whimsyandsomething · 1 year
Hello tumblr-verse! -waves-
I have a rare weekend with a smidge of free time. I’m feeling creative and missing my old People & Colour Series moodboards shenanigans (yes it’s over two years old, no I’ve never stopped missing it since :P )
So, please please please send through some requests for this week! This includes if you had one two years ago and you feel like you might like a new one or a different colour now. Knock yourself out :D And please reblog to spread the word so that this can reach anyone who might like a moodboard.
Here’s a copy of the instructions from the original series post:
The really short version is: I like making moodboards/aesthetics. And I like making things for people. So I have challenge myself to make lots and lots of moodboards for people. Except I don’t know that many people… So I’m kinda relying on you guys to volunteer as tributes. With me so far?
How it works: I use google images and search “[name] + [colour] + [any other optional requests you might have] + ‘aesthetic’“, and assemble the top(ish -I’ll take a little artistic license where necessary, mmkay?) results into a grid. Tadaa! You have your ‘aesthetic’ according to google. Sometimes it’s fun to see what craziness you end up with. (Exceptions are below under the cut)
What you need to do: send me an ask or reply, and let me know your name and your favourite colour/s. This can be your first name, nickname, screen name, whatever you fancy. All I need is something vaguely resembling a name or adjective for the search. Similarly you can have one colour [x], two colours [x], or if you’re feeling super indecisive; rainbow [x]! If you have something super specific you want/are interested in, you are welcome to request that too :)
Just don’t ask me to choose for you. I too, am indecisive, and you will end up with either a rainbow or something truly ridiculous. Or both. Your call.
Mmkay folks, that’s it! Request away! :)
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whimsyandsomething · 1 year
Hello tumblr-verse! -waves-
I have a rare weekend with a smidge of free time. I’m feeling creative and missing my old People & Colour Series moodboards shenanigans (yes it’s over two years old, no I’ve never stopped missing it since :P )
So, please please please send through some requests for this week! This includes if you had one two years ago and you feel like you might like a new one or a different colour now. Knock yourself out :D And please reblog to spread the word so that this can reach anyone who might like a moodboard.
Here’s a copy of the instructions from the original series post:
The really short version is: I like making moodboards/aesthetics. And I like making things for people. So I have challenge myself to make lots and lots of moodboards for people. Except I don’t know that many people… So I’m kinda relying on you guys to volunteer as tributes. With me so far?
How it works: I use google images and search “[name] + [colour] + [any other optional requests you might have] + ‘aesthetic’“, and assemble the top(ish -I’ll take a little artistic license where necessary, mmkay?) results into a grid. Tadaa! You have your ‘aesthetic’ according to google. Sometimes it’s fun to see what craziness you end up with. (Exceptions are below under the cut)
What you need to do: send me an ask or reply, and let me know your name and your favourite colour/s. This can be your first name, nickname, screen name, whatever you fancy. All I need is something vaguely resembling a name or adjective for the search. Similarly you can have one colour [x], two colours [x], or if you’re feeling super indecisive; rainbow [x]! If you have something super specific you want/are interested in, you are welcome to request that too :)
Just don’t ask me to choose for you. I too, am indecisive, and you will end up with either a rainbow or something truly ridiculous. Or both. Your call.
Mmkay folks, that’s it! Request away! :)
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whimsyandsomething · 1 year
Hello tumblr-verse! -waves-
I have a rare weekend with a smidge of free time. I’m feeling creative and missing my old People & Colour Series moodboards shenanigans (yes it’s over two years old, no I’ve never stopped missing it since :P )
So, please please please send through some requests for this week! This includes if you had one two years ago and you feel like you might like a new one or a different colour now. Knock yourself out :D And please reblog to spread the word so that this can reach anyone who might like a moodboard.
Here’s a copy of the instructions from the original series post:
The really short version is: I like making moodboards/aesthetics. And I like making things for people. So I have challenge myself to make lots and lots of moodboards for people. Except I don’t know that many people… So I’m kinda relying on you guys to volunteer as tributes. With me so far?
How it works: I use google images and search “[name] + [colour] + [any other optional requests you might have] + ‘aesthetic’“, and assemble the top(ish -I’ll take a little artistic license where necessary, mmkay?) results into a grid. Tadaa! You have your ‘aesthetic’ according to google. Sometimes it’s fun to see what craziness you end up with. (Exceptions are below under the cut)
What you need to do: send me an ask or reply, and let me know your name and your favourite colour/s. This can be your first name, nickname, screen name, whatever you fancy. All I need is something vaguely resembling a name or adjective for the search. Similarly you can have one colour [x], two colours [x], or if you’re feeling super indecisive; rainbow [x]! If you have something super specific you want/are interested in, you are welcome to request that too :)
Just don’t ask me to choose for you. I too, am indecisive, and you will end up with either a rainbow or something truly ridiculous. Or both. Your call.
Mmkay folks, that’s it! Request away! :)
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whimsyandsomething · 1 year
Tumblr media
People + their favourite colours aesthetic challenge: @jesterbing + purple (32/∞)    
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whimsyandsomething · 1 year
Hello tumblr-verse! -waves-
I have a rare weekend with a smidge of free time. I’m feeling creative and missing my old People & Colour Series moodboards shenanigans (yes it’s over two years old, no I’ve never stopped missing it since :P )
So, please please please send through some requests for this week! This includes if you had one two years ago and you feel like you might like a new one or a different colour now. Knock yourself out :D And please reblog to spread the word so that this can reach anyone who might like a moodboard.
Here’s a copy of the instructions from the original series post:
The really short version is: I like making moodboards/aesthetics. And I like making things for people. So I have challenge myself to make lots and lots of moodboards for people. Except I don’t know that many people… So I’m kinda relying on you guys to volunteer as tributes. With me so far?
How it works: I use google images and search “[name] + [colour] + [any other optional requests you might have] + ‘aesthetic’“, and assemble the top(ish -I’ll take a little artistic license where necessary, mmkay?) results into a grid. Tadaa! You have your ‘aesthetic’ according to google. Sometimes it’s fun to see what craziness you end up with. (Exceptions are below under the cut)
What you need to do: send me an ask or reply, and let me know your name and your favourite colour/s. This can be your first name, nickname, screen name, whatever you fancy. All I need is something vaguely resembling a name or adjective for the search. Similarly you can have one colour [x], two colours [x], or if you’re feeling super indecisive; rainbow [x]! If you have something super specific you want/are interested in, you are welcome to request that too :)
Just don’t ask me to choose for you. I too, am indecisive, and you will end up with either a rainbow or something truly ridiculous. Or both. Your call.
Mmkay folks, that’s it! Request away! :)
Exceptions: If, for example, I am doing a 5x4 grid, your colour of choice is ‘dark blue’, and the top twelve results include, say, five night sky images in a row, I will probably skip a couple of them just for the sake of variety in your board.
I also skip any results that may be offensive or sensitive to some viewers. Ie, unless I specifically am made aware that you are ok with certain subjects, I will exclude any results that contain them, including but not limited to: swear words, ad*lt content, p*litics, r*ligious references, etc. If you desperately want these things in your board, you can request them (barring anything too icky which I will flat out veto) but otherwise I will filter them out.
No, I am not making these for fictional characters. I do edits for them as well, but that’s not what this particular challenge is about :)
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whimsyandsomething · 2 years
(not that any of my remaining tumblr followers really mind, since I’m pretty sure they’re primarily tbl based and the accounts are therefore largely unused now, but for anyone not disinterested, I primarily use twitter now)
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whimsyandsomething · 2 years
Reflections of 2.5 years.
The whim struck me yesterday, wondering how long it’d been since I’d last done any real writing. I knew it’d been a while... And so I went digging through old notebooks for some semblance of a date.
2.5 years, to the day. Well done, universe. Well done, indeed.
It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. These last few years have passed in a blur, and damn now I’m all reflective and nostalgic.
Life has changed a lot. A lot.
I haven’t gone anywhere near The Blacklist again in years. I still watch The Rookie, though there are times lately where it’s wearing my patience thin. I still love B99 and MSec, and watch them over and over.
I miss writing, and I miss photoshop art. I keep telling myself that one day I’ll get back to one or both of them, but that one day is apparently still not today. I like to think I’m getting slowly ever-closer to it though, little bit by little bit. And not going to lie, I miss the requests for my last people and colours series. That, I’d go back to in a heartbeat.
The last 2.5 years have been interesting to say the least, not solely due to a certain pandemic, but certainly tangled around it.
My life has been turned upside down by a massive career detour (yay pandemic!) and more than one well overdue diagnosis (these are good things, don’t panic!). It’s been marred by further significant trauma, and buoyed by some pretty spectacular personal victories. Like I said, life has changed a lot.
I’ve struggled and I’ve grown. I’ve kept moving forwards, albeit along some curious and unexpected paths, and the next 18 months are set to continue in the same fashion. Gone are the days of little, wild Kate with too much time on her hands to rage at the internet. Now I’m still little (and look, while I’ve lost the flaming red hair I’ve gone pink instead now, I’ll be honest), but I’m older and a smidge more sage (only a smidge), and I’m working towards buying a house. The horror, right? 🤣
The news about The Blacklist ending has me contemplative. Honestly, I wasn’t sure that day would ever come. I do remain curious as to what the ending will be, though gone are the days where I think I’d actually watch it. I’ll read a synopsis at the end and decide from there, but honestly I’ve finally, truly moved on from that world now and I’m so much happier for it.
So to all the questions about will I write The Blacklist fics again? Probably not. Sorry, team. I’m focused on moving forwards now. But if you’re still hanging in there and watching the show, I salute you for your efforts.
And hey, if you’ve got people & colours requests, knock yourself out!
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whimsyandsomething · 2 years
Hi, are you the one who writes Fanfiction about Samar and Aram on Achieveofourown?☺️
Hello! Yes, that's me :)
(Or at least, it used to be. I haven't written anything in a good few years now! D: )
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whimsyandsomething · 2 years
Made the mistake of scrolling back through tumblr for a hot minute, and my goodness I am suddenly feeling deep, deep nostalgia for photoshop and graphic art. Damn, I miss it real bad right now whoops 😂
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whimsyandsomething · 2 years
-pokes head out from the woodwork-
-clears away the assorted mess and internet cobwebs from having not logged into tumblr for like a year or something-
-side eyes around awkwardly-
...Samar’s coming back for an episode? I’m sorry, what?
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whimsyandsomething · 3 years
-pops head back into tumblr for the first time in months again-
... Apparently New Yorkers are holding a 'Save Australia' protest? I'm sorry, but w h a t????
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whimsyandsomething · 3 years
How on earth is it July already?
This year has been a huge blur for me. It’s kinda crazy to me that only a few months ago, I was still scrolling happily through tumblr every day without fail. granted, I had been getting less active on here for a while (thank you, fandom drama), but I was still here where necessary.
Now I can go weeks without remembering to check tumblr, and months without posting/reblogging anything, and that time flies faster than I can blink.
As an update to anyone who’s wondering (probably none of you, but anyway); early this year I got a job offer, and I took it, very excitedly. It’s not something I can really go into on here, and it’s not something I ever thought I’d be doing, but I absolutely love it. It also keeps me extremely busy, all the time. A lot of my non-work things (not just tumblr) have fallen by the wayside in the last few months, or significantly reduced.
It’s cool though. I’m tired, but the generally speaking I’m the happiest these days than I’ve been in a long time.
Anyway. Tldr; I do still get tumblr notifications, in the off chance something needs my attention. It might take me a while to answer them, but I try to get to them eventually. I just don’t tend to scroll through the dash so much anymore.
Hope you guys are all doing well :) ~Whimsy
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whimsyandsomething · 3 years
Friendship is not about being ‘not busy’ and therefore having conversations because you have the time. Friendship is caring enough about someone that you make an effort to talk to them whenever you can, even infrequently, in spite of your busy-ness.
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whimsyandsomething · 3 years
The last three digits of your current follower count is the Dewey Decimal Classification subject on which you must immediately give a 15-minute presentation.
How would you do?
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whimsyandsomething · 3 years
........Whoops I forgot about tumblr for like *checks* oh jeez, two and half whole months there D:
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whimsyandsomething · 4 years
Tumblr media
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whimsyandsomething · 4 years
whoever invented the concept of the cover letter, i hope you’re having a swell time in hell
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