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white-flwrs · 18 hours ago
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it’s been raining over 24h i’m not even kidding…
🎧: paranoia – the mariàs
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white-flwrs · 3 days ago
this is pretty crazy to me
basically on saturday i was listening to a spotify blend i had with a friend as i wanted to find new music, and i found a new artist called Rae Nadya who was a 15yo sg artist. her vocals are really impressive and i love her songwriting too!
okay so coincidentally it was my other good friend’s bday 2 days ago and i was clicking through her insta stories and she reposted a story by a raenadya. so obviously i was like 🤨🤨 where have i heard that name before???
idk if this is rly common elsewhere but this was just a mindblowing realisation for me idk
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white-flwrs · 3 days ago
17.03.25 | h3 is kicking my butt! we got back our first test and i got a 35% (in my defence id skipped 4 lessons and had gone in with zero studying) . . . i shall be using my march hols to improve my maths ability i guess :3 + we have a chemistry test on the first day back that i need to study for–
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white-flwrs · 8 days ago
girlie the photo of yr onenote shows the school name 😵‍💫
wait omg im seeing this so late... i mean i doxxed myself alr so its ok
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white-flwrs · 9 days ago
last week was actually so eventful, here's a quick rundown of everyth that happened cuz idk i felt like documenting it
03.08 — had half of my NAPFA (fitness test). went to a university with my ccamates for combined training with the university taekwondo team.
04.08 — had an econs test that i think i messed up. had a talk with a cambridge professor on admissions and other application process related things. celebrated my friend's 18th birthday!! was chatting with an old friend and we started discussing our mutual friend whom i was avoiding as i'd found out that she had said some hurtful things behind my back. my old friend convinced me to bring it up with her and clear the issue rather than simply avoid her.
05.08 — had rather brutal taek training in the morning. asked to meet the aforementioned friend to chat with her. which ended up being an absolute shitshow and i was sobbing in the middle of the canteen ... ended up cutting her off after that
06.08 — had a h3 maths test that went pretty badly. but also i met a guy in my h3 class that's lowk cute loll. also i ran into the aforementioned friend again and it was rly awkward
07.08 — had the other half of the fitness test. had taek training again but it was super chill it was lowk a stretching session for half of it and then we went straight to showcasing instead of having intense PT like usual. went for econs tuition that night
08.08 — taek competition D-DAY!! i left the house at 545am and got back home at 8pm. oops
lol yeah that's it i guess. im totally not typing this in the middle of physics class.
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white-flwrs · 10 days ago
she’s so valid for that
sorry babe
Electromagnetism and Electomagnetic Induction are inducing self-destructive tendencies and suicidal thoughts within me. I asked my friend if I connect myself to a conducting wire connected to a power source, wld be i able to get electrocuted and die?
Girlie told me with a straight face that her knowledge in this topic was so bad she couldn't even answer me.
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white-flwrs · 10 days ago
haven't updated in a while lol idk i'm slackingggg
um i deleted insta i guess so hopefully i get back on track?
had some friendship issues which messed me up too :"(
anyways my taek competition went well and we really improved a lot so i'm proud of us. i have 2 weeks till my tests begin and i really need to lock in man.
this morning they were giving out 'academic awards' for last year and nearly half my class got it (am in one of the better classes) but i didn't. it feels really awful ngl esp since i had a little quiz during chem lesson and my bestie who got the award was complaining that she was 'stupid' cuz she cldn't do the qn. idkk
a lot of the really really smart kids didn't get it either cuz it's really about being an all-rounder (i suck at writing essays) but it's also just demoralising when half the class gets it and you don't. aaaa motivation to lock in i guess :""
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white-flwrs · 17 days ago
thanks hun 🥰
what are some things u recommend one educates themselves on?
-a 17yo girlie who wants to start broadening her interests and knowledge
you guys are seriously so amazing
you're going to do great things
here are some suggestions for you angel, no specific order and off the top of my head. The ones I bolded are the ones I wish I would have learned when I was 17 <3
Emotional intelligence
Healthy boundaries
Mindset & resilience
Classic literature
Learn a new language
Time management and productivity
Learn about different cultures
Arts & Classical music
Health and nutrition
Ai and tech trends
Environmental science
Psychology and human behavior
Marketing and branding
E-commerce and passive income
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white-flwrs · 17 days ago
01.03.25, saturday
start of the month matcha run
journaled and came up with goals for the month
studied economics – consolidated the macro chapter
i did other stuff but i’m posting this so late that i don’t rmb what it was LOL
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white-flwrs · 17 days ago
03.03.25, monday
every single time i have a significant-ish event with taek, im just so dang grateful that this is the cca im spending my jc-life with. these wonderful people who never fail to make me smile and i can be so comfortable around (even if im lowk inflexible and not up to standard)
anyways combined training today was so bombz: we grabbed dinner tgt first and strolled over to SIT with the most gorgeous sunset as a backdrop 🔥 training itself was w tiring but that’s probably cuz i had my napfa run earlier today. afterwards we took pics ofc (won’t post for privacy reasons) and took our time walking to the train station while listening to music and chatting. so much love for my taekkies<33
anyways i have an econs test tmr im so cooked!
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white-flwrs · 19 days ago
this march we're locking tf in !!!
girl, lock in! 📓🍵🩰
UP your water intake! no more bloating here.
7-10k steps a day. move. your. body — walk, chores, park farther. don’t take shortcuts, do it all!
probiotics, protein, fiber.
prioritize whole foods.
educate yourself for an hour a day. NO EXCUSES. listen to podcasts/youtube videos/audiobooks. read an article or book. learn how to cook better or take care of your skin type. just learn something! don’t let your brain be wasted away. it CRAVES growth.
HAVE ADMIN DAYS. make your to do lists, set 3 priority tasks and set 15-20 minutes of uninterrupted time to tackle them. boom.
stop aimlessly shopping. you have everything to need to live. save up! your future self will thank you.
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white-flwrs · 20 days ago
so i was recalling why i named this blog white-flwrs for a moment
it’s literally just an olivia rodrigo song. i created this blog 2 years ago.
but it looks so pretty so i’m not changing it
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white-flwrs · 20 days ago
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been doing this for the past 3 years :”) i highly recommend
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white-flwrs · 22 days ago
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scenes from a train ride
posting a backlog of the weekend! didn't have time to post but took photos
new york weekend! visited by parents in the city
did some readings on the train, had a nice dinner, and spent some time with my parents :)
🎧: 'mama you've been on my mind' - jeff buckley 📚: ulysses - james joyce (i WILL finish it by the end of the month)
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white-flwrs · 22 days ago
ive been wanting to make a post for ED awareness week but i couldn't come up with original things to say as i'm not too comfortable to talk about my own experience yet (still in recovery! maybe in a few years!)
anyways i found this video that i was watching while eating dinner and i really enjoyed it, i found it slightly relatable and the youtuber's hilarious sooooo check it out maybe
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white-flwrs · 23 days ago
25.02.25, tuesday
one of my closest friends turned 18 today so we had a little surprise celebration for her
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white-flwrs · 28 days ago
thursday, 20 feb [20:02]
i have no idea where my journal's disappeared to, it just poofed a while back sooo i guess i'll note whatever i wanted to here instead HAHA
so i was just randomly watching youtube while eating dinner and i was watching a video on how to make people like you. i'd like to summarise it a little as i felt like i'm not being as charismatic as i want to be. several of my friends have told me that i am a pretty charming person (or at least i yap a lot so i may appear that way). personally, i often catch myself feeling awkward and out of place and generally uncomfortable rather than being my most confident self, which i think is the reason why i am not seen as charismatic by everyone.
in the video by The Dark Needle, i learnt about the 3 elements of charisma: presence, warmth and power.
presence is not about showing off your own strength but rather about empowering others. listen to what they're saying. just be in the moment and connect with them rather that worrying about what you will say next. TDN says that when you are actively listening to someone, they can feel it and they can feel the connection which immediately makes them interested in talking to you. i dont think this is a problem for me, up until it's someone i am trying to impress– like a crush, someone i admire or an interviewer etc. maybe i should just learn to calm down and chill out. which leads to the next point about being comfortable and spontaneous. again, same issue LOL. i think my issue is that i tend to crush on guys who are "cool" and "aura-ful" if that makes sense. they essentially have the kind of energy that i myself wish to display, and so i put them on a mental pedestal where i think they are much better than i can be, which obviously makes me feel less comfortable around them. idk, just reflections lolz...
second point was on warmth. in summary, you seem warmer when you're open to new ideas, you don't immediately assume everyone is out to get you, you're willing to share things and you're honest. the third point was regarding power, which was essentially about self-confidence. one tip was to not talk about yourself too much. i think i do this a lot, especially when someone is telling me something about their life. i tend to try and advice them or console them and in doing so reflect on my own experiences and share it with them. i'm not sure if that makes me come off as self-centered but maybe i should tone it down once in a while. TDN said not to cross your boundaries ever, which is something i have been trying to keep to this year. i don't have many, anyways and i feel like i should... ideas?
anyways, that's about it haha
i hope i find my journal soon, i have a lot of personal things in there that i'd rather people don't read about (in the event that i'd lost it at school)
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