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i post fics whenever my lazy ass finishes any. she/her
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
Te Amo! Simplemente Así Lo Sentí Cuando Te Vi💚
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
Lord of the Mountains
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M'Baku x F!Reader
2.2k words
Summary: After Namor's attack on the Golden City, you are sent to Jabari for safety. You're not sure if you could ever feel safe again after what you endured a few days ago, until you finally meet the kind eyes of the Jabari Tribe's leader...
Warnings: Reader is claustrophobic, has an episode, mentions of nightmares, almost drowning, loss of loved ones, spoilers for Wakanda Forever.
Water. There was water everywhere.
Flooding the streets, tidal waves taking people out left and right.
It barreled down each and every pathway, racing toward you as you desperately tried to run towards safety, the splashing sounds taunting you from behind.
The water bit at your heels before crashing over you-
You woke with a gasp, body covered in sweat, crawling along your skin.
Even though you knew you had just woken up from a nightmare, you couldn’t manage to even out your breathing.
Because it wasn’t totally a nightmare.
It was a memory. From just a few days ago when Wakanda was attacked.
You looked around at all of the sleeping bodies around you, their mats covering nearly every inch of the floor. There was no empty space. Nowhere to breathe. 
The walls of the small refuge created in the caves of the Jabari Tribe headquarters began to close in on you, and the space suddenly became too crowded.
And then you were drowning all over again, chest constricting, air refusing to reach your lungs.
Without thinking, you jumped out of your mat, maneuvering around all of the sleeping Wakandan refugees, black spots forming in your vision as the panic continued to rise in you.
Why did it feel like the path out of this room went on for miles and miles? Why was there no end in sight?
Finally, you made it through the sea of people and toward the dim hallway.
Before you could let out a sigh of relief, you heard it.
The splashing. The devastating waves.
They had found you once again.
You turned to look over your shoulder as you picked up your pace, sprinting down the hall to run away from the phantom tidal wave that chased you in your mind-
Until you crashed into something.
Something large, sturdy.
Someone, you gathered - as massive hands wrapped around your arms to keep you from stumbling to the ground. 
You looked up, eyes fighting the black spots to focus on the concerned brown eyes staring down at you.
A small voice in the back of your brain screamed to you that this man was important, a person of great respect, someone who deserved a bow or some sort of recognition.
Lord M’Baku, leader of the Jabari Tribe, the Great Gorilla. One of the fiercest warriors in all of Wakanda.
But the larger part of your mind was still breaking down, so for right now, he was someone you could cling to for support.
“Outside,” you gasped, your head growing dizzy. You needed to be out in the open fast or else you were going to pass out. “I need to get outside.”
He didn’t say anything, just nodded. His hands held onto you a little tighter as your legs grew wobbly beneath you.
“Can you walk?” he asked, low voice echoing through the hallway and deep inside your chest. 
You nodded, unable to speak, and it was all he needed. He shifted his hold to grab the small of your back and led you down the hall, holding you closely to his side to make sure you didn’t fall over.
“This way,” he murmured, veering off the main path and down a smaller corridor, and you almost protested being in the more confining space, but something told you to trust the man fighting to keep you upright.
A few seconds later, he was opening a large stone door built into the wall of the mountain. As you felt the cool night air hit your face, your body sagged further into him in relief before running out of his hold and toward the balcony ahead. 
It took a handful of heaving gulps before you managed to put enough air in your lungs to get rid of the black spots. You looked up from the stone below your hands and toward the view in front of you and let out a small gasp.
You must have been close to the peak of the mountain for a view like this, to see the entirety of Jabari, the neighboring mountains glittering with snow, the full moon illuminating every surface with a mesmerizing glow, millions of stars twinkling above.
The sounds of water were gone from your mind, and you were met with the peaceful silence of night.
Even though you had just gotten air back into your lungs, the scene before you momentarily took your breath away again once more, but in a much less terrifying way.
“Here,” M’Baku’s low voice came from behind. You turned around to see a glass of water held out in front of you. Looking up to meet those comforting brown eyes, you nodded a quick thanks and took the glass, knocking half of it back in one go.
When you looked back, you saw two large, empty hands fiddling together in front of the giant warrior, as if anxious.
“What else can I do?” he asked, desperate to help in any way.
Something in the protective tone in his voice put knots in your stomach and you shook your head. “I-I’m f-f-f-fine,” you replied, the shivers escaping from you exposing the fact that your sweat-covered body was now open to the freezing cold air and you were not, in fact, fine.
The lord of the mountain shook his head, a light huff escaping his chest as he took the fur off his back.
“No, n-no, you don’t have to-” you tried to protest, but before you could say another word the wrap was over your shoulders, and the sudden warmth radiating through your body was so  intoxicating that it brought a small smile to your face.
 M’Baku let out a grizzly laugh that brought even more warmth to your insides. “There it is,” he said.
Your brows furrowed. “There what is?”
“I was not going to find an ounce of rest this night if I did not get you to smile,” he replied.
You let out a small laugh, taking more of him in now that your nerves had settled.
Though he now stood a couple of feet away from you, you still needed to crane your neck back in order to look at his face. The man completely towered over you, his presence commanding the entire space.
And yet, you didn’t feel any fear around him, or like you were being looked down on by someone of high status in these lands.
You felt comforted, protected, safe, which had not been the case in the days since Namor attacked the Golden City. Since then, all you had known was fear.
His dark skin glowed under the moonlight, making his features even more breathtaking. Without the cover of his fur, you could see the bulging muscles from his bare shoulders all the way down his arms.
There had been many times during your time in Wakanda that you heard whispers of the lord of the mountains, and how M’Baku’s strength could only be met with that of the Black Panther themself.
You imagined him lifting your body into the air with complete ease, a thought you never inherently had with any other man you had encountered. 
“How are you not cold right now, Your Lordship?” you asked, shivering at the thought of him being so exposed in such cold weather. 
He tsk’ed, taking a step forward and extending his arm out. “I am the heart of these mountains, my lady. There is a fire in my veins that no cold can put out.”
You rested a hand on his large bicep, the warmth radiating from it sending a shiver down your spine. Had you been able to focus on anything other than the feeling of his smooth, muscled skin, you would have heard the small hitch in his breath from your touch.
“M’Baku,” he said softly, and you looked back up at him. “Call me M’Baku.”
How could you say no to such a request, with the way his eyes bore into yours?
You gave him your name, and he mouthed it to himself, feeling the string of letters along his lips.
“You are not from Wakanda,” he said after a beat. A statement rather than a question.
“I am not,” you still responded.
“You chose a terrible time to visit.” The joking tone in his voice made you laugh.
“I suppose not,” you said, finally noticing that your hand was still on his arm. You forced yourself to remove it. “I’ve been here for a few years, actually. Used to work for Shield as a scientist, and was assigned here by Steve Rogers for a few months to work with the Wakandan scientists and Bucky Barnes. After everything with…Thanos, I was officially out of a job. Bruce Banner pulled a few strings with Shuri and allowed me to continue working here.”
“I wish our paths had crossed sooner.”
Your throat constricted, tears welling in your eyes and you nodded. “Me, too.”
Concern returned to his expression and he rested a hand on your cheek. “What is wrong?”
A scoff escaped from your lips before you could remind yourself that you were speaking with practically royalty. 
“I’m sorry.” Your bottom lip began quivering. “I mean, what isn’t wrong right now? Wakanda is under attack, and I lost friends who have been my family these last few years. I also don’t know if I’ll ever be able to sleep without having nightmares of almost drowning ever again-”
Strong arms wrapped around you, cutting off your rambling as they completely consumed you in warmth and security as you cried into the chest of the great leader.
Some unknown number of minutes passed before he pulled away, your composure returning. His hand went back to your cheek, thumb wiping away a tear.
“I know things appear grim right now, but I swear on Hanuman himself that I will do everything in my power to protect Wakanda and its people…” his serious expression turned sly and he winked, “especially its visitors with the most radiant of smiles.”
Your smile returned, and so did your laugh.
“Thank you, M’Baku.”
With a nod, he lowered his hand to grab yours. “Come. Let’s get you to bed.”
Panic arose in you once more at the thought of being in the small room with so many other people. “I think I’d rather stay out here-”
“Nonsense. I have a private room in my chambers where you can rest.” He waved his free hand behind him to show off the giant glass window, behind it a cozy bedroom.
“Oh no, I don’t want to intrude.”
He rolled his eyes. “Y/n, the whole of Wakanda is intruding on my lands this evening. Now, please stop trying to argue with the Great Gorilla before I show you how I got that name.”
Your feet slowed, stomach dropping at the threat. But when he turned around, there was a mischievous look on his face, and a grin from ear to ear. He winked at you again and you found yourself laughing at the powerful warrior before you.
“My apologies, Mr. Great Gorilla,” you retorted, pulling a low, rumbly laugh from him.
He escorted you into the room, remaining at the doorway, his back turned away from you as you sat on the bed.
“I will leave you to rest,” he said, hand going to the door.
“Wait-” you called, unable to stop yourself. His hand paused. “This is definitely too much to ask, and I’m sure you have a million other things to take care of…but is there any chance you could stay?”
M’Baku turned back to you, and you immediately opened your mouth to try and take back your request.
But the look in those kind eyes halted your words, and without hesitation he nodded.
“Anything you need.”
All I need is you, you thought. 
You swallowed. “Thank you.”
He walked over, sitting on the bed next to you, your backs pressed against the headboard, gazes toward the wall in front of you.
The two of you sat there in silence for a few moments, your thumbs twiddling on your lap as a newfound awkwardness slowly ate at you.
M’Baku cleared his throat, clearly in the same state of discomfort as you were.
“So,” you finally said, “how did you earn the title of Great Gorilla?”
His lips curved upward as he looked over at you. “I am so glad you asked. It all started when…”
The two of you stayed awake for hours, sharing stories and asking each other questions.
Finally, as your lids grew heavier and heavier, gravity pulled your head to the muscular shoulder next to you as sleep pulled you under.
When you awoke, the sun was shining, and you felt rested for the first time in days.
You also felt a familiar sturdiness underneath your cheek, as well as a large arm wrapped around your waist.
Looking up, you found M’Baku staring down on you, a serious - almost nervous - look on his face.
He smiled. “Good morning, Y/n. How did you sleep?”
Thank you so much for reading! Feedback is always appreciated. :)
If you'd like to read more of my works, check out my Masterlist! <3
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
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You are perfection itself, José Tenoch Huerta Mejía
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
Ramonda, Okoye, Nakia, all Wakanda: Oh no, the princess has been kidnapped, we have to do something
*meanwhile Shuri in Talokan*:
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
today on “5k worth of a fic idea that I constantly spin around in my mind like a rotisserie chicken but am not invested enough in to actually write:”
Identity porn omegaverse dystopia AU; Peter is an infertile omega who, despite May’s attempts to give him the best chances possible by scraping by to get him an education in both domestic skills and academics, has pretty much zero prospects for his future. Sure, she’ll take care of him herself as the household alpha for as long as she can, but she knows a time will come when he’ll be on his own, and she knows what happens to infertile omegas– no matter how wonderful of a housekeeper or nanny or tutor she makes him into, who’s going to hire him for that in earnest when he could be used for other things on the side, and who’s going to marry an omega who can’t give them children?
So one day, she’s helping clean up after a charity event for F.E.A.S.T. that was sponsored by Stark Industries, and she accidentally wanders into a back area and overhears something she’s not supposed to through a door. Tony Stark himself, venting on a phonecall to a friend about how the executive board is starting to put real pressure on him to marry if he’s going to continue to lead SI– the public is starting to lose faith in him as a good alpha when he refuses to settle down with a beta or omega and share in his gifts as a protector and provider, yadda yadda, and no matter how much he argues that he’s being a protector and provider for the whole country through his work at SI they aren’t letting up, and he doesn’t even want kids and he doesn’t want to saddle some poor omega with the burden of being Mr.-or-Mrs. Stark and everything that goes with that, and they’re even implying considering a motion of no-confidence, and and and–
Keep reading
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
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Are you fucking kidding me
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
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bucky barnes + shirtlessness representing vulnerability
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
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CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR 2016 | dir. Anthony Russo; Joe Russo  
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
Namor: *burns down Spanish colonizers*
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
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do u imagine 😂 lmao poor namor, simp of the century 👏🏾
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
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The Cast of Black Panther : Wakanda Forever
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
Seems like fans of Disney properties are just chronically bland and fucking boring when it comes to shipping because Reylo antis went on and on about how if Kylo wasn't white, they wouldnt hate the ship, and now you have a ship with a brown villain and a black heroine and they're crying, shitting themselves, and shaking in rage because something, something, "he's immortal" and "he hurt her friends/family" lmfao
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
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wheretfisbucky · 2 years ago
I love that the Black Panther movies give us “villains” that aren’t really villains. They have valid points that they’re fighting for, they’re just misguided, blinded by rage and the urge for revenge against those who have hurt their ancestors (coughwhitepeoplecough)
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