Cozytober2024 Day 1: Borrowing a Sweatshirt or Coat
No promises about doing or posting any more of these, but I've been trying to draw more lately and decided this was at least conceptually cute enough to post even though it's still kind of rough
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Spy x Family volume 14: bonus chapter and official timeline translation
Volume 14 was just released and it included a ton of great extras, including an extra bonus chapter and a timeline of events! Firstly, here's my translation of the 4Koma (4 panel) bonus chapter!
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Lol at Anya telling Yuri to go to work 😂 I also love how Anya has a teacup once Yor is home ❤️
Next, much to everyone's surprise, Endo provided an official timeline...sort of. It doesn't have specific years and a lot of information is redacted, but it's something! Sorry for the sloppy editing, I pasted an excel sheet over the original text since that was much easier. Also, the letters in the "Character Age" column refer to the first letter of the character ("L" for Loid for example).
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Did I forget who "Coco" was or was that never actually in the manga?
Even though much of the timeline is redacted, it does confirm a few things, like how old Henry and Martha were during some past events, and in the present, as well as Loid's age when he joined the army. I also find it interesting that Anya is included even though this timeline is about the wars...was the facility she was at involved with the war somehow? 👀 Were the experiments on her related? But it also includes Franky's breakups, so who knows, lol.
Next, a bonus illustration of Damian picking his outfit for the gala, just like Jeeves mentioned in the latest chapter. Ewen is telling him to pick black since it looks more more cool and mature. But Endo says that the overlapping patterns make it hard to see, so he should pick white. Obviously being the creator, whatever Endo says goes 😅
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Stella progress illustration. Anya is the only one with tonitrus...
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And lastly, the main cover and inner cover featuring young and old Henderson (maybe Martha for volume 15?)
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One thing that I like about Franky is the fact that he hasn't made a pass at Yor even though he knows the Forger marriage is fake. I can't help but think that a character with less scruples and sense, but who is just as desperate to be loved, would have done so by now. It's nice to see a character like Franky be a good bro, and I think it's part of the reason why many of us are rooting for him to eventually find love.
At this point, I highly doubt Franky will ever make a pass at Yor unless he's trying to get Loid to admit his feelings for her or something along those lines.
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Spy x Family volume 13 omake chapter translation and new pages
After my previous post about the release of volume 13, I was happy to find out that it did indeed include an omake chapter...and a heavy one, too! Here's my translation of the seven pages:
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This omake was such a treat! I love how Endo made true of what he mentioned in the fanbook about how Franky does charity work. I also love the panel of Twilight's reaction when he hears Yor say those powerful words...they definitely tugged at his heartstrings even though he kept a stoic expression 😭 And more of Franky's war experience is a tear-jerker, too. I also love how sympathetic Yor was to Franky after hearing his story.
Overall, like the zoo omake chapter from volume 12, this one seems like it could be canon, since there's no 4th wall breaking like some of the others.
And here's the inside cover for volume 13! Quite a surprise that overworked Twilight replaces the city hall girls 😅
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And lastly, here's the other extra page. I didn't paste a translation on it but basically Franky is talking about the early designs for the Authens. Camilla demands that he talk about hers and the other city hall girls' designs since they're on the volume cover. Franky replies that they were just drawn on the manuscript in one go, so there aren't any rough sketches remaining.
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whatisspywithoutfamily · 10 months
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Screaming, crying and OBSESSING over the way Anya and Demetrius are on opposite sides of the Neurodivergent scale and also far more similar to one another than either one realizes. More than any other character we've seen so far, it feels like these two are Yin and Yang, opposite sides of the same coin.
Demetrius easily absorbs facts, figures, and other information that follows a set pattern. But people confuse and frustrate him, and he deals with that by not dealing with it. Anya has the ability to understand more about strangers she passes on the street than people who see them regularly ever could, but traditional academics can overwhelm her so she is resistant to studying. And yet both of them are othered and seen as abnormal by everyone around them, building a wall between them and their peers that they both find difficult to overcome.
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Anya tries to fit in through masking, pretending as hard as she can to be normal (with limited success) but Demetrius has given up after going so long without anyone helping him better understand others which leads to him disassociating in social situations as a self defense mechanism, to get in and out as quickly and painlessly as possible while telling himself it doesn't matter.
Except it does.
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Demetrius didn't need to ask about Damian's stella. But he did. Because he wants to find some sort of common ground with his brother even as he reassures himself that it doesn't matter and he doesn't care. He doesn't pick up on the fact that this makes Damian feel self conscious, that he's comparing his one stella to Demetrius' six and worried their father will love him less for not being as successful. Demetrius doesn't understand how the subject switched to Donovan at all, and shuts down hard when their father is mentioned. Just like he did when Damian called and asked him to be a bridge between them way back when.
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(Demetrius warning Damian not to get his hopes up about Donovan coming to meet him also conflicts with his internal dialog about how the people around him don't matter and he doesn't need to care about understanding them. If it actually doesn't matter to him, then he wouldn't care if Donovan blew Damian off.)
Circling back to the original thought though, I desperately hope that we're going to get Demetrius and Anya interacting directly with one another at some point in the future because I have a feeling that Anya's blunt, child-like nature will lead to her just directly telling Demetrius the things that are eluding him when he interacts with others, demystifying all the unspoken social cues he's supposed to yet cannot intuit for the first time in his life. And he is going to be in awe of this child for her ability to not only understand others, but translate for him when he cannot grasp whatever it is they are trying and failing to say to him.
Demetrius could appreciate Anya's abilities, rather than being afraid of or disturbed by them. And they could both understand the feeling of not fitting in with the crowd. Of knowing that others regard them with fear and contempt, or want to use the things that make them different for their own purposes and treat them like they are just a tool instead of a person. The potential is there for a very interesting platonic relationship between two kids who have spent their whole lives feeling like their differences alienated them from everyone else in their life, and in Anya's case a fear that the discovery of that difference would lead to her losing the love of everyone important to her in her life.
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whatisspywithoutfamily · 10 months
It's kinda funny, the Spy x Family manga/anime tries to convince us that Anya isn't smart. BUT if you placed her in a normal school she would probably do great.
We already assumed that Anya isn't 6 years old and is fact possibly 4-5. That means she's already trying to learn things she wasn't meant to learn yet.
Eden College is also been shown to be teaching student advance subjects despite their age. I wouldn't be surprising if all these kids had teams of private tutors before they ever took the exam.
I'm not even sure if Anya had any actually schooling before Loid adopted her.
But Anya, at the very least, is passing.
I'm not saying she a genius, ... lol, no.
But considering she's a 4-5 year old, pretending to 6, she not doing half bad.
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whatisspywithoutfamily · 10 months
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whatisspywithoutfamily · 10 months
In which I have thoughts on the Desmonds, inspired by the most recent chapter (93).
Manga spoilers below!
I think at this point it's safe to say Damien is the one most well off, even though he still has issues. Just between Donovan who is hyper paranoid/cautious (and the reason Operation Strix is even happening), Melinda who has a complicated relationship with her kids and may or may not be the one actually pulling the strings, and Demetrius who seems largely blank. Damien has pressure on him to do well, along with anxiety/depression I don't think he realizes, but at least he has good friends that keep him from sinking too far.
I don't know if the same can be said for Demetrius. If he did have the same kind of friends, wouldn't they have been there with him like how Emile and Ewen were there?
In any case, it's rather concerning that when Anya tried to mind read Demetrius, she got nothing at first, even though at that distance she'd normally hear just fine.
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This happens when he's leaving too, his few thoughts go from "I don't understand people" to "___”
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This is why I've been referring to him as blank. Damien seems under the impression that little Demetrius getting to spend time studying with their father a good thing, but with the scattered thoughts and just knowing who Donovan is, I'm sure it's actually the opposite.
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This was highly likely not a "peaceful study time with dad" and rather Demetrius had either literally or figuratively the way to good grades beaten into him, causing him to shut down into only survival mode. Only think as much as necessary, that's how you keep going. Which...is a really depressing thought.
The second son will have pressure to succeed, but the first will have even more. Even more depressingly, it's possible that Donovan only views Damien as a back up just in case on the off chance Demetrius fails. Donovan is certainly paranoid enough.
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whatisspywithoutfamily · 10 months
SxF Chapter 93! I really enjoyed this one. Spoilers below the cut!
It really seems like Anya's studying with her new grandparents (the Authen's are now her grandparents and you can't change my mind) is really paying off! Her overall score improved by a big jump, and she even got a Stella! Yeah she got a bolt, but I wonder if she may have managed to avoid that if she hadn't slept through the math exam? I would say hopefully yes, going from her other scores.
And Loid's learning too! Watching Mr. Authen's teaching methods have also been good for him. I mean, just look at this response to Anya's exam results!
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I mean, just look how happy it made Anya!
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Keep it up, both of you.
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whatisspywithoutfamily · 10 months
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🥜 Ali’s Match Buddies 🌹 The Spy X Family Set! 🔫
Tiny DIY matchbox-sized goodie! ft. The Forgers! Slide the boxes to reveal some surprises! 😘
Finished size: 1.5 x 2.5 x 0.6" yea it is SMOL so do use toothpick/q-tip!
Totally ok to post pics & also ok to tag me if you do!
DM for questions or just to yell!
👉 ko-fi.com/s/ba35c647af or: https://gum.co/MBSpyFamily
This is pay-what-you-want. It’s FREE but tips/donations are always welcome and they go a long way to help me keep on making art to share with everyone. Reblogs also help my stuff reach more people, so they’re much appreciated!
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whatisspywithoutfamily · 11 months
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This chapter is literally so important to me because of this little moment right here
It feels small, but actually, isn’t it pretty big? Anya, a child who often makes little sacrifices—sometimes BIG sacrifices, due to her ability to read minds, pretty much always for the benefit of others, ETC. is about to make another small sacrifice for Yor.
Anya clearly expressed her interest, Yor saw that, and instead of going along with Anya’s excuse not to go, Yor finds a way to go without revealing herself as being wounded, etc etc. then they have the most fun little sea adventure ever.
It’s not HUGE on the surface but honestly, this is really big to me. Anya’s always making these little sacrifices, always acting in a way that will benefit others, when she knows she can, because of unseen (by those benefitting) reasons, and often people just go along with it because it’s a perfect opportunity for them. For whatever benefit they’re seeking, usually it’s not something too big, and sometimes it’s something like Loid being able to go do something dangerously important while Anya gets out of the way.
But Anya is still making sacrifices and, here, she didn’t have to :’)
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whatisspywithoutfamily · 11 months
An Anthology of Linguistic Analyses by XxScarletxRosexX
Of all the peculiar things I could have done with my Master's Degree in Linguistics, I didn't expect that I would be applying everything I learned in Spy x Family. In any case, it's the perfect marriage between my two passions <3
I decided to make a master post of my linguistic analyses because I have a feeling that this will be one hell of a deep dive. It's all thanks to the the Short Mission 11 / Chapter 90.1, which actually made me realize there's so much more to Spy x Family if I revisit the anime AND manga with my linguistic lense.
Below is a list of my published works thus far.
This list will be constantly edited when a new analyses is posted. So, if you wish to have the updated list, be sure to reblog this post (it will be pinned on my page).
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Linguistic Jargons:
Discourse: written/spoken communiction or debate; dialogue.
Etymology: study of origin of words and the way in which their meanings of have changed throughought history.
Loss in Translation: to fail to have the same meaning or effectiveness when it is translated into another language; omitted text.
Orthography: spelling system; how letters combine to represent sounds and form words.
Phonology: a system of contrastive relationship among speech sounds that constitute the fundamental components of a language.
Psycholinguistics: the study of the relationship between linguistic behavior and psychological processes, including the process of language acquisition; metalingusitic.
Syntax: the arragnement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language; grammar.
A Linguistic Analyses... Anthology:
"Ania" is the closest to an identity reveal | Part 2
Source(s): Manga - Chapter 90.1 / Short Mission 11
Topic(s): Ania/Anya; Yor Forger; Loid Forger; Identity Reveal; Character Analyses
Linguistic Component(s): Discourse; Orthography; Etymology; Psycholinguistic
Manga Translation (EN/JP/TWN) Comparison of Chapter 90.1 | Part 3
Source(s): Manga - Ch. 90.1 / Short MIssion 11
Topic(s): Ania/Anya; Loid Forger; Ostania
Linguistic Component: Discourse; Orthography; Psycholinguistics; Loss in Translation
A Linguistic Analysis of the Spelling Names "Ania" and "Anya" (and the chapter and languages of Ostania) | Part 1
Source(s): Manga - Ch. 90.1 / Short Mission
Topic(s): Ania/Anya; Loid Forger; Yor Forger; Ostania; Character Analyses; Setting Analysis
Linguistic Component(s): Orthography; Etymology; Discourse; Psycholinguistics
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Do you know that kind of people who...
...ask newly married couples: "When are you having a baby?" Or if you already have a kid, "when are you having a second one?"
The kind of people that say: "You should kiss your wife more! I never see you two kiss. I kiss my wife all the time!"
You know...the kind of people who would make a fake marriage nervous 😏 ...
Somehow Anya's grandparents make me think of these kind of people.
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But only time will tell...
I'm so happy Anya has more people to support her and protect her. She's slowly getting a whole family! She has a mom and dad, a pup, two uncles, one godmother (Handler) and now grandparents. Good for her! (Maybe a baby brother or sister one day? 👶)
So about the Authens...
They seem to be the real deal; meaning not spies, but a real couple, who have gone through tick and thin together. My view is that in this SxF universe, the Authens may represent the truth.
And what does truth do to lies? It exposes it!
It's not a coincidence that the Authens are an old couple. It makes sense: they have seen a great deal, they know the world, they have experienced it, so they also probably know a lot.
The fact that Mr. Authen has memory problems is typical of someone his age, but it's also a metaphor of the truth: With time (age) it gets murky, truth starts to be forgotten, humans get a "bad memory" of past events and are doomed to repeat them. Sounds familiar?
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Now, going back to the dynamic of the Authens with our dear Forgers. My guess is that this elderly couple is going to see right through them. After living for so long, they probably know people do crazy things to stay safe from authoritarian regimes like the one Ostania is living in. That includes entering a fake marriage.
Nevertheless, just like they could probably figure out Loid and Yor are a fake couple, they will also see that the love and care between them is real. Hence all the uncomfortable questions that could or could not happen.
It's all part of exposing the truth and the truth is that even though those two are not together for real (for now) they do love each other.
I can't wait to see Twilight and Yor getting extremely uncomfortable!
Also, since neither Twilight nor Yor grew up in a family with a healthy marriage (we don't know anything about Yor's parents and Twilight's parents didn't get along), the Authens can be that example for them.
It'll be nice for them to know what a good marriage looks like, how nice is to have someone who supports you, loves you and is with you through thick and thin. And this could be the way Mr. Authen pays back Yor and Anya: by helping them keep their family.
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If we enter specifics (and since a public display of affection was shown in the last panel), Yor could see that physical affection is not something to feel embarrassed about, but something to cherish and to show love to her spouse. Twilight, on the other hand can learn it's okay to let your guard down with the person you love and that it's okay to lean on Yor. Look at all the Forgers already learning from this lovey dovey couple 😆
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One more thing, SxF is full of foils and I believe this old couple is a foil of what Twilight and Yor could be in the future (if they do things right). After living a long life together, they still love each other. Wouldn't it be nice for them to see themselves reflected in the Authens? Wouldn't it be nice for them to start wanting exactly that?
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90 | Can I just say that I hope that Endo doesn't do this one semi predictable thing with Authens where they lost their kid(s) and Loid or Yor is the one who took them out... or they at least think they might've taken them out but aren't sure? Please just let them have a fun and wholesome relationship with the Forgers. Let them ask TwiYor the awkward questions and treat Anya kind of like their grandkid, maybe even babysit her sometime when Franky and Yuri aren't available or if they both need to leave in a hurry and can't wait for either of them to arrive.
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90 | Call it copium if you must, but I still think we could be getting more of Yor's backstory soon. This chapter had some content talking about the past and so did the recent Yuri chapter so I still think we could be building towards it.
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On a different note, I hope we get to keep the lovey older couple that just moved in next to the Forgers.
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I think there's some fun things that can be done with them. I'll admit I'm partial to the idea of someone who is pro Twiyor, but clueless about their relationship being "fake", visiting the Forgers and making a comment about how they can convert the guest room into a baby room when the time is right and these two might just be a good fit for that.
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I'm at SPYxFamily ch 85 and I drew this because I'm growing old waiting for a Twilight vs Thorn Princess set up. It will happen one day, right? :( (Read left to right >>>)
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Alright now I’m shipping YurixChloe. She’s whacked him three times now. So if going by SxF logic they’ll be the first canon couple.
Real talk though. Man what a badass Chloe is, and I’m glad someone is trying to talk some since into him.
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