#Rajim Mihunda
whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Grace: Hey you, come in. It’s freezing outside. 
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Rajim: How have you been? How are the Girls? 
Grace: We’re good thanks. Come let me introduce you to my other daughters. They are running all around since this morning. Being excited about our guest. 
Rajim: Sure. (whispers) You look beautiful. 
Grace: The food is getting cold. Come on. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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This looks like so much fun! The Girls really like Rajim, he tells funny stories about yellow mountains and heroes who are as little as an ant. And after a long time Grace is finally feeling at peace, like she could just sit and lay back and don’t worry about their safety. Yes! She feels safe and warm. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 4 years
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Grace: Come on Sage, don’t be shy show me your classroom. Maybe I could meet some of your friends as well. 
Sage: Muuum please just talk with my teacher and go. It’s kinda embarrassing. No ones parents ever come here. 
Grace: Honey there is nothing to be embarrassed of. Go and play with your friends while I talk to your teacher and later we will have a little chat about this.
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Teacher: Nice to finally meet you Ms. DeWinter. I’m Mr. Mihunda.
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Rajim: So how is little Sage? Did you talk with her? 
Grace: She’s doing good, spending time with her sisters. Actually No. I didn’t know how. She is so sensitive and has such a soft soul. I just don’t want to hurt her. 
Rajim: I understand. So you are a single Mum then huh? 
Grace: Yeah that’s right. I got divorced not long ago but don’t worry about it. Umm do you have any children? A Wife or a Husband? 
Rajim: Hahah God forbid no. Been in a few long-term relationships but never had the feeling most people talk about. You know like this “I want children with you and spend the rest of our lives together” stuff. I don’t know why it never worked out for me but I’m not complaining. Look at me I’m a teacher surrounded by children everyday for several hours and not to forget their beautiful mothers especially the one with red hair. 
Grace: Hahah oh come on shut up. (blushes) 
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whitemoonshine98 · 4 years
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Both of them in their own thoughts, none of them paying any attention.  Rajim is enjoying his walk while watching two dogs play.  Grace is furious because of the news she got this morning. An invitation to a Wedding next month. And we all know who’s wedding I’m talking about. 
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Well this was bound to happen, wasn’t it? 
Rajim: Oh...Hey there.
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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On that note... welcome our super sweet son Navin DeWinter and as you probably can very clearly see Grace is cooking again. This one will be the last I promise. Besides she is now a Adult sim so raising little Baby’s isn’t her thing anymore. Still I need to decide who is going to be the heir of the Family. I’m kinda in between Sage and Emma. We’ll see. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
A few month later...
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Sage: Ughh...I know you and Mum are together or something like that and you are probably on her side, but can you please talk with her about this? I just want to spend a nice summer with my boyfriend. That`s all. Everyone is doing it!!!
Rajim: Look honey, I really don’t want to come between you and your mum. That’s the last of my intentions. I’ll talk with her about it but don’t expect to much. If Grace decided against it she sure will have her reasons for it. 
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Sage: Whatever. Sometimes i feel really left out you know. Emma is doing the shit she wants and no one is giving a fuck! Rosa is the little princess who does everything right and I’m just yeah...someone. I’ve had enough!
Rajim: Sage, Grace is just trying to protect you. She knows you are the most sensitive one. Emma is a wild child and runs to her dad when she doesn't like Grace’s decisions. And as you know Luca is giving Emma whatever she desires. I promise I’ll talk to her. But like I said before I won’t question her if she disagrees. 
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Rajim: Come here, give the old man a tight hug. I’m always there for you. I Promise little one. 
Sage: I Know. Thankss! 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Grace: Whats wrong? why did you stop? 
Rajim: As much as I want to do this with you right now, I also feel like you need more time. Time to think and be at peace with your mind. See...Your Ex-Husband just got married with the woman he cheated. That’s nothing you can just forget. Believe me Grace I want nothing more then this thing between us, but I will not accept half of you. I want it all and for that I will give you the time you need to come clear an heal. 
Grace: I ugh...I...you think I’m broken? 
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Rajim: No! You are wonderful. I just think you are confused right now. That’s all. Let me be here for you until your ready to start a new chapter....oh fuck that! We are going to write a whole new book.
Grace: Thank you!  
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whitemoonshine98 · 4 years
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Rajim: Come here, let me help you.
Grace: Oh...Thanks.
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Rajim: Did you hurt yourself? Let me see...is it your head? Wait aren’t you...now I remember you are Sage DeWinter’s Mum right? 
Grace: Yeah I hit my head a little but it’s fine, no need to worry. Besides it was my clumsiness. I’m so sorry I guess I lost myself a little in my thoughts. And Yes, Sage is my Daughter. So umm...would you like a coffee or tea, whatever you like? I mean to make it up? It’s on me. Oh god I’m talking way to much aren’t I? 
Rajim: Hahah no absolutely not. You have a lovely voice. Coffee sounds perfect. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Rajim: Your sure about this sweetie? 
Grace: Yeah...absolutely. 
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Rajim: Good! 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Grace: Oh please Rajim, you didn’t need to help. There’s not much to do and Sage already put half of the dishes in the washer. 
Rajim: Nah...what kind of a guest would I be if I didn’t? Besides it brings me Joy to see your little Family in action. Wouldn’t want to miss that. 
Grace: Fine. (Grace smiled) ...and Rosa honey? If your done with the dishes please go upstairs and tell your sisters to get bed ready. I’m coming in a minute.
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Grace: So...umm I hope you liked the dessert? It was a special recipe from my dad. I...ughh...yeah well he is really proud of that one. 
Rajim: You mean the sweet pastry? Well if you ask me...I didn’t had dessert yet. Care to have some? 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Happy and so in love. Ahhh just look at them I almost feel sorry for what I have planed. Drama Drama and more Drama is on it’s way. We will see a lot of sad and angry faces. But also hot an steamy moments. Can’t wait! 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Some Boy’s time here. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Some sweet Love.
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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Grace: Shhh don’t tell the Girls just yet. I want it to be a surprise. 
Rajim: You are making it so hard love. I want to scream it out into the world to be honest here. 
Grace: Maybe we can tell them tomorrow? At dinnertime? 
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Rajim: Sounds perfect. I’m already so excited Baby, this is going to be a wonderful journey for us. I promise. 
Guy’s tbh I’m so happy Grace and Luca didn’t work out. Rajim is so sweet and he adores her so much. She deserves someone like him. Luca was all about fun and sure she loved him, maybe always will. But Rajim is here to stay. He is real and there is nothing in this world he wouldn't do to make all four of his girls happy. 
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whitemoonshine98 · 3 years
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To everyone who didn’t know this is the “I’M FREAKING PREGNANT” smile by Grace DeWinter. Oh and Rajim and Grace got engaged. I played a while without taking any Screens, hope you guys don’t mind. 
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