4K posts
Tiffany: What's up? Da'Vonne: What's up? Tiffany: What's up? Da'Vonne: What's up? Tiffany: You tell me what's up? Da'Vonne: You tell me what's up? Tiffany: You tell me what's up? Da'Vonne: What's the issue? Tiffany: You tell me what's up? Da'Vonne: What's the issue? Tiffany: What's the issue? Da'Vonne:*laughs* What is the issue? Tiffany: *interjects* What's the issue?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_G7L_8pHvA8
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
reddit during the finale vote
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
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See When You Do Clownery (2018)
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
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This was essentially my life from K - 12
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
When a random guy with a saxophone shows up to the club
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
I told you, no more fighting
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
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The Louisiana Purchase (d. 1803)
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
haleigh voting for tyler knowing that we needed that 5-4 poetic justice while also keeping with the hive’s trend of screwing up votes
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
Being three steps ahead: knowing you need jury votes to win big brother
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
Rachel is such a flop. She’s so thirsty for that post bb fame that she’s willing to forgive Angela for all the horrible shit she’s said about her. Can’t relate. 
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
after tonight’s finale, i think everyone who goes on this show needs to realize the importance of jury management. you cannot win the game based on getting all the blood on your hands and treating players any way you want then expect them to vote for your ass. for three years in a row now, two male players lost mainly because of the lack of respect they showed majority of their cast. if you can’t make the people deciding to reward you 500k respect your gameplay, you don’t deserve to win. if that makes the jury “bitter”, so be it.
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
why is Tiffany acting like she's not an old millennial lmao
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friendly reminder to all the salty big brother alumni: jury management matters.
edit: someone mentioned that dan isn’t being salty and i agree. i added his comment because i think he’s got a point. also i agree with andy about the casting process in general.
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
‘Tyler is a classic cutthroat big brother player…’ umm yeah…no…you know why ‘cutthroat’ big brother players were able to win in the past? because they understood the VALUE of always keeping social game as number one! Allison and Jun are literally an almost identical situation to Tyler and Kaycee’s and that was literally season 4 (cutthroat player who was terrible socially loosing to an under the radar player with a great social game) so this is not new at all! Derrick and dr will are good examples of asshole players who were still charming,likable and charismatic enough to win the game! What Tyler is (and Paul, for that matter) is a new school ‘wannabe mastermind’ who grew up on the greats and only took the part of their game play that are shown on YouTube compilations and highlight videos of them pulling legendary moves and forgot how these badass players juggled being cutthroat with also understanding that they are playing with human beings and not emotionless chess pieces. At the core of it, even if we want to all pretend its a completely objective game for a million/half million dollars, in reality, it is a ridiculous situation where you fuck someone’s chance at life changing money and then turn around and ask them to vote for you to get it…It has always taken a certain tact to win it. either you put in the work of having people like you (not too pissed at you) to give it to you,or take someone they despise more than you! Twitter and reddit acting like this is the first instance of a cutthroat player who didn’t play a good social game, and didn’t sit next to a goat at the end losing is frankly absurd! 
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
“Hello? Yes, I would like to request "Tyler’s Mistake (The Remix), please!”
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
Ross and Marissa are interviewing Fessy and Haleigh together and Fessy was like “yeah I heard JC was in the DR calling me his big dumb puppet” and Haleigh was surprised and then he said “I heard JC was on TMZ like 8 times.” and Haleigh just nodded “yeah he was”
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
Do you guys think Dr Will could’ve won Big Brother in this day and age or would he have been in the same boat as Paul and Tyler?
Personally, I think he could. I think he had a charisma that Paul and Tyler lacked, and he was more upfront about his game than either of them (or BB14 Dan).
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
Ross: So you’re a super fan
Scottie: I’m a big fan. I don’t like to say super fan cause if everyone’s super then no one is
Steve literally cracked up
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whats-up-whats-the-issue · 6 years ago
I’m supposed to be done but after seeing those alum tweets I gotta speak. Tyler didn’t do anything. The truth is every single person in this cast, except Steve, wanted to work with him. (Now we can reach and act like that’s his personal accomplishment but it’s not, it’s just what happened) They eliminated each other because of that one fact. Thus, they were not upset because he masterminded their demise like a Paul, but rather because the loyalty they actively tried to show him was never returned which is valid. Tyler himself did nothing major.  Production just favored his narrative. There were many weeks where his presence meant nothing yet he was given game play DR’s anyway. There were also many weeks where, like JC, he was given credit for agreeing with people when they did something they were gonna do anyway as if it was somehow him controlling it. If he really did something he would’ve had more to say in his speeches and answers then “um, I won a power app.” The fact is  nobody deserved to win bb20 and that’s it. Now goodnight.
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