else I can help you wi...
Finn: Hold on! Do I know you from somewhere? You remind me of someone. 
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Emma: No, I don’t think so mister. 
Finn: Ahh sure, you are Grace’s daughter right? One of the triplets? The one that looks so much like her mum? Emma isn’t it? 
Emma: Well yes, but I don’t know who you are or how you know my family. So before this gets any more weird let me please do my work and prepare your food. 
Finn: What about a little chat afterwards? I’ll wait. 
Ehm guy’s who is this? And are you trouble? Why would Grace know a man like him? He looks so posh. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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This Girl is restless. Coming Home from her fourth date this Week.  
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Yes Navin! Go little one let them see the moves. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Time flies by so fast. Grace gave birth to the most beautiful Girl i ever saw. Welcome to our Family Vanita DeWinter. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Sage: So how was he? You think this time you found someone to settle? 
Emma: *rolling eyes* Who said I’m looking to settle? We spent a good night, nothing too special. It’ was okay. Thought he would have a bigger di...
Sage: NO! Spare me the details. How can you be so vulgar all the time. 
Emma: Oh come on Sage, I bet your boyfriend goes all the way. 
Sage: he isn’t...we just ugh whatever. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Happy and so in love. Ahhh just look at them I almost feel sorry for what I have planed. Drama Drama and more Drama is on it’s way. We will see a lot of sad and angry faces. But also hot an steamy moments. Can’t wait! 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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That’s...really Emma? In public? Well what else did you expect right? Don’t forget the protection Kid! Just saying. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Emma: Let’s go somewhere quieter. Yeah? 
Silas: So eager but I’m not complaining. Come on my little redhead. 
*Your little redhead* ? Oh I’m sorry to disappoint you Silas but Emma will have long forgotten you by tomorrow. She will be on to her next hunt. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Silas: So nice to meet you Emma. I mean you sent me plenty of pictures but oh God you are even more cute in person.
Emma: That’s nice of you. Let’s cut to the case. Shall we? 
Our Emma here is on her third Date this week or...well call it whatever you want. I don’t know if she is just trying to enjoy her time with all this men and live her life to the fullest. Or maybe there is a bigger reason behind all this?  Do you feel empty Emma? 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Some Boy’s time here. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Sage: No matter where you go or where you live we will always support you. 
Ahh it’s so heartwarming seeing the triplets all together in one picture. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Rosa: I’m sorry mum. Bu that’s the way i chose for myself and I will not change my mind. Please understand. 
Grace: I can’t let you go just like that. What will you eat? Will you dress warm enough? Lock the door at night? Check twice before you go out? 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Grace: No not happening! I dind’t even knew you had a Girlfriend and now you dropped all this moving out thing on me. No Rosa! Not with my consent. 
Rosa: I’m gonna do it ether way mum. It’s not like I’m a Kid you know. I was just trying to do the right thing an tell you guys my next steps. Not like Emma, cause she clearly does everything in secret. 
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Grace: Are you kidding me Rosa! I’m sick of this battle between you three. Emma does this, Sage does that, enough is enough. You are all different. Don’t compare yourself to the others. Let me deal with one of you at a time. 
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Rosa: You don’t get it mum! I’m old enough and this is my decision to make! I will move out and that’s it! If you cannot deal with it then so be it. I don’t fucking care. You’re not my only parent you know. Dad would understand me! He would be happy for me and support me! But all YOU think about is yourself! I’m done! 
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Uh Oh. That hit hard. Look at Grace’s face. Maybe you shouldn’t say it like that Rosa honey. I do understand your anger but Grace is just scared to lose her girls. She is scared that you won’t need her anymore. 
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